So I've been mining for about 6 hours now and no blocks. Using two Sapphire 7950's. I just noticed, in the command box, I'm showing:
Speed: 5s: 2.70MH/s
2.70MH/s is about the average 5s speed, but why is Speed: remaining blank? Is that normal?
And so far 0 accepted, 0 rejected, and 0 hardware errors. I know I'm kind of late in the game and difficulty is up there now, so is that normal or should I see something by now? What is the average number of blocks I should see every 24 hours?
Here's my command line:
smelter -o
http://localhost:18450 -u 1 -p x -w 256 -g 2 -i 60 -a F8yQzna8fo3Vf33NPTF24A3MXKMUjveJxM
Do I have anything wrong there? I think the only thing I changed in the command line was -g from 1 to 2 and -w from 64 to 256. I have confirmed username and password in command line matches that of my client config file.
Downloaded GPU miner from OP.
Switched on debug mode, and getting a lot of this between the hash reportings:
Share hash above the target
Found something... nCandidates==1
Pool::SubmitSolutions() vWork.size()==1
Share hash above the target
Also seeing a lot of "Discarding stale work" messages. All normal?
Excuse ignorance - first time mining with smelter, or this algo for that matter.