New Official Site:http://www.fzcoin.cc/New Official Forum:http://www.frozentalk.orgSources:https://github.com/fzcoin/frozencoinBinary distributions (Windows + Mac):https://github.com/fzcoin/frozencoin_binariesChinese Site:http://www.fzcoin.org/ QUICK START- Run a wallet (Windows or Mac)
Download a binary wallet and start frozen-qt. That's all!
- Get some coins
Check from time to time if you find an open giveaway thread.
You find a list with open and closed threads at the end of this post.
Check the conditions of the thread-starter (if any) and hope that the donor is as fast as Frozen! 
CALLS FOR CONTRIBUTION- If you have some FZ coins to spare please consider to create some giveaway-thread
If you do please let me know, so I can update the list of Giveaways at the end of this post
- If you've got a reliable server with a dedicated IP-4 address and some networking bandwidth,
it would be great if you run frozend with server=1 and listen=1 on it and let me know. I would add
it as an additional node via "addnode=a.b.c.d" in the sample frozen.conf

- Frozen is a coin originally based on the hashing concept of the QUARK coin
- The total number of Frozen coins (FZ) is much lower in comparison: only 7,777,777 FZ. This is about 1/32th of QRK!!
- (It is still under discussion to add an inflation, like e.g. 1% per year)
- The coin is very good suited to be mined with CPUs. At the current difficulty > 2000 you will probably have best results with a pool
- As of this writing there are about 97,000 blocks mined, making a volume of about 4,340,000 FZ (about 55.8% of the total coin supply)
- The block reward is quickly dropping until it vanishes. If you want to mine FZ: a sooner, a better
by average one block each 30 seconds
the hashes are generated with a random hashing sequence,
relying on 6 hashing functions
There will be no more than 7,777,777 FZ available at all! (*)
to be decided, currently not foreseen.
There may be an inflation of about 1% per year after block 1,913,380.
The community will vote about the inflation in time.
The mining subsidy is quickly declining and will drop to zero at block 1,913,380.
Miners get the transaction fees.
P2P-Port: 18451, default RPC port: 18450
BLOCK REWARD (SUBSIDY)Since block 77,778 the block reward is decreasing each 120 blocks (about each hour).
The last block to contain a block reward will be block 1,913,379, afterwards mining
will live from the transaction fees. The community might vote to introduce an
inflation for the time after. The amount discussed at the moment would relate to a
minimum block reward of 0,075 FZ, which yields about 1% inflation measured against
the maximum of 7,777,777 coins.
Find below a table and a graph showing the development of the block reward.
Please note that "Days since launch" is an estimation, based on an average of
one block per 30 seconds.
Block | Reward (FZ) | Days since launch(*) | Comment |
1 | 1000 | 0 | Block 1 with bigger reward for the original Dev. Not clear, what these coins were used for. |
2 .. 77,777 | 50.0 | 0 .. 27 | From block 2 on the reward was 50 FZ |
77,778 .. 167,177 | 25.0 .. 10.0 | 27 .. 58 | Block reward drops each 120 blocks. Until block 167,177 it declines from 25 FZ to 10 FZ. |
167,178 .. 253,577 | 9.99306 .. 5.0 | 58 .. 87 | Block reward drops stepwise from about 10 FZ to 5 FZ |
253,578 .. 604,937 | 4.99891 .. 1.80 | 87 .. 210 | Block reward drops stepwise from about 5 FZ to 1.80 FZ |
604,938 .. 1,049,177 | 1.79954 .. 0.07547 | 210 .. 364 | Block reward drops stepwise from about 1.8 FZ to about 0.075 FZ |
1,049,178 .. 1,923,764 | 0.07500 | 364 .. 664 | About 900,000 blocks with a constant payout of 0,075 FZ |
1,923,765 | 0.10780 | 664 | The last block with a reward yields 0,1078 FZ. Total amount issued: 7,777,777 FZ |
1,923,766 .. infinity | 0.0 | 664 .. infinity | From block 1,923,766 on the block reward is zero |
(*) Estimated, based on an average of 30 seconds per block.
MORE SPECIFICATIONS (may be adapted in future)- BLOCK MATURITY: A mined block matures after 260 blocks (at the most)

Frozen can be mined with the same miners as Quark.
CPU-Mining:minerd -a quark -o http://your-frozen-qt-ip:rcpport/ -u rpcusername -p rpcpassword --no-stratum --no-longpoll
GPU-Mining:There is to my knowledge no GPU miner for Frozen available, at the moment!
There is a closed source software named "Smelter" (
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=310975.0 ) which is originally
designed for Quark. Besides from some drawbacks (12.5% fee for each block, limited GPU support, no pool mining support)
the main problem seems to be, that it does not generate valid blocks for Frozen.
Sample frozen.conf:If you want to run the frozend-daemon which gives access to RPC commands you should install a frozen.conf file.
Make sure the file is not world-readable - your frozen installation needs only reading access.
A basic frozen.conf could look like this:
Some further advanced options for frozen.conf:
- Machines with little network bandwidth may prefer to reduce the number of maximum connections, e.g.: maxconnections=20
- If you're running a daemon please restrict the RPC network access to the minimum you need. Use a star "*" as a wildcard. For a local-only installation this might be: rpcallowip=

#1 Pool
http://fz.mine-pool.net#2 Pool
http://www.coinmine.pl/fz/#3 Pool
http://frz.smalltimeminer.com/#4 Stratum Pool
http://vanity.kvvs.nl (was originall hosted at
http://fzdice.com - Thread:
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=382230.msg4106693#msg4106693Reddit Subreddit
http://www.reddit.com/r/FrozenCoinHOW YOU CAN CONTRIBUTEWe are glad about all kind of support, input and help!
If you have ideas the best way is to discuss them first on FrozenTalk.org to make sure you are in sync with everybody else.
Contributions can come from all kind of areas, e.g.:
- Advertisement and Design: spread the word of Frozen, improve the appearance of the wallet, ...
- Coin exchanges: help to make Frozen a choice at the coin exchanges
- Ideas for new features, discussion of bugs and missing functionalities
- If you want to improve the sources directly please make a fork on github and send a pull request. The devs (currently only me) will evaluate and include it.
- For the techniques of github forks refer to the documentation at: https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo
- If you have some FZ to spare: create an own FZ giveaway thread.
(Please announce a giveway here and update your thread regularly to let all know which postings were served)
GIVEAWAYSFrozen is not premined, therefore there is no central "giveaway pool".
In the past there have been some community members giving away their own FZ (mined our bought).
Some of the threads are still open, but the donor fails to payout - please report these threads.
To make the life of the donors easier it would be nice if you edit your post (like: "Received, thanks!") if you got your FZs.
Giveaway threads (open + alive):
- Unfortunately there is no open giveaway thread available at the moment
Contests (open + alive):
Giveaways (closed or no longer supported):