Waiting for some sort of conclusion
I think you got it before from Smartcoin. Maybe he should write again to you

Coin releases devs have very little interaction with the community for the first week, they ignore PMs and posts, have to implement KGW shortly after release due to short sightedness, don't inform their main exchange of wallet updates... coin had potential but wont go
Ok you have right about little lack of interactions in 2-3 days after launch.
While the rest belonged to him for a month of preparation for the start of the coin.
Maybe happened to him something important in real life and then he had to take care of
Such things also need to grab the attention.
Unfortunately, people started to panic right away that they do not get immediately free the SMC.
They informed Coinmarket by twitter. Unfortunately mistakenly they write to wrong address
(not to
https://twitter.com/CoinMarketio) :/
They this is a big problem. but unfortunately mistakes happen.
Best Regards.
Last message I got from smartcoin was a couple of questions not a definite conclusion, from your response I thought you were part of the dev team giving me that response but I guess I was wrong so I still haven't got a firm response.
If the reason for lack of communication after release was because he felt like he had pushed it out the door and it was time for a rest he was very naive as the first week after release is one of the most critical IMO.
I agree there was too much panic about the preregistration at release but that was not at all from me, I waited a couple of days after they had announced the emails were rolling out before enquiring and then sent what I thought was a courteous PM asking if they were still rolling out or if something had gone wrong to which I had no response, this is the point where I decided to stop supporting SMC, I really didn't care about the 45 SMC but it would have been nice to make up for mining all the 1 SMC reward blocks helping get the network setup, if he had of replied and just said sorry something must have gone wrong we have no record of you registering so we cannot award you any coins I would have been a little disappointed but accepted it and stayed with the coin but after everything else being completely ignored was a deal breaker, though with the premine I think awarding the coins anyway would have been a nice gesture, especially being I was posting before the release which is the only thing I have going for me to show I'm not just BSing about preregistering. In turn I would have left good feedback on the thread letting people know of the devs generosity helping to promote a coin with caring devs as I often do with Noble.
Speaking of the premine I now notice all mention of it has been stripped from the main post, that is not a good look IMO as premines, while I'm not against them, are an important bit of information to know about when looking into a coin, hiding it is not cool and even releasing the premines wallet address with an open ledger is the best way to go if you want a premine to be taken seriously.
I also notice this "All emails have been sent, if you did not get an email, your registration didn't go through or our filter caught an anomaly. If we couldn't find you in our database at all, do not continue messaging us." on the main page which makes me think I'm not the only one who's preregistration somehow got lost.
All in all I have been left with a fairly bad impression of this coin now which is a shame because it did look like it could have had real potential but is now shadowed by (as much as I hate to use the word) scamish actions I (and the other miners I manage) will be moving on. Personally with other solid long term options like Noble where there is basically nothing you can say bad against the coin, devs and community and coins like max and panda that while aren't appealing to me in the long term can generate huge profits for miners in the short term, I really cant see the point in sticking around with this coin.
If the devs can be more involved dealing with things that they might not want to deal with rather then just ignoring them and re-add a mention of the premine, wallet address and ledger to the main post I will honestly wish them all the best but as it stands I hope people take the time to look around and realise there are other better options whether you are looking for a long term community or just highly profitable short term mining.