February 11, 2014, 08:17:27 PM |
The price is going down, and for good reason: anyone keeping their BTC on an exchange can't get it out! I want to transfer in some BTC to buy at 1/3rd my last selling price but I can't...argh.
Age Of Mars | GameFI Virtual colonization of Mars
February 11, 2014, 08:26:52 PM |
The price is going down, and for good reason: anyone keeping their BTC on an exchange can't get it out! I want to transfer in some BTC to buy at 1/3rd my last selling price but I can't...argh.
But why is LTC falling as well??? It´s a BTC problem. Should be the time for the altcoins.
February 11, 2014, 08:35:59 PM |
The price is going down, and for good reason: anyone keeping their BTC on an exchange can't get it out! I want to transfer in some BTC to buy at 1/3rd my last selling price but I can't...argh.
But why is LTC falling as well??? It´s a BTC problem. Should be the time for the altcoins. Altcoins always go down compared to BTC when BTC is going down. Possibly people liquidating to go into fiat through BTC.
Age Of Mars | GameFI Virtual colonization of Mars
Activity: 1120
Merit: 1000
February 11, 2014, 08:37:18 PM |
A little I played with the colors  in this line of thought, I think  .......?!?! What do you think of this logo .......... Think well what you connect it .... and what you think ... ............ SMART PEOPLE <-> SMARTCOINthink before you read the lines below, it is important _____________________________@!@@@!@________________________ First, what are the most famous coins in the whole world after the dollar? - Bitcoin - Litecoin I Think .... Main point of SMARTCOIN - Orange -> color makes a connection with Bitcoin Background - gray -> color makes a connection with Litecoin gradient underneath looks like a smile subconsciously people will smile SMARTPEOPLE - SMARTCOIN
February 11, 2014, 08:51:22 PM |
Could you or anyone else please explain how to check this on a mac? Thanks in advance!
I don't know how MAC client look ;] If you update wallet client 1-2 days ago you should have new version. If your MAC client have GUI then should be debug window option (in menu Help / Debug etc.) where you can send command. If you have text mode client (CLI) then run command (program with parameter) smartcoind getinfo Best Regards.

Activity: 70
Merit: 10
February 11, 2014, 08:52:34 PM |
Activity: 22
Merit: 0
February 11, 2014, 09:01:17 PM |
Noob question: How do i update the wallet ?
February 11, 2014, 09:04:56 PM |
Noob question: How do i update the wallet ?
Just run the new installer. Backup your wallet first 
February 11, 2014, 09:05:08 PM |
Noob question: How do i update the wallet ?
First backup wallet.dat ... you should backup this file once per few days (after "big" transactions) in safe place (pendrive, CD etc.) Second what OS you have? Download new version from https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=400893.0according to your OS.
February 11, 2014, 09:09:37 PM |
A little I played with the colors  in this line of thought, I think  .......?!?! What do you think of this logo .......... Think well what you connect it .... and what you think ... ............ SMART PEOPLE <-> SMARTCOINthink before you read the lines below, it is important _____________________________@!@@@!@________________________ First, what are the most famous coins in the whole world after the dollar? - Bitcoin - Litecoin I Think .... Main point of SMARTCOIN - Orange -> color makes a connection with Bitcoin Background - gray -> color makes a connection with Litecoin gradient underneath looks like a smile subconsciously people will smile SMARTPEOPLE - SMARTCOIN Thanks. I'm not designer. My graphics skills is very poor  And I like simplicity  Good work. We should build up on this idea. Simple is good. http://www.istockphoto.com/search/lightbox/14682638#47374caWe need a unique and noticeable color. PURPLE could be good, but a fresh LIMEGREEN could be nice as well. In my opinion a more unique logo with the concept of "smart" would be nice to have. And we need more color. You can´t see our logo between the others. The reason to have a logo is to build up a certain image and that the ppl. recognize you. With a grey one it´s not really possible.
In our marketing activities we should focus on the "smart" theme. This makes smartcoin special and in this way smartcoin is being different to other altcoins. We need long lasting attention, from miners, investors and business / shops. A large part of the value is the brand awareness of a coin.Maybe something like the brown one with an other color. (It´s just a mood!!!)
If we have such a logo, we can use it as the key-visual in all our marketing activities. (Just a mood!!!)

Activity: 56
Merit: 0
February 11, 2014, 09:11:35 PM |
Yes please, vote for SmartCoinYou can vote 12x per day i think.
February 11, 2014, 09:13:00 PM |
Yes please, vote for SmartCoinYou can vote 12x per day i think. " Every rolling 24 hours, you get 10 votes (You can vote 10 times in a rolling 24 hour period. A vote regenerates 24 hours later)" Voted 
Activity: 22
Merit: 0
February 11, 2014, 09:13:25 PM |
Noob question: How do i update the wallet ?
First backup wallet.dat ... you should backup this file once per few days (after "big" transactions) in safe place (pendrive, CD etc.) Second what OS you have? Download new version from https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=400893.0according to your OS. Well that was easy. Thanks 
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
February 11, 2014, 09:38:10 PM |
I have 2 question: How much diff will have Smart after gravity well?  and Few very nice logos are posted here, dev just pick one from you? Or he will create new one? I think it may cause some trouble implement new logo to exchanges, coinmarketcap..... And we will have new logo with gravity? Or later 
Activity: 25
Merit: 0
February 11, 2014, 09:52:18 PM |
I like the purple background with the white S. It really stands out as a logo in between the other crypto's.. and there is no serious coin with a purple affinity yet.

Activity: 84
Merit: 10
February 11, 2014, 10:28:05 PM |
I think the actual "S" should be thicker. The line is so thin that is hard to see, particularly when the icon is small.
As for color, the purple would work for me but I prefer the white "S" on the blue background on the bottom row - with a thicker body to the "S" in all cases.

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
February 12, 2014, 12:43:53 AM |
Friendly reminder not to make the icon too much like Skittles. 
February 12, 2014, 03:34:49 AM |
Seems the dump is getting stronger, seeing +1 BTC sellers. Idiots are selling low and even lower. I truly hope this coin is worth so much that they'll be crying out of regret just like alot did with doge.
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
February 12, 2014, 04:19:48 AM |
Seems the dump is getting stronger, seeing +1 BTC sellers. Idiots are selling low and even lower. I truly hope this coin is worth so much that they'll be crying out of regret just like alot did with doge.
I really hope you're right there