Countdown states "Countdown ends 02/01/2014 - 20:00:00" which is what it has always been. It ends on 1st Feb at 20:00 UTC
Countdown does not state 20:00 UTC. It's 20:00 from an unknown timezone, so UTC time is different.
Currently the timer shows 22:30 Left on the countdown. A quick search of current UTC time shows Feb. 31 2:30am.
24hrs in a day (minus) 22:30 = 1:30 (minus) 2:30 = Negative -1:00. E.G. the end of the timer occurs on Feb 2. 1:00am UTC time.
So where does the 20:00 come from? It means the location programmed into the countdown was -5hrs from UTC time.
Countdown must be centered on east coast US / East canada / NW South America zone.
Unless, we are all showing different times (relative to UTC) for the counter to end?