Also, kano has released AntS1 binaries built from cgminer 4.2.0; it is working very well for me in terms of stability:
This directory contains binary executables for the AntS1 mining device
To update your executable:
Login to your ant, with ssh or putty, using the same root username and password
you use on the luci web interface
If your password is blank, then use the "System/Administration" tab in the web
interface to set a password, since you cannot login with a blank password
Then run the following commands:
cd /usr/bin/
wget chmod +x cgminer-ants1-4.2.0-00567a4
If you haven't done an update like this before (or undid the change):
mv cgminer cgminer.original
ln -s cgminer-ants1-4.2.0-00567a4 cgminer
If you HAVE done an update like this before and cgminer.original has
already been saved, then:
rm cgminer
ln -s cgminer-ants1-4.2.0-00567a4 cgminer
Next you need to restart cgminer on your AntS1
Clicking the "Save & Apply" button on the "Status/Miner Configuration" tab
in the web interface will do that
It can sometimes take up to 3 minutes before the AntS1 restarts cgminer
Note that this binary file is also in my cgminer-binaries git here:, wget on the AntS1 won't allow https by default so I've copied it
to my link specified in the wget above
The md5sum checksum is in: md5sum value is:
12cd038a08b83d3f89fa1c454a6d4e67 AntS1/cgminer-ants1-4.2.0-00567a4
You can check the md5sum value when logged in to the ant with:
md5sum /usr/bin/cgminer-ants1-4.2.0-00567a4
To undo the change:
cd /usr/bin/
rm cgminer
mv cgminer.original cgminer
restart cgminer