What means "hybrid" exchange? You will have decentralized and centralized exchange? But why in your roadmap only decentralized exchange development...
Yes, you are right. We will have both decentralized and centralized exchanges. The centralized one is not on the roadmap because it is already available on the website for download. And we already developed it as a MvP. Here is the link:
https://my.ternion.io/eng/downloadsWhat this mean download? This is not online exchange? And why link to Google play not working? It just offer me to down lad something on your site, but Im afraid to download unknown software...
Hey mate.
I decided to write to you myself.
The case is the following.
The platform which you can download is from Metaquotes. We took their platform and developed the software to trade cryptos and have crypto accounts in addition to Fiat accounts.
The platform can sustain up to 250 000 users at the same time in the same second. Which is literally 6 times more than any web platform can handle.
The button for google play works when you use your android device. It allows you to download the Android APP.
Metaquotes software has been in the market for over 20 years.
And we decided to build it up and improve it.
Regarding the web platform. No worries. Will be in place as well when the exchange is opened for trading.
We arent going to miss out our target audience