WTF!??!!? how the hell did he lose so much! numbers from latest report don't add up!!
is this a joke??
how is it even possible that you are in this situation?
the losses due to the theft were much lower!
from the
2013 may report:
The total losses of the security breach are
1454 BTC
225,263 TRC
23,400 LTCand from the august report the FTC stolen were 150k
FTC double spend attack causing a loss of 150,000 FTCand now it's a total of over 5000 btc most part of which is due to missing 125K LTC???
no fucking way!
Number accounts with frozen balances 352
Total frozen amount 1,748.50 BTC
Number accounts with frozen balances 42
Total frozen amount 152,106.24 FTC
Number accounts with frozen balances 2625
Total frozen amount 125,883.05 LTC
Number accounts with frozen balances 77
Total frozen amount 127,835.98 TRC
so BTC were 1454 now are 1748 = 294 more
LTC were 23400 now are 125883 = 102483 more, total in btc at these prices
FTC more or less the same for equivalent 30 BTC
TRC were 225263 now are only 127835, so almost half of it, for an equivalent of about 38 btc
Total BTC missing: 1748+3184+30+38 = 5000 BTC
this is unbelievable, so either you are blatantly lying, or you lied in past or you are a fucking retard. I believe the three of them unless you give us more explanation.