They ran ot of excuses,lies and insults. It seems like they are abandoning Minex which is looking now like half sunken Titanic and concentrate all theirs efforts on new scam project Republia - which is now officilay ended.
It is hilarious how they are claiming all the time that these projects is not connected, but all Minex trolls also work for Republia
It is interesting how they locked Minex thread soon after I posted that is possible connection between Minex and Boris construction companies and that reason why Minex didnt accomplish anything from whitelist could be connected to diverting money to these companies which have so many lawsuits against them on ukranian courts.
Republia and Minexsystem/Minexcoin/Minexpay are obviously connected because of the "Borys and Son" connection but these scammers keep denying it.
Anyway here is the "official" Minexpay card that somebody has received today and posted it on their Telegram.
Obviously scammer yurez83 posted the image yesterday before trying to delete it because he knew that was the card being sent out, he is Republia "ambassador" after all
They could easily have just taken an off the shelf prepay Mastercard and used that card number to show transactions using API in their web wallet. The "test" card did not have to be supplied by the third party and was only called a "test" card by the scammers while they ran their own tests.
In all probability they used a prepay card and added balance to it, simple using an API. The process just takes longer so probably that is why in those videos of transactions taking place in shops and ATMs they kept refreshing the page on the phone to update balance but it usually took 5 minutes to update. It is probably because it is following a longer route. Instead of going from:
customer >>>
cardcard >>>
customerthey are probably going from
customer >>>
Minex scammers >>>
third party real card owner >>>
cardcard >>>
third party real card owner >>>
Minex scammers >>>
customerAlso IF the Minexsystem/Minexpay/Minexcoin scammers really are going to send out cards it seems that these cards are purchased in bulk, their wrapping will have to be opened, their card numbers logged by Minexsystem/Minexpay/Minexcoin scammers and then the cards will be sent to Minexpay customers.
There is also a possibility that the card issuer of those cards purchased in bulk does not even know what scam the Minexsystem/Minexpay/Minexcoin scammers are about to pull so could be completely innocent. maybe they have no dealing at all with Borys and co because they were purchased from local shops and not directly from the card issuer. I would not put it past Borys and co to do that.
As soon as Mastercard are informed about the scam they will cancel all the cards AND they will make sure whether it is Minexsystem/Minexpay/Minexcoin or Chain2Pay - any request for creating and selling cards related to these scammers will automatically be dismissed, Borys and co will be blacklisted by VISA and Mastercard to ever apply for a card program.
This will all end in disaster for innocent customers who will be left with worthless and useless cards on their hands but hopefully it will end up with another court case against Borys and co
Card looks fishy. It is not same card Yurez posted,which have different design ,colour and hologram than todays Upay cards have.
If it is card they sent:
- they used Chain2Pay to get corporate account,because Upay works only with EEA companies and individuals and Chain2Pay is registred in Estonia which is EEA member
- cards are non-branded
- they presented theirs users like its workers not customers - otherwise they could not get cards,because it is strictly forbidden to give third party cards as your owns to your customers.Upay is not unknown company and if it is possible, all other crypto card related companies would do the same long time ago .
They would not certainly spent many months to get all necessary licenses for branded cards if they could gave customers non-branded ones
- so Chain2Pay faked real status of people they give cards and theirs real place of residence
- Upay works only for with EEA companies and individuals(has license from Mastercard only for EEA area) - cards cant get individuals or companies which are not residents of EEA zone( 31 country) - Ukraine,Belarus and others countries are not member of EEA,so Chain2Pay has no right to give them cards.
They did it which is illegal and directly violate Upay Mastercard license and FCA rules and regulations under Upay works. Chain2Pay could do it only if they faked residence of customers which are not from EEA zone or they did it by blatantly violated Upay goodwill and trust,which is Minex hallmark
- They claimed in Telegram conversation how it is temporary design -
there are not such things as temporary designs - they first had to make issuing contract and after fullfiling some necessary regulations they have to present Mastercard theirs card design for approval.
They cant issue non-branded cards until they are waiting for Mastercard approval !! Chain2Pay does not have any issuing contract so they are not even in position to wait for approval!Resime:
Chain2Pay falsely presented customers as workers and even maybe falsified theirs place of residence
They are directly violating Mastercards rules and regulations using third party(non-branded) cards as their owns
They are directly violating FCA rules and regulations under Upay works by sending cards to members which are not EEA residents
So much violations certainly lead to card cancellation from Upay, FCA or Mastercard - depends from who Chain2Pay violations will be spotted firstIt will turn to real nightmare for the customers.