aurora recipe but we have some "flaws".
Iceland is ~300k population , Romania is ~19m ..
in iceland, internet "penetration" is about 99% , in romania under 50%
from those , let's say 50%, cryptocurrency means something for something like 0.1% .
so your premine will be in reality for you about 49% from those 50%. For at least bounch of years (if those 0.0001% chances of luckyproject-dumbinvestor hits).
This sounds more like "duck on cabbage" not a coin.
imho, at this moment is not even a intelligent scam scheme. (rofl)
Romania is around 17 million. The people can receive paperwallets or something similar which they can trade for goods or money. They don't need internet access to own the coins. There are plenty of internet users in Romania .. most of the youngsters and even up to 65 - 70 years olds. Do not forget that the dev is stating that everything will be transparent.
What happens if he is that kind of person that would be having the best interest of his countrymen ? We will see that very soon I think.
"Câţi români sunt în România
Populaţia stabilă a României la 20 octombrie 2011 era de 20.121.641 de persoane, în scădere cu 1.559.300 de persoane, potrivit rezultatelor definitive ale Recensământului, furnizate joi de INS.
Datele provizorii comunicate de INS în februarie 2012 arătau că populaţia stabilă (persoanele care au reşedinţă pe teritoriul României pe o perioadă de minim 12 luni, indiferent de cetăţenie) este de 19.042.936 de persoane, 910.264 de persoane sunt plecate pe perioadă îndelungată din ţară, iar 301.666 sunt prezente temporar în România."
google translate:
"How many romanians are in Romania
Stable population of Romania on 20 October 2011 was 20,121,641 persons, down 1.5593 million people, according to final results of Census provided Thursday by INS.
Provisional data provided by the INS in February 2012 showed that the resident population (persons resident in Romania for a period of minimum 12 months, regardless of citizenship) is 19,042,936 persons, 910 264 people are left in the country long term and 301.666 are temporarily present in Romania."
source:, 17m it's not important, what I'm trying to show it's that is based on lie from begining. even 1% premine is too much. here is fully 50% premine.
And with that kind of research .. you will dump very low
By the way, who the f* will trust you to share his/her personal number?!? when you can do illegal stuff in his/her name?
It's barely legal to share that kind of information, especialy to an entity with big chances of scamming.
Good luck.
sorry for my english.