Is this ... a ripple in time?
It may be

So wait a long has the Merit Cycling Club been a thing?
We can say
about two years now. The first year was kind of longer though,
lasting 97 weeks, but here time just flies, anyway

Well, The Animals of Farthing Wood isn't exactly new, but it's almost entirely unknown outside of Europe
At first I read "The Animals of
Farting Wood" and I was amazed by the idea that kids watch such cartoons outside Europe.
I'm all for weird books for my kids, such as "Go the F**k to Sleep"
This may sound weird, but in Romania villagers (not just them though) use to slaughter a pig around Christmas, in order to eat it. If you'll be nice, I may tell you a story once, a translation from "the letter of a Romanian living in US", where he described how he felt when he had to explain his co-workers about his home habits

Later edit: NeuroticFish may confirm the lattest part is true =))) And, if I'll tell you the story, he may also confirm that what I'll write there is true