We've been pedaling at it like wild foxes!

It looks like we have more and more secret admirers, otherwise how to explain that the key metaphors of this thread can be found in other sections?
Finances are harsh all over the world... It would be no surprise for me that Cyrus or even theymos would try to be accepted in the foxhole. Besides, this is
the sexiest gang of the forum, so how could anybody
not want in?!

I have one guess related to the general location of Cyrus and GB, but still it seems unlikely to me that GazetaBitcoin is preaching Fox'culture to Cyrus over a beer.
It may seem curious, but believe me that I and Cyrus never talked before, no matter our close location. Only once, he replied to a post of mine, if that matters, but in rest we never talked

fillippone knows the drill already =))) When you'll come here, my friend, you know how I will wait you at the airport