No more double standards allowed. Troll poll is fine here, DT dirty turds poll is fine here. Simple as that. This is far more valuable and indeed does demonstrate to theymos that default trust and merit is entirely broken and indeed dangerous.
No more double standards. Except when it comes to self
vouching for his own alt.Or accusing moderators
for not enforcing (non existent) rules in an attempt to censor people whose opinions he doesn't like.
Bitcointalk is the BEST... you can NOT get entertainment like this for free elsewhere. Nowhere else do these dummies exist that will gladly take the piss out of themselves 24/7 on command for free ( well to us) others may have to pay them dearly with their life savings...hahaha
Proof this troll is just here for the Lulz
Never wrestle with pigs. You both get covered in
shit. The difference being - the pig loves it.
TOAA loves the shit (Just look at all the references he makes to faeces, sexual body fluids) and fantasies about
handling wrestling men.
Let me save you the hassle of the word wall. I've turned the scratched record on again.
Undeniable proof, click. Undeniable proof, click.... Let me look at your balls while little bears chant, click...dirty turds, click...I win and you are dirty turds,click. Undeniable proof, click. Undeniable proof, click
Do you notice how he refers to "dirty turds" - as opposed to his own "clean turds" that he bathes in.
It is not "free speech" it is merit-less word walls that takes up paid server space.
Sorry - I forgot. TOAA always has to have the last word without responding to anything that was said.
Undeniable proof, click. Undeniable proof, click.... dirty turds, click.
Look, I know you are possibly trying to help us bust these scammers by bumping and dragging them through the mud over and over. Forcing us to keep slapping you around with their observable and undeniable scamming deeds that you WILL not agree are scamming yes or no. The fact you keep side tracking is a good ploy in making it worse for them because you want them to seem guilty right (that's why you don't just say no) but saying yes won't have the same impact because it will no longer require us to keep presenting the observable instances of his undeniable scamming over and over. That "only comments " defense was a classic, i mean how do you think up these totally retarded defenses for scammers that would render all scamming null and void since they are just using comments too. That was a master stroke of course. That is the kind of super stupid defense that makes the entire premise that a defense is even possible in such an undeniable auction scam is ridiculous and insulting to the reader.
It's great, but when you start opening other threads that make it too obvious you are setting them up like that they will eventually start catching on. Keep it down a bit and only bump once it gets nearer the bottom of page 1. That way our shared goal of forcing the description of their scamming over and over and over does not lose its bite and become too familiar. Also can you please start opening more threads that give us an ontopic and relevant open to inject this into on other board.
That meriting of one liner insults with no supporting argument and zero real value is another good tactic, and allows us to use you as a useful idiot who become offended at getting humiliated and degraded by pure reason and logic and then uses the merit system on political grounds and will stretch to giving merit to ANY thing at all to get some small form of cathartic release. Excellent work.
Now thanks again for now opening yourself up to allow me to both debunk all of your points and also humiliate you all over again, although the value of doing so it kind of diminishing since it happens to your every post right... try to make some neutral or sensible points that are not overly easy to make a laughing stock out of.
Too many immediate self debunkings and ironic (well those will be useful now we have a thread for them) fuck ups is a bit of a give away hehe
You points have been debunked but I know you want to give us another opportunity to degrade you further in public.
1. vouching for own alt point = No proof since that would be impossible as it is not true, presenting observable instances that are independently verifiable can be done by any person. You seem to want to discount undeniable observable instances of scamming where the scammer does not deny it (because again that would be impossible) but then grasp to theories that are equally as impossible to prove. That is both funny and desperate ... as are most of your pathetic and retarded excuses and accusations.
2. claiming accusing mods for non existent rules in attempt to censor people.... again this is a moronic statement that we will be debunking when we get around to that low priority thread. However since you have just gone and given merit to this post.
Here she goes again, who put a dollar in the cunt?
Then again you will be our useful idiot for further demonstrating the clear double standards in moderation. Thanks but again don't make it too obvious.
3. Yes, bitcointalk is entertaining because imbeciles and low functioning dregs with no capacity for reason and debate make fools of themselves over and over when you simply put their posts under scrutiny. The FACT it is amusing they troll themselves whilst not even realizing it, is certainly NOT proof that I am trolling them. Well to a complete fool like you it may be proof of course.
4. Not sure about the dirty turds and clean turds... I guess as the saying goes you can not polish a turd. Hence we have no idea why you spell check your posts to prevent your dyslexia confusing people. I mean your posts are so convoluted and retarded, I think the only real value could be the challenge of rearranging the letters in the correct order to form the words. The rest of the mess you shart out ( need to get my shit quota in) I guess does have comedy value but since most here are too low functioning to appreciate how funny you are then only we would benefit. It is good that we lack empathy for scammer supporters else it would be sad rather than funny.
5. merit-less ( i think we debunked the validity of merit several thousand times already). But cling to that if it helps you feel you have to.
6. "Sorry - I forgot. TOAA always has to have the last word without responding to anything that was said"
seems like you need to read our interactions back, we have responded to every moronic thing you have slobbered over this thread.
Watch this...
Why do you reply to this with a simple YES or NO. I mean what are you afraid of.... (fun playing this one is it not xtrahelper they will catch on soon though then you will be in trouble..haha those dumb scammers)
Remember just yes or no
Was tmans deliberate deception for direct financial gain scamming YES OR NO.
Please do not demonstrate you will reply without responding to that simple question because that would be ironic in view of your above claims.
or are you thinking ahead so we can put this on your irony of bitcointalk thread? well do what you feel punishes these scammers the most.
thanks xtrauseful idiot. haha
also just give a quick update to the irony thread, we have tons more ready but don't want to double post, please update with your own find some of ours so you look extra bitchy and pathetic I know they will be difficult if not impossible to find. Do you best keep searching day and night. Your service is appreciated you are our fav useful idiot so far...well..perhaps.
The most important thing to remember though is... you xtraelv MUST have the last word on this thread. Whatever we say do NOT let us look like we bested you. Well obviously we always do on every post... but make is seem like you don't notice (like you are doing now) and keep coming back no matter what.