September 03, 2020, 01:34:00 PM |
I am looking forward in exploring your website but upon visiting your link, I really hate what has welcomed me because it forces me to subscribe before I can use the other functions.
You should consider putting a back button or cancel button if you really love to get more users to your platform as many will surely be annoyed to this kind of function where users cannot visit your platform without subscribing even if you are doing it for your marketing strategy.
September 03, 2020, 02:13:59 PM |
Have you plans for horseracing, you seem to be moulding your site on betfair, without horseracing, you will be at a massive disadvantage.
Its good to have Horse racing in your casino but I think you were just exaggerating about having a massive disadvantage I have played on some sports betting website that doesn't offer horse racing and I think they are still doing great but I think it would be a advantage to have those.
. Super Six.. | ▄█████████████▄ ████████████▀▀▀ █████████████▄ █████████▌▀████ ██████████ ▀██ ██████████▌ ▀ ████████████▄▄ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ▀██████████████ | ███████████████ █████████████▀ █████▀▀ ███▀ ▄███ ▄ ██▄▄████▌ ▄█ ████████ ████████▌ █████████ ▐█ ██████████ ▐█ ███████▀▀ ▄██ ███▀ ▄▄▄█████ ███ ▄██████████ ███████████████ | ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████▀▀▀█ ██████████ ███████████▄▄▄█ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ | ▄█████ ▄██████ ▄███████ ▄████████ ▄█████████ ▄██████████ ▄███████████ ▄████████████ ▄█████████████ ▄██████████████ ▀▀███████████ ▀▀███████ ▀▀██▀ | ▄▄██▌ ▄▄███████ █████████▀ ▄██▄▄▀▀██▀▀ ▄██████ ▄▄▄ ███████ ▄█▄ ▄ ▀██████ █ ▀█ ▀▀▀ ▄ ▀▄▄█▀ ▄▄█████▄ ▀▀▀ ▀████████ ▀█████▀ ████ ▀▀▀ █████ █████ | ▄ █▄▄ █ ▄ ▀▄██▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▄▄█████▄█▄▄ ▄ ▄███▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▄ ▄██▄███▄ ▀▀▀▀▄ ▄▄ ▄████████▄▄▄▄▄█▄▄▄██ ████████████▀▀ █ ▐█ ██████████████▄ ▄▄▀██▄██ ▐██████████████ ▄███ ████▀████████████▄███▀ ▀█▀ ▐█████████████▀ ▐████████████▀ ▀█████▀▀▀ █▀ | . Premier League LaLiga Serie A | . Bundesliga Ligue 1 Primeira Liga | | . ..TAKE PART.. |
September 03, 2020, 02:28:44 PM |
What are your commission rates?, If I trade a soccer match, at the end of the match have losing bets of 100mbtc, and winning bets of 110 mbtc? How much commission will you take, have not seen this answered.
Have you plans for horseracing, you seem to be moulding your site on betfair, without horseracing, you will be at a massive disadvantage.
its 1% commission you can easily find it if you visit the website they have it in front of website once you visit it. One thing I notice they are asking to subscribe in the first visiting the website.
| (OP)
Copper Member

Activity: 425
Merit: 58
September 03, 2020, 05:40:32 PM |
I am looking forward in exploring your website but upon visiting your link, I really hate what has welcomed me because it forces me to subscribe before I can use the other functions.
Hi BlackFor3st! The Exbet betting exchange is not launched yet. So the website is just a landing page where you can sign up to a newsletter. When Exbet launches later in September, you will be able to check all the functions before you register, just like you want. Regards The Exbet Team
Exbet is LIVE | The Bitcoin Betting Exchange | Back, Lay, and Trade Sports | 1% Commission | NFL, NBA, Soccer & Cricket
| (OP)
Copper Member

Activity: 425
Merit: 58
September 03, 2020, 05:41:37 PM |
Me as well. The button doesn't so much matter as long as the liquidity is there. Good luck and looking forward to this!
Thanks wecanbothwin! We appreciate the good wishes and look forward to you trying Exbet when we launch.
Exbet is LIVE | The Bitcoin Betting Exchange | Back, Lay, and Trade Sports | 1% Commission | NFL, NBA, Soccer & Cricket
| (OP)
Copper Member

Activity: 425
Merit: 58
September 03, 2020, 05:50:13 PM |
What are your commission rates?, If I trade a soccer match, at the end of the match have losing bets of 100mbtc, and winning bets of 110 mbtc? How much commission will you take, have not seen this answered.
its 1% commission you can easily find it if you visit the website they have it in front of website once you visit it. Exactly right Rodeo02, it is 1% commission. This means, in the example that Intrepidity gave, that the user would have net profit of 10 mBTC in the market (110 -100). Then the user would pay 1% commission on 10 mBTC, which is 0.1 mBTC. One thing I notice they are asking to subscribe in the first visiting the website.
Exbet has not launched yet. What you see now is just a newsletter sign-up... only for people who want to get the latest Exbet newsletter by email. When Exbet launches later in September, users can see everything before they register. We promise! 
Exbet is LIVE | The Bitcoin Betting Exchange | Back, Lay, and Trade Sports | 1% Commission | NFL, NBA, Soccer & Cricket

Activity: 196
Merit: 13
September 03, 2020, 07:27:11 PM |
What are your commission rates?, If I trade a soccer match, at the end of the match have losing bets of 100mbtc, and winning bets of 110 mbtc? How much commission will you take, have not seen this answered.
Have you plans for horseracing, you seem to be moulding your site on betfair, without horseracing, you will be at a massive disadvantage.
agree horseracing is big for brtfair but we be a big effort to move that money off betfair and on to exbet any time soon. betdaq have tried for years nothing doing. inplay horses is massive part of bf dominance don't underestimate what it takes to make that work. baby steps exbet, dont get distracted get the basics right
| (OP)
Copper Member

Activity: 425
Merit: 58
September 04, 2020, 09:10:29 AM |
What are your commission rates?, If I trade a soccer match, at the end of the match have losing bets of 100mbtc, and winning bets of 110 mbtc? How much commission will you take, have not seen this answered.
Have you plans for horseracing, you seem to be moulding your site on betfair, without horseracing, you will be at a massive disadvantage.
Hi Intrepidity. We answered your question about commission above. Horse Racing, you're right it is a big part of Betfair's turnover. But there are some specific challenges to Horse Racing, and we are not sure yet what the demand is for Exbet to provide it. So we will be looking for more feedback on what our customers want in the months after launch.
Exbet is LIVE | The Bitcoin Betting Exchange | Back, Lay, and Trade Sports | 1% Commission | NFL, NBA, Soccer & Cricket
Jr. Member
Activity: 46
Merit: 5
September 04, 2020, 11:23:23 AM |
Thing is the soccer and other sports there are 100s of sites you must compete with Horse racing and bitcoin betting, get that right you have very little competition. Only site I know that does the horses is mbet, and they are only out to catch the unwary, the odds they offer are pathetic, an insult to the bitcoin community. Bitcoin really needs a proper horse site.
| (OP)
Copper Member

Activity: 425
Merit: 58
September 04, 2020, 12:23:40 PM |
Have you plans for horseracing, you seem to be moulding your site on betfair, without horseracing, you will be at a massive disadvantage.
Its good to have Horse racing in your casino but I think you were just exaggerating about having a massive disadvantage I have played on some sports betting website that doesn't offer horse racing and I think they are still doing great but I think it would be a advantage to have those. Hi pungopete468 Yeh, we agree - we're pretty comfortable launching just with major Soccer Leagues, NBA and NFL. We think there is enough new value being offered by Exbet just by being a full-featured Bitcoin betting exchange. But as you and Intrepidtity point out, a well-executed Horse Racing offering would be very attractive. Let's see what the future holds.
Exbet is LIVE | The Bitcoin Betting Exchange | Back, Lay, and Trade Sports | 1% Commission | NFL, NBA, Soccer & Cricket
September 04, 2020, 07:01:28 PM |
Have you plans for horseracing, you seem to be moulding your site on betfair, without horseracing, you will be at a massive disadvantage.
Its good to have Horse racing in your casino but I think you were just exaggerating about having a massive disadvantage I have played on some sports betting website that doesn't offer horse racing and I think they are still doing great but I think it would be a advantage to have those. Hi pungopete468 Yeh, we agree - we're pretty comfortable launching just with major Soccer Leagues, NBA and NFL. We think there is enough new value being offered by Exbet just by being a full-featured Bitcoin betting exchange. But as you and Intrepidtity point out, a well-executed Horse Racing offering would be very attractive. Let's see what the future holds. Thanks for listening to our suggestions I would also love to see some eSports on your website soon. I also think sticking with major sports league would be enough.
. Super Six.. | ▄█████████████▄ ████████████▀▀▀ █████████████▄ █████████▌▀████ ██████████ ▀██ ██████████▌ ▀ ████████████▄▄ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ▀██████████████ | ███████████████ █████████████▀ █████▀▀ ███▀ ▄███ ▄ ██▄▄████▌ ▄█ ████████ ████████▌ █████████ ▐█ ██████████ ▐█ ███████▀▀ ▄██ ███▀ ▄▄▄█████ ███ ▄██████████ ███████████████ | ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████▀▀▀█ ██████████ ███████████▄▄▄█ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ ███████████████ | ▄█████ ▄██████ ▄███████ ▄████████ ▄█████████ ▄██████████ ▄███████████ ▄████████████ ▄█████████████ ▄██████████████ ▀▀███████████ ▀▀███████ ▀▀██▀ | ▄▄██▌ ▄▄███████ █████████▀ ▄██▄▄▀▀██▀▀ ▄██████ ▄▄▄ ███████ ▄█▄ ▄ ▀██████ █ ▀█ ▀▀▀ ▄ ▀▄▄█▀ ▄▄█████▄ ▀▀▀ ▀████████ ▀█████▀ ████ ▀▀▀ █████ █████ | ▄ █▄▄ █ ▄ ▀▄██▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▄▄█████▄█▄▄ ▄ ▄███▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▄ ▄██▄███▄ ▀▀▀▀▄ ▄▄ ▄████████▄▄▄▄▄█▄▄▄██ ████████████▀▀ █ ▐█ ██████████████▄ ▄▄▀██▄██ ▐██████████████ ▄███ ████▀████████████▄███▀ ▀█▀ ▐█████████████▀ ▐████████████▀ ▀█████▀▀▀ █▀ | . Premier League LaLiga Serie A | . Bundesliga Ligue 1 Primeira Liga | | . ..TAKE PART.. |
| (OP)
Copper Member

Activity: 425
Merit: 58
September 04, 2020, 07:32:55 PM |
Thanks for listening to our suggestions I would also love to see some eSports on your website soon. I also think sticking with major sports league would be enough.
You're welcome - thanks for sharing your thoughts, we appreciate it. eSports is a good call, slightly different audience there compared to traditional sports betting, but has to be a big growth area.
Exbet is LIVE | The Bitcoin Betting Exchange | Back, Lay, and Trade Sports | 1% Commission | NFL, NBA, Soccer & Cricket

Activity: 196
Merit: 13
September 06, 2020, 05:09:54 PM |
Thing is the soccer and other sports there are 100s of sites you must compete with Horse racing and bitcoin betting, get that right you have very little competition. Only site I know that does the horses is mbet, and they are only out to catch the unwary, the odds they offer are pathetic, an insult to the bitcoin community. Bitcoin really needs a proper horse site.
what sort of overround mbet laying to intrepidity? you think horse racing exchange product can get far without inplay? I am skepticil but not really a racing man. i would take it as a sign that the demand is not there from bitcoin punters if very few btc books are offering it full stop
Jr. Member
Activity: 46
Merit: 5
September 07, 2020, 03:31:15 PM |
122% on a 7 runner race. at the moment
And that is good for them.
Uk books would be around 110%, so easy to see they are offering only to snare the inexperienced bitcoin punter
September 07, 2020, 03:57:08 PM |
Just visited your site after a long time and observed that it is set to launch this month. Is it true or will there more delays? Am asking because Fairlay is the only crypto exchange that has impressed me so far and am hoping this could be a great alternative.
A specific launch date would be better since many like me have been waiting for quite sometime now op. A countdown timer on your site would also help.
Activity: 18
Merit: 1
September 07, 2020, 04:40:43 PM |
When are you going to start?
Just visited your site after a long time and observed that it is set to launch this month. Is it true or will there more delays? Am asking because Fairlay is the only crypto exchange that has impressed me so far and am hoping this could be a great alternative.
A specific launch date would be better since many like me have been waiting for quite sometime now op. A countdown timer on your site would also help.
hi dunfida, thanks for your interest. Yes, we will launch in September, ideally in sync with the start of the NFL season, which is September 10th.The landing page will be is now updated today with the latest news.

Activity: 196
Merit: 13
September 07, 2020, 09:53:41 PM |
122% on a 7 runner race. at the moment
And that is good for them.
Uk books would be around 110%, so easy to see they are offering only to snare the inexperienced bitcoin punter
ok yeh 3 per cent per runner is not generous lol btc books likely see it as just another virtuals product sad really but the sport in uk is on its knees by all acounts
| (OP)
Copper Member

Activity: 425
Merit: 58
September 07, 2020, 10:26:17 PM |
As mirq20 quotes, we very much hoped to get this out in time with NFL season start at the end of this week. However, the NFL asked us to delay Exbet launch so that we wouldn't throw shade on their big kick-off  In all honesty, we are unlikely to see launch this week. Most likely next week (Sept 15-19) in time for second week of NFL. So close we can almost touch it! Seriously though, it is wonderful to see the interest from you guys - the whole team gets energy from reading your comments. Thank you!
Exbet is LIVE | The Bitcoin Betting Exchange | Back, Lay, and Trade Sports | 1% Commission | NFL, NBA, Soccer & Cricket
| (OP)
Copper Member

Activity: 425
Merit: 58
September 07, 2020, 10:35:30 PM |
Just visited your site after a long time and observed that it is set to launch this month. Is it true or will there more delays? Am asking because Fairlay is the only crypto exchange that has impressed me so far and am hoping this could be a great alternative.
A specific launch date would be better since many like me have been waiting for quite sometime now op. A countdown timer on your site would also help.
Hey Haunebu, yes you have been waiting a long time - you posted early on in this thread, and we thank you for the long-term support! No more delays, September it is. Countdown is a cool idea, but we'll probably keep it lo-fi. We'll launch when we're ready and let you all know immediately.
Exbet is LIVE | The Bitcoin Betting Exchange | Back, Lay, and Trade Sports | 1% Commission | NFL, NBA, Soccer & Cricket
Activity: 2030
Merit: 1493
September 07, 2020, 10:56:30 PM |
About time for me to jump in and share with you guys that I am also eagerly waiting for your launch! The betfair bettor I used to be many years ago, I really can't wait to see a betting exchange like yours! And I will also be glad to review you and add you on btcgosu! Crypto gambling need(s)/(ed) a betting exchange!
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