August 30, 2020, 08:43:27 PM |
Well, i have a different opinion, because as a investor who buy low and sells high most times you cannot care if the project is bad or poor, you only care about the price of the token, With this regard, we can boldly state that bad projects can equal to massive bullish price which equals to good profits.
Do you agree with me ?
 "bad project is equal to bad results." Answer to your analysis, bad project give low exchange volume: this mean that, whenever the project stay good the results will be good because of the token volume. How then do you sell that token without a volume? Good project always come with good exchange volume but bad project give otherwise. In conclusion: good project will give profits while bad project will give bad results.

Activity: 616
Merit: 10
FRX: Ferocious Alpha
August 31, 2020, 10:01:07 AM |
Yes, I totally agree! If hunters are dumping their tokens, then it doesn't mean "project failure". A solid one will continue to work for the long-run. Take for a sample the upcoming YOUengine project. If bounty hunters dump their tokens, will this project fail?!! I doubt it!
Because perseverance is more important, in the long-run, than temporary token dumping. So, it is all about the team's work and the niche market demand.

Activity: 126
Merit: 10
August 31, 2020, 10:04:01 AM |
Yes, only bad projects would be dumped and the price will not recover after the end of the bounty. If it was a good project, 1%-2% of funding for bounty aint the problem and can't cause or trigger a dump. Any project blames their price fall on bounty hunters are just bad and want to use bounty hunters as their scapegoat.
August 31, 2020, 10:35:07 AM |
Yes, only bad projects would be dumped and the price will not recover after the end of the bounty. If it was a good project, 1%-2% of funding for bounty aint the problem and can't cause or trigger a dump. Any project blames their price fall on bounty hunters are just bad and want to use bounty hunters as their scapegoat.
Dumping is not possible with 1% of the tokens (even if we assume that all the bounty hunters will be getting rid of their tokens at the same time). And if the project team believes that the bounty hunters are selling the tokens at cheap rates, what prevents them from purchasing these tokens at such low prices? These are just silly excuses to hide the defects in the project.

Activity: 420
Merit: 13
August 31, 2020, 05:35:31 PM |
This makes me remember Tokoin and tachyon protocol bounty campaign, after hunters are paid they made huge profits from this bounties and still the value are rising and not dumped, so my question is why are other bounties getting ruined after launch? Or after hunters sell their rewards? Probably because they are bad projects, hunters aren't to be blame here isn't it? Good projects will never dumped because hunters sell off
What can I say? The projects have bad utility that's why they fail, as a bounty hunter it's only a dream to keep thinking that all projects that you promote will prosper, no that's not reality, you have to take things as it is with bounties or walk away

Activity: 420
Merit: 13
August 31, 2020, 05:38:12 PM |
Yes, I totally agree! If hunters are dumping their tokens, then it doesn't mean "project failure". A solid one will continue to work for the long-run. Take for a sample the upcoming YOUengine project. If bounty hunters dump their tokens, will this project fail?!! I doubt it!
Because perseverance is more important, in the long-run, than temporary token dumping. So, it is all about the team's work and the niche market demand.
What makes you think that Youengine is different and worth promoting? This project claim that they don't need money for listing or from Crowdfunding as if they are so rich but they can't use better exchanges for IEO, they are using p2pb2b exchange and it's kind and again the team are hyping only what John McAfee twitted about the project, I don't see anything successful about this project. Maybe I'm wrong? In time we will have answers
August 31, 2020, 09:31:33 PM |
everything is true because bounty hunters are only paid 1 to 2 percent of the total tokens that will be sold so it doesn't really matter with the bounty hunter If the project is good, of course there will be many traders so that token bounty that want to be directly bought by the trader
I'll be honest with you some coins dump temporarily after Bounty distribution if the Bounty allocation is extremely large and buy orders are not huge. The best strategy for a team is to ensure some level of buy back if the coin lacks sufficient liquidity. However, good projects with high demand level for their coin do not need to worry at all since the effect will be negligible. Like OP mentioned, bad projects equal bad results and the project and its coin will go extinct over time even without Bounty distribution.
August 31, 2020, 09:39:57 PM |
This makes me remember Tokoin and tachyon protocol bounty campaign, after hunters are paid they made huge profits from this bounties and still the value are rising and not dumped, so my question is why are other bounties getting ruined after launch? Or after hunters sell their rewards? Probably because they are bad projects, hunters aren't to be blame here isn't it? Good projects will never dumped because hunters sell off
It's always about the idea of the project. Investors are only dependent on the idea and roadmap of the project, there are no other basis if the project will be successful or not. If the idea is great, they will choose to hodl instead of dumping their tokens and hence pumping the price since other people will also gain interest and buy the token because the project has a potential. There are also other projects which are only great at the beginning and just dumps after some months. So better set a target price when you will sell your holdings or keep watching the market regarding the price.
August 31, 2020, 09:49:41 PM |
everything is true because bounty hunters are only paid 1 to 2 percent of the total tokens that will be sold so it doesn't really matter with the bounty hunter If the project is good, of course there will be many traders so that token bounty that want to be directly bought by the trader
I'll be honest with you some coins dump temporarily after Bounty distribution if the Bounty allocation is extremely large and buy orders are not huge. The best strategy for a team is to ensure some level of buy back if the coin lacks sufficient liquidity. However, good projects with high demand level for their coin do not need to worry at all since the effect will be negligible. Like OP mentioned, bad projects equal bad results and the project and its coin will go extinct over time even without Bounty distribution. As expected where bounty hunters would always took the blame in talks into these kind of common dumps that do happen after distribution without even talking about the investors itself? You know that its only mostly on 1% total allocation of bounty tokens compared to those investors who do bought bulks.Its understandable though that it can make such impact if the said volume on said exchange isnt really that big which is pretty common but as said that good projects wouldnt really matter on this kind of issue yet they can stand on such scenario of being dumped and when demand and interest is there then recovery would really be a guaranteed thing.
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Copper Member
Jr. Member
Activity: 1190
Merit: 3
August 31, 2020, 10:12:10 PM |
While working on the project for more than 3-4 weeks, the hunter gets confidence in the project based on the development and other project-related updates. If he or she feels that it is not worth holding, sell the coin. Even in this situation, hunters cant blame for price dump because 1% or less than that dump should not cause much impact to price. Projects like Cartesi, Sheng, SPYCE show potential for the future and are good examples of it.
August 31, 2020, 10:28:07 PM Last edit: August 31, 2020, 10:40:15 PM by jajorforce |
Well, i have a different opinion, because as a investor who buy low and sells high most times you cannot care if the project is bad or poor, you only care about the price of the token, With this regard, we can boldly state that bad projects can equal to massive bullish price which equals to good profits.
Do you agree with me ?
 "bad project is equal to bad results." Answer to your analysis, bad project give low exchange volume: this mean that, whenever the project stay good the results will be good because of the token volume. How then do you sell that token without a volume? Good project always come with good exchange volume but bad project give otherwise. In conclusion: good project will give profits while bad project will give bad results. What do you think about a good project whose volume is good but price continuously dumps? The only reason I found it was the supply release. Insolar coin was listed on Binance exchange and had a good volume but now delisted from Binance and bithumb pro exchange. Supply increases from 500 million to 1 billion.
August 31, 2020, 11:53:15 PM |
everything is true because bounty hunters are only paid 1 to 2 percent of the total tokens that will be sold so it doesn't really matter with the bounty hunter If the project is good, of course there will be many traders so that token bounty that want to be directly bought by the trader
The traders can buy the tokens from the traders with the cheap price. In my opinion, if the reputation of the project will have determined the result of the token price. The hunters didn't give any impact for a good coin as it will always have a lot of volume and demand.
September 01, 2020, 02:23:22 AM |
While working on the project for more than 3-4 weeks, the hunter gets confidence in the project based on the development and other project-related updates. If he or she feels that it is not worth holding, sell the coin. Even in this situation, hunters cant blame for price dump because 1% or less than that dump should not cause much impact to price. Projects like Cartesi, Sheng, SPYCE show potential for the future and are good examples of it.
Well what we can expect on bad projects? Definitely bad results. Its not surprising seeing the price dump then they will blame the hunters for it knowing that only 1-2% tokens are allocated to hunters. We should not participate in shit projects and we can avoid it by doing our own research.
Copper Member
Jr. Member
Activity: 1120
Merit: 2
September 01, 2020, 04:27:17 AM |
Good projects don't always come.Projects that are good do not pay. So what is the way.Bad projects don't pay more.The bad project team is bad. Everything is bad for those whose motives are bad.
September 01, 2020, 04:47:18 AM |
While working on the project for more than 3-4 weeks, the hunter gets confidence in the project based on the development and other project-related updates. If he or she feels that it is not worth holding, sell the coin. Even in this situation, hunters cant blame for price dump because 1% or less than that dump should not cause much impact to price. Projects like Cartesi, Sheng, SPYCE show potential for the future and are good examples of it.
But it doesn't always shows good result at the end of the day. Indeed you can't really blame it all on bounty hunters if the prices were to be dumped and all since the allocation for bounty might be only a few percents from overall allocation. But selling those small percent at the same time might do the deed which could also make the price in decline even just a little. It's another story if the project had a solid price and a good market demands and everything.
September 01, 2020, 05:14:03 AM |
Thank you, there was a certain project like that too that after few people sold their coin, other people couldn't sell theirs till today, those who placed their token to be sold, the token got stocked, token were no where to be found, could that now be the fault of the hunters or should that be a way to pay them for the effort spent in promoting their project. It could be so annoying.
Activity: 3262
Merit: 1057
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
September 01, 2020, 06:23:59 AM |
While working on the project for more than 3-4 weeks, the hunter gets confidence in the project based on the development and other project-related updates. If he or she feels that it is not worth holding, sell the coin. Even in this situation, hunters cant blame for price dump because 1% or less than that dump should not cause much impact to price. Projects like Cartesi, Sheng, SPYCE show potential for the future and are good examples of it.
Well what we can expect on bad projects? Definitely bad results. Its not surprising seeing the price dump then they will blame the hunters for it knowing that only 1-2% tokens are allocated to hunters. We should not participate in shit projects and we can avoid it by doing our own research. That's the effective way to avoid certain participation, doing your research and make sure to understand the potentials of the projects. There are so many project that circulating around where mostly the team blames the bounty participants for dumping the rewards that they've received which supposedly shouldn't affects the project as the allocated rewards is part of the marketing, if the team is really doing their job this dumped can be avoided, they can easily buy those coin and let the project to stay surviving to attract more investors.
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Activity: 210
Merit: 14
September 01, 2020, 08:07:23 AM |
You have to figure that out yourself, not all new projects are good and now that people (scammers) are finding ways to make money off new projects they will always set their traps around every corner of crypto space, make sure you do research on new projects very well
September 01, 2020, 08:57:26 AM |
Thank you, there was a certain project like that too that after few people sold their coin, other people couldn't sell theirs till today, those who placed their token to be sold, the token got stocked, token were no where to be found, could that now be the fault of the hunters or should that be a way to pay them for the effort spent in promoting their project. It could be so annoying.
some projects do indeed do this, but many also pay even though a little but still get paid. than you have a big estimate but can't sell the token. Few people who already know how to assess projects can tell the difference between good and bad projects, a skill that is needed here.
September 01, 2020, 10:09:55 AM |
While working on the project for more than 3-4 weeks, the hunter gets confidence in the project based on the development and other project-related updates. If he or she feels that it is not worth holding, sell the coin. Even in this situation, hunters cant blame for price dump because 1% or less than that dump should not cause much impact to price. Projects like Cartesi, Sheng, SPYCE show potential for the future and are good examples of it.
But it doesn't always shows good result at the end of the day. Indeed you can't really blame it all on bounty hunters if the prices were to be dumped and all since the allocation for bounty might be only a few percents from overall allocation. But selling those small percent at the same time might do the deed which could also make the price in decline even just a little. It's another story if the project had a solid price and a good market demands and everything. Yeah. but, nowadays bounty rewards released gradually also some of the projects have switched to use stablecoin instead to control the price. if the project is solid as you said there would be many buying demands coming and fill up all the sell orders. it's actually a project with relatively low demands that suffer the most because there just not enough people to buy and you need to know that although bounty hunter might contribute the developer have total control over the distribution there the developers could do some designed distribution to lower the chance of dumping.