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Question: First episode of BitcoinTalkShow will be released soon. What's a good day for releasing videos?  (Voting closed: October 28, 2021, 02:17:41 PM)
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Friday - 13 (59.1%)
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Author Topic: TheBitcoinTalkShow - 24 Aug - Bitcointalk Community Awards 2022  (Read 13844 times)
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July 27, 2021, 08:17:05 AM
Merited by Pmalek (2), Coin-1 (1), fillippone (1), Charles-Tim (1)

Conceptually, the Youtube Channel is a tactical tool to drive strategic goals. As such, the Channel would have aims, and I’d say that these may circle around helping to make Bitcointalk a current reference for information and debate, drive newcomers towards Bitcointalk, and help retain those already here.

Most of the ideas already provided lean towards those sort of objectives (@Welsh has made a thoughtful compilation for example), but since the scope is pretty large (potentially), and resources may be limited until the channels proves its value, the focus may be set initially on the quick-wins: those that can be performed with greater ease, lowish cost, and a broader reach of audience (both inner and external), whilst tackling the learning curve and getting the feel of responsiveness.

I don’t know if the idea is to generate the content by a closed set of people on the visual/audio front, with perhaps some call for volunteer help on the content research and draft scripting, or whether it will be open to user generated videos. I’d say the former is better to control the narrative and style, and the latter can come in at a later stage in its own subsection (so as to say), with some clearance vetting beforehand.

Local languages are something to ponder at some point, and even though making the video in multiple languages is conceptually desirable, it’s likely overly expensive. Perhaps some volunteer or professional subs could be added as a compromise solution.
Frequency of delivery is yet another factor to ponder, which is budget and stamina related. At least one per week (or fortnight as a stretch) could be a decent objective to begin with, as a more relaxed scenario would seemingly make the channel lose interest.
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I find your lack of faith in Bitcoin disturbing.

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July 27, 2021, 08:31:48 AM

First of all, for the channel to be successful, Cyrus has to wear a bikini in a swimming pool on an big banana (NSFW) Smiley

More seriously, I would be very interested in interviews or debates about Bitcoin or Bitcointalk.

I think it could have a better retention rate if it's live-streamed with a segment that guests take questions from the chat.
I quite agree with that. Interactivity is an important element.

In addition to what has been said, making small games/contests (price prediction, art contests, etc...) can be nice to win a small handful of BTC and/or why not a special badge (don't yell at me). As I'm evil, participants will have to post their answers on a dedicated topic on Bitcontalk (to avoid alts on YT and be at least a Jr Member or more to (almost) avoid alts on Bitcointalk).



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July 27, 2021, 10:40:06 AM

First of all, I would like to see a content related to the subject of "What is Money?", because we need to make people to realize why we all are behind the decentralized money for that they need to know about the actual fiat money and how it is printed by the governments whenever they want and on what basis they are printing.

I am curious to know who are going to be the creators of bitcointalk YouTube channel and they also wants to become anonymous or going to reveal their identity in the social media platforms.
























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July 27, 2021, 11:49:37 AM

The lifewire of every youtube channel is content creation. But in this case, I don't think it will be a problem because of this forum. The content would be produced by the staff or forum/board moderators. Either my picking weekly good contents to convert into documentaries or animations. Granting live interviews to reputable members. A special program for creating awareness of bitcoin and promoting the forum.


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July 27, 2021, 12:02:55 PM

I think great care will need to be taken when creating content. Bitcoin is often seen as a thread to the globalists, and content that is not circumspect could lead to YouTube strikes. I would like to see comments on the emerging government currencies - the "Britcoin" is one example, but that topic is probably a minefield given today's heavy censorship.

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July 27, 2021, 02:42:53 PM
Merited by Cyrus (2), Pmalek (1)

This is a very good idea!

I have been discussing this idea (together with others) on my thread:

Is losing user base?

Setting up a YT channel is a very good way of gain traction.
I saw a lot of good suggestions already on the thread (sorry, out of merits guys) I will just add my two cents:

  • What will be the audience of this channel? Insiders of the forum or outsiders? Insiders might be interested on a best post/best user/interview to forum members, but this would hardly drag anyone new to the forum. A “Mr Beast like channel” would probably be more successful dragging more new users to the channel, even if we must find a way to lure those new users to the forum (that I guess it’s the final scope of the whole thing, if I am not wrong
  • Quality of the production. Whatever the content, successful YT channel nowadays have a very elevated quality standard in terms of filming, audio, editing, social media engagement etc. Amateur hour is over, so just be sure to post high quality content. Packaging is sometime ad much important of the actual content.
  • I fully support this initiative. I don’t know how I can be useful (I h as c’è no clue on how to record a video for YT) but in case, I am here to help. Interviews, using the content of my threads/posts, whatever you think it would be useful, I am here.



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July 27, 2021, 05:23:36 PM
Last edit: July 27, 2021, 05:34:03 PM by NotATether
Merited by Welsh (8), BlackHatCoiner (1)

If we take a look at Youtube, and the most popular formats:

- MrBeast style over the top videos, throwing ludicrous money around.

- Podcasts; Potentially having different guests on from various different backgrounds on the forum could potentially be successful if the right candidates are selected. However, I believe anonymous nature of the forum would probably be a barrier to this idea.

- A show like DramaAlert on Youtube, but focused on the Bitcoin industry. Probably, wouldn't work out as well due to the nature of Youtube infulencers compared to the people involved in Bitcoin.

- Debates; as long as they are kept civilized, and moderated to some degree i.e not censoring the guests, but guiding them to specific topics I think it could work out pretty well, and could be combined with the podcast/interview ideas.

- Documentaries; This doesn't even particularly need to be shot physically, but could be a voiceover with a lot of editing, which is a pretty popular format on Youtube for things that aren't related to Bitcoin.

- Conspiracies related to Bitcoin; if you want to go down that rabbit hole that is, and have the mind for it.

Other ideas not particularly popular on Youtube:

- Bitcoin courses; if it could be tied in some way to the idea of Bitcoin courses mentioned here by theymos. That would be interesting, and might just kill two birds with one stone.

- Liaising with Bitcoin developers, and getting them to do a developer diary could be of interest.  

I can do all that (in the long run) as our Youtube channel (this one) has just started out and we don't have any videos yet. But we (I) would need to hire some video editing staff first.

This has the consequence though that we'll have to call it "The NotATether Youtube Channel" instead of "The Bitcointalk Youtube Channel" Tongue

- Highlighting substantial posts here on the forum, however I'm not convinced in the long run the appeal will be there to retain an audience for this type of content.  

We did that on our own site, but with a few exceptions like xtralev's Faketoshi compilation thread, nobody paid attention to them.

I don't particularly like doing a MrBeast-like video related to bitcoin because this'll make bitcoin giveaways look legitimate and will indirectly cause gullible people to fall for other scam giveaways on the assumption they are real. Probably the reason why MrBeast's videos haven't caused a mass rise in fake dollar giveaways is that it's much harder to pull it off with credit cards and PayPal since you can just issue a chargeback and/or ban the receipent's account.



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July 27, 2021, 07:40:03 PM

The YouTube channel has to cater for newcomers to the world of crypto if it is to become successful. Whatever content is created, you guys have to ask yourselves will people who know nothing or very little about Bitcoin be interested in this? It's an advertisement not only for Bitcointalk but also for Bitcoin in general. If those watching the videos find the content too difficult or boring, they won't be interested to come here. Beginner-friendly content is great, and I would include short video reviews of guides and tutorials from the forum. Using those most merited is one way to decide which content to go for.

Some types of contests and giveaways are a must. People like freebies. If you aren't gonna give them something, they'll just go elsewhere. Those might not be the members the forum is looking for, but everyone has the potential to become a future contributor here.

Asking the community to vote and suggest what they would like to see on the channel would be greatly appreciated. That might include covering topics not directly related to Bitcoin, such as DeFi, altcoins, etc. They should have a feeling that their voice matters and so do their opinions. Make them comment and share their opinions in the comments and create a thread on Bitcointalk where the YouTube community is welcome to post in. The overall message to the viewers shouldn't be: Bitcoin and Bitcointalk are the best, everything else sucks including you if you are interested in it. 

It's been mentioned many times in these past two weeks, but please consider the evil fee system and what kind of effect it could have on those who see a good video, come here to register, and see that they have to pay to get in. Some kind of restart of the evil IPs could be a possibility just to prevent that some comments under the videos come from unsatisfied members who were asked to pay a penalty to register. 

Cyrus (OP)
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July 27, 2021, 09:05:25 PM

Maybe a recap on the art competition held last 10th anniversary of bitcoin talk forum. I think its cool to see and filmed those submission arts and hand drawn designs.

Aside from others suggestion. I think its good if you have some designer for the clips so it can be uniform when you set a video. Just a suggestion but maybe you can handle it well @cyrus.
Good one! Had a list already and that's for sure a video that I'd enjoy. Yeah, totally not a one man job, as discussed above.

We all know visual learning is more impactive than just reading, when newbie (or everyone) get to see how these things are done visually they can easily follow up.
There are so many news outlets out there that members can't trust them to give you important update on trending news about the industry.
I agree that most people identify as visual learners, some tend to disagree, here's a recent clip from Veritasium about it:
Forum guides is something definitely worth looking into, but not immediately interesting for lots of people. If the channel grows and we have an influx of people coming from Youtube then some tutorials would come in handy IMO.
As for impartiality, I wouldn't associate myself with such an endeavour if I felt it was biased. It needs to be impartial and transparent.

That is true, and especially younger people never even heard that Bitcointalk forum exists, and I am just hoping they won't get evil fee welcome message when they try to register, or they will consider it a scam.
Here's an example:
The user didn't seem to reply yet, however maybe they could ask for whitelisting @Bitcointalk, could be useful for some?
Was tinkering around and printed/painted that. Could we make it a thing please?  Cheesy
It looks great Smiley
- How big is it?
Around 8'', so... more like 7''.
Going to do a bigger one, likely with more detail.

Will try to reply to the newer posts a bit later. Thank you everyone for your input so far!

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July 27, 2021, 09:38:03 PM

Maybe also a weekly interview with one forum member, although this ma be a bit more difficult for privacy reasons, users may not want to go through the stress of ensuring no one can trace their identity through such means.

Weekly awards for best posts, worst posts etc could also be cool.

Interviews would be cool. I agree with you and @Welsh that some might be reluctant in participating, but it's not like we have to churn an interview every week, so should be fine.
Weekly awards for best and worst posts is good idea! Could be added as a segment to a weekly video, like the last part of the video would be about that.

I'd love to see some overwhelming positive content.  How about a MrBeast like channel?
That's taking the awards thing to a whole(some!) other level!
I like the idea! But more funding would be needed and some good people/causes to invest in.

Sounds like a good idea! One thing I'd suggest is (quality) posts that get a lot of merits - for example: top merited post for that week - and threads that get a lot of traction maybe ones that get a lot of heavy discussion and interaction too rather than number of replies (like the weight of the posts in a topic).

Theymos suggested doing news stuff on that topic and I'd be interested in trying to make stories neutral and accurate if you needed the help... I think I'm a bit crypto-skeptic when it comes to things like ICOs and altcoins (although I'm not sure I have a firm grasp on crypto news articles as I normally rely on mainstream media for crypto stuff).
I find this approach interesting. Though more oriented to an news/article outlet, rather than video format, right? Which is fine and like to work on that sometime if it is of interest to the community.

On the subject of interviews, that would be great, nearly all of us know OgNasty from
the collectables section of the forum, an interview or content relating to NastyMining
and NastyFans would be interesting, and continuing in that section maybe content from
other minters, printers and collectors of physical Bitcoins, shiny metal objects made from
rare earth always draws attention.

Also there was a thread I commented on recently > Crypto for the homeless - 7/9/21 - handed out a ton of pizza - need some help
An interview or short film about the efforts of @brollikk would be a real life example
of how Bitcoin can be used.

Just a few ides there pertaining to Crypto related collectables and how
Bitcoin can be used in real life while linking it all back to the forum...


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July 27, 2021, 10:03:26 PM

I'm not sure highlighting posts, even good posts is something that people not on the forum would watch, and I'm not even sure if the users here would watch it after the novelty of it dissipates.
You're probably right about that.  I don't think making content about a post, even if it's a great one, would be interesting for long.  What I'd like to see is some interviews with the most well-known/most active members, though I don't necessarily mean something like an on-camera Q&A.  Anonymity is important, of course.  But that's the sort of thing that might be of interest to people to whom the forum is an important place--and there are more than enough members to focus on.

I'd also suggest keeping it a channel that's dedicated to forum issues, and not bitcoin-related ones.  There are tons of folks who are big fans of bitcointalk, so the bitcointalk forum shouldn't become another bitcoin channel.  That's probably not your intention, Cyrus, but I'm just thinking ahead.

And hey, I do remember when this was first suggested and I thought at that point someone would have done something to get the ball rolling.  Guess that didn't happen, but I'm stoked that it looks like a Youtube channel is going to become a reality!



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July 27, 2021, 10:34:55 PM

I don't particularly like doing a MrBeast-like video related to bitcoin because this'll make bitcoin giveaways look legitimate and will indirectly cause gullible people to fall for other scam giveaways on the assumption they are real. Probably the reason why MrBeast's videos haven't caused a mass rise in fake dollar giveaways is that it's much harder to pull it off with credit cards and PayPal since you can just issue a chargeback and/or ban the receipent's account.
Interesting point, that never really crossed my mind, but is probably worth giving some thought. My first thoughts are there's probably ways to mitigate this issue, however it would likely still give the impression that Bitcoin giveaways are more legitimate or at least have the potential to be. However, I'm not sure there's plenty of legitimate Bitcoin giveaways. However, on screen pop ups could potentially mitigate it as I said.

There has probably been attempts of scamming with MrBeast styled giveaways no doubt. Although, I wouldn't hold MrBeast responsible for that. However, I must admit that is something we should probably be thinking about, and how to mitigate it.

Another counter to that would be, and I'll admit this is a bit of a weak argument against it; If we have guests on in a interview format, and they spread misinformation, which could potentially lead to loss of funds, and other damages. However, this would apply to everything that anyone does. People should know that because x said Bitcoin would rise 10k by tomorrow, that it isn't guaranteed that they are right. Same as a giveaway being done by a recognised brand i.e Bitcointalk , and other giveaways which don't come along with that reputation would be a risk. Of course, this is assuming that theymos would be onboard with labeling it official, and if cyrus would even want to do that too, as I know they've alluded that they would like to keep it unofficial, but you get my point. Cyrus behind the channel has a reputation or whoever is involved, and that would be built up further the longer the channel operates, so its just like anything else to some extent.
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July 28, 2021, 02:59:48 AM

I would like to see contents related to the development, challenges, expectations and usage of Bitcoin in Africa. You know, Africans love to YouTube but the continent is almost an untapped market for the crypto industry. Giving the population of that continent it will help expose this forum more.

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July 28, 2021, 03:20:59 AM

Good one! Had a list already and that's for sure a video that I'd enjoy. Yeah, totally not a one man job, as discussed above.
Wow thats great to know mate. I really like those cool art design and a video like that will definitely like by most users to watch.

I dont have a youtube account for subscription maybe I will create one now to follow that.

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July 28, 2021, 06:55:48 AM

This is an interesting idea. Youtobe is a relatively influential media that can attract more new users.
  • The style of the video should be in line with the public’s vision, with an interesting cover and theme introduction.
  • Many people pay more attention to market trends and publish Bitcoin or crypto news regularly, such as every 24 hours or every week.
  • Collect and share hot topics in forums or answer user questions.
These are some of my ideas, I hope they can be used for reference. I will continue to follow this post and your yououtobe.
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July 28, 2021, 07:17:29 AM

It's been a while since theymos' suggested a Youtube channel for Bitcointalk. The general sentiment seemed that it would be cool to have one. And I agree!

So let's say I'd start filming tomorrow. What type of content/themes would you like to see?
Things that you'd like to watch, whether you're a grumpy Bitcointalk veteran or just hearing out about our wonderful community.

Was tinkering around and printed/painted that. Could we make it a thing please?  Cheesy

The most newcomer to the forum, I am a little excited to see this type of game, which makes me like it more.

I suddenly have a weird idea. I don't know if this idea will touch certain things. If so, let me know.

My thoughts: In the recent news that caused Bitcoin to rise and fall sharply, (state bans on Bitcoin, designation of Bitcoin as legal tender, people or companies publishing information about Bitcoin, etc.), match the price of Bitcoin and then Add the voices of classics in the forum and make a funny event thread.
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July 28, 2021, 06:19:28 PM

No doubt, content will need to base on bitcointalk Forum.
As the main target to make a YouTube channel to attract new people on forum,so you need to keep eye on audience interest. Most people don’t know about the forum but have interest on crypto. It’s time to show them the way of Their interest.
You can follow these idea & keep channel interesting.
* Arrange Q & A for newbie.
* Run a contest or giveaway
* Make a video series about Forum rules, as YouTube made for newbie so firstly focus on the forum rules
* Make live streaming with the forum administrators or others about the question of forum.
This is the effective way to make Newbie ready for the forum & make more & more visitor on bitcointalk.

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July 28, 2021, 06:57:10 PM

I’d like to see positive, inspiring stories from genuine posters about how bitcoin & this forum changed their lives tor the better. There must he so many people who are in a much better place financially than they would have been without bitcoin & this forum.

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July 28, 2021, 07:02:00 PM
Merited by DdmrDdmr (5), EFS (4), Welsh (2), fillippone (2), LFC_Bitcoin (1), hosemary (1)

Great info from everyone  so far thank you!
Here's the current plan and progress:
Hired a company to film and edit. Production value aimed: very high!
First filming day will be really soon, so the first few episodes will be prerecorded and released when ready.
This whole thing an experiment, so content and format will likely evolve over time, as long as there's interest for it.
Likely themes for the first few episodes feature the BitcoinTalk Anniversary, Community Awards 2020, etc.
In time we'll start doing educational material as well, such as forum guides and news bits. Also interviews!

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July 28, 2021, 07:37:49 PM

Fantastic news, I'm surprised you hired a external team for video production, but is probably the right move!

On another note; Bitcoin related game shows was also something running through my head while away from the forum. Might be a fun project in the future.
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