This coins needs an upgrade,
Blockchain is stuck because someone very "smart" applied a lot of hashpower and difficulty is now 2079545789.8174
That difficulty equals a networkhash of about 20Ph/s, Unbreakablecoin have difficulty retargeting every 2016 Blocks like Bitcoin.
We need the Develeper of that coin or a community takeover to make a soft fork, or someone with that hashpower mines so much blocks until difficulty goes down.
Jim told me 6 months ago that he (and a friend) was working on that; all I know is they orphaned a few of my blocks back then and no news since.

We did add ACP protection, put out new wallets and new source code. My account on this site was stolen and never returned to me , hence this new account. We have a working pool if you want to mine it, feel free to email me, my email is . I was only saying don't mine it til we have fixed it which we did, sorry for the orphaned blocks that can happen with the acp. I apologize for not contacting you directly to say you're good to go, that's on me.
Far as Upbit, looks like it's still trading there, not sure why the paused the market, they have not said they are delisting it. The other exchange BOA is brand new and is a very nice transparent exchange but yes it's new so there isn't alot of volume yet but I expect it to get busier.
Also the wallets are sync and blocks are moving , if you want to transfer your coins out of Bittrex I would suggest doing it now. You can send them to your own wallet or to BOA for now.
Another note UNB is very old, older then Bittrex, and these exchanges will always come and go like they always have. Nothing changes in that aspect. I appreciate that Bittrex kept the coin on there as long as they did.
Jim Blasko
Oh and far as the troll that claims I'm a scammer because bittrex delisted UNB, get real man, I can't control these exchanges. The volume on coinmarketcap from Upbit shows movement so I thought it's still a viable option. They haven't delisted UNB.