I don't know if I'm the only one that have noticed this dull movement in the market price since the halving, I'm just saying from what I've observed. If it was last 2-3 months we would have been seeing a different figure like a new one not a repeated amount like we have seen $62k so many times, now we have Bitcoin price at $63k currently, why is the price not trying to go forward instead it's between $60-63k? If it continues like this I feel we won't even see Bitcoin price at $67k-$69k, it seems this month isn't going to be productive maybe from the last week of this very month that's when we'll be getting close to $70k.
You're too impatient, it's not like it would be the end of the world if bitcoin doesn't quickly pump after the halving, did it pump right away in the 2020 halving?
Whether we get another pump or not should not even matter very much. We have already gotten a pump from $27k to our present price, so there should be nothing to be complaining about.
Surely there could be more pump down the road (such as 6-12 months from now), or a pump could be impending, too.
I suppose that part of the punchline is that each of us has to decide our own course of action in light of our own details, and even you blckhawk, have just passed your 7th year registered on the forum (congratulations), and if you have been accumulating bitcoin through the whole time, then you should be in a pretty decent place, and perhaps even in a better place if you were able to front load your investment into bitcoin prior to 2021... but even as reflected in our current BTC price, we can see in retrospect that surely there have been a lot of good times for buying BTC in the past 7 years that would have had prices quite a bit lower than our current prices (or even the prices of the last 2.5 months).
If I recall it didn't because those kind of stuff takes time and there's only been like less than a month after the helping, be happy that bitcoin's price is stabilizing. People like you that doubt bitcoin are the kind that I love to follow especially when the price of bitcoin goes to the point that you thought bitcoin weren't able to reach, I really love to see you eat your words back when you doubted that bitcoin would ever reach that point in the market.
Yep.. people get too impatient about short-term price moves and sometimes even develop over-expectations about bitcoin's price performance, yet many times we are going to realize that bitcoin is going to do what it is going to do, and surely there might be downward manipulations, and some of that might well even go into the future, so we cannot really be assured about where the BTC price is going to go, yet we can still come to appreciate that the most that we are going to lose is 100% of what we invested, so if we feel that we need to take some value off of the table rather than continuing to invest, then we can make those kinds of choices.. .. yet at the same time, there can be some value in making sure that you have enough bitcoin too.. . even if we are not guaranteed in regards to where it is going to go...
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Hell yeah I'm impatient, is not my thing to be impatient but when it comes to this you can say that again. I'm only concern and some how making some comparison on how the market price was last year as of this same month and two months back this year, it was a bit flexible I mean in the market price but ever since the halving I thought it wouldn't be the way is it now, don't get me wrong on this.
I have never thought of Bitcoin falling in any way but my concern is how slow it has been
You sound like a lost little puppy.
If you compare last year's spot price at this time to this year at this time, we have around a 2x price appreciation. It should be difficult to see any problem with that.
and I know it will get to a much more higher price before the end of this year
Maybe we will and maybe we won't.
I personally think that there are decent odds of ranging between $120k and $180k this year, but if it doesn't happen, so what? There is no need to have to have BTC price performance levels that you believe have decently good odds of playing out.
The future is not guaranteed, and we should constantly be making sure that our own finances and psychology is in a place in which we are ready, willing and able to accept how the future plays out, even if it plays out in ways that are outside of our base expectations and might even end up playing out in ways that we considered to have been less likely.
, so don't get me wrong I was only worried if this halving period is the cause of all that's happening, the high fee,
There is a lot that is happening besides what you list, so the halvening was already expected to happen, and your list is not even accurate or hardly explaining anything that might be related to price.. The fee issues have been going on for nearly 15 months with ordinal inscriptions and then the latest with runes that were introduced right at the halvening.. but that fad seems to be fading including that fees seem to be somewhat coming back to normal in the less than 20 sats per vbyte territory.. and even quite a few blocks getting back down to as low as 12 sats per vbyte.. and sure the various high fees has had some effects on behaviors of individual BTC holders being able to transact or considering if they are able to transact, perceptions in the BTC transaction market and perhaps even contributing towards miner incentives in terms of how they are structuring blocks and maybe even engaging in some outside of regular transaction channel receipt of value.. .which we have been hearing quite a bit lately about how mining pools have their own problems in terms of how they pay the hash contributors (ie miners).
But I doubt that the mere transaction issues are affecting price as much as the more availability of ways to buy BTC through spot ETFs and also the various recent regulatory attacks on aspects of bitcoin (and even shitcoins to the extent that some of that might also relate to bitcoin).
But if we are talking about actual short term BTC price, we cannot always know the causes or even get too much caught up in trying to figure it out, unless we are just so lacking in our understanding and/or conviction in regards to bitcoin so that we should be adjusting our BTC position in the downwardly direction because we lack any kind of meaningful conviction, so we should have that reflect in the amount of BTC price exposure that we have. So in that sense @Sexylizzy2813, you may well be overly exposed in your bitcoin position. so sell some in order that you feel better and you are less worried about whether it goes up or down.. but hey, I can already see if you sell some then you are going to be upset that you did not have enough when it went up.. you are the kind of person who is never going to be satisfied.
By the way, any of us who are potentially more informed and/or convicted about bitcoin (does not mean that we are correct), recognize and appreciate that an overwhelming majority of the worlds population (perhaps close to 99%) are still way underexposed to bitcoin as either being no coiners or low coiners.. So the "problem" of the world, to the extent that we might label it as a problem is that members of the population do not have enough BTC, and so any of us who already have BTC, we are likely at least in a bit better position than the no coiners and the low coiners, to the extent that we are not a low coiner ourselves, which surely anyone who is accumulating BTC as aggressively as he can without overdoing it, should not be considered as a low coiner (from my perspective), even if s/he perceives himself/herself to not have enough coins. From my perspective, low coiner status comes from having the ability to accumulate more BTC, but purposefully being overly whimpy in such approach to BTC accumulation due to lack of conviction or lack of carrying out sufficient/adequate due diligence in regards to looking into the bitcoin matter... In this definition (my own), shitcoiners might well also be classified as low coiners because whatever behaviors they are employing results in quite lower levels of BTC accumulation than they should have if they were more properly focused on the right kinds of things (namely bitcoin)...
the price having more negative effect more than the positive.
I saw the BTC price go up in the last year.. and even in the last 8 months, since we had a correction in August 2023, but then pretty much straight up until the middle of March 2024.. so then BIG SO FUCKING WHAT that we happen to be in the midst of a correction currently, and in reality it has ONLY gotten to about 23.5% so far.. which is NOT even that big of a correction.. and so what it has lasted nearly 2 months.. Maybe it is over and maybe not. We cannot really know, and we should not be getting too worked up about short term BTC price movements, including that we should set our own systems up so that we can deal with whatever price movements happen to come, even if they are unexpected... .
And, sure, you personally can do whatever, you like, including complaining in various threads of this forum. .which largely makes you look like a whiner rather than someone who actually has any real meaningful substantive value to add in terms of helping other members to figure out ways forward that rise to the level of not whining about matters that may well be outside of our control anyhow.
In other words, there seems to be way more value in attempting to deal with BTC price dynamics matters in terms of how they are actually playing out rather than whining about how we wished they would be playing out differently... but hey whatever, you do you.. whine away...and surely members are likely to get irritated with you (including yours truly), but it is not likely to get you banned from the forum, since your way of posting comes off as mostly annoying rather than anything else.. whether you are doing it on purpose or not.. who knows?
Perhaps the best that other forum members can do is attempt to have fun with your ongoing seemingly whiny nonsense, rather than allowing such behaviors to cause too much annoyance.

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I also buy to your sentiment bro, we should pay less attention to the negativity happening in the Bitcoin market, people that are worried of the current price of Bitcoin are mostly traders and short term investor, unless you are one of them, I don't see any reason why you should be too much concerned about the current value of Bitcoin, but as for me, am a long term holder, I believe that only the long term holders will reap the full dividend of their Bitcoin investment.
There is nothing wrong with having some negative feelings about bitcoin and even pessimism in regards to how much it might go up in the future or how BIG of an investment a guy should take into bitcoin, especially since one of the best remedies to having some negative views about bitcoin, or its future possibilities, is to adjust your buy position downwardly or to stop buying.
At the same time, you may well end up having regrets about your choices to become whimpy in terms of your bitcoin investment, and those are individual choices, including that we can choose our level of aggressiveness in regards to either shooting for some target, how we get there and what the target actually is.
Between about 2014 and 2020, I used to suggest a BTC position between 1% and 10%, and since 2020, I have largely been recommending 5% to 25%, but even with those kinds of recommendations (sort of as a starting allocation target), individuals are responsible for their own allocation, including if they are allocating on the lower end of the spectrum or on the more aggressive end of the spectrum, including choosing to get the fuck off zero, which still tends to be a problem of the overwhelming number of folks... so yeah, if there are hesitations just adjust a bit downwardly, and hopefully you do not end up having too many regrets later, yet none of us should end up having regrets as long as we are striving to tailor our own bitcoin approach to our own circumstances, so that we should be able to feel comfortable and even good about our balancing of choices, since no matter what we do, it is likely not going to be perfect, but it can be pretty damned close to perfect in terms of tailoring to our own self and hoping that we don't end up being too wrong about matters.
By the way, I mention 5% to 25% and there are a lot of ways that can be construed. It can be your target size of your total investment portfolio or it could be how much you choose to invest from your discretionary income or even from your gross income... but surely some folks hardly even have a discretionary income, so you need to have a discretionary income before you are even able to invest, so if your discretionary income really sucks in terms of how much it is, then either you won't be able to invest into bitcoin or you have to figure out some way to improve your discretionary income by either increasing your income or decreasing your expenses.
Lastly, in my own opinion, the halving is now behind us, so anytime from now, The price of Bitcoin will start skyrocketing, so do you have a very good stash of Bitcoin in your possession? That is what you should be more concerned about, if you aren't having a good stash of Bitcoin in your possession, you should use this opportunity to buy more with the DCA accumulating strategy, so you wouldn't miss out when the bull run officially start, that's just my opinion though.
Even though I largely agree with your overall point, you come off as a bit of a gambler Barikui1.. but yeah, you are still essentially correct that there are likely some advantage for anyone still new to bitcoin (in their first cycle) to be aggressively accumulating bitcoin (as aggressively as they can without over doing it), even if they are not planning on selling for 4-10 years or more, there still might be some advantages in terms of trying to be more aggressive in the beginning of the BTC investment journey so long as the person otherwise has good financial management that involves establishing and maintaining an emergency fund, reserves and a cash float.. and sure there might be some role of managing debt in the mix of that, too.