yeah, more exchanges would be great, but who will make them to list orb ?Orbitcoin is available at Cryptopia, NovaExchange, alcurex, Cointopay and Tradesatoshi.
I think we must stay with these exchanges for now, unless a big exchange like Poloniex,
Bittrex, Bitfinex or another exchange wants to add ORB
The price of ORB is very underrated at this moment as result of the Bitcoin price.
There's a total moneysupply of only 3,07 million ORB available right now and only 61k ORB
is for sale at all exchanges together! This is less than 2% of ALL available ORB!
This means that many ORB holders are holding their ORB with a very good reason
Orbitcoin is a long term coin, i have no doubt the price will go up again in near future.
That's why i hold all of my ORB for a very long time now and thanks to PoS my amount of ORB
is growing every day!
I can't predict the future but if you don't have any ORB than today would be a good day to step
into the ORB-World... but that's just my opinion...
Btw. i see at this thread that some services have added Orbitcoin to their website.
Thank you guys, keep up the good work