Below are the 3 withdraws he did before I deactivated his account.
Coin Amount Address Updated Date Created Date
'BTC', '0.93881124', '1DaKb1zpaxQx5eaUhzzovja5vDj8R327kU', '2014-05-29 23:21:18', '2014-05-29 23:20:54'
'BTC', '0.54625722', '1DaKb1zpaxQx5eaUhzzovja5vDj8R327kU', '2014-05-29 23:19:45', '2014-05-29 23:19:32'
'BTC', '0.00254541', '1DaKb1zpaxQx5eaUhzzovja5vDj8R327kU', '2014-05-29 23:08:44', '2014-05-29 23:08:04'
Below are the 2 deposits. TXID, Amount, Blockhash, Address, Updated Date, Created Date
'cf7cda3ef81706009b092926d33b13640da91a09a5a81c00f9c52992b44d3afb', '10000.00000000', '00000000008ebf6f3bc5cf35b377ab488cd9ffe4a7c866c0d8f77f9dfebd672c', 'LdUUpdr8XqzjVcHPSwf367Q25Vx81xrVgR', '2014-05-29 22:21:32', '2014-05-29 22:19:52'
'e8f9b17f12410e565161532564542d76797e90fb88fb1a3d35a8da0a5134b27b', '240000.00000000','0000000000720a652eabc567566d046dd0ed5f3e04ce8889c2ba54fae6ffdf6d', 'LdUUpdr8XqzjVcHPSwf367Q25Vx81xrVgR', '2014-05-29 23:15:02', '2014-05-29 23:09:35'
You cant really argue with this people.
Dev could really wait to get his hands on the bounty!
Im gona mine the full 100 hours.
I may as well see it though now.
chiznitz has done his job to the best of his ability under the circumstances which have been caused by the Dev's inexperience.
another example of this recently....
HappyCoin Dev was launching his coin (twice) and on both occasions relied on us to send him his pre-mine once we had mined it.
These Devs are not competent at creating and maintaining a Virtual Currency. They leave us the Miners and the Pool Owners to Pick up the pieces.
I don't know about everyone else but we may as well see this coin through 100 hours.
And in future give all coin launches the caution they deserve.
chiznitz has done bugger all wrong in my opinion.
BTW... Pink Coin is very promising and very cheap! Another Dev who couldn't be arsed, but the community has taken over. I myself have invested in 1.5 million PC.
We should follow their lead with this coin if the Dev doesn't want to come back and .... lets get a bloody good community takeover in process.
you should launch a new [ANN] thread so new arrivals are reintroduced to this as a community-led coin