I appreciate the honesty, but still am wondering what this coin adds?
Polish Translation
Alright. You have reserved PL translation.
We are on good way. AXIS will be the first X13 coin which wont be cloned by other another X13 coin. ( After original X13 )
Cloners will copy AXIS' source to make other X13 coins.
Wont reveal anything more yet
heh, excuse me. I'll be clear this time.
We took BlackCoin src, + X11 algos, ran it for 2 days, without any issues. ( Thanks God! )
Forked what we got from BC + X11, then added 2 missing algos and we got a X13 coin. That coin is AXIS. - So,
it's not a clone of any other X13 coin.
In the next 12 hours, we will run AXIS-
test-coin on a real pool, so we check if there will be any issues with stratum and other things ( Not sure what could go wrong ).
Hope you guys see what effort we're putting in AXIS.
Oh, and yeah..
There will be no charity fund codes in our coin-code like every other x13 coin has.