Tickets Available:€70 each
Tier 2 sponsorship available
- Roller banner at event 800x2065mm (banner,stand,printing included)
- A PowerPoint slide on main screen(looped) between talks.
- Your logo included in the final production video of event.
- The ability to say you are a sponsor of this conference
NORMAL PRICE:£300 for a tier 2 slot.
DISCOUNT PRICE:£230 for the first 5 slots, HURRY!
Tier 1 sponsorship limited availability remaining
9BTC for a tier 1 slot.
After weeks of planning we are glad to announce we will be holding the Bitcoin Conference in London, hosted by the Bitcoin Consultancy. The first conference was held by Mitchell Bourne in association with us. He set an amazing standard, showed us the ropes and bestowed us with considerable experience. This year he will be taking a diminished role as we take over the chariot. We hope to live up to the high standard he set last year.
We plan this conference to be the hub for bitcoiners wishing to learn, meet, do business and expand their minds. This will bring bitcoin to a global financial centre, and be a turning point bringing bitcoin to the fore of the mainstream. It is here that bitcoin will leave its perilous infancy, as the new world briefly meets the old before displacing it.
Bitcoin Consultancy will be applying their resources and previous experience to deliver the event. We are an organisation of 5 members based in the UK. For this project, we have divided up the roles according to our various talents.
Finance panel at Bitcoin2011 Prague- James McCarthy (nefario), Community Manager. Our liason and public face of the community. As a long term member of the forums, we are glad to have recently taken him on board. His role as a moderator and then his conscientious relinquishing it in moral protest, together with his involvement with several projects including GLBSE, the bitcoin stock exchange demonstrate a high ethical and trustworthy standard we demand.
- Donald Norman, Finances and Sponsors. As the director for the Bitcoin Consultancy, Donald has been in constant contact with business people and authorities regarding bitcoin. Before even enterning university, Donald was already sucessful in business.
- Amir Taaki (genjix), Organiser. Last year, Amir was responsible for designing the schedule and finding speakers. His high involvement in all areas of bitcoin have given him a deep insight to the multiple diverse aspects of bitcoin. As such, he knows exactly the format and way to design this year's program.
Prague venueAdditionally we will see:
- Martin Dittus (martind), Moderator.
Martin is a trustee for the
London Hackspace, a UK non-profit community run space in central London where people go to share tools and knowledge. Last year Martin and Amir organised the
London Bitcoin Weekend where we saw Martin's capability as a moderator and leader of events. We have requested Martin for this conference and he gracefully accepted. He has a gentle guiding manner with people and is a perfect match for this event. Currently he is doing his Master's on the role of technology in urban spaces and has a keen interest in decentralising technology.
- Mitchell Bourne (worldly), Advisor. His passion for bitcoin made last years European Bitcoin Conference, which he led. He has been involved in various businesses and entrepreneurial activities for a long time. His involvement managing logistics and organising last year's conference means he has the direct applicable experience and practice which will be lent to creating an excellent conference this year.
We want to make something for all parts of the community by having very in depth talks from experts about Bitcoin in the following areas:
- Development
- Economics
- Law
- Finance
- Social
- Ethics
We also will have talks on non-bitcoin related projects and about tangential 'new-economy' topics like peer-production and distributed patronage.
Rick Falkvinge at Bitcoin2011 PragueWe want it to be a place to share ideas where people already involved can learn at a high level. We want to include and focus on merchants who are doing novel things that play on bitcoin's strengths. Instead of a merchant who sells a good or a commodity like one would sell for dollars, a merchant who is using microtransactions, merchants whose business could not survive without irreversible electronic and fast payments as is only possible in bitcoin. What can we do with this new technology that is not just cheaper but fundamentally different, what new markets are enabled by bitcoin.
Stefan Thomas at Bitcoin2011 PragueThe most important part of making this conference a success is the community getting behind it. If you would like to show your support, this is what I ask of the community:
- Provide feedback in what you would like to see at the conference, we love ideas.
- Constructive criticism welcome
- If you have something interesting in the works and would like to do a talk on, please submit your ideas.
- If you have some interesting technology you would like to assist in any aspect of the conference please get in touch.
- Any other assistance you would like to offer that doesn’t fit into the above points please let us know.
- Register on the site as early as you can so we have more time to organise logistics(when we have it up).
If we can get community support on the above points then we can focus on marketing the conference to a wider audience. Our aim is to bring in Business People, Entrepreneurs and the Media that bitcoin needs for public adoption.
London 2012The previous conference was held in Prague as a lower cost option because we were unsure how sucessful the event would become. This year we have a good idea how the conference will proceed, and are
expecting well over 300 attendees. In London, we will be able to guarantee Bitcoin2012 receives a considerable amount of exposure outside the community in the mainstream press.
London is the financial heart of the world and the home of Bitcoin Consultancy. We formed this consultancy as a collaborative effort to take bitcoin out of the world of tech geeks and hobbyists into the real world. London is THE venue for doing that.
We have links with journalists from all major news organisations. By holding it in London, we increase the level of exposure for the event from mainstream media.
Many of the speakers we've invited & wish to invite are based in London, and by holding it here means we get higher quality speakers. Higher quality speakers means we can build a great event.
As a transport hub London has several international airports at Gatwick, Stansted, Heathrow, London City and Luton. Making it the top travel hub in the world.
VenueImperial, Russell Square, London, UK
Date - 15th and 16th of September, price - first 100 tickets Euro 40. Currently taking registration and accepting sponsors.
Max Keiser (confirmed)-
Denis Roio (confirmed)Looking forward to seeing you in London,
James McCarthy and Bitcoin Consultancy
Join us on Freenode IRC in #bitcoinconsultancy
Sponsors of Bitcoin2012