1/Can I ask how POS blocks are formed? Currently there are ~452 000 blocks. I earn a minimum of 0,000... to maximum of ~2.5... stake per block.
Is there any chance to change "Proof of Stake" to less blocks with larger reward? Because if you leave it until the end of the year will have over ~1 million blocks, and when a new investor wants to synchronize wallet will take a very long time (like when I synchronize BTC wallet/extremely painful)!
2/We need multipool/s, that will ensure price stability, outside people who want to invest small portions of the coin and traders!
3/Can be built in NAV_wallet Block Explorer and Rich List?
4/Needs to be done a RoadMap! /i'm sure that @hashforce101 will do this for even without money
Talking about soon or further is not enough! So give too much expression of speculators and FUDers! When do RoadMap however there will be a lot more support and assistance!
If you @Soopy, as the only programmer can not do the job quickly, RoadMap will be insurance with dates that will be far in the future sufficient to make the project safely! But maybe, if you have faith in another good programmer to work together?
No matter what, but investors will be able to know when the project will be realized!
When reverse the line coming:
1/@Soopy You save this coin! You Give new purpose to it!
2/Overcome the greed of people who made "double spend" attack!
3/Navajo Coin wallet with chat!*is here
4/Block Explorer & Rich List!*coming
5/Anonymous Messaging System!*coming
6/Anonymous sending!*coming
These are my thoughts. I would be grateful if the foundation pondered them.