Just want to share what had happened on 7/10/17. A hacker hacked in my computer and my email where I stored all my seeds, passphrase, and pin. He was able to pretty much cleaned up all my investments (waves, KMD, Supernet, Pangea, jl777hodl etc). I filed the police report and filed the claim at
www.ic3.gov/default.aspx I know I would never recover my loss.
I was stupid, now warning you people out there, your account and wallets information should store in USB under your bed, store nothing in the computer notepad nor email. I learned my lesson in big loss.
I hodl my Supernet since day one like my baby and ready for the summer swap...too bad. Here is my NXT account NXT-TNEN-GQAE-TP67-8HQ8L, you could see some lucky one bought my Supernet for as low as 50 NXT. Funny he left me 338 Pangea, maybe there wasn't anymore NXT for him to do anymore transactions. I am sure he is not Supernet family, because we all know we wouldn't sell in such low price.
You hacker might be reading this and laughing at me, yes you got me, it hurt very much.
Good people out there, don't feel sorry for me. I am old enough to handle bad situation, Just don't want this happen to you anyone.