Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
November 02, 2014, 07:24:05 PM |
op pls lock thread
No! It's funny when these kind of threads get to 100 pages! 
Activity: 1582
Merit: 1010
November 02, 2014, 07:28:23 PM |
op pls lock thread
No! It's funny when these kind of threads get to 100 pages!  It's also funny when these threads get locked 
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
November 02, 2014, 07:50:40 PM |
op pls lock thread
No! It's funny when these kind of threads get to 100 pages!  It's also funny when these threads get locked  Pfft, you're no fun.
Activity: 1232
Merit: 1002
November 02, 2014, 08:19:32 PM |
op pls lock thread
No! It's funny when these kind of threads get to 100 pages!  It's also funny when these threads get locked  Pfft, you're no fun. I think she is a girl with big beautiful "eyes"!
Space for rent if its still trending
fabiola! (OP)
November 02, 2014, 11:17:16 PM |
Are you sure it was just that? Half of your posts come across as trolling, so it wouldn't surprise me if you were banned from other forums.
That's the thing, see. If people don't like something that I write because of cognitive dissonance, they immediately repeat "troll! Omg please ban him, he's nearly convincing me that my views on a certain idea are false, therefore I must write "Troll" everywhere!" do you even know that "trolling" is? Hint: It's not an internet argument For the firs time ever I agree with awesome31312 on something. He does come across as trolling quite a bit but he's got a valid point this time.
fabiola! (OP)
November 02, 2014, 11:19:55 PM |
Thanks, I'd like to know everyone on here as well, eventhough you guys gave me a hard time at the beginning 
fabiola! (OP)
November 02, 2014, 11:20:38 PM |
op pls lock thread
No! It's funny when these kind of threads get to 100 pages!  100 pages! to the moon! 
fabiola! (OP)
November 02, 2014, 11:23:43 PM |
op pls lock thread
No! It's funny when these kind of threads get to 100 pages!  It's also funny when these threads get locked  Pfft, you're no fun. I think she is a girl with big beautiful "eyes"! Actually I do have really big eyes. But I have a feeling you meant "something else". lol.
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
November 02, 2014, 11:36:31 PM |
Hii! Just wondering if there are any fellow girls on here who are into Bitcoin mining, trading, etc. It seems it's mainly guys. We are roughly 50% of the population of this planet yet I can't find any girls who are into Bitcoins, anywhere.
Everytime I try to mention Bitcoins while hanging out with girlfriends they always look confused and change the subject, yet they're not "dumb girls", they've been to Uni, spend a lot of time online, have paypal acc's, online banking, etc. Why are they so reluctant to hear about Bitcoins?
fabiola! (OP)
November 02, 2014, 11:38:27 PM |
Hii! Just wondering if there are any fellow girls on here who are into Bitcoin mining, trading, etc. It seems it's mainly guys. We are roughly 50% of the population of this planet yet I can't find any girls who are into Bitcoins, anywhere.
Everytime I try to mention Bitcoins while hanging out with girlfriends they always look confused and change the subject, yet they're not "dumb girls", they've been to Uni, spend a lot of time online, have paypal acc's, online banking, etc. Why are they so reluctant to hear about Bitcoins?
WTF OMG A GIRL!!?? Um are you being sarcastic? 
Activity: 1582
Merit: 1010
November 03, 2014, 01:05:17 AM |
op pls lock thread
No! It's funny when these kind of threads get to 100 pages!  It's also funny when these threads get locked  Pfft, you're no fun. I think she is a girl with big beautiful "eyes"! Actually I do have really big eyes. But I have a feeling you meant "something else". lol. Do you really have nothing better to do with your life?
Sr. Member
Activity: 756
Merit: 250
November 03, 2014, 02:40:55 AM |
op pls lock thread
No! It's funny when these kind of threads get to 100 pages!  It's also funny when these threads get locked  Pfft, you're no fun. I think she is a girl with big beautiful "eyes"! Actually I do have really big eyes. But I have a feeling you meant "something else". lol. Pics, or you know what 
Activity: 1330
Merit: 1000
November 03, 2014, 03:48:01 AM |
Whoa! Stereotyping much? Not all girls are bitwhores, OKKK?? This might be the quote of the year! ( 2014 )  I have 4 KNC miners + a cute butterfly on the way (hopefully 2, they haven't arrived yet). Please be a bit more welcoming to girls, with this sort of harsh stereotyping going on it's no wonder I can't find any girls on here.
This is very true ^^ . Most girls control the purse strings so ya ....girls should be more involved in BTC!
Activity: 1330
Merit: 1000
November 03, 2014, 03:48:46 AM Last edit: November 03, 2014, 03:59:05 AM by bbit |
Hii! Just wondering if there are any fellow girls on here who are into Bitcoin mining, trading, etc. It seems it's mainly guys. We are roughly 50% of the population of this planet yet I can't find any girls who are into Bitcoins, anywhere.
Everytime I try to mention Bitcoins while hanging out with girlfriends they always look confused and change the subject, yet they're not "dumb girls", they've been to Uni, spend a lot of time online, have paypal acc's, online banking, etc. Why are they so reluctant to hear about Bitcoins?
WTF OMG A GIRL!!?? Um are you being sarcastic?  He isn't being sarcastic some of these "guys" have never seen a girl. btw: there are plenty of girls into BTC they are just on twitter it seems:https://twitter.com/anjiecasthttps://twitter.com/bitcoinmomhttps://twitter.com/S_Murphy_PhDhttps://twitter.com/cherapplehttps://twitter.com/BitcoinGirlsome bitwhores  lol... https://twitter.com/SexyMissSaffronhttps://twitter.com/Naked_Bits..... plenty more....I'll edit it has I run into them 
Activity: 1008
Merit: 1001
Let the chips fall where they may.
November 03, 2014, 04:55:16 AM Last edit: November 03, 2014, 05:39:52 AM by phillipsjk |
Well, looks like the discussion got derailed in the last two pages. The treatment of women is relevant to the topic because I was advancing the theory that the majority of women on this forum are "stealth." That is: not announcing their gender at all. Women do get treated differently than men: Why Aren't Women Advancing At Work? Ask a Transgender Person.Ben Barres is a biologist at Stanford who lived and worked as Barbara Barres until he was in his forties. For most of his career, he experienced bias, but didn’t give much weight to it—seeing incidents as discrete events. (When he solved a tough math problem, for example, a professor said, “You must have had your boyfriend solve it.”) When he became Ben, however, he immediately noticed a difference in his everyday experience: “People who don't know I am transgendered treat me with much more respect,” he says. He was more carefully listened to and his authority less frequently questioned. He stopped being interrupted in meetings. I am concerned that over 20 people saying "HI" can add up to something like this. It is attention you don't always want. Loved the video, but what is that girl complaining about??? Wtf?? I wish guys here in the UK were more like that (maybe not walking next to me for five minutes like that guy did, that would freak me out). But seriously, getting ignored by EVERY guy is horrible too, it kills my self-esteem every time. The prettier you are the more they ignore you over here, it's like an unwritten rule in Britain. No wonder some girls in America have huge self-esteem even if they're not pretty. Come on British guys you can do better. And to all American guys out there, please don't change! Compliments are good, it's a shame some bitter girls cant appreciate that. Generally, just saying "Hi" can not be considered harassment. Were some of the men in the video crossed the line is by demanding attention. For example, at about 19 - 27 seconds: Man in red shirt: "Hey, what's up girl! How you doing? Somebody's acknowledging you for being beautiful. You should say thank-you more!"
Communication in person starts with non-verbal cues. The woman in the video was dressed down, looking straight ahead (slightly downward), and walking with a purpose. Everything about that says "leave me alone." While anti-social persons like myself may miss such cues, one or no word responses also hint that no conversation is wanted. I personally found the SIRC Guide to Flirting instructive. I doubt extroverts need the advice though.
James' OpenPGP public key fingerprint: EB14 9E5B F80C 1F2D 3EBE 0A2F B3DE 81FF 7B9D 5160
November 03, 2014, 04:58:47 AM |
Girls gone bitcoin says your not lol.

Activity: 61
Merit: 10
November 03, 2014, 05:58:09 AM |
Men are providers ever since the cavemen , the concept is still the same, just different things are possessions now, not deer meat and stone tools, but crypto coins  Men have to have possessions to provide for the family , that's the way it goes, our brains are wired differently. Okay now the feminists in here can start the attacks ! 
Activity: 1008
Merit: 1001
Let the chips fall where they may.
November 03, 2014, 06:04:44 AM |
Men are providers ever since the cavemen , the concept is still the same, just different things are possessions now, not deer meat and stone tools, but crypto coins  Men have to have possessions to provide for the family , that's the way it goes, our brains are wired differently. Okay now the feminists in here can start the attacks !  In a hunter-gathering society, the women actually gather more nutrients. Men tend to go after less reliable "big game", which while tasty, does not provide all the nutrients we need.
James' OpenPGP public key fingerprint: EB14 9E5B F80C 1F2D 3EBE 0A2F B3DE 81FF 7B9D 5160
November 03, 2014, 11:46:02 AM |
Are you sure it was just that? Half of your posts come across as trolling, so it wouldn't surprise me if you were banned from other forums.
That's the thing, see. If people don't like something that I write because of cognitive dissonance, they immediately repeat "troll! Omg please ban him, he's nearly convincing me that my views on a certain idea are false, therefore I must write "Troll" everywhere!" do you even know that "trolling" is? Hint: It's not an internet argument For the firs time ever I agree with awesome31312 on something. He does come across as trolling quite a bit but he's got a valid point this time. But this is a classic troll argument. If you can't make your argument without coming across as a troll then you're not very good at stating your case, or at least need to look at how you make arguments. There's a big difference between someone trolling and someone making a valid point and it's easy to differentiate between the two.
November 03, 2014, 03:09:42 PM |
Disagreeing with majority of the views does not equate to trolling.
I won't discuss this further because this is not the place to be doing it.
Account recovered 08-12-2019