December 14, 2014, 04:24:25 PM |
-100 VPN deserves better then another copy and paste layout. Got it from CLAM ? Also colour scheme sucks, too much contrast. More important, right now there is NO need for a new gui. Plenty of bugs to fix and features to add.
Activity: 4102
Merit: 5737
Doomed to see the future and unable to prevent it
December 14, 2014, 06:28:50 PM |
Mined 0.00334572
but nothing from IRC channel. Been in there for 4 hours so far.
“Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.”
Activity: 994
Merit: 1000
December 14, 2014, 06:47:06 PM |
Mined 0.00334572
but nothing from IRC channel. Been in there for 4 hours so far.
Same here
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1134
December 14, 2014, 08:16:56 PM |
-100 VPN deserves better then another copy and paste layout. Got it from CLAM ? Also colour scheme sucks, too much contrast. More important, right now there is NO need for a new gui. Plenty of bugs to fix and features to add. There is a need for ANY wallet for mac and unix isnt there? This is not windows! Generally speaking, anything is better than nothing. In order to integrate with SuperNET unix versions are needed James
December 14, 2014, 11:08:37 PM |
-100 VPN deserves better then another copy and paste layout. Got it from CLAM ? Also colour scheme sucks, too much contrast. More important, right now there is NO need for a new gui. Plenty of bugs to fix and features to add. There is a need for ANY wallet for mac and unix isnt there? This is not windows! Generally speaking, anything is better than nothing. In order to integrate with SuperNET unix versions are needed James Sorry, you are right ! Thought it was a Windows ui.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1134
December 14, 2014, 11:19:15 PM |
-100 VPN deserves better then another copy and paste layout. Got it from CLAM ? Also colour scheme sucks, too much contrast. More important, right now there is NO need for a new gui. Plenty of bugs to fix and features to add. There is a need for ANY wallet for mac and unix isnt there? This is not windows! Generally speaking, anything is better than nothing. In order to integrate with SuperNET unix versions are needed James Sorry, you are right ! Thought it was a Windows ui. It doesnt have the VPN features (yet), but this allows for creation of DB MGW, which in turn allows for trading on the NXT AE and also via InstantDEX, plus more and more possibilities as time goes on. Without detracting from the main VPN dev effort as all this is via new contributors from the SuperNET community James
Activity: 1246
Merit: 1000
!!! RiSe aBovE ThE StoRm !!!
December 15, 2014, 08:09:53 AM |
Mined 0.00334572
but nothing from IRC channel. Been in there for 4 hours so far.
Same here I also have been in for the last 8 hours but ain't getting any rewards... Can anybody help? I've done all the settings right from updating IrcCh.ini to changing auto-login and other settings in Bitnet.ini to 1...
Activity: 4102
Merit: 5737
Doomed to see the future and unable to prevent it
December 15, 2014, 05:47:25 PM |
I enabled vpn and changes to my registry caused dhcp to fail on reboot. Took me 3 hours to reset permissions. I believe keys (and dependencies) were added. I.E. Specifically win http web proxy. I still get an error 5 from base filtering agent, but I can live with that for now. But dhcp service loosing privileges was a serious Pain in the ass and if I didn't know what i was doing i would have been reinstalling my os.
“Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.”
December 16, 2014, 12:24:55 PM |
the price is going down! 
December 16, 2014, 01:16:25 PM |
Hi dev i've updated my sig and keep up the good work 
December 16, 2014, 03:18:11 PM |
welcome,jl777, and vpn is good, a good combination.

Activity: 80
Merit: 10
December 16, 2014, 03:44:00 PM |
After correction of the total coins supply, VPN will be under 100 position in Or people will realise that this high end coin with useful potential is good choice to buy and hodl?
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1000
December 16, 2014, 04:48:38 PM |
amazing,..I never thought that supernet would be here
Activity: 1595
Merit: 1060
December 16, 2014, 07:02:51 PM |
amazing,..I never thought that supernet would be here

December 16, 2014, 09:08:15 PM |
Hi guys I'm on the IRC channel, how can i get IRC reward?
Below is your answer: Our temporary IRC server start, please edit IrcCh.ini file, add: [2] p=6667
IRC reward continue... Cheers...  I tried everything but no reward from last 48 hours........... Whats wrong? My wallet start getting Reward Coins...... Thank you very much. Not working for me now. The IRCCH.ini consist the following lines now: [1] #BitNet+=1 #VpnTalk=1 [2] p=6667 Is this correct?  "irc error 10060" error means that irc can not connect. Had it once myself, was related to blocked port for outgoing traffic.
December 17, 2014, 03:35:05 AM |
-100 VPN deserves better then another copy and paste layout. Got it from CLAM ? Also colour scheme sucks, too much contrast. More important, right now there is NO need for a new gui. Plenty of bugs to fix and features to add. There is a need for ANY wallet for mac and unix isnt there? This is not windows! Generally speaking, anything is better than nothing. In order to integrate with SuperNET unix versions are needed James Sorry, you are right ! Thought it was a Windows ui. It doesnt have the VPN features (yet), but this allows for creation of DB MGW, which in turn allows for trading on the NXT AE and also via InstantDEX, plus more and more possibilities as time goes on. Without detracting from the main VPN dev effort as all this is via new contributors from the SuperNET community James Hi,James,can you help me about the wallet.dat problem?my wallet was backed up at 2014.10.30,but now when I am trying to replace the wallet.dat with the backed up wallet.dat ,the balance shows zero,in fact ,there are some coins in this can check it on the block explore. VfKYeCrfDkam3Sdpey4K1zACZVGQf3egER how can I deal with it? if you need the wallet.dat file,I will send it to you!
Activity: 2254
Merit: 1020
December 17, 2014, 04:45:52 AM |
After correction of the total coins supply, VPN will be under 100 position in Or people will realise that this high end coin with useful potential is good choice to buy and hodl?
What date is the coin supply being adjusted?
December 17, 2014, 05:07:40 AM |
Any news from Poloniex and Bter about listing VPN ?
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1134
December 17, 2014, 09:09:31 AM |
-100 VPN deserves better then another copy and paste layout. Got it from CLAM ? Also colour scheme sucks, too much contrast. More important, right now there is NO need for a new gui. Plenty of bugs to fix and features to add. There is a need for ANY wallet for mac and unix isnt there? This is not windows! Generally speaking, anything is better than nothing. In order to integrate with SuperNET unix versions are needed James Sorry, you are right ! Thought it was a Windows ui. It doesnt have the VPN features (yet), but this allows for creation of DB MGW, which in turn allows for trading on the NXT AE and also via InstantDEX, plus more and more possibilities as time goes on. Without detracting from the main VPN dev effort as all this is via new contributors from the SuperNET community James Hi,James,can you help me about the wallet.dat problem?my wallet was backed up at 2014.10.30,but now when I am trying to replace the wallet.dat with the backed up wallet.dat ,the balance shows zero,in fact ,there are some coins in this can check it on the block explore. VfKYeCrfDkam3Sdpey4K1zACZVGQf3egER how can I deal with it? if you need the wallet.dat file,I will send it to you! if you restored from backup, you need to have the blockchain catch up. if the coins are in the blockchain they are there. at worst you would need to download the blockchain from scratch
December 17, 2014, 01:29:56 PM |
-100 VPN deserves better then another copy and paste layout. Got it from CLAM ? Also colour scheme sucks, too much contrast. More important, right now there is NO need for a new gui. Plenty of bugs to fix and features to add. There is a need for ANY wallet for mac and unix isnt there? This is not windows! Generally speaking, anything is better than nothing. In order to integrate with SuperNET unix versions are needed James Sorry, you are right ! Thought it was a Windows ui. It doesnt have the VPN features (yet), but this allows for creation of DB MGW, which in turn allows for trading on the NXT AE and also via InstantDEX, plus more and more possibilities as time goes on. Without detracting from the main VPN dev effort as all this is via new contributors from the SuperNET community James Hi,James,can you help me about the wallet.dat problem?my wallet was backed up at 2014.10.30,but now when I am trying to replace the wallet.dat with the backed up wallet.dat ,the balance shows zero,in fact ,there are some coins in this can check it on the block explore. VfKYeCrfDkam3Sdpey4K1zACZVGQf3egER how can I deal with it? if you need the wallet.dat file,I will send it to you! if you restored from backup, you need to have the blockchain catch up. if the coins are in the blockchain they are there. at worst you would need to download the blockchain from scratch I have download the whole blockchain,but it seems not work yet. the balance is zero and have no transactions at all.