February 07, 2015, 02:30:08 PM |
Is Here   Thanks! I am using this amount to up the bounty: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=946629which is currently standing at 150K VPNcoins  Brothers and sisters, believers of this coin, Join me: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=946629Add to the bounty and let's all together help make this what we all know it is: A great piece of software backed with a great coin (that you all have in your wallets  ) Want it's value to rise? Put your coins where your mouth wishes is are.
February 07, 2015, 02:38:50 PM |
One question:
With the new version I sometimes get: 6 minutes had not received message, reconnect...
Then it does not reconnect and I have to manually reconnect to IRC.
How can I fix that?
vpncoin (OP)
February 07, 2015, 02:40:07 PM |
Where is my cheque?  Do something for BitNet, Your Cheque is waiting for you 
vpncoin (OP)
February 07, 2015, 02:41:12 PM |
One question:
With the new version I sometimes get: 6 minutes had not received message, reconnect...
Then it does not reconnect and I have to manually reconnect to IRC.
How can I fix that?
Click "Join IRC" button 
February 07, 2015, 02:50:16 PM |
One question:
With the new version I sometimes get: 6 minutes had not received message, reconnect...
Then it does not reconnect and I have to manually reconnect to IRC.
How can I fix that?
Click "Join IRC" button  LOL! I know that... I mean how can I get it to reconnect automatically? With version 1123 I have never had any problems with connect/reconnect. These last version are packed with powerful features yet leave me out from rewards since they do not connect/reconnect automatically. Is there something I can do about it? Thanks 
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1000
February 07, 2015, 02:59:55 PM |
still not working in windows7
February 07, 2015, 03:04:42 PM |
still not working in windows7
Have you tried version 1126-6? It is working fine in XP so I am guessing it should be fine in 7.
February 07, 2015, 03:07:03 PM |
still not working in windows7
So what will be the solution.
February 07, 2015, 03:40:17 PM |
still not working in windows7
Yes, Same here........... Any solution please.
February 07, 2015, 03:45:06 PM |
When I try to import I got following in my Transaction History:
- 1000
+ 1000
So the deposit from the check is gone......... What is the use of this feature?
Any one got coins by using these checks?
Or this feature is fake?
February 07, 2015, 03:48:59 PM |
When I try to import I got following in my Transaction History:
- 1000
+ 1000
So the deposit from the check is gone......... What is the use of this feature?
Any one got coins by using these checks?
Or this feature is fake?
Someone got to it before you did.... I had the same... I believe stepmike claimed that reward 
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1002
February 07, 2015, 04:02:47 PM |
Hey, wheres my cheque?  EDIT: New version 1126-6 works fine in windows server 2003 Thank you !!!
February 07, 2015, 04:06:48 PM |
When I try to import I got following in my Transaction History:
- 1000
+ 1000
So the deposit from the check is gone......... What is the use of this feature?
Any one got coins by using these checks?
Or this feature is fake?
Someone got to it before you did.... I had the same... I believe stepmike claimed that reward  yes, it was me.
February 07, 2015, 04:07:58 PM |
When I try to import I got following in my Transaction History:
- 1000
+ 1000
So the deposit from the check is gone......... What is the use of this feature?
Any one got coins by using these checks?
Or this feature is fake?
Someone got to it before you did.... I had the same... I believe stepmike claimed that reward  So there is no luck for me. Any how, I am waiting for my check (to test).
February 07, 2015, 04:10:44 PM |
When I try to import I got following in my Transaction History:
- 1000
+ 1000
So the deposit from the check is gone......... What is the use of this feature?
Any one got coins by using these checks?
Or this feature is fake?
Someone got to it before you did.... I had the same... I believe stepmike claimed that reward  yes, it was me. Well done! Please HODL... for your own sake  EDIT: Expect this baby to go HIGH, do NOT sell.....
February 07, 2015, 05:19:14 PM |
Hello all! New to this community but very impressed with the development with this coin. Have you had a chance to take a look at Sapience XAI? I think these two coins would benefit a lot from a joint venture. Sapience would do the routing and VPNCoin would provide the DNS services. Sapience is an Artificial Intelligence Platform that when fully developed will be able to have a very wide variety of uses. We are just now finishing up on our decentralized database PlumeDB and the Sapience Core Data Platform. As of right now SCDP with PlumeDB is able to store JSON datasets with sizes upwards of 1 GB. Very active development, our coins value is on the rise and people are just now starting to find out about it. I believe a joint venture would be very beneficial to both coins in terms of adoption and use cases. Here is the Original ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=864895.0Our forums are located at forums.dfx.io. I am usually on the IRC #sapience Or feel free to PM me for more information if this sounds like something your development team and community would be interested in pursuing. I am a holder in VPN and generally don't invest unless the coin is under active development which VPN looks to me like it is.  Regards, loco Hi, If I understand it correctly your XAI network could be compared to "virtual trader" or bot,maybe a lot of them, is is correct? do you have any implemented of it? I guess that you will need your own exchange or trading platform and obviously IA will work on benefits of XAI users. I copied it from your thread : There are no guarantees of market liquidity or market prices,so with so low supply is a lot of risk invest on your coin....... for this reason I would like to know a few more details, if you make a comparison with Bitnet it is 100% functional...................... EDIT: Maybe good better discuss about coins want join to Bitnet on another thread........ Hello, Our ANN needs to be updated. XAI while will be able to be used as a smart trading application it will be able to do far more than just that. We are currently testing our core data platform and decentralized database before releasing the next update. Some possible use cases for xai are: Large Data Storage AWS like services Data cycle rentals Torrent services web hosting (which you already have covered) Blockchain Operating System (BOS) The best way to think of XAI is a smart Etherum that distributes data over the blockchain and is able to learn. Quotient XQN is set to be our trading platform and is planned to be the first application for Sapience to run. XQN currently has aggravated data analysis to assist with trading. XAI and XQN are still very young so we do have a little trek to go because we are coding nearly every function and algorithm from scratch. I apologize about the confusion and will speak with our main dev so I can gain access to the thread to update it with the necessary information. I greatly appreciate your interest. Regards, Loco
Activity: 938
Merit: 1000
February 07, 2015, 05:36:40 PM |
Until where I can see, first coin of Bit-Net was Vpncoin,second was Applecoin, I think that price VPN coin is very cheap just now,if VPNcoin hit new exchanges prices will raise a lot, I was thinking if Chinesse people choose use Applecoin instead of VpnCoin,I guess that Applecoin can be traded on BTER just now and VPN doesnt.I think that join coins to BitNet is a good idea but VPNcoin must to reserve some unique functions.......Besides I think that Dev could be working on a multiwallet VPNCoin-AppleCoin or wait to another coins join and release this multiwallet,the question is how many coins will be on it? EDIT: speaking on numbers it does 400M VPNCoins+20M Applecoins ,the less total supply coins more value, i guess..........And users always can use VPNtoshis too  ........... Maybe to accept a coin join to BitNet with supply of Billions is not a good idea,Dev please Keep this on mind. Hello, Nice to meet you. Yes, VPNcoin reserve a unique function, Only VpnCoin's wallet can "Providing VPN service"(as vpn service node), because VpnCoin support tx message. Dev Vpn, Nice to meet you too! Good News! By the way, Congratulations!, BitNet and VPNcoin look awesome......
Activity: 4102
Merit: 5737
Doomed to see the future and unable to prevent it
February 07, 2015, 11:19:35 PM |
BitNet version 1126-6 released, Fix import BitNet Cheque crash bug, And will auto send Cheque's coins to your default ( the first ) wallet address. I want to introduce some important information about Cheque:1, Anyone can import the did not specify "Coin Address" Cheque, and who fast who get it. 2, Version 1126-6 will auto send Cheque's coin to your first wallet address, if not do that, you need do it by you self. You import the Cheque does not mean that the Cheque's coins belongs to you, until you sent these coins to your own wallet address.https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7Kd-l4hTU3GYjNORmNlcXJmalk/view?usp=sharingHow do I send them to my address? I have one loaded but see no way to activate it. Are the black ones multi use and the red ones's one time only? Or is it first one gets it on all of them?
“Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.”
Activity: 4102
Merit: 5737
Doomed to see the future and unable to prevent it
February 07, 2015, 11:28:43 PM |
Importing the first image locked up client.
“Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.”