Believe me, there has not been anything like this in the Bitcoin world yet.
I'm relatively active between 1:00AM to 3:00PM of forum time each day. Contacting me within this time interval could get quicker responses.AnnouncementIn case of the possibility we could not receive the shareholders data, we begin collecting the claims ourselves.
Please send to ( your number of shares and your Bitcoin address for receiving dividends. Please annotate that they are MOORE shares to avoid confusion with ASICMINER or MU shares. You could accompany them with any evidence you think is OK to provide. It is highly recommended that you use an address that you have its private key. By that, you may enjoy more facilities provided by our future automatic migrating platform.
The Liquid Helium PlanIf a catastrophe comes, we can save ourselves by soaking our body with liquid helium, and wake up in a brighter future.
To cope with the panic of mining bonds, I've decided to freeze the entire earth. Now it's already 17 weeks later. You don't feel anything, but it's indeed 17 weeks later. I can feel the soft and cool breeze of the late autumn, can't you?

Anyway our contract has to be accurately executed. So I have no choice but to re-calculate our hashrate from 1.03608 to 1.19388.
The similar plan will be launched in the future if similar disaster happens.
First launch: 17 weeks, 1.03608MH/s to 1.19388MH/s.
IPO and Bulk PurchaseYou could buy shares of MOORE from GLBSE's open market:, or you could do a bulk purchase directly from me.
Shares Left for Bulk Purchase: 0/9000
The price of IPO is set at
0.50 BTC/s.
The price of bulk purchase is set at
0.45 BTC/s(
10.00% discount), but each trade has to involve larger than
225 BTC). Please PM me for trades, and find witnesses/make records on replies if necessary.
Thanks to everyone who's interested.
Rolling display of the hashrate in next 5 weeks, updated each weekPayment date Hashrate(MH/s)
November 20 1.43805
November 27 1.45085
December 4 1.46376
December 11 1.47679
December 18 1.48993
Brief IntroductionMoore is a perpetual mining bond. Each bond represents 1MH/s of hashrate from the start. What makes our bond different, is that the hashrate grows by 0.89% each week, which means that your hashrate will be doubled every 18 months. If you take the current other perpetual mining bonds as financial derivatives of the pro-payment model of normal mining stocks, then our bond is closest to the pro-reinvestment model of normal mining stocks.
Advantages1. Compared to other mining bonds, the future price of Moore is less likely to drop.
2. We are essentially doing reinvestment job for you, saving you from the hassle of low liquidity, choice of new hardware, identifying good mining securities, etc.
Disadvantages1. The initial price will be determined at a somehow high level.
2. Normal perpetual mining bonds will likely to become fungible, so you can easily figure out if a bond is mispriced by comparing it to others. But for Moore, it is not that easy to do a reasonable accurate valuation.
Risk Control1. Initially, Moore will be backed by the bond issuer's current hardware and other mining equities.
2. More real hardware will gradually dominate the portfolio which backs Moore.
3. The bond issuer has the right to degenerate Moore into a normal mining bond by multiplying its hashrate at that time and 1.6. For example, after three years, each bond represents 4MH/s, if the issuer decides to degenerate it, it turns to a normal mining bond, which loses the power to grow 0.89% per week, but instantly becomes 6.4MH/s and doesn't change anymore.
4. The bond issuer has the right to buy Moore back at 105% of the weighted average market price of the last 5 days.
5. The bond issuer has the right to determine the price when he releases new bonds to the market.
Coupon CalculationDefinitionsFinancial Week: Starting from 16:00:00(GMT Time) each Tuesday, ending at 16:00:00(GMT Time) the succeeding Tuesday.
Coupon Unit: The quantity of Bitcoins paid each share each financial week.
Payment TimeWe assume T(0) is the IPO starting time, T(i) is the time of i-th coupon payment, and it should satisfy:
16:00:00(GMT Time) Tuesday of the i-th financial week <= T(i) < 16:00:00(GMT Time) Wednesday of the i-th financial week
The substraction on T(i) is defined in seconds, which means that (T(i)-T(i-1)) represents "how many seconds elapse between T(i) and T(i-1)".
Amount of PaymentsThe coupon unit of the i-th financial week is:
10^6 * (1.0089)^(i-1) * f(i) / 2^32
in which f(i) is calculated as follows:
f(i) = (t(1)-t(0))*B(0)/D(0) + ... + (t(n)-t(n-1))*B(n-1)/D(n-1)
the number of the changes of difficulty and block reward between T(i-1) and T(i) is (n-1).
t(0) equals to T(i-1).
t(j) (when 0<j<n and n>1) means the time of the j-th change of either the difficulty or the block reward during T(i-1) and T(i).
t(n) equals to T(i).
B(j) means the last block reward before t(j+1).
D(j) means the last difficulty number before t(j+1).
The substraction on t(j) is also defined in seconds.
Estimated Returns vs Normal Mining BondsNormal Mining Bonds are assumed to have a price of 0.3BTC/share, plotted in blue.
Moore Bonds are assumed to have a price of 0.48BTC/share, plotted in red.
X-axis is the number of weeks, Y-axis is the expected total return rate from coupons.
The difficulty is set at 1,733,208.
The date when block reward reduces to 25 is set at 30 weeks later.
The first picture assumes that the difficulty does not change:

The second picture assumes that when the block rewards turns to 25, the difficulty also turns to a half, as some miners will close their operations:

The third picture assumes that the difficulty also always smoothly increases by 0.89% according to the Moore's Law:

The forth picture assumes the same as the third one, except that when the block rewards turns to 25, the difficulty also turns to a half, as some miners will close their operations:
