Dev fund haas enough money to list on Yobit from donations
and then money dissappeared?
what is going on? we need to humpty dump on exchange
Sorry, I had other priorities like my family and my health. That's why I didn't released news regarding Yobit and the Dev Team wallet.
First, I migrated the BTC wallets to Coinbase on February 28th. Here is the transaction: Dev Team wallet balance is 0.1016889 BTC and the new BTC address is:
13q27wHKPJ7uFx7pdbgfy5M3Xeg5orxpCYI have probably made a mistake when I was configuring the C2 accounts and it looks like I have requested a new wallet address for the Dev Team account ...
Coins from the donation that were stored on my local Multibit wallet were sent to the
1QFnucvyi2UbE81Qm1dpggdiumMVHGsHor address, but it isn't the current one which is
13q27wHKPJ7uFx7pdbgfy5M3Xeg5orxpCY. That's why there is no way to check the wallet balance with a block explorer. If you need any proof regarding these coins, I can move them again.
Then, there was no emergency to be listed on Yobit and I have discovered an other exchange which has higher volume and which is multilingual:
https://www.livecoin.netThe cost to be there is higher, but they offer a free swap service for listed coins:, getting Coin2 listed on a second exchange require to move a few coins there (BTC and C2) to start the market. I had no time and a few coins balance to make this. We are a little community then I think that Dev Team participation is important and mine as well to make this.
I have about 620k C2 in my local wallet, I sold 25k C2 today from my Polo account because of my strategy (keeping open sale and buy orders, waiting for a pump or for a dump, etc.) and I have to keep a few BTC for a big project which may generate important incomes for the involved people and for Coin2.
But now the things may be different because I ended a partial round with the Buy Back Program (BBP) and
I have about 7.5 BTC available. Initially Bitcoins from the BBP shouldn't be used for an other purpose than buying back more C2 at a lower price and so on, but this is my own rule because I launched the BBP and I'm responsible for it.
As it is a pretty amount, the question now is using or not using a part of these Coins to make a big step forward, but which one? Coin2 listing on Livecoin? A specific development? What seems important to you ? Please put aside the Swap and Reverse Split project because we are not ready for it and we could only launch it after a buy back round.