If HYP is considered "A SCAM"...........I am curious what trolls and FUDsters (like Spoetnik) have to say about BALLS
The difference is the balls guy has been honest about it all unlike thee lying weazle scammers..
I posted on Poloniex chat last night "I told you so" and pointed out how this shit coin went from 10k to 1k
and David Latapie said "it's going great" and i was full of shit because some guy just dumped some coins and that is all it was..
Lying sack of shit ! hahahha
These guys are colossally deceitful right from day fucking one and THAT is the big problem going on here.
When i said that, another guy was saying.. well what was it you said
before Spoetnik ?
so i told him LOL
So surprise surprise about 7 guys showed up at once and just fucking Trolled the life out of me.. then we seen a few be nice copy and paste warnings
mean while i am being attacked relentlessly non stop by 6 guys at once with a shitload of insults etc while they scream Troll and FUD and BAN !
Then after i have had been attacked to fuck and back wow surprise surprise i get a warning from ChickenLiver for me to quit it LLOOLOLLOLOLOL
I didn't do sweet fuck all and yet again.. here we go again
Shit hole exchanges and dipshit moderators warning me after i get fucking Trolled endlessly and i do next to nothing to even reply to them..
This is Cryptsy Chat 101.. been there and done that all across the scene for 1.5 years non stop day in and day out.
You guys really sicken me.. you are horrendous sickening awful people and i hope you feel shamed for your pathetic behavior.
You deceitful snotty brats need to learn to get along and act like an adult.. and be honest for fuck sakes !
I should post the chat logs clown show of lies and games it was fucking hilarious as hell.
These little HYP'ster assholes REALLY do deserve to drown like rats !
then i was talking after when all of them seemed to have left at once and i even helped a guy with his HYP wallet.
and he was asking me do you think it's Trolling bots ?
I said no i think it's one of them devs etc lurking at polo and then when i criticized the coin they called in the Troll army to attack me from IRC.
and guess what happened a few minutes later ?
One of them shows up and tells the guy to go to Freenode on the HYP coin channel LOLOLOLL
what i really wonder is why does Poloniex tolerate this shit ? i have wonder if they had something to do with making it or received a kick back or something
because i don't get why they allow these little lying scammers to hijack their chat box permanently and troll on guys about it while mod's protect them and back them up.
it doesn't make sense.. and makes the exchange look scammy !