Activity: 1736
Merit: 1023
June 30, 2017, 02:03:44 PM |
With the increased price of bitcoin and the fees on the network, it doesn't seem as many people are interested in vanity addresses. There are still some in the pool but the reward to challenge ratio doesn't make them that appealing.
So that's why the reward is only just above 1.5 BTC for the prefix "qwertyuio"? Would have expected at least 0.5 BTC for prefixes of length >= 6 with difficulties well over 10,000,000,000. Yeah, most of the requests that are currently in the pool have been there for quite some time and are very difficult. The rewards start to seem a little bit better now with the increased BTC price then what they were when first requested, but even then most of them are too difficult to be worth pursuing with the current rewards.
Jr. Member
Activity: 48
Merit: 1
Some personal text
June 30, 2017, 02:41:28 PM |
Yeah, most of the requests that are currently in the pool have been there for quite some time and are very difficult. The rewards start to seem a little bit better now with the increased BTC price then what they were when first requested, but even then most of them are too difficult to be worth pursuing with the current rewards.
Yeah. I've also noticed some characters are much, much harder by orders of magnitude to find than others; for instance prefix 1Satoshi ..., of course the 1's are much harder, and others with what looks like a comparable prefix i.e. 1 CAP (6x LC) are either harder or easier. Not sure if I understand why. Would anyone like to put small bounties on addresses such as: 1Bitcoin 1LoLcat 1LoLcats 1Miner 1BtcMinr 1[up to 7 valid chars] ?
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
July 04, 2017, 06:59:21 AM |
t looks like someone is hammering my vanitypool-value API every 30 seconds with a Ruby script. The API is cached for 5 minutes, so you aren't actually gaining anything from pinging it so often. Would you please reduce the frequency to closer to 5 minutes?
The IP address of the requests starts is 82.
July 08, 2017, 06:52:38 AM Last edit: July 08, 2017, 07:11:54 AM by n4ru |
Is there a functioning split-key vanity pool. There were two before but I can't seem to find the other legitimate one.
Activity: 6
Merit: 1
August 14, 2017, 05:17:30 PM |
Is there a functioning split-key vanity pool. There were two before but I can't seem to find the other legitimate one.
For the record, the pool in the first message of the topic is still alive and paying out rewards. I've successfully found a solution recently and got the reward, so feel free to post vanity requests. 
August 22, 2017, 12:35:36 PM |
I have some questions I 'm getting this: ./oclvanityminer: /usr/local/cuda-8.0/targets/x86_64-linux/lib/libOpenCL.so.1: no version information available (required by ./oclvanityminer) Searching for pattern: "1BETBTCcom" Reward: 0.200000 Value: 0.000000 BTC/Gkey Difficulty: 2938077882634386 Total value for current work: 0.000000 BTC/Gkey [22.68 Mkey/s][total 48909778944][Prob 0.0%][50% in 2.8y]
- Is "no version information available" is just a warning or a serious error? - Does the miner search only for the displayed pattern (ie 1BETBTCcom) or a pattern set? - Can we use several miners (different computers) with the same credit address?
Activity: 6
Merit: 1
August 22, 2017, 10:29:31 PM |
I have some questions I 'm getting this: ./oclvanityminer: /usr/local/cuda-8.0/targets/x86_64-linux/lib/libOpenCL.so.1: no version information available (required by ./oclvanityminer) Searching for pattern: "1BETBTCcom" Reward: 0.200000 Value: 0.000000 BTC/Gkey Difficulty: 2938077882634386 Total value for current work: 0.000000 BTC/Gkey [22.68 Mkey/s][total 48909778944][Prob 0.0%][50% in 2.8y]
- Is "no version information available" is just a warning or a serious error? - Does the miner search only for the displayed pattern (ie 1BETBTCcom) or a pattern set? - Can we use several miners (different computers) with the same credit address? No version info available is just a warning; as you can see, it does searches for the hash regardless. The miner only searches for the one pattern displayed (it choses the one it thinks being most profitable based on reward divided by difficulty). You can use as many computers with the same credit address as you want; if one of them finds a solution it will submit it with that address. The computations are done "offline" with no shares sent to the upstream server, so it doesn't really knows how many miners are there until one of them finds a solution. (Well, technically they still request a list of available bounties from the server every once in a while, but it gives no indication to the pool of the speed and capacity of each client).
August 23, 2017, 03:05:06 PM |
No version info available is just a warning; as you can see, it does searches for the hash regardless.
The miner only searches for the one pattern displayed (it choses the one it thinks being most profitable based on reward divided by difficulty).
You can use as many computers with the same credit address as you want; if one of them finds a solution it will submit it with that address. The computations are done "offline" with no shares sent to the upstream server, so it doesn't really knows how many miners are there until one of them finds a solution. (Well, technically they still request a list of available bounties from the server every once in a while, but it gives no indication to the pool of the speed and capacity of each client).
Thanks for these informations.
September 12, 2017, 03:14:31 PM |
How to choose what pattern to generate? I don't have a very good GPU and with the autochosen pattern it says 50% in 25 years, i guess what i want to say is how to choose the one with the lowest difficult?
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
November 01, 2017, 02:28:50 PM |
Hey I have a problem with the address vanitypool.appspot.com but when I try to report "Internal error, please try again later" 
Activity: 1970
Merit: 2150
November 01, 2017, 03:03:01 PM |
A couple of question about https://vanitypool.appspot.com/1) How can I know if I have to use compressed or uncompressed keys for the search? For example, in this case: https://vanitypool.appspot.com/availableWork --> " 11111111" public key: 04 C13D9CF2B0E382A4AF29C5E2B97F85C6DD9445F7DCE82CD7207E6FC4716511981B0012C10B39EF1 52257A8407A2965F92F075379D311D5786D9421795B82D01C can I use only compressed keys? I found this public key: a15f585a9d39a8a091962d11af1e96320fc3543b5201a8c9b12eedf695bad359 3b6621eddf4207bd186c8293c6b497555594b32d2eb9c09ae8f81791a0dfde48 if I add it with the public key C13D9CF2B0E382A4AF29C5E2B97F85C6DD9445F7DCE82CD7207E6FC471651198 1B0012C10B39EF152257A8407A2965F92F075379D311D5786D9421795B82D01C I get this public key 83f0e53639fbcead931a0d19eb3f3f6684dc75fac68a8c5dbc21cdb8b4ecfb19 d933c437e192b2b6dd27a6b9d09e6470ca220ed27d4bcb05251b1d0e47adad90 in compressed format 0283f0e53639fbcead931a0d19eb3f3f6684dc75fac68a8c5dbc21cdb8b4ecfb19 that gives this address (only 7 '1'): 11111113ix5Nw6kgetPaMBCWBdp5TTfX My question is: if I found a match with the pattern " 11111111", would it be valid? Or do I have to use only uncompressed keys? I don't want to waste time with a fruitless quest.
Activity: 18
Merit: 0
November 01, 2017, 03:24:58 PM |
Hi! Wow, it's really cool, I suppose it'll help somebody. Thank you!
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
November 01, 2017, 04:11:58 PM |
Hard to make 7 characters on address it takes so long.
November 07, 2017, 10:41:41 PM |
Arulbero asks for an interesting question. Compress and uncompressed Krys are allowed ?
Activity: 2646
Merit: 1138
All paid signature campaigns should be banned.
November 24, 2017, 11:54:31 PM |
About how long would it take the Vanitygen pool to find 1ZeusLight ?
Our family was terrorized by Homeland Security. Read all about it here: http://www.jmwagner.com/ and http://www.burtw.com/ Any donations to help us recover from the $300,000 in legal fees and forced donations to the Federal Asset Forfeiture slush fund are greatly appreciated!
November 26, 2017, 01:41:00 AM Last edit: November 28, 2017, 05:00:53 AM by markasoftware |
I've been thinking about this for a bit, and mainly about the possibility of merge-mining many addresses at once, to massively increase efficiency. This is what I've come up with: 1. Everybody who wants an address generates an ECDSA keypair, a Personal Pair 2. Everybody gives their public keys to the pool, which combines them into the Combined Public Key 3. The pool distributes the Combined Public Key to miners. The miners generate random keypairs until they find the right address when combined with the Combined Public Key, the same way it's done with split mining. 4. The randomly generated private key is given to the person who requested the address 5. Everybody but the person who requested the address gives their private key to the person who requested it. 6. The person who requested the key can spend funds by combining the pool's random private key, everybody else's private key, and his own private key. 7. Everybody else generates new keypairs and mining starts again, return to step 1 There are issues (for example, what if somebody chooses not to give up their private key after someone else's address is found?), but perhaps it is possible to work around them. This could make a big difference for mining speed, and I'm sure it is worth the downsides. EDIT: I'm not the first to come up with this, apparently. See https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1715787.0 by user ArcCsch. When I am done with my current project, I may begin work on a merged-mining pool, and looking into cool aspects of this, for example the most optimised way to split up into smaller merged pools to minimize risk while still keeping profits higher than with "solo" mining.

Activity: 112
Merit: 11
November 28, 2017, 12:06:22 AM |
I'm not much of a business person either. But I would imagine some type of stock issuance would be a start !)
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
November 29, 2017, 01:47:29 PM |
Something I have thought about doing for a long time. Subscribe.
Activity: 5
Merit: 0
December 18, 2017, 05:15:30 PM |
Is there a method of writing the -f document in vanitygen that will allow multiple split pair jobs at once? The -P flag is where you place the pubkey for someone looking for a job done securely for them. vanitygen -P 04ED64430556D8A00175291C1DE84D4989D5568AFA0DEB7F9331766AF077B01470E4A44C5D7347E64AA709E8A475D4AE7658E5C9DD96CF3C8061D430BBDE1C45D7 1machine The -f flag allows a file with one job per line, but from what I can find it only allows direct searches, not split pair searches. work.txt 1mean 1bean 1machine Is there a way to place the public keys a document file? pubwork.txt 04527435D4974ED77372A24BF082E12886521DA7E302E0F73DBF733099B5641A5F1838203A79C0B DC45270D29E9CE7F1316D51084320DBD3CE05B34C3C717B6F38,1mean 041171B44E4FF72800E479DB850F2CD51D84DB50445D03ADA894A787D054D2B8B67BBE01026B026 8AFED68682084E5B56B7891F0B5A650F663D3C635C0C580AD37,1bean 04ED64430556D8A00175291C1DE84D4989D5568AFA0DEB7F9331766AF077B01470E4A44C5D7347E 64AA709E8A475D4AE7658E5C9DD96CF3C8061D430BBDE1C45D7,1machine
December 19, 2017, 01:19:42 AM |
Is there a method of writing the -f document in vanitygen that will allow multiple split pair jobs at once? The -P flag is where you place the pubkey for someone looking for a job done securely for them. vanitygen -P 04ED64430556D8A00175291C1DE84D4989D5568AFA0DEB7F9331766AF077B01470E4A44C5D7347E64AA709E8A475D4AE7658E5C9DD96CF3C8061D430BBDE1C45D7 1machine The -f flag allows a file with one job per line, but from what I can find it only allows direct searches, not split pair searches. work.txt 1mean 1bean 1machine Is there a way to place the public keys a document file? pubwork.txt 04527435D4974ED77372A24BF082E12886521DA7E302E0F73DBF733099B5641A5F1838203A79C0B DC45270D29E9CE7F1316D51084320DBD3CE05B34C3C717B6F38,1mean 041171B44E4FF72800E479DB850F2CD51D84DB50445D03ADA894A787D054D2B8B67BBE01026B026 8AFED68682084E5B56B7891F0B5A650F663D3C635C0C580AD37,1bean 04ED64430556D8A00175291C1DE84D4989D5568AFA0DEB7F9331766AF077B01470E4A44C5D7347E 64AA709E8A475D4AE7658E5C9DD96CF3C8061D430BBDE1C45D7,1machine You can only mine with one public key at a time, so this doesn't make much sense. You can mine multiple addresses that all use the same public key, but not multiple addresses each with different pubkeys.