I had thought about requesting it before. At first thought, it would be so easy to add...
One extra column in the spreadsheet for leverage. The gain/loss is then calculated and multiplied by the leverage.
But...it wouldn't work. People could overextend themselves, and skip the being liquidated part.
And it
would be onerous for dnaelor to have to check each price to make sure it didn't go below a calculated 'liquidation price' between the trade.
(Unless there were a way to request pricing data across the trade-start to trade-end range, then request a min(), and if below, the player is broke.)
So it ended up seeming more complex than something _I'd_ want to code...so I decided I'll have to satisfy my leveraging urges in my RL trading.
Woulda been fun though - I bet we'd see an awful lot more broke players