Alright the bot is up and finally going.
Rich has gone out of his way in terms of helping me out. Im not a linux expert or not to familiar with logging into stuff via VNC, but he was a great help and eventually I got it
The process to get this up and running is pretty easy in terms of signing up for the services involved. The signup at OVH takes the longest, but mine was actually quick (6 hrs). The following will be needed to signup for the services
Paypal or CC
I did see one site that he mentioned that does accept btc, I forgot which one that was, but I used a combination of Paypal and CC to setup the accounts.
This is the perfect website/wallet for this kinda thing. It's easy the addresses and it keeps everything organized.
Email is the easiest and quickest way to signup multiple email accounts. No personal information is needed other than the user name and password (I was able to make accounts very fast)
The longest part is making a .txt file with all your account into (which is just copy and pasting the info from the wallets and email) this alone took about an hour, but I was also at work doing other things, so I was a bit distracted.
Im very impressed with the captcha solving. Sometimes it nails it quickly and others it will fail a few times,
BUT BUT BUT at this point a real person does take over and they solve it for the bot. When signing up we did signup for 2 captcha services so that is the human taking over and solving it.
It's saturday and I have a lot of running around to do, but I will give an update in 48 hours which will be better. Feel free to ask me questions and I will answer them.
I will say, if you manage to get up 50 proxies on this (it wouldn't take to long to make back the 1.49 btc) Ill try to give an earnings report monday, but keep in mind I am only running 10 proxies.
have a good weekend and ill report back monday