Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Services => Topic started by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 05:43:21 AM

Title: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 05:43:21 AM
Back story on how Roger Ver did it:

'Are you going to order a hitman to kill me now?' Digital millionaire 'Bitcoin Jesus' turns tables on blackmailer by placing $20,000 online 'bounty' on his head

- Hacker 'Nitrous' had seized control of email account belonging to Roger Ver
- He threatened to sell-on his personal information unless ransom was paid
- But Ver offered reward on Facebook offering same sum for Nitrous's capture
- Terrified Nitrous quickly backed down offering cowering apology
- Mr Ver is believed to have amassed a small fortune through Bitcoin currency
- It is linked to the SilkRoad marketplace where hitmen are offered for sale


PUBLISHED: 04:05 EST, 29 May 2014 | UPDATED: 08:35 EST, 29 May 2014

A millionaire businessman known as 'The Bitcoin Jesus' turned the tables on a hacker who was attempting to blackmail him by offering $20,000 worth of the digital currency as a reward for his capture.

U.S. born Roger Ver has amassed a small fortune in Bitcoins after investing heavily from 2011 and using the currency, which has since exploded in value, to back a number of start-up firms.

But last week he received a threatening message from a hacker known as Nitrous who had taken control of an old Hotmail account using it to steal personal information including Mr Ver's social security and passport numbers.

Nitrous then threatened to sell the information to fraudsters unless Mr Ver paid him 37 bitcoins - worth a cool $20,000, Wired magazine reports.

Although Mr Ver is believed to be easily be able to afford such a sum, he refused to pay up and instead used Facebook to offer the same amount as a reward for information that would lead to Nitrous's arrest.

While Bitcoin is often trumpeted as simply being a libertarian currency and way to move money across international boundaries it is heavily linked to the sinister online marketplace SilkRoad where drugs, guns and even hitmen are offered for sale.

Soon after the bounty was placed on Facebook a clearly terrifed Nitrous backed down contacting Mr Ver with a cowering apology.

He wrote: 'Sir, I am sincerely sorry. I am just a middleman. I was being told what to tell you.
'Are you going to order a hitman to kill me now?'
Response: Mr Ver posted this message on Facebook after which the hacker quickly backed down

It was a far cry from the blackmailer's original messages in which he brazenly threatened to exploit Mr Ver after seizing control of the old email account which Mr Ver had used several years ago to register the internet domain for his computer parts business.

After taking over the account Nitrous was not only able to access Mr Ver's personal information but also that of his mother which he threatened to sell to 'fraudsters' who would 'ruin both of your lives'.

'I think we both know this won’t be pleasent [sic] and let’s be honest: there is nothing you can do to have me caught. I’ve been around too long,' Nitrous wrote, before adding: 'I have to say: I respect you as a BTC user/icon.

'Let's be honest I will sell your information to fraudsters that will credit f*** you then get your moms social and credit f*** her too and ruin both your lives.'

'37.6 BTC isn't worth s*** to you, the damage I cause to you financially/family-wise will be way worse than that.'

Mr Ver, who is now based in Japan, decided to stall for time, attempting to negotiate with Nitous, while he and close associate Jason Maurice, chief hacking officer of Japanese security startup Wiz Technologies, attempted to wrestle back control of the hacked accounts.

After an hour-long exchange through Skype, Nitous attempted to up the ante, threatening to 'own' Ver 10,0000 times harder.

'You Fag,' he wrote. 'Listen, my mom needs a liver transplant that starts at $15,000, man…I am so sorry for having to do this, but it’s just what I have to do.'

But Ver cooly responded by posting a link to the Facebook post offering the reward and Nitrous quickly backed down.

He then wrote: 'Sir, I am sincerely sorry I am just a middleman I was being told what to tell you.

'I was seriously being told what to tell you by someone else I don't even know what's going on.

'Please stop I am so sorry I told him that you are now going to have me killed over something he made me do I didn't even do this it was someone else.'

Mr Ver said he has not been contacted by the hacker since.

In the spirit of the above, Brock Pierce suggested to the person who had their bitcoins stolen to mound a similar campaign, thus amassing the troops, so to speak, so that at least one person could reap the reward when the stolen bitcoins are returned.

The amount of bitcoins stolen was 1,132 BTC.

The person they were stolen from was me, Bruno Kucinskas, a.k.a. Phinnaeus Gage on this forum.

The bitcoins were stolen on April 1, 2013, during the infamous InstaWallet "hack".

The person who stole the bitcoins is David François (David Francois), a.k.a. davout (;u=1929l) of InstaWallet/Paymium, et al. and staff on this forum.

The bitcoins resided in two URL wallets: 1,000 BTC here and 132 BTC here

I filed three claims at the earliest possible time, the other being for only 0.835 BTC. At first David François wasn't going to honor that claim in spite of offering up various proof that that wallet was indeed mine. The reason for him not wanting to do such is because he knew that the IP associated with that one URL coincided with the the other two URLs Paymium continues to not recognize.

At the onset of the InstaWallet fiasco, all three URLs didn't have a bitcoin wallet associated with the generated pages. It wasn't till after I brought it to Boussac's attention that the lesser bitcoin-containing wallet was well-document that it mysterious had the associated wallet address visible on the URL generated site. This is why they refuse to release the name of the forensics auditor(s) because there wasn't one (or more, according to Boussac), in spite of them saying they couldn't because of some fuckin' idiotic NDA clause.

InstaWallet is now officially off-line in spite of ~20K wallets yet to be refunded, with only >1K wallets returned to their rightful owners, in spite of all the principals of Paymium being refunded first.

It is well-documented that David François announced a week prior to the "hack" that he was going on vacation for a week, but not returning to this forum until April 18, 2013, leaving Boussac (;u=31585) - Pierre Noizat - to start and man a InstaWallet claims thread of which is now locked in spite of still owing ~20K wallet claims, according to their estimates.

After hundreds of requests, David François, et al. has refused to name the independent auditors (plural, according to Boussac, singular, according to davout, as stated on this forum) that conducted the investigation, over and beyond what the French PD supposedly conducted.

I firmly believe that my 1,132 BTC is currently residing in one of David François' fat-ass bitcoin wallets, namely, of which 1,384.35491053 BTC can still be found there.

The above address was amassed during the shutdown of InstaWallet and Bitcoin-Central, with the funds funneled to said address above via some sort of creative Bitcoin Money Laundering, i.e. one of the gambling bitcoin dice sites (not Satoshi Dice).

All three principals of Paymium have acted like assholes during the entire InstaWallet fiasco to their non-customers, a term they coined and used.

Boussac put me on ignore from the moment I entered the InstaWallet claims thread.

Davout now has me on ignore and ceased all communications with me.

Boussac was approached in Amsterdam prior to going on stage at the recent Bitcoin conference held there, and refused to discuss any of the InstaWallet claims.

Bitcoin-Central, owned by David François, is supposedly backed by a bank, when in fact it's back by Lemon Way, an app provided, who three days prior to the InstaWallet "hack" inquired on its Twitter account how to go about obtaining bitcoins, all the while being walking distance from Paymium's backdoor.

Details of the 400 BTC bounty can be seen in Post #3 of this thread, with Post #2 reserved for when I'm duly compensated.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 05:43:42 AM
Reserved to announced that I have reunited with my lost investment.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 05:46:01 AM
At today's exchange rate, the 400 BTC bounty equates to over a quarter of million dollars, or exactly $255,416 USD.

I prefer to use Rassah as escrow so that anybody who's entitle to the bounty would have an extra layer of trust to guarantee that they do get paid.

I will pay a 2% escrow fee (over and beyond Rassah's standard fee structure) outta my share to not lessen any bounty payout.

Ideally, I prefer to have the entire 1,132 BTC, sans the 400 BTC bounty amount, paid in full to me, but knowing that sometimes arbitration takes place, I'm willing to settle for a minimal amount, with anybody acting as liaison to broker their reward up to 100% of what I may finally recognize. The minimum I'm welling to settle for is $50K USD via BTC or fiat to compensate for my initial investment and the mega hours I have put into this fiasco, not to mention the stress.

I have played this game long enough in good faith, but Paymium, et al. actions, now lack thereof, leaves me no choice but to pursue this route.

I've stated this before, and will now do so again: Anybody having funds in Bitcoin-Central best get them out ASAP, for I have a funny feeling that they're about to be investigated for fraud and money laundering.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Maidak on June 12, 2014, 05:49:39 AM
You had that many BTC on a online wallet service sorry for your loss. :(

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 06:08:07 AM
You had that many BTC on a online wallet service sorry for your loss. :(

So did others using InstaWallet, but they were refunded according to tx records, albeit they could've easily been Paymium's own funds from their various money laundering enterprises.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: BetMoose on June 12, 2014, 06:45:54 AM
Way to keep it interesting Bruno. I read the whole thing.

You could have added that you're a Nigerian prince and I'd still believe you :P

Good luck with this!

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Nammi on June 12, 2014, 07:12:23 AM
Nice bounty....I'm fairly new to this forum but read quite a bit about your quest to get your BTC back. Hopefully this will help.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: tvbcof on June 12, 2014, 07:37:54 AM

I've watched the whole Instawallet fiasco like a hawk because I had some BTC in Instawallet.  Only a small fraction of my holdings, and what I could easily afford to lose of course, but it's a personal affront and embarrassing to me to get screwed by (likely) criminals.  I got my bitcoins back with the first round of payouts BTW.

Whenever these things happen there are a handful of people (probably) who will make dubious claims and a lot of noise hoping that the party responsible will find the path of least resistance to just pay them off.  In PG's case it seems that his story was relayed early and has remained the same through the well over a year that this thing has been in play.  That is not what one usually sees when someone is trying to pull a fast one.  I think the odds are quite high that PG's story and claim is completely legit.

PG has been his normal self and obviously very frustrated through this adventure.  Not always a model of diplomacy.  That still does not give davout and boussac a justification to steal from him IMHO.  Nor does the fact that it would cost them a fairly large chunk of change to do the right thing.  (BTW, I would not rule out the possiblity that Boussac himself is a victim of davout to some extent.)

In the interest of being complete, I do have to note that PG seemed to go through a brief but suspicious period of shilling for the infamous scammers at BFL (between rounds of being their worst enemy.)  I forgot about that when I donated a bitcoin to the 100 charity thing a few months ago.  Anyway, aside from that I've seen no reason to be suspicious that he wouldn't do what he says.  I would love to see davout have to cough up the 1300 BTC he very likely stole, and I'd love to see the details of the collection remittance disclosed publicly.  And the details of the extraction for that matter.  If feasible.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 08:27:44 AM

I've watched the whole Instawallet fiasco like a hawk because I had some BTC in Instawallet.  Only a small fraction of my holdings, and what I could easily afford to lose of course, but it's a personal affront and embarrassing to me to get screwed by (likely) criminals.  I got my bitcoins back with the first round of payouts BTW.

Whenever these things happen there are a handful of people (probably) who will make dubious claims and a lot of noise hoping that the party responsible will find the path of least resistance to just pay them off.  In PG's case it seems that his story was relayed early and has remained the same through the well over a year that this thing has been in play.  That is not what one usually sees when someone is trying to pull a fast one.  I think the odds are quite high that PG's story and claim is completely legit.

PG has been his normal self and obviously very frustrated through this adventure.  Not always a model of diplomacy.  That still does not give davout and boussac a justification to steal from him IMHO.  Nor does the fact that it would cost them a fairly large chunk of change to do the right thing.  (BTW, I would not rule out the possiblity that Boussac himself is a victim of davout to some extent.)

In the interest of being complete, I do have to note that PG seemed to go through a brief but suspicious period of shilling for the infamous scammers at BFL (between rounds of being their worst enemy.)  I forgot about that when I donated a bitcoin to the 100 charity thing a few months ago.  Anyway, aside from that I've seen no reason to be suspicious that he wouldn't do what he says.  I would love to see davout have to cough up the 1300 BTC he very likely stole, and I'd love to see the details of the collection remittance disclosed publicly.  And the details of the extraction for that matter.  If feasible.

It kinda occurred to me that Boussac may have been played by davout, but his actions at the onset of the InstaWallet fiasco are/were in-line with davout's.

Don't worry about the 1 BTC you sent to Bitcoin 100, for it surely will go to some good cause. I'm simply the founder of it, never ever having control of a single satoshi that passes through it. Not another person affiliated with Bitcoin 100 gets a single satoshi for themselves. Any moneys that any principals received came outta my pocket, most of which was also donated.

BFL. Please recall that I have dug up more dirt on them then all others combined, and kinda ran outta ammo, hence scaling back my attacks. I and bcp19 toured their plant, then went to a KC meetup that Goat put together. It wasn't till after I was about to leave the Meetup that Josh gave me a sub-par Single in the parking lot, of which I sold. Josh also reimburse my traveling expenses and one night hotel stay, even though I was on the road for over 3 days, opting to only turn in one night's stay, bunking with bcp19 (two beds, if that needs to be said). I was fair with the billing, of which Josh/BFL was kind enough to round up a tad, all of which I donated away, including moneys from the sale of the sub-par Single since I don't mine. In total, less than $600 I was able to amass outta $700-$800 trip expense, of which I'm pretty sure I donated over $1,500 during that particular time frame.

Apologies for bragging above, but wanted to put into perspective. But, I will brad a tad now: I've donated tens of thousands to date toward a couple local chapters here in Sandwich, IL, that benefit autistic adults, for I have a special place in my heart for them folks. Unfortunately, it's all in fiat. Currently, I'm negotiating a lease for a 5 bedroom farm house for the same group, but different adults, willing to pay two years worth of lease payments up front since the state is so strapped for funds. No apologies this time for bragging.

BTW, the above events you've stated took place from the later part of September, forward. InstaWallet's "hack" took place on April 1, 2013, thus that event and anything similar to the above that others may try to claim as some sort of bearing to some motive I may have will not cut the mustard because they're mutually exclusive.

That said, thank you so kindly, tvbcof, for your post.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: S4VV4S on June 12, 2014, 08:34:38 AM

Ideally, I prefer to have the entire 1,132 BTC, sans the 400 BTC bounty amount, paid in full to me, but knowing that sometimes arbitration takes place, I'm willing to settle for a minimal amount, with anybody acting as liaison to broker their reward up to 100% of what I may finally recognize. The minimum I'm welling to settle for is $50K USD via BTC or fiat to compensate for my initial investment and the mega hours I have put into this fiasco, not to mention the stress.

PG, I am a little confused with the above part.

You will offer 400BTC and are willing to settle for $50K?
Is that what it says?

Also, how do you expect someone to get your BTC back for you?

For that amount of BTC I am sure you can find some sort of legal way to force conduct an investigation by someone (or more) with expertise on the matter.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: justusranvier on June 12, 2014, 08:42:26 AM
I've watched the whole Instawallet fiasco like a hawk because I had some BTC in Instawallet.
I never used Instalwallet, but I did keep an eye on how davout and boussac behaved during and after the incident because they are involved in other Bitcoin projects.

The way they handled the situation looks to me consistent with what I'd expect from scammers.

Honest people would show some signs of remorse and humility after losing so much of other people's money - they were arrogant and hostile instead.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 08:53:17 AM

Ideally, I prefer to have the entire 1,132 BTC, sans the 400 BTC bounty amount, paid in full to me, but knowing that sometimes arbitration takes place, I'm willing to settle for a minimal amount, with anybody acting as liaison to broker their reward up to 100% of what I may finally recognize. The minimum I'm welling to settle for is $50K USD via BTC or fiat to compensate for my initial investment and the mega hours I have put into this fiasco, not to mention the stress.

PG, I am a little confused with the above part.

You will offer 400BTC and are willing to settle for $50K?
Is that what it says?

Also, how do you expect someone to get your BTC back for you?

For that amount of BTC I am sure you can find some sort of legal way to force conduct an investigation by someone (or more) with expertise on the matter.

Foregoing allocating legal fees unless Paymium opts to sue me for libel, of which I'm on record stating that I would welcome such, stemming all the way back to April of last year. I'm opting to go the Roger Ver route, being that this is Bitcoin and all.

The settlement aspect is fair, thrown in for what it's worth knowing realistically that it may come to such via some sort of arbitration, albeit I'm not versed on how such works, but I can surmise.

Don't know exactly how others could help via acting as some sort of liaison, but hoping that maybe some chap close to Paymium's principals can put some sort of pressure on them, sans violence, of course.

Also, some more press on this would be welcome, hopefully bringing Bitcoin-Central to a halt, see that it's last of the Mohicans from all the VC moneys Paymium amassed with nothing to show for it but a handful of failed and hacked attempts at startups.

For I care, Lemon Way could go to the wayside as well, seeing that they're now affiliated with Paymium and I don't trust them.

Hope that addresses your questions and concerns, bud.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: S4VV4S on June 12, 2014, 08:56:45 AM

Ideally, I prefer to have the entire 1,132 BTC, sans the 400 BTC bounty amount, paid in full to me, but knowing that sometimes arbitration takes place, I'm willing to settle for a minimal amount, with anybody acting as liaison to broker their reward up to 100% of what I may finally recognize. The minimum I'm welling to settle for is $50K USD via BTC or fiat to compensate for my initial investment and the mega hours I have put into this fiasco, not to mention the stress.

PG, I am a little confused with the above part.

You will offer 400BTC and are willing to settle for $50K?
Is that what it says?

Also, how do you expect someone to get your BTC back for you?

For that amount of BTC I am sure you can find some sort of legal way to force conduct an investigation by someone (or more) with expertise on the matter.

Foregoing allocating legal fees unless Paymium opts to sue me for libel, of which I'm on record stating that I would welcome such, stemming all the way back to April of last year. I'm opting to go the Roger Ver route, being that this is Bitcoin and all.

The settlement aspect is fair, thrown in for what it's worth knowing realistically that it may come to such via some sort of arbitration, albeit I'm not versed on how such works, but I can surmise.

Don't know exactly how others could help via acting as some sort of liaison, but hoping that maybe some chap close to Paymium's principals can put some sort of pressure on them, sans violence, of course.

Hope that addresses your questions and concerns, bud.

~Bruno Kucinskas

What if you sue them for fraud?
Wouldn't that start a legal investigation on the matter?

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: PodBayDoors on June 12, 2014, 08:58:57 AM
What is it about FRENCH GUYS and Bitcoin?

Karpeles, those Dealco guys out of HK, now these scammers

French Bitcoiner = AVOID

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 09:00:22 AM

Ideally, I prefer to have the entire 1,132 BTC, sans the 400 BTC bounty amount, paid in full to me, but knowing that sometimes arbitration takes place, I'm willing to settle for a minimal amount, with anybody acting as liaison to broker their reward up to 100% of what I may finally recognize. The minimum I'm welling to settle for is $50K USD via BTC or fiat to compensate for my initial investment and the mega hours I have put into this fiasco, not to mention the stress.

PG, I am a little confused with the above part.

You will offer 400BTC and are willing to settle for $50K?
Is that what it says?

Also, how do you expect someone to get your BTC back for you?

For that amount of BTC I am sure you can find some sort of legal way to force conduct an investigation by someone (or more) with expertise on the matter.

Foregoing allocating legal fees unless Paymium opts to sue me for libel, of which I'm on record stating that I would welcome such, stemming all the way back to April of last year. I'm opting to go the Roger Ver route, being that this is Bitcoin and all.

The settlement aspect is fair, thrown in for what it's worth knowing realistically that it may come to such via some sort of arbitration, albeit I'm not versed on how such works, but I can surmise.

Don't know exactly how others could help via acting as some sort of liaison, but hoping that maybe some chap close to Paymium's principals can put some sort of pressure on them, sans violence, of course.

Hope that addresses your questions and concerns, bud.

~Bruno Kucinskas

What if you sue them for fraud?
Wouldn't that start a legal investigation on the matter?

I desire them to sue me first for libel, then and only then will I take action. To date, they have failed to follow through with their threat that they will do such, probably knowing that it's not to their best interest.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 09:01:16 AM
What is it about FRENCH GUYS and Bitcoin?

Karpeles, those Dealco guys out of HK, now these scammers

French Bitcoiner = AVOID

Blame it on Canada is a song if I'm not mistaken.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: steelboy on June 12, 2014, 09:01:54 AM
Good luck Phin. I hope this gets resolved.  :-[

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: madmat on June 12, 2014, 09:02:17 AM
What is it about FRENCH GUYS and Bitcoin?

Karpeles, those Dealco guys out of HK, now these scammers

French Bitcoiner = AVOID

All 57 million french people are dangerous scammers. Even if they don't use bitcoin !!!

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 09:04:52 AM
I've watched the whole Instawallet fiasco like a hawk because I had some BTC in Instawallet.
I never used Instalwallet, but I did keep an eye on how davout and boussac behaved during and after the incident because they are involved in other Bitcoin projects.

The way they handled the situation looks to me consistent with what I'd expect from scammers.

Honest people would show some signs of remorse and humility after losing so much of other people's money - they were arrogant and hostile instead.

I loved InstaWallet. I couldn't endorse them enough prior to the "hack" online and off. I trusted them, only for them to stick it up my ass. Well, it's my motherfuckin' time to stick it up their ass as deep I can stick it.

Bottom line, I will do everything in my power to bury these French bastards so that they won't have the opportunity again to fuck with people's money.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 09:07:48 AM
What is it about FRENCH GUYS and Bitcoin?

Karpeles, those Dealco guys out of HK, now these scammers

French Bitcoiner = AVOID

All 57 million french people are dangerous scammers. Even if they don't use bitcoin !!!

That many?
"I really, really, really love Limey Day."

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: runam0k on June 12, 2014, 09:15:42 AM
Well if I was davout, I'd have a "buddy" negotiate this settlement pronto - settle for $50k, take the 400BTC reward.  Easy money! ;D

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: madmat on June 12, 2014, 09:19:46 AM
What is it about FRENCH GUYS and Bitcoin?

Karpeles, those Dealco guys out of HK, now these scammers

French Bitcoiner = AVOID

All 57 million french people are dangerous scammers. Even if they don't use bitcoin !!!

That many?

"I really, really, really love Limey Day."

65 821 000 in fact. 57 million was the number when i was at school.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: ljudotina on June 12, 2014, 09:22:30 AM
What is it about FRENCH GUYS and Bitcoin?

Karpeles, those Dealco guys out of HK, now these scammers

French Bitcoiner = AVOID

All 57 million french people are dangerous scammers. Even if they don't use bitcoin !!!

Yes! Even if they do not use bitcoin now, they WILL in the future. And we all know apple doesnt fall far away from the tree....except on steep terrain....

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 09:23:05 AM
Well if I was davout, I'd have a "buddy" negotiate this settlement pronto - settle for $50k, take the 400BTC reward.  Easy money! ;D

SOB! I didn't think of that, that he may use this thread now to his advantage, and still come out like a motherfuckin' bandit. Fuck me royal! The only thing I can say about this revelation is that he best have an anonymous pseudo-liaison (or is it pseudo-anonymous liaison?) person in place, otherwise I will get really pissed.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: S4VV4S on June 12, 2014, 09:25:42 AM
Well if I was davout, I'd have a "buddy" negotiate this settlement pronto - settle for $50k, take the 400BTC reward.  Easy money! ;D

SOB! I didn't think of that, that he may use this thread now to his advantage, and still come out like a motherfuckin' bandit. Fuck me royal! The only thing I can say about this revelation is that he best have an anonymous pseudo-liaison (or is it pseudo-anonymous liaison?) person in place, otherwise I will get really pissed.

Now I am even more confused.

I thought the $50K for settlement was if Davout was willing to settle.
The 400BTC bounty was in case Davout doesn't settle and to reclaim the 1,132 BTC.

Am I correct or can I just give you $50K and get 400BTC?  ;D

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 09:28:06 AM
What is it about FRENCH GUYS and Bitcoin?

Karpeles, those Dealco guys out of HK, now these scammers

French Bitcoiner = AVOID

All 57 million french people are dangerous scammers. Even if they don't use bitcoin !!!

That many?

"I really, really, really love Limey Day."

65 821 000 in fact. 57 million was the number when i was at school.

57M Frenchies walk into a bar. One said, "There's almost 18M more behind us ready to surrender." Whereupon the bartender replied, "You lost me at 'behind', now what'll be?" Then another Frenchie cried out, "Let's ignore this place!"

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: madmat on June 12, 2014, 09:30:21 AM
What is it about FRENCH GUYS and Bitcoin?

Karpeles, those Dealco guys out of HK, now these scammers

French Bitcoiner = AVOID

All 57 million french people are dangerous scammers. Even if they don't use bitcoin !!!

That many?

"I really, really, really love Limey Day."

65 821 000 in fact. 57 million was the number when i was at school.

57M Frenchies walk into a bar. One said, "There's almost 18M more behind us ready to surrender." Whereupon the bartender replied, "You lost me at 'behind', now what'll be?" Then another Frenchie cried out, "Let's ignore this place!"

My english is not good enough, i didn't catch it. Can you translate it in french ?

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: youyou_ on June 12, 2014, 09:33:12 AM
I am french and i confirm: all we do all day is to walk around (we have the time because we don't work as much as you US people) wondering who we could scam during the night.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 09:35:11 AM
Well if I was davout, I'd have a "buddy" negotiate this settlement pronto - settle for $50k, take the 400BTC reward.  Easy money! ;D

SOB! I didn't think of that, that he may use this thread now to his advantage, and still come out like a motherfuckin' bandit. Fuck me royal! The only thing I can say about this revelation is that he best have an anonymous pseudo-liaison (or is it pseudo-anonymous liaison?) person in place, otherwise I will get really pissed.

Now I am even more confused.

I thought the $50K for settlement was if Davout was willing to settle.
The 400BTC bounty was in case Davout doesn't settle and to reclaim the 1,132 BTC.

Am I correct or can I just give you $50K and get 400BTC?  ;D

I don't care how the numbers work out. Ideally, I desire the 1,132 BTC back via some liaison who'll earn 400 BTC from that sum, but will settle for no less than $50K USD via BTC, or fiat, regardless of what some liaison may make, hopefully it's capped at $50K USD, but I may not have control over that aspect. Once paid, Rassah would earn no less than $1,000 USD via BTC outta my pocket.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 09:39:17 AM
I am french and i confirm: all we do all day is to walk around (we have the time because we don't work as much as you US people) wondering who we could scam during the night.
"We all agree! Tomorrow, when we wake at noon, we dine-and-dash Cafe Crepes."

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Divinespark on June 12, 2014, 09:56:11 AM
Good luck Phinnaeus, hope these bastards get their comeuppance!

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: tvbcof on June 12, 2014, 10:06:33 AM
I've watched the whole Instawallet fiasco like a hawk because I had some BTC in Instawallet.
I never used Instalwallet, but I did keep an eye on how davout and boussac behaved during and after the incident because they are involved in other Bitcoin projects.

I started using it before davout bought or was given the funds from Jav.  Jav seemed like a trustworthy guy to me.  Even after davout got a hold of things I didn't have any reason to distrust him at the time.

I was to lazy to take it out  Had something like 50 BTC there, but considering they were like $3/BTC when I put them there it was $150.  I finally got off my ass and removed all but 20-something BTC like the day before the 'hack'.  I wonder how many others were doing the same thing and if a lot, if that triggered davout to pull the trigger.

The way they handled the situation looks to me consistent with what I'd expect from scammers.

I cannot agree with that fully.  In all honesty, it seemed to me like they went through a period of confusion then put together a workable strategy to get people payed off.  The nature of the solution being kind of privacy oriented made it a somewhat more difficult problem than it might have been.

I didn't get a strong sense one way or the other on the suspiciousness of the behavior early on.  My best guess at this point is that from day one they planned to skim the unclaimed wallets and had to have a shutdown to do it.  When the opportunity to nail an extra $1M at the expense of robbing one person who had already called them names came along, they could not resist.

Honest people would show some signs of remorse and humility after losing so much of other people's money - they were arrogant and hostile instead.

Sorry to be disagreeable, but I'm not sure I feel exactly the same way about that either.  I don't know a lot of French people, but they have a reputation for being conceited pricks.  (Not all of course.)  Davout and Boussac sort of match this stereotype so I personally cannot read a lot into that...and I'm a conceited prick myself but not dishonest and not a thief.

The way they handled the supposed investigation and audit was very suspicious.  That is the single biggest factor in swaying me to believe that they probably are crooks.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: guigui371 on June 12, 2014, 10:07:19 AM
What is it about FRENCH GUYS and Bitcoin?

Karpeles, those Dealco guys out of HK, now these scammers

French Bitcoiner = AVOID

All 57 million french people are dangerous scammers. Even if they don't use bitcoin !!!

That many?

"I really, really, really love Limey Day."

65 821 001 in fact. 57 million was the number when i was at school.

My sister had a baby yesterday  ;D

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: ljudotina on June 12, 2014, 10:24:27 AM
I can be neutral party for that transaction if you wish!  8)

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: superresistant on June 12, 2014, 10:37:39 AM
What is it about FRENCH GUYS and Bitcoin?

Karpeles, those Dealco guys out of HK, now these scammers

French Bitcoiner = AVOID

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: ljudotina on June 12, 2014, 11:04:29 AM
Yes, let's turn little bit of fun into nationalism war...good job guys, good job.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: crazy_rabbit on June 12, 2014, 11:23:17 AM
Do you have more information about these guys? Besides their names?

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: kendog77 on June 12, 2014, 11:40:13 AM
Phinnaeus Gage,

Have you spoken to law enforcement? Given the amount of money involved, you may want to seek French legal representation. I'm sure there are plenty of lawyers that would be more than happy to work with you for 250k.

There are also probably US law firms with French connections, so you can probably sue David Francois in French court and have the payment to the law firm contingent on winning the case and collecting funds.

I would not expect a crook to return anything unless significant pressure is applied.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: CryptoDomains on June 12, 2014, 11:41:58 AM
This is a bit mind numbing, there is a guy you can physically reach out and put hands on who stole 1,300+ BTC from you and this is where it is at?

Considering they are in Europe wouldn't the most violent way to recover them be the easiest as well. You need to get some Serbian or Bulgarian friends Phin.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: S4VV4S on June 12, 2014, 11:59:31 AM

I don't think he will give you $250K in exchange for 50.

He will settle for 50K coming from Davout from what I understand to end this hunt.

The bounty is for everyone that can recover his 1,132 coins and to apply pressure to Davout to settle for 50K and call it a day.

If I was Davout I would pay 50K and end this.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: hdbuck on June 12, 2014, 12:05:28 PM
Paying 50k would be acknowleging davouts missbehaviour.. No way they'll settle. Bitcoin is war.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: superresistant on June 12, 2014, 12:17:02 PM

Any French can reach Davout easily because he is not hiding at all.
On the contrary, he goes to many meetup.

This is really weird. Why isn't he hiding if he stole so much Bitcoins ?
Why didn't he disappear and live a good life ??

And why are you ready to give 400 BTC ??

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: ljudotina on June 12, 2014, 12:20:23 PM

Any French can reach Davout easily because he is not hiding at all.
On the contrary, he goes to many meetup.

This is really weird. Why isn't he hiding if he stole so much Bitcoins ?
Why didn't he disappear and live a good life ??

And why are you ready to give 400 BTC ??

Co create enough preassure, so thing acctualy happens....
Tho, if guy is not hiding, than legal terms or BTC bounty is needed...

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Nicolas Dorier on June 12, 2014, 12:20:53 PM

Any French can reach Davout easily because he is not hiding at all.
On the contrary, he goes to many meetup.

This is really weird. Why isn't he hiding if he stole so much Bitcoins ?
Why didn't he disappear and live a good life ??

And why are you ready to give 400 BTC ??

Sun Tzu Style :
Those skilled in defense can hide in plain sight.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: S4VV4S on June 12, 2014, 12:26:24 PM
Paying 50k would be acknowleging davouts missbehaviour.. No way they'll settle. Bitcoin is war.

Or it could be settling for loosing his BTC after the InstaWallet Hack.

Other members got some money back.
Why shouldn't PG, and I think he has given Davout a fair deal here.
Just what it cost him.

Like I said if I was Davout, I would pay out the 50K and make a public notice that PG (just like other members) was refunded some of the lost money from the InstaWallet hack.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Cryptogirl82 on June 12, 2014, 12:36:14 PM
Back story on how Roger Ver did it:

'Are you going to order a hitman to kill me now?' Digital millionaire 'Bitcoin Jesus' turns tables on blackmailer by placing $20,000 online 'bounty' on his head

- Hacker 'Nitrous' had seized control of email account belonging to Roger Ver
- He threatened to sell-on his personal information unless ransom was paid
- But Ver offered reward on Facebook offering same sum for Nitrous's capture
- Terrified Nitrous quickly backed down offering cowering apology
- Mr Ver is believed to have amassed a small fortune through Bitcoin currency
- It is linked to the SilkRoad marketplace where hitmen are offered for sale


PUBLISHED: 04:05 EST, 29 May 2014 | UPDATED: 08:35 EST, 29 May 2014

A millionaire businessman known as 'The Bitcoin Jesus' turned the tables on a hacker who was attempting to blackmail him by offering $20,000 worth of the digital currency as a reward for his capture.

U.S. born Roger Ver has amassed a small fortune in Bitcoins after investing heavily from 2011 and using the currency, which has since exploded in value, to back a number of start-up firms.

But last week he received a threatening message from a hacker known as Nitrous who had taken control of an old Hotmail account using it to steal personal information including Mr Ver's social security and passport numbers.

Nitrous then threatened to sell the information to fraudsters unless Mr Ver paid him 37 bitcoins - worth a cool $20,000, Wired magazine reports.

Although Mr Ver is believed to be easily be able to afford such a sum, he refused to pay up and instead used Facebook to offer the same amount as a reward for information that would lead to Nitrous's arrest.

While Bitcoin is often trumpeted as simply being a libertarian currency and way to move money across international boundaries it is heavily linked to the sinister online marketplace SilkRoad where drugs, guns and even hitmen are offered for sale.

Soon after the bounty was placed on Facebook a clearly terrifed Nitrous backed down contacting Mr Ver with a cowering apology.

He wrote: 'Sir, I am sincerely sorry. I am just a middleman. I was being told what to tell you.
'Are you going to order a hitman to kill me now?'
Response: Mr Ver posted this message on Facebook after which the hacker quickly backed down

It was a far cry from the blackmailer's original messages in which he brazenly threatened to exploit Mr Ver after seizing control of the old email account which Mr Ver had used several years ago to register the internet domain for his computer parts business.

After taking over the account Nitrous was not only able to access Mr Ver's personal information but also that of his mother which he threatened to sell to 'fraudsters' who would 'ruin both of your lives'.

'I think we both know this won’t be pleasent [sic] and let’s be honest: there is nothing you can do to have me caught. I’ve been around too long,' Nitrous wrote, before adding: 'I have to say: I respect you as a BTC user/icon.

'Let's be honest I will sell your information to fraudsters that will credit f*** you then get your moms social and credit f*** her too and ruin both your lives.'

'37.6 BTC isn't worth s*** to you, the damage I cause to you financially/family-wise will be way worse than that.'

Mr Ver, who is now based in Japan, decided to stall for time, attempting to negotiate with Nitous, while he and close associate Jason Maurice, chief hacking officer of Japanese security startup Wiz Technologies, attempted to wrestle back control of the hacked accounts.

After an hour-long exchange through Skype, Nitous attempted to up the ante, threatening to 'own' Ver 10,0000 times harder.

'You Fag,' he wrote. 'Listen, my mom needs a liver transplant that starts at $15,000, man…I am so sorry for having to do this, but it’s just what I have to do.'

But Ver cooly responded by posting a link to the Facebook post offering the reward and Nitrous quickly backed down.

He then wrote: 'Sir, I am sincerely sorry I am just a middleman I was being told what to tell you.

'I was seriously being told what to tell you by someone else I don't even know what's going on.

'Please stop I am so sorry I told him that you are now going to have me killed over something he made me do I didn't even do this it was someone else.'

Mr Ver said he has not been contacted by the hacker since.

In the spirit of the above, Brock Pierce suggested to the person who had their bitcoins stolen to mound a similar campaign, thus amassing the troops, so to speak, so that at least one person could reap the reward when the stolen bitcoins are returned.

The amount of bitcoins stolen was 1,132 BTC.

The person they were stolen from was me, Bruno Kucinskas, a.k.a. Phinnaeus Gage on this forum.

The bitcoins were stolen on April 1, 2013, during the infamous InstaWallet "hack".

The person who stole the bitcoins is David François (David Francois), a.k.a. davout (;u=1929l) of InstaWallet/Paymium, et al. and staff on this forum.

The bitcoins resided in two URL wallets: 1,000 BTC here and 132 BTC here

I filed three claims at the earliest possible time, the other being for only 0.835 BTC. At first David François wasn't going to honor that claim in spite of offering up various proof that that wallet was indeed mine. The reason for him not wanting to do such is because he knew that the IP associated with that one URL coincided with the the other two URLs Paymium continues to not recognize.

At the onset of the InstaWallet fiasco, all three URLs didn't have a bitcoin wallet associated with the generated pages. It wasn't till after I brought it to Boussac's attention that the lesser bitcoin-containing wallet was well-document that it mysterious had the associated wallet address visible on the URL generated site. This is why they refuse to release the name of the forensics auditor(s) because there wasn't one (or more, according to Boussac), in spite of them saying they couldn't because of some fuckin' idiotic NDA clause.

InstaWallet is now officially off-line in spite of ~20K wallets yet to be refunded, with only >1K wallets returned to their rightful owners, in spite of all the principals of Paymium being refunded first.

It is well-documented that David François announced a week prior to the "hack" that he was going on vacation for a week, but not returning to this forum until April 18, 2013, leaving Boussac (;u=31585) - Pierre Noizat - to start and man a InstaWallet claims thread of which is now locked in spite of still owing ~20K wallet claims, according to their estimates.

After hundreds of requests, David François, et al. has refused to name the independent auditors (plural, according to Boussac, singular, according to davout, as stated on this forum) that conducted the investigation, over and beyond what the French PD supposedly conducted.

I firmly believe that my 1,132 BTC is currently residing in one of David François' fat-ass bitcoin wallets, namely, of which 1,384.35491053 BTC can still be found there.

The above address was amassed during the shutdown of InstaWallet and Bitcoin-Central, with the funds funneled to said address above via some sort of creative Bitcoin Money Laundering, i.e. one of the gambling bitcoin dice sites (not Satoshi Dice).

All three principals of Paymium have acted like assholes during the entire InstaWallet fiasco to their non-customers, a term they coined and used.

Boussac put me on ignore from the moment I entered the InstaWallet claims thread.

Davout now has me on ignore and ceased all communications with me.

Boussac was approached in Amsterdam prior to going on stage at the recent Bitcoin conference held there, and refused to discuss any of the InstaWallet claims.

Bitcoin-Central, owned by David François, is supposedly backed by a bank, when in fact it's back by Lemon Way, an app provided, who three days prior to the InstaWallet "hack" inquired on its Twitter account how to go about obtaining bitcoins, all the while being walking distance from Paymium's backdoor.

Details of the 400 BTC bounty can be seen in Post #3 of this thread, with Post #2 reserved for when I'm duly compensated.

~Bruno Kucinskas

So is Roger Ver also on this forum? What is his name here?

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: madmat on June 12, 2014, 12:38:30 PM
So is Roger Ver also on this forum? What is his name here?

I don't think so, the quote is not a post quote.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: S4VV4S on June 12, 2014, 12:39:53 PM
So is Roger Ver also on this forum? What is his name here?

I don't think so, the quote is not a post quote.

Satoshi is a member here tho  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: S4VV4S on June 12, 2014, 12:49:01 PM
Like I said if I was Davout, I would pay out the 50K and make a public notice that PG (just like other members) was refunded some of the lost money from the InstaWallet hack.

Like I said, Davout has accepted the deal I proposed here, so let see if OP will honor is bounty

I'm available here or by PM to write agreement in the stone

I have a lawyer available to settle the agreement, that I will pay on my part of the Bounty.

That's great news man!

Well I hope PG get's what he believes it's fair for his loss.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: e4xit on June 12, 2014, 01:02:28 PM
Phinnaeus just one question:

How can you prove that the BTC is yours? I have not seen signed transaction from the originating address in any of your many rants about this and, it's not that I don't believe you, but I am slightly surprised that you havn't volunteered this as it seems to be the sort of evidence you might call for yourself if the shoe was on the other foot...?

Anyway, good luck either way.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Marlo Stanfield on June 12, 2014, 01:17:25 PM
Funny thing is from what I remember there wasn't even a 'hack'. It was simply an issue of some people losing money in their wallets due to search engines indexing their wallets. So instawallet shut down to minimise damage.

The fact that they've just decided to keep all this money to themselves with no explanation is pretty incredible.

As much as I often disagree with things the US government does, at least they go after people like Trendon Shavers, who ended up with a much smaller amount stolen from people on here. And it seems there's no one to go after these guys despite them pulling off a million+ dollar scam.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: laurentmt on June 12, 2014, 01:45:50 PM
57M Frenchies walk into a bar. One said, "There's almost 18M more behind us ready to surrender." Whereupon the bartender replied, "You lost me at 'behind', now what'll be?" Then another Frenchie cried out, "Let's ignore this place!"

"The problem with the American is that they don't have a word for cliché." - George W. Bush

All jokes aside, considering the financial stake discussed in this thread, I'm sure that a lawyer would be pleased to work on this case for less than 400 btc.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Nammi on June 12, 2014, 01:49:06 PM
Phinnaeus just one question:

How can you prove that the BTC is yours? I have not seen signed transaction from the originating address in any of your many rants about this and, it's not that I don't believe you, but I am slightly surprised that you havn't volunteered this as it seems to be the sort of evidence you might call for yourself if the shoe was on the other foot...?

Anyway, good luck either way.

That's exactly the center of the question discussed publicly in french meetup.
No one have seen this proof...

I don't understand why phinnaeus would pay 400BTC for 50K$, but I can write the agreement with him and make the deal

Davout will send to trusted escrow 50K$ (in dollard or BTC)
Phinnaeus will send to escrow 400 BTC

when escrow have both, he will send me 400 BTC and send Phinnaeus is 50K$

I will then send 300 BTC to Davout

We will all waive the right to terminate this agreement and to all actions regarding the instawallet service

My english is king of crappy, but you will have a real agreement translating this in good english by an international lawyer speaking flawless english  :)

Why the hell would he do that????? Sending 250.000$ in exchange for 50.000$....Would be kind of stupid doesn't it?

Probably means this:

I don't think he will give you $250K in exchange for 50.

He will settle for 50K coming from Davout from what I understand to end this hunt.

The bounty is for everyone that can recover his 1,132 coins and to apply pressure to Davout to settle for 50K and call it a day.

If I was Davout I would pay 50K and end this.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: kendog77 on June 12, 2014, 01:51:04 PM
Phinnaeus just one question:

How can you prove that the BTC is yours? I have not seen signed transaction from the originating address in any of your many rants about this and, it's not that I don't believe you, but I am slightly surprised that you havn't volunteered this as it seems to be the sort of evidence you might call for yourself if the shoe was on the other foot...?

Anyway, good luck either way.

That's exactly the center of the question discussed publicly in french meetup.
No one have seen this proof...

I don't understand why phinnaeus would pay 400BTC for 50K$, but I can write the agreement with him and make the deal

Davout will send to trusted escrow 50K$ (in dollard or BTC)
Phinnaeus will send to escrow 400 BTC

when escrow have both, he will send me 400 BTC and send Phinnaeus is 50K$

I will then send 300 BTC to Davout

We will all waive the right to terminate this agreement and to all actions regarding the instawallet service

My english is king of crappy, but you will have a real agreement translating this in good english by an international lawyer speaking flawless english  :)

Phinnaeus never said he would pay a 400 BTC bounty for 50k. Read post number 29 again. He said he would pay a 400 BTC bounty if he recovers the entire 1100+ BTC, and would pay a 1k bounty if he recovered 50k.

Honestly, it's a bit unrealistic to expect to retrieve over 1100 BTC. I suspect he should be going after the fiat value of the coins at the time they were stolen, which was probably ~50k.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: madmat on June 12, 2014, 01:55:48 PM
At today's exchange rate, the 400 BTC bounty equates to over a quarter of million dollars, or exactly $255,416 USD.

I prefer to use Rassah as escrow so that anybody who's entitle to the bounty would have an extra layer of trust to guarantee that they do get paid.

I will pay a 2% escrow fee (over and beyond Rassah's standard fee structure) outta my share to not lessen any bounty payout.

Ideally, I prefer to have the entire 1,132 BTC, sans the 400 BTC bounty amount, paid in full to me, but knowing that sometimes arbitration takes place, I'm willing to settle for a minimal amount, with anybody acting as liaison to broker their reward up to 100% of what I may finally recognize. The minimum I'm welling to settle for is $50K USD via BTC or fiat to compensate for my initial investment and the mega hours I have put into this fiasco, not to mention the stress.

I have played this game long enough in good faith, but Paymium, et al. actions, now lack thereof, leaves me no choice but to pursue this route.

I've stated this before, and will now do so again: Anybody having funds in Bitcoin-Central best get them out ASAP, for I have a funny feeling that they're about to be investigated for fraud and money laundering.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Here is the bounty, Am I crazy or is it written that he will settle for no less than 50K?

It is written
I'm willing to settle for a minimal amount, with anybody acting as liaison to broker their reward up to 100% of what I may finally recognize.

So you will never have more than what you get from davout

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: validium on June 12, 2014, 02:00:50 PM
Like I said if I was Davout, I would pay out the 50K and make a public notice that PG (just like other members) was refunded some of the lost money from the InstaWallet hack.

Like I said, Davout has accepted the deal I proposed here, so let see if OP will honor is bounty

I'm available here or by PM to write agreement in the stone

I have a lawyer available to settle the agreement, that I will pay on my part of the Bounty.

I highly doubt davout is going to come through. But hey lets wait n see.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: madmat on June 12, 2014, 02:02:59 PM
Like I said if I was Davout, I would pay out the 50K and make a public notice that PG (just like other members) was refunded some of the lost money from the InstaWallet hack.

Like I said, Davout has accepted the deal I proposed here, so let see if OP will honor is bounty

I'm available here or by PM to write agreement in the stone

I have a lawyer available to settle the agreement, that I will pay on my part of the Bounty.

I highly doubt davout is going to come through. But hey lets wait n see.

Davout is ready to give 50000$ to get 300btc, but Phinnaeus is not going to accept sardokan's deal.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Nammi on June 12, 2014, 02:04:30 PM
Why the hell would he do that????? Sending 250.000$ in exchange for 50.000$....Would be kind of stupid doesn't it?

Because it's exactly what he asked for the bounty

You think the bounty is stupid ? it would be stupid for me to not claim that bounty, no?

So let's see now if this bounty is real  :)

Well, I think you misread the proposal. Davout could settle for 50k$. The bounty of 400btc is when he gets the total amount of btc back. 2 different options...

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: superresistant on June 12, 2014, 02:06:16 PM

This deal is retarded.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: madmat on June 12, 2014, 02:08:48 PM
So you will never have more than what you get from davout

Oh, shit, that means Davout send him 50K$ and Phinneas send me back those 50K (But I would have to give them back to Davout and that would be stupid)

In this case, he should forgot the case

The easiest for him would be to publish proof that the BTC belong to him and start an action.

By publishing the TX ID of instawallet funding, and signing a message for proof he controls this address, because honestly, No one knows if the funds belong to him.

It's not that I take side for one or the other, but it's really the lake of proof that make this story going nowhere.

And shit, I have to improve my english if I want to claim bounties  ;D

I think you got a very good english lesson today  ;D

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: RawDog on June 12, 2014, 02:14:12 PM
What is it about FRENCH GUYS and Bitcoin?

Karpeles, those Dealco guys out of HK, now these scammers

French Bitcoiner = AVOID
The fucking French are a fucking nightmare.  Do not do any deals with French.  This is the only way they know how to profit because they have ZERO technical ability.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: S4VV4S on June 12, 2014, 02:18:37 PM
The fucking French are a fucking nightmare.  Do not do any deals with French.  This is the only way they know how to profit because they have ZERO technical ability.

Do you know french IT leads the world in implementation skills?  :D

Nope, it's the Chinese.
They just don't brag about it because they don't want the world to know of their true power.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: S4VV4S on June 12, 2014, 02:24:57 PM
Nope, it's the Chinese.
They just don't brag about it because they don't want the world to know of their true power.

For implementation, are you serious? The little I have seen in china was total crap, with production servers hosted on fucking crappy desktop computers, with no backup, no fail over and so on  ;D

Maybe you want to say the cheapest?

Then you saw just very little in China.
Have you even been there or what you see on the internet?

Talking about crap equipment....
Who is the No. 1 ASIC manufacturer?
In terms of product quality, customer service and immediate delivery?

I am guessing the Chinese win again....

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: validium on June 12, 2014, 02:25:15 PM
The fucking French are a fucking nightmare.  Do not do any deals with French.  This is the only way they know how to profit because they have ZERO technical ability.

Do you know french IT leads the world in implementation skills?  :D

Like??  You must be high or something...
The fucking French are a fucking nightmare.  Do not do any deals with French.  This is the only way they know how to profit because they have ZERO technical ability.

Do you know french IT leads the world in implementation skills?  :D

Nope, it's the Chinese.
They just don't brag about it because they don't want the world to know of their true power.

I agree

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: superresistant on June 12, 2014, 02:26:57 PM
The fucking French are a fucking nightmare.  Do not do any deals with French.  This is the only way they know how to profit because they have ZERO technical ability.
Do you know french IT leads the world in implementation skills?  :D
Nope, it's the Chinese.
They just don't brag about it because they don't want the world to know of their true power.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 02:33:52 PM
I've watched the whole Instawallet fiasco like a hawk because I had some BTC in Instawallet.
I never used Instalwallet, but I did keep an eye on how davout and boussac behaved during and after the incident because they are involved in other Bitcoin projects.

I started using it before davout bought or was given the funds from Jav.  Jav seemed like a trustworthy guy to me.  Even after davout got a hold of things I didn't have any reason to distrust him at the time.

I was to lazy to take it out  Had something like 50 BTC there, but considering they were like $3/BTC when I put them there it was $150.  I finally got off my ass and removed all but 20-something BTC like the day before the 'hack'.  I wonder how many others were doing the same thing and if a lot, if that triggered davout to pull the trigger.

The way they handled the situation looks to me consistent with what I'd expect from scammers.

I cannot agree with that fully.  In all honesty, it seemed to me like they went through a period of confusion then put together a workable strategy to get people payed off.  The nature of the solution being kind of privacy oriented made it a somewhat more difficult problem than it might have been.

I didn't get a strong sense one way or the other on the suspiciousness of the behavior early on.  My best guess at this point is that from day one they planned to skim the unclaimed wallets and had to have a shutdown to do it.  When the opportunity to nail an extra $1M at the expense of robbing one person who had already called them names came along, they could not resist.

Honest people would show some signs of remorse and humility after losing so much of other people's money - they were arrogant and hostile instead.

Sorry to be disagreeable, but I'm not sure I feel exactly the same way about that either.  I don't know a lot of French people, but they have a reputation for being conceited pricks.  (Not all of course.)  Davout and Boussac sort of match this stereotype so I personally cannot read a lot into that...and I'm a conceited prick myself but not dishonest and not a thief.

The way they handled the supposed investigation and audit was very suspicious.  That is the single biggest factor in swaying me to believe that they probably are crooks.

The name calling... tearing them a new asshole, so to speak, started after I realized wallet addresses no longer were part of the URL generated pages.

Boussac didn't hide the fact that he had me on ignore from the onset, never once addressing any of my concerns whether they were presenting with candy with honey on top or not. In fact, he skipped over a many questions still unanswered today that were asked in the nicest way possible.

I personnally tested my urls on the claim form and it worked.
If you are getting a 404 error it could be that your url is made up.
All instawallet urls that have received transactions are in the database.

Boussac (Pierre) you come back after ignoring questions and the first thing you say to a guy who has lost a shedload if coins is that maybe his URL is made up.

Way to go mate. Good job.

I am not ignoring questions steelboy I am ignoring people who threaten or insult me here or via PM (they are going on my ignore list).

There were three millions wallets created on how could I possibly answer to everyone ?
The reason we set up an online claim process is precisely because we cannot deal with each and every user by email, post or PM.
Had I started using other means than an online form, I would have been swamped.

I will nonetheless make sure their claims are processed fairly if they come up with a valid url.

I penned this:

Boussac replys via altering the quote:

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Marlo Stanfield on June 12, 2014, 02:47:05 PM
Phinnaeus just one question:

How can you prove that the BTC is yours? I have not seen signed transaction from the originating address in any of your many rants about this and, it's not that I don't believe you, but I am slightly surprised that you havn't volunteered this as it seems to be the sort of evidence you might call for yourself if the shoe was on the other foot...?

Anyway, good luck either way.

That's exactly the center of the question discussed publicly in french meetup.
No one have seen this proof...

I don't understand why phinnaeus would pay 400BTC for 50K$, but I can write the agreement with him and make the deal

Davout will send to trusted escrow 50K$ (in dollard or BTC)
Phinnaeus will send to escrow 400 BTC

when escrow have both, he will send me 400 BTC and send Phinnaeus is 50K$

I will then send 300 BTC to Davout

We will all waive the right to terminate this agreement and to all actions regarding the instawallet service

My english is king of crappy, but you will have a real agreement translating this in good english by an international lawyer speaking flawless english  :)

I highly doubt the 400 btc bounty would apply to a settlement of 50k.

edit: nevermind what I just wrote above this was just dealt with.

On the main topic:

It's bs if they're claiming he doesn't have proof.

He has the urls, the exact btc amounts, they can check the logs for ips ect. In this case that's all more than enough because with instawallet having the url is equivalent to have a private key. If he has these urls it's effectively the same as having ownership of the wallet. Especially when you can combine it with other evidence.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: jl2012 on June 12, 2014, 02:54:33 PM
I don't know what's your claim really for. Roger offers a bounty because he doesn't even know who the hacker is. However, you know who's holding your bitcoin. Just use the 400BTC to pay a lawyer to sue them, or pay whoever to do whatever you want

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: ljudotina on June 12, 2014, 02:56:54 PM
I hope that 400BTC is incentive enough for you to catch this guy...i really do.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Marlo Stanfield on June 12, 2014, 03:01:38 PM
I don't know what's your claim really for. Roger offers a bounty because he doesn't even know who the hacker is. However, you know who's holding your bitcoin. Just use the 400BTC to pay a lawyer to sue them, or pay whoever to do whatever you want

He very likely doesn't have the 400 btc and the 400 btc are going to be coming out of the 1132 btc or whatever that Davout has.

This is more interesting then the average bitcoin theft/scam whatever, because the accused still participates in the community and apparently is continuing to do so with no ill effects.

Unless there are pieces of the puzzle I'm missing here that paint Davout in a better light. Because it looks pretty bad so far. But we've only heard one side of the story(which is somewhat telling).

I specifically remember when instawallet shut down and the owners were saying on this forum something along the lines of 'relax, everyone who was not affected by the address leak will be repaid'. And it's been a very long period of complete silence as far as I can tell. Has there been any progress at all, or even communication?

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Marlo Stanfield on June 12, 2014, 03:03:23 PM
I hope that 400BTC is incentive enough for you to catch this guy...i really do.

Catch him to do what?

Hit him untill he give a thousand BTC?

If someone do that, why the hell would he send them back for reward instead of keeping the coins ?

Because he said he would?

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: superresistant on June 12, 2014, 03:04:40 PM
I don't know what's your claim really for. Roger offers a bounty because he doesn't even know who the hacker is. However, you know who's holding your bitcoin. Just use the 400BTC to pay a lawyer to sue them, or pay whoever to do whatever you want
He very likely doesn't have the 400 btc and the 400 btc are going to be coming out of the 1132 or whatever that Davout has.
This is more interesting then the average bitcoin theft/scam whatever, because the accused still participates in the community and apparently is continuing to do so with no ill effects.
Unless there's pieces of the puzzle I'm missing here that paint DAvout in a better light. Because it looks pretty bad so far. But we've only heard one side of the story(which is somewhat telling).
I specifically remember when instawallet shut down and the owners were saying on this forum something along the lines of 'relax, everyone who was not affected by the address leak will be repaid'. And it's been a very long period of complete silence as far as I can tell. Has there been any progress at all, or even communication?

Well, you're wrong on the last point. The discussion and conflict never ended since.

Do some research, it is an endless headache.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: madmat on June 12, 2014, 03:07:14 PM
Bounty is quite clear for me. Whatever the means, if Phinnaeus Gage get its 1132btc back, the bounty will be given to the one who did the necessary for that.

400btc is so much money, that everything could happen, and it could ends badly for people related to the case.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Marlo Stanfield on June 12, 2014, 03:10:52 PM
I don't know what's your claim really for. Roger offers a bounty because he doesn't even know who the hacker is. However, you know who's holding your bitcoin. Just use the 400BTC to pay a lawyer to sue them, or pay whoever to do whatever you want
He very likely doesn't have the 400 btc and the 400 btc are going to be coming out of the 1132 or whatever that Davout has.
This is more interesting then the average bitcoin theft/scam whatever, because the accused still participates in the community and apparently is continuing to do so with no ill effects.
Unless there's pieces of the puzzle I'm missing here that paint DAvout in a better light. Because it looks pretty bad so far. But we've only heard one side of the story(which is somewhat telling).
I specifically remember when instawallet shut down and the owners were saying on this forum something along the lines of 'relax, everyone who was not affected by the address leak will be repaid'. And it's been a very long period of complete silence as far as I can tell. Has there been any progress at all, or even communication?

Well, you're wrong on the last point. The discussion and conflict never ended since.

Do some research, it is an endless headache.

Alright, if Davout et al. are continuing communications with Bruno and the other customers then that is certainly better than nothing. I haven't come across a specific thread in the last year(or more?) dealing with the issue(other than Bruno's postings). I haven't been going out of my way to search for information either though. So if anyone wants to point me in the right direction it would be appreciated :)

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 03:14:11 PM
Delusional fuck copy & pastes entire log in case nobody has done such yet:

[9:29am] <10+davout> dub: yeah, that too
[9:30am] <10+davout> i'm waiting for phinneaus to show up on -assets again, so i can pierce him a second butthole in front of everyone
11[9:30am] [9:30am] csshih «~csshih@unaffiliated/csshih» has Quit iRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer11) 12«11187 people12»
11[9:30am] [9:30am] saulimus «» has Quit iRC (saulimus11) 12«11186 people12»
11[9:31am] [9:31am] adrrr «500c6ecf@gateway/web/freenode/ip.» has Quit iRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds11) 12«11185 people12»
[9:31am] <08@assbot> [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39687 @ 0.00083753 = 33.2391 BTC
  • {3}
12[9:31am] [9:31am] csshih (~csshih@unaffiliated/csshih) has joined. 12«11186 people12»
[9:31am] <10+davout> !up starsoccer
09[9:31am] [9:31am] assbot sets mode: +v starsoccer
[9:31am] <10+davout> ;;gettrust assbot starsoccer
[9:32am] <10+gribble> Currently authenticated from hostmask starsoccer!~starsocce@ Trust relationship from user assbot to user starsoccer: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 2 via 2 connections. Graph: | WoT data: | Rated since: Sat May 12 23:07:51 2012
[9:32am] <10+davout> o, you can already voice yourself ><
[9:32am] <10+starsoccer> oo lol
[9:32am] <10+starsoccer> didnt realize
[9:32am] <10+kakobrekla> what did he do davout ?
[9:33am] <10+davout> kakobrekla: boiled down version goes something like this
[9:33am] <10+dub> the dude has <70 IQ, the end?
[9:33am] <10+kakobrekla> !b 2
[9:34am] <08@assbot> Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( )
[9:34am] <10+davout> "davout stole 1132 BTC from me, so let's do something really smart here, if someone manages to make him cough up that amount, he can send me 732 BTC and keep 400 BTC for himself"
[9:34am] <10+kakobrekla> aha lolk
[9:34am] <10+starsoccer> davout, send him 1132 btc
[9:34am] <10+starsoccer> pls
[9:34am] <10+starsoccer> lol
[9:34am] <10+davout> which boils down even further ti "donate 400 BTC to me"
[9:34am] <10+dub> 'but I'll settle for US$50k!'
[9:34am] <10+davout> s/ti/to/
[9:35am] <10+starsoccer> davout, fine send him 50k
[9:35am] <10+kakobrekla> fun
[9:35am] <10+starsoccer> then me and you split the 400btc
[9:35am] <10+starsoccer> ;)
[9:35am] <10+dub> now forum rocket scientists are like, SO IF I SEND YOU $50K YOU SEND ME 400BTC?!
[9:35am] <10+starsoccer> dub, exactly
[9:35am] <10+davout> starsoccer: i already have someone willing to do it for only 100 BTC, sorry!
[9:35am] <10+starsoccer> do what for 100 btc?
[9:36am] <10+starsoccer> you send him 50k USD then we split 400btc so you get 200btc and i get 200btc
[9:36am] <10+starsoccer> good day
[9:36am] <10+davout> kinda fun going into the office and have everyone be like "o hai, you have a 400 btc contract on your head" :D
[9:36am] <10+kakobrekla> lol
[9:38am] <10+dub> haha
11[9:38am] [9:38am] kermit «unknown@pdpc/supporter/bronze/kermit» has Quit iRC (Leaving.11) 12«11185 people12»
[9:38am] <10+dub> HIRE SOME SERBS TO GET IT
[9:38am] <10+kakobrekla> i know some
[9:38am] <10+kakobrekla> i cal also hold escrow
[9:38am] <10+kakobrekla> can
12[9:38am] [9:38am] kermit (unknown@pdpc/supporter/bronze/kermit) has joined. 12«11186 people12»
12[9:39am] [9:39am] numerisTrade (~numerisTr@unaffiliated/numeris) has joined. 12«11187 people12»
12[9:40am] [9:40am] mircea_popescu (~Mircea@pdpc/supporter/silver/mircea-popescu) has joined. 12«11188 people12»
[9:41am] <10+kakobrekla> no takers ? boring.
09[9:41am] [9:41am] assbot sets mode: +v mircea_popescu
[9:41am] <10+mircea_popescu> hai there persons.
[9:42am] <10+dub> this sardokan guy is sure he is getting paid
[9:42am] <10+kakobrekla> hi
[9:42am] <10+Duffer1> hello
11[9:43am] [9:43am] cads «» has Quit iRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds11) 12«11187 people12»
[9:44am] <10+dub> ohshi- expedia
[9:44am] <10+mircea_popescu> benkay: state media academia << ty
[9:44am] <10+dub> nice
[9:45am] <10+davout> dub: he's being sardokanastic
[9:45am] <10+dub> ah, I was teetering that way but I err on the side of retard
[9:46am] <10+mircea_popescu> i feel so left out. who's sandokan ? other than some bollywood action star from the 80s
[9:46am] <10+mircea_popescu> ( )
[9:46am] <08@assbot> Sandokan Tribute - YouTube
[9:46am] <10+kakobrekla> some forumite?
[9:47am] <10+davout> he's a french guy that i've met a couple of times, also forumite
[9:47am] <10+mircea_popescu> aha
[9:49am] <10+Apocalyptic> davout, did he post that on the forum ?
[9:49am] <10+davout> Apocalyptic:
[9:49am] <08@assbot> New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
[9:49am] <10+mircea_popescu> decimation: waiting around and doing nothing while you hope a magic "process" or "committee" or "standarization" will do your job constitutes at least 50% of western officeworker employment << the best part is that this used to actually work, a century or so ago.
[9:50am] <10+mircea_popescu> o wow wait
[9:50am] <10+mircea_popescu> phin put a 400 btc bounty on davout's head !?
[9:51am] <10+mircea_popescu> !up blackwhite
09[9:51am] [9:51am] assbot sets mode: +v blackwhite
[9:51am] <08@assbot> [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17000 @ 0.0008361 = 14.2137 BTC [-] {2}
[9:51am] <10+mircea_popescu> ;;gettrust assbot blackwhite
[9:51am] <10+gribble> WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user blackwhite: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: | WoT data: | Rated since: never
[9:51am] <10+mircea_popescu> blackwhite the reason you can't say anything is that you';re not in assbot's l2 wot. have you been reading the logs or just idling idly ?
[9:52am] <10+mircea_popescu> davout what's the backstory on "At the onset of the InstaWallet fiasco, all three URLs didn't have a bitcoin wallet associated with the generated pages. It wasn't till after I brought it to Boussac's attention that the lesser bitcoin-containing wallet was well-document that it mysterious had the associated wallet address visible on the URL generated site. This is why they refuse to release the name of the forensics aud
[9:52am] <10+mircea_popescu> itor(s) because there wasn't one (or more, according to Boussac), in spite of them saying they couldn't because of some fuckin' idiotic NDA clause." ?
[9:52am] <10+blackwhite> I have just been busy so primarily just reading once in a while. Was more involved earlier.
[9:53am] <10+blackwhite> but getting back to getting more involved again.
[9:53am] <10+mircea_popescu> blackwhite right. so meanwhile the channel is +m, to get voice you have to pm assbot !up which only works if you're trusted to any degree by someone assbot trusts.
12[9:53am] [9:53am] ericmuyser ( has joined. 12«11188 people12»
[9:53am] <10+blackwhite> i see
[9:54am] <10+davout> mircea_popescu: what specific part of the story are you curious about ?
[9:54am] <10+mircea_popescu> well let's see. instawallet had a system whereby ownership is proven by url. the guy had 3 urls. what was not associated with what ?
[9:56am] <10+mircea_popescu> his generative grammar is quite bizarre, i can't follow statements like "all three didn't" worth a crap.
[9:56am] <10+davout> two of his URLs matched to nothing, pretty simple
[9:56am] <10+Apocalyptic> <mircea_popescu> phin put a 400 btc bounty on davout's head !? //looks like it
[9:56am] <10+mircea_popescu> davout what do you mean his and what do you mean nothing
[9:57am] <10+mircea_popescu> did he lose two of his three urls ?
[9:57am] <10+davout> i mean "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wallets WHERE key = '<phinns wallet key>'" == 0
[9:57am] <10+mircea_popescu> in other news, "Following massive rainfalls in Misiones, Argentina, and Santa Catarina and Paraná, Brazil, the famous Iguazú Falls are now overflowing, carrying 46,300 cubic meters per second—33 times the usual water flow rate."
[9:57am] <10+davout> for two of the urls
[9:58am] <10+mircea_popescu> davout uh. so then how is it possible he thought he had something there ?
[9:58am] <10+davout> i dunno, and tbh i would like to know too
[9:58am] <10+davout> some people fell for the "oh hey, here is our tor hidden service for instawallet, deposit bitches"
[9:58am] <10+Apocalyptic> "BTW, I would not rule out the possiblity that Boussac himself is a victim of davout to some extent" who's Boussac again ?
[9:58am] <10+mircea_popescu> now vs then :,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/ihl9qhl9yy47q1axnuiv.jpg
[9:59am] <10+davout> except we didn't have a tor hidden service
[9:59am] <10+mircea_popescu> davout so is it possible whoever broke in deleted some records too ?
[9:59am] <10+davout> i checked for that against a few backups
[9:59am] <10+davout> no results
[9:59am] <10+mircea_popescu> what date was the oldest you checked roughly ?
[9:59am] <10+davout> one of the first things i thought of
[9:59am] <10+pankkake> What is it about FRENCH GUYS and Bitcoin?
[9:59am] <10+pankkake> Karpeles, those Dealco guys out of HK, now these scammers
[9:59am] <10+pankkake> French Bitcoiner = AVOID
[9:59am] <10+davout> i don't really recall from the top of my head
[10:00am] <10+davout> i tried to find partial url matches too
[10:00am] <10+mircea_popescu> well were they a week older than the live db ?a month ? more ?
[10:00am] <10+davout> i tried to search by balances
[10:00am] <10+davout> a month or two i think
[10:00am] <10+mircea_popescu> so as best you can determine, there's a month+ interval where according to phinn he had 1k+ btc, but according to your db he had not ?
[10:00am] <10+davout> hence me asking for the deposit addresses and/or the funding transactions
[10:01am] <10+davout> that's what the backups convey
[10:02am] <10+mircea_popescu> < bonus iguazu
[10:02am] <08@assbot> As estan las Cataratas del Iguazu con la crecida - YouTube
[10:02am] <10+mircea_popescu> davout did instawallet gpg sign anything ?
[10:02am] <10+davout> nope
09[10:02am] [10:02am] assbot sets mode: -v starsoccer
[10:02am] <10+mircea_popescu> so did you say this to him ? did you get any sort of response ?
[10:03am] <10+fluffypony> mircea_popescu: he gets asked to prove he deposited 1100+ BTC into Instawallet, providing a transaction ID or a signed BTC addy that sent it or ANYTHING, and he just ignores those requests or talks around them
[10:03am] <10+mircea_popescu> aha
[10:04am] <10+davout> i asked him "o hey, maybe it could help me if you gave me the deposit addresses"
[10:04am] <10+mircea_popescu> well he prolly didn't keep records of any kind
[10:04am] <10+davout> the idea being that i could have checked against backups of bitcoind wallets as well with such an information
[10:04am] <10+mircea_popescu> ok, so were you on vacation at the time of the hax ?
[10:05am] <10+davout> well that's kind of what i figured, and i also figured he'd be too dumb to explore the blockchain by himself
[10:05am] <10+blackwhite> pretty good talk on ethereum
[10:05am] <08@assbot> Vitalik Buterin reveals Ethereum at Bitcoin Miami 2014 - YouTube
[10:05am] <10+davout> so i went there and used tracked all the addresses linked in any way to the unique IW cold storage address
[10:05am] <10+fluffypony> mircea_popescu: sure, BUT if he EVER sent money from Instawallet to someone (say as payment for something) and message'd or email'd them the transaction ID he'd have that, he'd have SOMETHING that could be used
[10:06am] <10+mircea_popescu> davout so he does not make a specific claim to either address or transaction, he makes a specific claim as to balance and to url which can't be verified, is the thing ?
[10:06am] <10+fluffypony> yes
[10:06am] <10+davout> once i had a massive collection of addresses i checked for an address whose received totals matched the balances he claimed, to no avail
[10:07am] <10+davout> took a few days for the script to reverse-explore the chain from the CS address
[10:07am] <10+fluffypony> every thread that's popped up that I've read has him claiming those two Instawallet URLs (plus a third that had 0.825 BTC or something that he disregards), but no further evidence
[10:07am] <10+mircea_popescu> this seems a fools errand as im sure his balance didn't come in one chunk.
[10:07am] <10+davout> ended up with around ~100k addresses to check, none of them received the amounts he mentions in the timeframe he mentions
[10:07am] <10+fluffypony> the URLs could be complete bullshit
[10:07am] <10+davout> mircea_popescu: no, because i checked for totals
[10:07am] <10+fluffypony> mircea_popescu: davout's talking about searching for the total received for each address in a timeframe
[10:08am] <10+mircea_popescu> that ain't gonna work.
[10:08am] <10+mircea_popescu> aaanyway. so were you on vacation when it happened ?
[10:08am] <10+davout> fluffypony: not the received total in a timeframe actually, the received total, and then i checked manually the actual deposits against these addresses
[10:09am] <10+davout> because the guy is pretty specific, 1000 BTC and 132 BTC, sent in december 2012 to an instawallet address
[10:09am] <10+fluffypony> yeah
[10:09am] <10+davout> he even provides the exchange rate at the time, this way i'm sure it's not 2011 or whatever
[10:11am] <10+mircea_popescu> i don't see much substance to his claim it'd be coming out of 1DavouTAsveznCFHsz688xvbrRAq4u2qm8 going to 16d1yGrEDqSY1xhCnAUWrkahGY2mkWdAYk
[10:12am] <10+fluffypony> yeah it's almost like he thinks it impossible that davout could independently have 1k BTC and it *must* come from him
[10:12am] <10+pankkake> okay…
[10:12am] <08@assbot> BitBet Propositions
[10:13am] <10+mircea_popescu> fluffypony but if you look at the incoming to that addy, there's no matching chunk
[10:13am] <10+mircea_popescu> largest bit, in may last. when did isntawallet fail again ?
[10:13am] <08@assbot> Bitcoin Transaction 84c505049bb782b490cc3fb7633238082afb2a2ec21bf1ea0596d6cbc2a61c1e
[10:14am] <10+mircea_popescu> april
[10:14am] <10+fluffypony> yeah
[10:15am] <10+mircea_popescu> actually 100, 400, 460 during may, 100 late april.
[10:15am] <10+davout> mircea_popescu fluffypony he can go ask jgarzik, the guy paid me 5678 BTC back in the day, also i got into bitcoin at such a time that i mined some blocks on a goddamn CPU
[10:15am] <10+mircea_popescu> but anyway davout so why is he claiming you won't release the liquidator;'s name ?
[10:15am] <10+mircea_popescu> that's exactly contrary to normal procedure, what's that all about ?
[10:15am] <10+davout> he's imagining there is a liquidator
[10:15am] <10+davout> i never said there was one, i said there had been an audit
[10:16am] <10+mircea_popescu> oh.
[10:16am] <10+davout> it was a post-mortem security audit
[10:16am] <10+mircea_popescu> i see.
[10:16am] <10+davout> the guy is very confused
[10:16am] <10+davout> i stopped answering him because i saw he could not grasp some very simple things
[10:17am] <10+davout> i explained to him how a shared wallet works, later he refers to it as mumble-jumble
08[10:17am] [10:17am] Kushedout ( is now known as kushed
[10:17am] <10+mircea_popescu> "Reserved to announced that I have reunited with my lost investment."
[10:17am] <10+mircea_popescu> is he francophone ?
[10:17am] <10+davout> he's definitely not francophile
[10:17am] <10+mircea_popescu> lol
[10:17am] <10+fluffypony> lol
[10:17am] <10+mircea_popescu> no but i mean he makes these sentences that break my parser all the time
[10:18am] <10+fluffypony> pankkake: I'm betting yes on "ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt ttttttttttttttt"
[10:18am] <10+mircea_popescu> "Ideally, I prefer to have the entire 1,132 BTC, sans the 400 BTC bounty amount, paid in full to me, but knowing that sometimes arbitration takes place, I'm willing to settle for a minimal amount, with anybody acting as liaison to broker their reward up to 100% of what I may finally recognize. The minimum I'm welling to settle for is $50K USD via BTC or fiat to compensate for my initial investment and the mega hours I
[10:18am] <10+mircea_popescu> have put into this fiasco, not to mention the stress."
[10:18am] <10+mircea_popescu> wait so the bounty is out of lol wtf how does this work
[10:18am] <10+mircea_popescu> "I prefer to use Rassah as escrow"
[10:19am] <10+mircea_popescu> so did he fund the bounty or not ?
[10:19am] <10+fluffypony> nope
[10:19am] <10+fluffypony> *if* he gets it he'll pay out 400 BTC or something
12[10:19am] [10:19am] Rulother (~Rulother@ has joined. 12«11189 people12»
[10:19am] <10+davout> the guy is confused, my only hope is that he lawyers up, so that someone can finally talk some sense into him
[10:19am] <10+mircea_popescu> fluffypony so then why any need for an escrow?
[10:19am] <10+fluffypony> nfi
[10:20am] <10+fluffypony> the whole arrangement is confusing as hell
12[10:20am] [10:20am] lnostdal_ (~lnostdal@ has joined. 12«11190 people12»
[10:20am] <10+mircea_popescu> so basically what he';s trying to do here is send davout to the forum collections agency ?
[10:20am] <10+davout> also, for the sake of keeping a public record, the script i used to explore the blockchain in order to try and find his deposit address, none of the two i was looking for appeared
[10:20am] <10+fluffypony> yes
[10:20am] <10+davout>
[10:20am] <08@assbot> Private Paste - Pastie
[10:21am] <10+mircea_popescu> davout do you have a service address ?
[10:21am] <10+fluffypony> maybe he's hoping that by throwing enough of a tantrum davout will just throw money at him
12[10:21am] [10:21am] nullbyte (~NSA@unaffiliated/loteriety) has joined. 12«11191 people12»
[10:21am] <10+davout> mircea_popescu: instawallet's former cold storage address -> 1FrtkNXastDoMAaorowys27AKQERxgmZjY
[10:21am] <10+mircea_popescu> fluffypony generally i kinda like phinn, he's very diligent, quite passionate and an off the path sort of thinker
09[10:21am] [10:21am] assbot sets mode: -v blackwhite
[10:21am] <10+mircea_popescu> davout service address is a postal address where one receives service of process
[10:22am] <10+mircea_popescu> such as supoenas
[10:22am] <10+davout> paymium has one
[10:22am] <10+mircea_popescu> alrighty.
[10:22am] <10+fluffypony> mircea_popescu: yeah I'm talking purely about the way he's treating this particular issue, not in general
12[10:22am] [10:22am] chetty (~chet@unaffiliated/chetty) has joined. 12«11192 people12»
[10:22am] <10+fluffypony> the constant stream of new threads doesn't play into his favour
11[10:23am] [10:23am] lnostdal «» has Quit iRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds11) 12«11191 people12»
[10:23am] <10+davout> also, our server hard drives were given to law enforcement when we filed our complaint back in april 2013
[10:23am] <10+mircea_popescu> davout so make a single post in that thread, containing paymium's service address, a statement that you've tried to the best of your ability to identify his claims but didn'
[10:23am] <10+kakobrekla> someone mixed propositions for 4chan?
[10:23am] <10+mircea_popescu> t so far manage to do so and a optionally a link to here to detail that.
[10:23am] <10+fluffypony> kakobrekla: that's what I'm guessing
[10:23am] <10+davout> in other words, it would simply be best if the guy sued
12[10:24am] [10:24am] bitcoinpete (~bitcoinpe@unaffiliated/bitcoinpete) has joined. 12«11192 people12»
[10:24am] <10+mircea_popescu> davout at this point.
[10:24am] <10+fluffypony> agreed
[10:24am] <10+mircea_popescu> there doesn't seem to be much room for any sort of mediation
09[10:24am] [10:24am] assbot sets mode: +v chetty
[10:24am] <10+fluffypony> once the body of evidence is presented his lawyer would (one hopes) be able to explain things to him
[10:25am] <10+chetty> so basically he is claiming a deposit with no actual evidence he made it? Wonder if that would work with my bank?
[10:25am] <10+fluffypony> chetty: I think so
[10:25am] <10+fluffypony> give it a spin, let us know how it goes
[10:26am] <10+mircea_popescu> fluffypony bank'll prolly just pay her.
[10:26am] <10+mircea_popescu> what do they care.
[10:26am] <10+davout> gotta get off, i'll be back later tonight if someone wants to discuss this further
[10:26am] <10+fluffypony> davout: kk
11[10:26am] [10:26am] davout «~davout@unaffiliated/davout» has Quit iRC (kthxbye11) 12«11191 people12»
[10:26am] <10+mircea_popescu> i think it's discussed tbh.
[10:26am] <10+mircea_popescu> ;;notes
[10:26am] <10+gribble> I currently have notes waiting for agentx24, anarkitty, bakinat, bcb, bitcoingirl, cevidad, frankenmint, Immukization, jtrunerbtc, kyledrake, moiety, MurphyLawn, nubbins, nubbins`, nubbins`i, Phinnaeus, RainMan28, ryepdx, starsoccer9, ThickasTheives, and vexual.
[10:26am] <10+mircea_popescu> ;;seen  Phinnaeus
[10:26am] <10+gribble> Phinnaeus was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 week, 1 day, 11 hours, 30 minutes, and 54 seconds ago: <Phinnaeus> later

Not sure when auditor became liquidator, for I don't believe I've used the latter term, let alone imagined it.

More comments forthcoming, for I'm behind the curve at the moment, all.

The only fuckin' thing I've read that davout got correct is that I am a n00b when it comes to certain tech shit, hence champion and using InstaWallet back in the day for I felt it was in capable hands by all accounts. Boy, was I fooled, but never again, hence using my experience with IW as stepping stone, so to speak, to call out ALL potential scammers.

In the chat above, davout was asked no less than three times as to whom the auditor was/is, and he still side-steps that issue, just like the where is the police report was side-stepped by Boussac, but finally he releases it in the French section of this forum a couple weeks later oppose to linking it in his InstaWallet claims thread.

[9:30am] <10+davout> i'm waiting for phinneaus to show up on -assets again, so i can pierce him a second butthole in front of everyone

davout is waiting for me to show up on -assets again, of which I ask, "What the fuck is -assets?" Must be nice to be a businessman and have the ability to state that they want to pierce a former client of theirs a second butthole, in front of their peers, nonetheless.

This is the mentality of people that shouldn't be running Bitcoin-based entities.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Marlo Stanfield on June 12, 2014, 03:15:11 PM
Because he said he would?

Let me explain more deeply

whithout proof, If I go find Davout To have a thousand BTC, the only solution I have is steal them from him

Once I would have stolen a thousand BTC, why the hell would I want to give 6 hundreds to someone else after having done the bad bad job (I won't steal, it's just to make a picture)

He has the urls, the exact btc amounts, they can check the logs for ips ect. In this case that's all more than enough because with instawallet having the url is equivalent to have a private key. If he has these urls it's effectively the same as having ownership of the wallet. Especially when you can combine it with other evidence.

If the URLs was leaked, where is the proof this belong to him

I also have the URL and amount, does this make me owner of the wallet ?

Davout don't have said anything publicly that I'm aware of on this subject, but what is said in the french community is Phinneas ask a refund but as no transaction ID.

that's something I have also read on this topic.

I personnaly think that if phinneas have proof, he should start immediatly an action in justice. If he don't, we have nothing to know the truth.

I understand what you are saying with the first point but some people would still give him his money out of a sense of justice. Maybe not many people. But some.

With the second point. If his urls were leaked then there should be blockchain evidence of someone removing the 1000++ btc away from addresses that are controlled by instawallet. It sounds like the wallets related to this event have ~1300 btc in them if I'm understanding Bruno's posts correctly.

Has Davout posted evidence of the 1000 btc wallet having that btc moved from the wallet before instawallet was shut down?

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 03:22:07 PM
What is it about FRENCH GUYS and Bitcoin?

Karpeles, those Dealco guys out of HK, now these scammers

French Bitcoiner = AVOID

All 57 million french people are dangerous scammers. Even if they don't use bitcoin !!!

That many?

"I really, really, really love Limey Day."

65 821 001 in fact. 57 million was the number when i was at school.

My sister had a baby yesterday  ;D

You mean to tell me these dudes are capable of breeding? http://

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: ljudotina on June 12, 2014, 03:29:55 PM
Well it's not up to dudes...females jump on them and do what needs to be done.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Seldar on June 12, 2014, 03:30:35 PM
whithout proof, If I go find Davout To have a thousand BTC, the only solution I have is steal them from him

Once I would have stolen a thousand BTC, why the hell would I want to give 6 hundreds to someone else after having done the bad bad job (I won't steal, it's just to make a picture)

We can imagine another story.
Suppose the bad guy is an honest one. I can't imagine how he could get BTC from davout without threatening him or doing illegal stuffs...
Even if "Bad guy" give back the money, it's certain that he'll will have a lot of problems with justice while the "backer" (I'm not sur it's the good word) will be drinking a Martini at home...

The best way is to sue Davout if he's the real thief.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Gyfts on June 12, 2014, 03:37:48 PM
This is pretty interesting. And it's really funny how these hackers think they are hard asses but back down when the tables are turned on them. 20K in Bitcoin is a hefty sum to bring the guy back to his senses and make him back down.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 03:54:18 PM
This is a bit mind numbing, there is a guy you can physically reach out and put hands on who stole 1,300+ BTC from you and this is where it is at?

Considering they are in Europe wouldn't the most violent way to recover them be the easiest as well. You need to get some Serbian or Bulgarian friends Phin.

I've received a few PMs and emails from those suggesting violence, of which I'm not advocating, and that's not what I'm offering the 400 BTC bounty for.

These French fucks wanted to play by their rules from the get-go, but now it's time they play by mine.

Boussac claimed that there was more than one auditor (not liquidator) working on the case, whereas davout claimed there was only one auditor (not liquidator) involved. Except at the very onset of the InstaWallet fiasco, a liquidator was only brought up briefly by some others until most realized that Paymium, et al. was in full control of the situation, promising to return everybody's bitcoins. To date, only >1K users have been satisfied outta the ~20K users Boussac/davout claimed to have claims against IW having ~3M users, presumably mostly inactive, but definitely ~20K active accounts according to their accounts.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 03:55:35 PM
Paying 50k would be acknowleging davouts missbehaviour.. No way they'll settle. Bitcoin is war.

I have an agreement from Davout to settle the deal I posted just before

I now wait agreement from OP

Somehow, I missing the terms of said deal. Link please.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 03:58:17 PM

Any French can reach Davout easily because he is not hiding at all.
On the contrary, he goes to many meetup.

This is really weird. Why isn't he hiding if he stole so much Bitcoins ?
Why didn't he disappear and live a good life ??

And why are you ready to give 400 BTC ??

400 BTC is approximately a third of the 1,132 BTC they stole from me, that is how.

The only reason I can think of them not hiding is because they may feel they can get away with their crime. Hell, they just recently shut down InstaWallet's site in spite of owing ~20K non-customers their bitcoins. These fucks are totally brazen.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: silentgwad on June 12, 2014, 04:02:51 PM
i'm waiting for phinneaus to show up on -assets again, so i can pierce him a second butthole in front of everyone
Definitly made my day  :D

Well, seems like a complex story with complex evidences.
Phinnaeus Gage , if those coins really belongs to you, I hope you'ill take them back and get davout recognized as a scammer.
If not, I hope davout will offer a counter bounty of 401 BTC to shut your mouth down for false accusations. ' Cause heh, reputation is everything in the small bitcoin ecosystem ..
Good luck to the truth teller among you guys  ;)

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Marlo Stanfield on June 12, 2014, 04:04:43 PM
I understand what you are saying with the first point but some people would still give him his money out of a sense of justice. Maybe not many people. But some.

With the second point. If his urls were leaked then there should be blockchain evidence of someone removing the 1000++ btc away from addresses that are controlled by instawallet. It sounds like the wallets related to this event have ~1300 btc in them if I'm understanding Bruno's posts correctly.

Has Davout posted evidence of the 1000 btc wallet having that btc moved from the wallet before instawallet was shut down?

For first step, requesting a thief to stole money and have a sense of justice is a bit unrealistic. So I guess Phinneas is not looking for a thief. But whitout proof, who will do something? (except thiefs?)

I think the issue is no one knows what is the wallet, no one has blockchain transaction ID, that's why nothing moves. If you read the irc log, you clearly see that Davout says he has tried to identify the wallet, has searched the blockchain, but there is no sign of this wallet. And having transaction ID would have helped, but there is no.

From my point of view, I don't see any proof anywhere. I have no reason to believe Davout has stolen BTC.

Yeah, it is unrealistic to assume someone is going to steal the btc. I was just addressing your hypothetical about the incentive for the person to give Bruno back his money rather than just keep it all for himself.

So after reading the chat log Davout claims that there is no address for two of the three that Bruno gave him. What was the point of having an audit if not to have the auditor as an impartial source do the searching themselves and make a statement reflected the lack of associated address. At this point it's just Davout's word saying there's nothing there versus Bruno's. For this amount of money there really should be an independent source confirming these things.

Regardless of whether Davout is guilty or he genuinely can not locate any funds related to any of the information given to him by Bruno, for Davout's own sake as a professional who obviously intends to continue his career in bitcoin, he should have these things confirmed independently. Personally, it would be my first priority to remove all doubt as to my involvement with Bruno's claim by having an audit. Otherwise you're only left with two possibilities, one being Davout being completely unable to find any link to Bruno's claimed funds, or an opportunistic theft where the evidence is completely controlled by Davout and there's no definitive way to determine guilt. Why make people wonder?

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 04:27:16 PM

Any French can reach Davout easily because he is not hiding at all.
On the contrary, he goes to many meetup.

This is really weird. Why isn't he hiding if he stole so much Bitcoins ?
Why didn't he disappear and live a good life ??

And why are you ready to give 400 BTC ??

Co create enough preassure, so thing acctualy happens....
Tho, if guy is not hiding, than legal terms or BTC bounty is needed...

I've already put a lot of pressure on them sans a bounty. Now, with this effort out in the open, Bitcoin-Central, et al. is going to get a looking into.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: hdbuck on June 12, 2014, 04:31:16 PM
First I think both Phin and Davout are eminent bitcoiners and should get the credit/respect they desserve.

However, PG's claim isnt new. He was the only one claiming that those 1k+ BTC belong to him up to now and had put tremendous efforts and time to try to get it back since Instawallet went down. I know davout and PG arent besties but they should be reasonable enough to put an end to this whole story for the sake of Phin's health and Davout's businesses, at the very least.

Bury the axe, settle down and move on.

They way I understood it is that there is more than 40k BTC waiting to be refunded to Instawallet's users that can come up with some more proof, which may just be impossible to get. So if they dont, what will happen with those funds? Instawallet's owners will just keep it all?! That just doesnt sound right.

Dont make this case another Mtgox scandal which would harm Bitcoin in general (and especially in France since davout & folks represents it in here).

PG's reputation and efforts to denounce bitcoin heists & abuses in general should account for his sincereness and legitimacy in this whole drama.

Peace, luv... and bitcoins! :D

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: jc01480 on June 12, 2014, 04:34:32 PM
What jurisdiction is this guy in?

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Marlo Stanfield on June 12, 2014, 04:43:33 PM
Am I wrong here or is it incredibly arrogant to expect people to accept your word at face value that there are no matches to Bruno's wallets?

Davout may very well be completely innocent, but how can anyone expect people to believe that at face value with no other evidence?

If I'm off base here, let me know, because I just don't see it.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: keithers on June 12, 2014, 04:47:43 PM
The fact that you lost this many BTC makes me sick to my stomach.   That is so much to lose, no matter how much you have...

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 05:04:49 PM
My settlement will now be a minimum of $100K USD via BTC, NO LONGER ONLY $50K USD via BTC.

You now fuckin' tell me these fucks at Paymium and Lemon Way have nothing to hide.

There is no motherfuckin' way in hell that Lemon Way would have a reason to delete their tweet requesting where they - Sebastien Burlet - could obtain bitcoins three days prior to the InstaWallet "hack" unless they are in on Paymium's scheme.

If the tweet was nothing but mundane, then why delete it after it's been up for over a year, but rid it only after I brought attention to it about a month back? By all accounts, I shouldn't be on Lemon Ways RADAR, but I guess I am, either via their own eyes or from Paymium, et al.

I suggest that Paymium best get this episode behind them ASAP, otherwise ANY plans they have in France or the European theatre pertaining to Bitcoin is going Bye-Bye, and that's not a threat. By the time I get done with you assholes, you'll pay out more than 1,132 BTC equivalent to your French lawyers to defend the charges I'll continue to make via the various internet options at my disposal, and I'll use my real name when I do such. Not to mention the moneys you're going to lose over and beyond lawyer fees. And, I almost forgot to mention future VC funding of the likes of Galitt.

Pierre Noizat

These days, we are actively preparing the “Cartes 2012″ trade show where we are exhibitors on the Galitt booth (Galitt is an investor in Paymium with over 20 years of payments expertise).

We will be introducing our “Paytunia” app (web and mobile) in its “multicurrency” version: Payments in Euro are processed through the Bitcoin network.

Merchants using “Paytunia Pro” can accept payments from Paytunia app users and/or from Bitcoiners using any other “Bitcoin-enabled” payment app.

Merchants do not need to display prices in Bitcoin because Paytunia Pro will calculate the equivalent Bitcoin amount from a price denominated in Euro.

Paytunia Pro provides merchants with the benefits of using Bitcoin (easy set up, no chargebacks, low fees, immediate payments, regardless of a customer’s country of residence) without the need to display prices in Bitcoin (a difficult step to take for most merchants).

To roll out its new payment app to the consumer market, Paymium has signed an agreement with a banking partner.

Thanks to this agreement, funds deposited in Euro to Bitcoin-central or Paytunia will enjoy the same level of legal protection as any other bank account in France.

Paymium Offerings

Paymium has some of the most talked about products in the Mobile Bitcoin Space.

-          Paytunia – Bitcoin Wallet with cloud based storage. No download of Blockchain required. <GONE!>

-          Instawallet – Anonymous Bitcoin wallet. 1.3m wallets in existence at the time of writing this article. <GONE!>

-          Bitcoin-Central – Bitcoin Exchange

-          Instawire – Purchase Bitcoin directly via Wire Transfer <GONE!>

Paymium bridges the gap between legacy payment companies and the newer generation of Bitcoin companies by providing solutions for Consumers, Developers and Enterprise.

With Paytunia Pro, now allowing POS & Multi-Currency capabilities in EUROs, we can expect viral growth in the company as well.

With the financial backing of a payments veteran & exposure to CARTES, It would be great to watch the Paymium growth across Europe and the rest of the world.


Needless to say, Mobile wallets are a large area for Bitcoin to penetrate and Paymium seem to be getting it right on every count.

This is a tremendous victory for Bitcoin to be introduced at this massive Payments stage at CARTES.

No doubts that Paymium will be one of the stronger Bitcoin players going forward.

Must be nice to receive $400K USD in funding to back your 4 entities, of which only 1 entity remains - Bitcoin-Central - of which is backed by a bank named Lemon Way which inquired about how to obtain bitcoins via a tweet three days prior to InstaWallet's "hack" and only has some fuckin' app as their claim-to-fame. I guess one needs to be French to get in on this wonderful action.

Full Disclosure: I've only begun to dig into these lying pieces of shit, and can't wait to share with the world the dirt I'd uncover on these bastards.

Continue with your motherfuckin' lies, davout/David François, for they'll be your Waterloo (almost injected 'bane', but my hole-in-head brain kicked into high gear at the last second).

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Keyser Soze on June 12, 2014, 05:08:57 PM

It seems pretty clear that Davout (claims) to not have enough information for the balances you claim. I would think you have two options:

a) Provide Davout additional information about the deposits (tx id or deposit address) that funded your instawallet account.
b) Find a lawyer and take legal action.

If you cannot provide the additional information he requests, if the information does not help Davout or for some other reason he does not pay out, then your only option is legal action.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 05:16:30 PM

Any French can reach Davout easily because he is not hiding at all.
On the contrary, he goes to many meetup.

This is really weird. Why isn't he hiding if he stole so much Bitcoins ?
Why didn't he disappear and live a good life ??

And why are you ready to give 400 BTC ??

Sun Tzu Style :
Those skilled in defense can hide in plain sight.

I've read The Art of War three times, albeit when I was much younger. Time to give it another read. I love that book, right up there with Prisoner's Dilemma by William Poundstone.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 05:24:44 PM
Paying 50k would be acknowleging davouts missbehaviour.. No way they'll settle. Bitcoin is war.

Or it could be settling for loosing his BTC after the InstaWallet Hack.

Other members got some money back.
Why shouldn't PG, and I think he has given Davout a fair deal here.
Just what it cost him.

Like I said if I was Davout, I would pay out the 50K and make a public notice that PG (just like other members) was refunded some of the lost money from the InstaWallet hack.

That deal is now off the table due to Lemon Way deleting their tweet(s) expressing interest in obtaining bitcoins three days prior to the InstaWallet "hack" because I now honestly believe they, too, are hiding shit. The new deal is $100K USD via BTC with a very favorable bounty in place for anybody willing and able to act as a liaison to this fiasco, with Rassah acting as escrow if such is warranted, him earning at least $1K USD for his efforts.

If/when another can of worms manifests themselves, I'll up any arbitrary deal even higher. Either way, Paymium, et al. has a lot to lose, and I'm more than willing to help them lose it.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 05:36:34 PM

<OP Snipped>

So is Roger Ver also on this forum? What is his name here?

Roger Ver's user name is MemoryDealers on this forum, but he's not part of the InstaWallet scam I 99% believe. If I learnt otherwise, I'll have no qualms with draggin' his good name (so far that statement is relatively true) through the mud.

Roger Ver is one of the few I've opted to not dig that deeply into. Others include, theymos (don't ask me why), the BitPay gain (because I like and trust them to date), Erik Voorhees (think he's cool), Dank (not worth it), Goat (albeit, he would be the first on this short list I would spend time looking into), Gavin Andresen (still have some trust for him), Rassah (a person I consider be highly trustworthy), and most the other mods on this forum, albeit not sure about John K. Apologies if I left your good name off this list, but wanted to keep it short to give you folks an idea as to where I'm honestly coming from.

At one time, I regard InstaWallet to the highest esteem... until they fucked me royal.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: TooDumbForBitcoin on June 12, 2014, 05:37:21 PM
My sister had a baby yesterday  Grin

Sounds like the opening move in some sort of scam.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 05:38:21 PM
Like I said if I was Davout, I would pay out the 50K and make a public notice that PG (just like other members) was refunded some of the lost money from the InstaWallet hack.

Like I said, Davout has accepted the deal I proposed here, so let see if OP will honor is bounty

I'm available here or by PM to write agreement in the stone

I have a lawyer available to settle the agreement, that I will pay on my part of the Bounty.

This deal you speak of still eludes me, but if it was brokered prior to me upping the deal, then I will surely honor it. It's only fair.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 05:44:42 PM
Phinnaeus just one question:

How can you prove that the BTC is yours? I have not seen signed transaction from the originating address in any of your many rants about this and, it's not that I don't believe you, but I am slightly surprised that you havn't volunteered this as it seems to be the sort of evidence you might call for yourself if the shoe was on the other foot...?

Anyway, good luck either way.

That's exactly the center of the question discussed publicly in french meetup.
No one have seen this proof...

I don't understand why phinnaeus would pay 400BTC for 50K$, but I can write the agreement with him and make the deal

Davout will send to trusted escrow 50K$ (in dollard or BTC)
Phinnaeus will send to escrow 400 BTC

when escrow have both, he will send me 400 BTC and send Phinnaeus is 50K$

I will then send 300 BTC to Davout

We will all waive the right to terminate this agreement and to all actions regarding the instawallet service

My english is king of crappy, but you will have a real agreement translating this in good english by an international lawyer speaking flawless english  :)

I think something was lost during translation.

The 400 BTC bounty is if I receive the full 1,132 BTC owed to me. I, personally, will (at the time) accept $50K as part of any arbitrated deal, with onus on anybody acting as a liaison to accomplish said feet to cut their own bounty deal with Paymium, et al. as long as I receive no less than $50K USD (now $100K if this particular falls through).

In hindsight, I kinda wish I didn't put the lower sum on the table, but it is what it is, in essence offering up an olive branch, so to speak, with nothing else need be read into said offer.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: TooDumbForBitcoin on June 12, 2014, 05:51:13 PM
lake lack of proof

Actually "lake of proof" is not far from "ocean of proof" which would be a valid English phrase (akin to "mountain of proof").  In this case it would have the opposite meaning to what you intend.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 05:57:51 PM
Funny thing is from what I remember there wasn't even a 'hack'. It was simply an issue of some people losing money in their wallets due to search engines indexing their wallets. So instawallet shut down to minimise damage.

The fact that they've just decided to keep all this money to themselves with no explanation is pretty incredible.

As much as I often disagree with things the US government does, at least they go after people like Trendon Shavers, who ended up with a much smaller amount stolen from people on here. And it seems there's no one to go after these guys despite them pulling off a million+ dollar scam.

Bitcoin wallet service Instawallet hacked, shuts down ‘indefinitely’ (

Dear Instawallet users,

I am a co-founder of Paymium, the company behind Instawallet.

We have now finished our analysis of the events that lead to the suspension of the service.
An intruder was able to access the instawallet database. As a result, all "hidden" urls, i.e wallets, have been compromised and are no longer safe to store bitcoins.
Funds were stolen: a police report was filed by Paymium with BEFTI ( Brigade d’Enquêtes sur les Fraudes aux Technologies de l’Information, a unit of the French "Police Judiciaire") and an investigation is in progress.
Computer forensic analysis is in progress with independent auditors.
We will be able to refund all instawallet balances up to 50 BTC per wallet.
In the next few days we are going to open the claim process for Instawallet balance holders to claim the funds they had stored before the service interruption.

Note the plural of 'independent auditors'. A month or so later, davout claims the same thing but in the singular form. After literally hundreds of requests to provide a single name of a single auditor, that request has gone unaddressed, with davout claiming that he will not release such, ergo there fuckin' wasn't one, with davout supposedly doing all the investigation leg work when he felt such was/is warranted.

Perhaps, one day he'll be so kind to post such in the Swahili section of this forum like Boussac did with a link to the police report by placing it in the French section and not the official InstaWallet claims thread upped and manned at the time by him, opting to play hide-and-seek with IW's non-customers.

These fuckers want to play assholes, then this asshole, along with some asshole allies, are now willing to play their game, and we have a feeling that we're going to win.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 06:05:30 PM
Phinnaeus just one question:

How can you prove that the BTC is yours? I have not seen signed transaction from the originating address in any of your many rants about this and, it's not that I don't believe you, but I am slightly surprised that you havn't volunteered this as it seems to be the sort of evidence you might call for yourself if the shoe was on the other foot...?

Anyway, good luck either way.

That's exactly the center of the question discussed publicly in french meetup.
No one have seen this proof...

I don't understand why phinnaeus would pay 400BTC for 50K$, but I can write the agreement with him and make the deal

Davout will send to trusted escrow 50K$ (in dollard or BTC)
Phinnaeus will send to escrow 400 BTC

when escrow have both, he will send me 400 BTC and send Phinnaeus is 50K$

I will then send 300 BTC to Davout

We will all waive the right to terminate this agreement and to all actions regarding the instawallet service

My english is king of crappy, but you will have a real agreement translating this in good english by an international lawyer speaking flawless english  :)

Phinnaeus never said he would pay a 400 BTC bounty for 50k. Read post number 29 again. He said he would pay a 400 BTC bounty if he recovers the entire 1100+ BTC, and would pay a 1k bounty if he recovered 50k.

Honestly, it's a bit unrealistic to expect to retrieve over 1100 BTC. I suspect he should be going after the fiat value of the coins at the time they were stolen, which was probably ~50k.

As I've tried to clarified in re. the $50K deal (at the time), anybody acting as a liaison is more then welcome to anything over and beyond that said amount I was willing to settle for, albeit it's now $100K, seeing that these fuckers are going all out to hide their tracks, making my claim more valid, thus worth more.

If somebody close to Team Paymium's camp is able to convince them to settle, then they would be paid whatever they can get from Paymium over and beyond what I'm currently asking for, of which I have a feeling that sum may go up even higher as I dig further. Depending on when and how much I finally recognize, I may be inclined to toss an added bone toward any liaison's way for their gallant efforts to further fatten their wallet with what Paymium may dole out.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: mangodream on June 12, 2014, 06:08:16 PM
What is it about FRENCH GUYS and Bitcoin?

Karpeles, those Dealco guys out of HK, now these scammers

French Bitcoiner = AVOID
The fucking French are a fucking nightmare.  Do not do any deals with French.  This is the only way they know how to profit because they have ZERO technical ability.

What, 'muricans are too dumb so they always get fucked by frenchies ;D ?

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 06:08:37 PM
Like I said if I was Davout, I would pay out the 50K and make a public notice that PG (just like other members) was refunded some of the lost money from the InstaWallet hack.

Like I said, Davout has accepted the deal I proposed here, so let see if OP will honor is bounty

I'm available here or by PM to write agreement in the stone

I have a lawyer available to settle the agreement, that I will pay on my part of the Bounty.

I highly doubt davout is going to come through. But hey lets wait n see.

Davout is ready to give 50000$ to get 300btc, but Phinnaeus is not going to accept sardokan's deal.

That's a good one. I pay davout 300 BTC, then he pays me $50K USD outta that, over and beyond the 1,132 BTC he stole from me. And he I thought since I was a kid that Frencies had tiny balls.  ::)

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 06:11:13 PM

This deal is retarded.

I concur! I was a tad tired when I penned, but was being realistic too, and would have stood by it till I learnt that Lemon Way deleted the one post that could incriminate them, now the deal is no less than $100K USD, not as retarded... but still.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: TooDumbForBitcoin on June 12, 2014, 06:12:26 PM
I personnaly think that if phinneas have proof, he should start immediatly an action in justice. If he don't, we have nothing to know the truth.

If Phin knows the BTC are his AND other party knows the BTC are Phin's AND Phin knows other party knows AND there is no proof, what is Phin's recourse?

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: beetcoin on June 12, 2014, 06:15:55 PM
roger ver is the exact reason why i wouldn't want to be broadcasting myself as some bitcoin millionaire.. but i can't blame him if he wants to do some startups, and people start noticing him. all i'm saying is i rather stay in the background if possible.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 06:25:42 PM
Phinnaeus just one question:

How can you prove that the BTC is yours? I have not seen signed transaction from the originating address in any of your many rants about this and, it's not that I don't believe you, but I am slightly surprised that you havn't volunteered this as it seems to be the sort of evidence you might call for yourself if the shoe was on the other foot...?

Anyway, good luck either way.

That's exactly the center of the question discussed publicly in french meetup.
No one have seen this proof...

I don't understand why phinnaeus would pay 400BTC for 50K$, but I can write the agreement with him and make the deal

Davout will send to trusted escrow 50K$ (in dollard or BTC)
Phinnaeus will send to escrow 400 BTC

when escrow have both, he will send me 400 BTC and send Phinnaeus is 50K$

I will then send 300 BTC to Davout

We will all waive the right to terminate this agreement and to all actions regarding the instawallet service

My english is king of crappy, but you will have a real agreement translating this in good english by an international lawyer speaking flawless english  :)

I highly doubt the 400 btc bounty would apply to a settlement of 50k.

edit: nevermind what I just wrote above this was just dealt with.

On the main topic:

It's bs if they're claiming he doesn't have proof.

He has the urls, the exact btc amounts, they can check the logs for ips ect. In this case that's all more than enough because with instawallet having the url is equivalent to have a private key. If he has these urls it's effectively the same as having ownership of the wallet. Especially when you can combine it with other evidence.

But davout, acting as InstaWallet's independent auditor, claims no such wallet addresses exist associated with the URLs he was keenly aware of prior to the "hack". When InstaWallet came back online, I, among others, was not seeing the entire page, with wallets IDs missing. That was ture with all three of my URL wallets, but the lesser one containing 0.835 BTC mysteriously started to include the wallet address after I brought it up and shown proof that the wallet address was public record. Then, for some reason, two foreign claims were made against it that held my refund up, of which I believe was Paymium's plan. I resubmitted all three claims in Oct., Nov., and Dec. It wasn't until I started another ruckus on this forum did davout take the time to finally contact me via email late last December to somehow get a handle on this. I firmly believe that at the time I was going to get reunited with my bitcoins, but I was mistaken, for davout kicked all three claims to the curb, all three have the same IP associated with them.

It wasn't until I had to go step-by-step via email to show davout that the 0.835 BTC URL wallet was indeed mine, reshowing him proof for the 4th/5th time before he allowed it to be returned.

The last transaction of that URL wallet doesn't even coincide with what actually transpired, i.e. the last BTC I sent out from it for, ironically, a bounty.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 06:28:20 PM
I hope that 400BTC is incentive enough for you to catch this guy...i really do.

That's the objective, along with draggin' their not-so-good name further through the mud the longer they take to refund me. I can now clearly see why they act like assholes - because it's fun. And now I'm having the time of my life.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 06:31:22 PM
I don't know what's your claim really for. Roger offers a bounty because he doesn't even know who the hacker is. However, you know who's holding your bitcoin. Just use the 400BTC to pay a lawyer to sue them, or pay whoever to do whatever you want

He very likely doesn't have the 400 btc and the 400 btc are going to be coming out of the 1132 btc or whatever that Davout has.

This is more interesting then the average bitcoin theft/scam whatever, because the accused still participates in the community and apparently is continuing to do so with no ill effects.

Unless there are pieces of the puzzle I'm missing here that paint Davout in a better light. Because it looks pretty bad so far. But we've only heard one side of the story(which is somewhat telling).

I specifically remember when instawallet shut down and the owners were saying on this forum something along the lines of 'relax, everyone who was not affected by the address leak will be repaid'. And it's been a very long period of complete silence as far as I can tell. Has there been any progress at all, or even communication?

The last statement Paymium said on the matter pertaining to the ~20K users still awaiting payouts is that the next payout was going to be in June.

FUCK ME! I just looked at a calendar and you guys ain't goin' to believe what month is it, but take a guess nonetheless. Hint: It starts with J.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 06:34:48 PM
Bounty is quite clear for me. Whatever the means, if Phinnaeus Gage get its 1132btc back, the bounty will be given to the one who did the necessary for that.

400btc is so much money, that everything could happen, and it could ends badly for people related to the case.

And, I will do every motherfuckin' thing in my power to make sure it doesn't end happy for Paymium and their principals and employees, along with any entity that associates with them, including Lemon Way and Gilett or any other VC having more money then brains that backs them. I WILL dig them a new asshole.

That said, Paymium best hurry up, for I'm dying to make this an even uglier mess.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Marlo Stanfield on June 12, 2014, 06:49:17 PM
I think you take the issue by the wrong end.

You should try to find evidences. I know Davout a little bit, and attacking him won't turn is mind.

I'm pretty sure that if you have more consistant hint, you will be fully refunded.

I'm thinking.

In the irc quote you posted, maybe I spoted a way to found evidence.

I have to think more and will offer you and Davout a deal.

Will you help me help you both found evidence and be the one abble to intermediate between you both?

The onus should be on Davout to provide the means for an independent evaluation of Bruno's claims.

Why state you are going to have an auditor(or the originally intended auditors) and then either not actually have one, or have someone audit and then release absolutely no results?

Am I going crazy or is this not shady as fuck? I can't be the only one here who thinks this is ridiculous?

Either way I hope both Bruno and Davout take you up on your offer to help find evidence.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 07:17:42 PM
Because he said he would?

Let me explain more deeply

whithout proof, If I go find Davout To have a thousand BTC, the only solution I have is steal them from him

Once I would have stolen a thousand BTC, why the hell would I want to give 6 hundreds to someone else after having done the bad bad job (I won't steal, it's just to make a picture)

He has the urls, the exact btc amounts, they can check the logs for ips ect. In this case that's all more than enough because with instawallet having the url is equivalent to have a private key. If he has these urls it's effectively the same as having ownership of the wallet. Especially when you can combine it with other evidence.

If the URLs was leaked, where is the proof this belong to him

I also have the URL and amount, does this make me owner of the wallet ?

Davout don't have said anything publicly that I'm aware of on this subject, but what is said in the french community is Phinneas ask a refund but as no transaction ID.

that's something I have also read on this topic.

I personnaly think that if phinneas have proof, he should start immediatly an action in justice. If he don't, we have nothing to know the truth.

What transaction ID am I suppose to have when Paymium deleted the wallet address from generated URL pages?

Paid in full:

With ~20K claims yet to processed and next payout in June, the above is what InstaWallet customers are currently met with, in spite of the below.

InstaWallet's claim thread is locked, hence:

The URL you reported matches no such walllet.
In order to look into it deeper I requested some more information about the wallet : public address, blockchain-related information etc.

You weren't even able to point me to one, or a set of, transactions funding said wallet that would total to the amount you claim.
Such information might have been a first step and allow us to check for its existence.
I invested a reasonable amount of time in trying to help you, but as far as our data goes this wallet does not exist.

For the record, our server hard-drives were given to law-enforcement when our complaint was filed, if I remember correctly you were given a copy of the receipt.
We're not "hiding" anything, neither are we "covering our tracks".

The next payout is scheduled for the beginning of june, I'll post more information here whenever it is available and if applicable.

In re. the bolded text above, the following...

My settlement will now be a minimum of $100K USD via BTC, NO LONGER ONLY $50K USD via BTC.

You now fuckin' tell me these fucks at Paymium and Lemon Way have nothing to hide.

There is no motherfuckin' way in hell that Lemon Way would have a reason to delete their tweet requesting where they - Sebastien Burlet - could obtain bitcoins three days prior to the InstaWallet "hack" unless they are in on Paymium's scheme.

If the tweet was nothing but mundane, then why delete it after it's been up for over a year, but rid it only after I brought attention to it about a month back? By all accounts, I shouldn't be on Lemon Ways RADAR, but I guess I am, either via their own eyes or from Paymium, et al.

I suggest that Paymium best get this episode behind them ASAP, otherwise ANY plans they have in France or the European theatre pertaining to Bitcoin is going Bye-Bye, and that's not a threat. By the time I get done with you assholes, you'll pay out more than 1,132 BTC equivalent to your French lawyers to defend the charges I'll continue to make via the various internet options at my disposal, and I'll use my real name when I do such. Not to mention the moneys you're going to lose over and beyond lawyer fees. And, I almost forgot to mention future VC funding of the likes of Galitt.

Pierre Noizat

These days, we are actively preparing the “Cartes 2012″ trade show where we are exhibitors on the Galitt booth (Galitt is an investor in Paymium with over 20 years of payments expertise).

We will be introducing our “Paytunia” app (web and mobile) in its “multicurrency” version: Payments in Euro are processed through the Bitcoin network.

Merchants using “Paytunia Pro” can accept payments from Paytunia app users and/or from Bitcoiners using any other “Bitcoin-enabled” payment app.

Merchants do not need to display prices in Bitcoin because Paytunia Pro will calculate the equivalent Bitcoin amount from a price denominated in Euro.

Paytunia Pro provides merchants with the benefits of using Bitcoin (easy set up, no chargebacks, low fees, immediate payments, regardless of a customer’s country of residence) without the need to display prices in Bitcoin (a difficult step to take for most merchants).

To roll out its new payment app to the consumer market, Paymium has signed an agreement with a banking partner.

Thanks to this agreement, funds deposited in Euro to Bitcoin-central or Paytunia will enjoy the same level of legal protection as any other bank account in France.

Paymium Offerings

Paymium has some of the most talked about products in the Mobile Bitcoin Space.

-          Paytunia – Bitcoin Wallet with cloud based storage. No download of Blockchain required. <GONE!>

-          Instawallet – Anonymous Bitcoin wallet. 1.3m wallets in existence at the time of writing this article. <GONE!>

-          Bitcoin-Central – Bitcoin Exchange

-          Instawire – Purchase Bitcoin directly via Wire Transfer <GONE!>

Paymium bridges the gap between legacy payment companies and the newer generation of Bitcoin companies by providing solutions for Consumers, Developers and Enterprise.

With Paytunia Pro, now allowing POS & Multi-Currency capabilities in EUROs, we can expect viral growth in the company as well.

With the financial backing of a payments veteran & exposure to CARTES, It would be great to watch the Paymium growth across Europe and the rest of the world.


Needless to say, Mobile wallets are a large area for Bitcoin to penetrate and Paymium seem to be getting it right on every count.

This is a tremendous victory for Bitcoin to be introduced at this massive Payments stage at CARTES.

No doubts that Paymium will be one of the stronger Bitcoin players going forward.

Must be nice to receive $400K USD in funding to back your 4 entities, of which only 1 entity remains - Bitcoin-Central - of which is backed by a bank named Lemon Way which inquired about how to obtain bitcoins via a tweet three days prior to InstaWallet's "hack" and only has some fuckin' app as their claim-to-fame. I guess one needs to be French to get in on this wonderful action.

Full Disclosure: I've only begun to dig into these lying pieces of shit, and can't wait to share with the world the dirt I'd uncover on these bastards.

Continue with your motherfuckin' lies, davout/David François, for they'll be your Waterloo (almost injected 'bane', but my hole-in-head brain kicked into high gear at the last second).

~Bruno Kucinskas

It ain't goin' to take much for me to add another $50K USD to the bare minimum I'll accept in any settlement arrangement.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 07:30:21 PM
whithout proof, If I go find Davout To have a thousand BTC, the only solution I have is steal them from him

Once I would have stolen a thousand BTC, why the hell would I want to give 6 hundreds to someone else after having done the bad bad job (I won't steal, it's just to make a picture)

We can imagine another story.
Suppose the bad guy is an honest one. I can't imagine how he could get BTC from davout without threatening him or doing illegal stuffs...
Even if "Bad guy" give back the money, it's certain that he'll will have a lot of problems with justice while the "backer" (I'm not sur it's the good word) will be drinking a Martini at home...

The best way is to sue Davout if he's the real thief.

I'm goin' for the throat, wishing/wanting Paymium to sue me first for libel and defamation of character, for they seem to have more than enough proof that what I've been claiming is nothing but falsehoods. Obviously, they have more info than I have, having deleted any records from their servers showing that my two URL wallets never existed, if I understand that being the case correctly.

Until then, the course of action I'm taking is to destroy their brand and anybody/anything associated with them. David, et al. may desire to be the Bitropolis of France, but when I get done, they be the Bitropolis of some jail cell with a cozy cellmates to boot, at worst, or shunned in France/Europe, at best, not even able to get VC funding for a busker tin, regardless of their singing abilities.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 07:34:15 PM
This is pretty interesting. And it's really funny how these hackers think they are hard asses but back down when the tables are turned on them. 20K in Bitcoin is a hefty sum to bring the guy back to his senses and make him back down.

It's now $100K USD due to Lemon Way deleting a mundane tweet asking where they could obtain bitcoins, when the answer was walking distance to Paymium's back door, a back door, I may add, that used to launder bitcoins.

I'm sure somewhere in France there's a DA getting a hard-on right about now. If not, there soon will be. Then again, maybe that's what Paymium desires so that they'll have a reason to lock down Bitcoin-Central. Hmmmmmmmmm!

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 07:40:34 PM
I understand what you are saying with the first point but some people would still give him his money out of a sense of justice. Maybe not many people. But some.

With the second point. If his urls were leaked then there should be blockchain evidence of someone removing the 1000++ btc away from addresses that are controlled by instawallet. It sounds like the wallets related to this event have ~1300 btc in them if I'm understanding Bruno's posts correctly.

Has Davout posted evidence of the 1000 btc wallet having that btc moved from the wallet before instawallet was shut down?

For first step, requesting a thief to stole money and have a sense of justice is a bit unrealistic. So I guess Phinneas is not looking for a thief. But whitout proof, who will do something? (except thiefs?)

I think the issue is no one knows what is the wallet, no one has blockchain transaction ID, that's why nothing moves. If you read the irc log, you clearly see that Davout says he has tried to identify the wallet, has searched the blockchain, but there is no sign of this wallet. And having transaction ID would have helped, but there is no.

From my point of view, I don't see any proof anywhere. I have no reason to believe Davout has stolen BTC.

I can easily pen at least three dozen lies davout, et al. has penned in the past pertaining to the infamous InstaWallet "hack", among other issues. Then I'll juxtapose them lies with what he has stated, that being that he personally looked for such-and-such, but to no avail. I feel so Goddamn bad that I messed up his two days worth of plans while my plans for hundreds of thousands of dollars remain in limbo for only a year now that I entrusted InstaWallet with, even champion their name at the time up to the "hack" that if one did occur, they orchestrated.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: justusranvier on June 12, 2014, 07:40:56 PM
Gavin Andresen (still have some trust for him)

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 07:43:28 PM
i'm waiting for phinneaus to show up on -assets again, so i can pierce him a second butthole in front of everyone
Definitly made my day  :D

Well, seems like a complex story with complex evidences.
Phinnaeus Gage , if those coins really belongs to you, I hope you'ill take them back and get davout recognized as a scammer.
If not, I hope davout will offer a counter bounty of 401 BTC to shut your mouth down for false accusations. ' Cause heh, reputation is everything in the small bitcoin ecosystem ..
Good luck to the truth teller among you guys  ;)

Reputation is everything, and I'm putting mine on the line with this quest, and at the same time destroying their venerable brand.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: mangodream on June 12, 2014, 07:44:20 PM
It's been a long time i haven't seen a thread with so much action

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 07:52:06 PM
I understand what you are saying with the first point but some people would still give him his money out of a sense of justice. Maybe not many people. But some.

With the second point. If his urls were leaked then there should be blockchain evidence of someone removing the 1000++ btc away from addresses that are controlled by instawallet. It sounds like the wallets related to this event have ~1300 btc in them if I'm understanding Bruno's posts correctly.

Has Davout posted evidence of the 1000 btc wallet having that btc moved from the wallet before instawallet was shut down?

For first step, requesting a thief to stole money and have a sense of justice is a bit unrealistic. So I guess Phinneas is not looking for a thief. But whitout proof, who will do something? (except thiefs?)

I think the issue is no one knows what is the wallet, no one has blockchain transaction ID, that's why nothing moves. If you read the irc log, you clearly see that Davout says he has tried to identify the wallet, has searched the blockchain, but there is no sign of this wallet. And having transaction ID would have helped, but there is no.

From my point of view, I don't see any proof anywhere. I have no reason to believe Davout has stolen BTC.

Yeah, it is unrealistic to assume someone is going to steal the btc. I was just addressing your hypothetical about the incentive for the person to give Bruno back his money rather than just keep it all for himself.

So after reading the chat log Davout claims that there is no address for two of the three that Bruno gave him. What was the point of having an audit if not to have the auditor as an impartial source do the searching themselves and make a statement reflected the lack of associated address. At this point it's just Davout's word saying there's nothing there versus Bruno's. For this amount of money there really should be an independent source confirming these things.

Regardless of whether Davout is guilty or he genuinely can not locate any funds related to any of the information given to him by Bruno, for Davout's own sake as a professional who obviously intends to continue his career in bitcoin, he should have these things confirmed independently. Personally, it would be my first priority to remove all doubt as to my involvement with Bruno's claim by having an audit. Otherwise you're only left with two possibilities, one being Davout being completely unable to find any link to Bruno's claimed funds, or an opportunistic theft where the evidence is completely controlled by Davout and there's no definitive way to determine guilt. Why make people wonder?

This is exactly what was asked of them directly after the "hack", but davout opted to withhold the name of any independent auditor for whatever fucked up reason, of which doesn't make sense. No motherfuckin' auditor is going to not want their good name out there, coupled with they know exact what to say and what not to say. Since no auditors were named, there simply weren't any, thus we've all been forced to take davout's word for ALL the events that happened, just like we were all forced to take Mark Kapeles' (David's friend) word for what was happening behind the scenes at Mt Gox. Guess what! Virtually none of Mark's words were true.

Now, I'm the one holding the key while I push these motherfuckers into a corner with few exits available to them. My biggest fear is that they're not that attached to Paymium, and am willing to let it go to the wayside, whereupon I hunt these fuckers down and attempt to destroy their next brand, along with any VC that funds them.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: S4VV4S on June 12, 2014, 07:52:21 PM


That being said, a friend of mine once said "I don't even trust my own asshole".
When I asked why he replied: "I had attempted to fart once, but instead I shit myself".

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: mangodream on June 12, 2014, 08:03:19 PM
That being said, a friend of mine once said "I don't even trust my own asshole".
When I asked why he replied: "I had attempted to fart once, but instead I shit myself".

Oh gawd you killed me hahahahaha ;D

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 08:05:36 PM
First I think both Phin and Davout are eminent bitcoiners and should get the credit/respect they desserve.

However, PG's claim isnt new. He was the only one claiming that those 1k+ BTC belong to him up to now and had put tremendous efforts and time to try to get it back since Instawallet went down. I know davout and PG arent besties but they should be reasonable enough to put an end to this whole story for the sake of Phin's health and Davout's businesses, at the very least.

Bury the axe, settle down and move on.

They way I understood it is that there is more than 40k BTC waiting to be refunded to Instawallet's users that can come up with some more proof, which may just be impossible to get. So if they dont, what will happen with those funds? Instawallet's owners will just keep it all?! That just doesnt sound right.

Dont make this case another Mtgox scandal which would harm Bitcoin in general (and especially in France since davout & folks represents it in here).

PG's reputation and efforts to denounce bitcoin heists & abuses in general should account for his sincereness and legitimacy in this whole drama.

Peace, luv... and bitcoins! :D

Thanks kindly for the generous post, but I will not give up the leverage I have in regaining control of what was stolen from me. If a bigging scandal arises due to my efforts, so be it, for that's my serious attempt until justice, as I see, is at hand.

I draw a line in the sand right here, right now, to put a stop to these scamming bastards - to the best of my ability - starting with those still considered viable, namely Bitcoin-Central, of which, BTW, I've shown in the past that bitcoins were indeed funneled back and forth between it and InstaWallet prior to and after the "hack", something of which should never have been the case, especially when said coins were then immediately funneled back, then the process continued. Sound familiar? Mt Gox should come to mind.

I'm sure that Paymium is just dying to have their books scrutinized to show the world how such was done. I'm also sure that Paymium can't wait to show what other venerable Bitcoin-based entities they've been laundering moneys for. CS's BitInstant comes to mind, albeit not related to this fiasco, I don't believe.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 08:08:49 PM

It seems pretty clear that Davout (claims) to not have enough information for the balances you claim. I would think you have two options:

a) Provide Davout additional information about the deposits (tx id or deposit address) that funded your instawallet account.
b) Find a lawyer and take legal action.

If you cannot provide the additional information he requests, if the information does not help Davout or for some other reason he does not pay out, then your only option is legal action.

The option I favor is dragging Paymium, et al. name through the ringer, using the same washer they use to launder money. Fuck, I'll even use the same clothes line they use to hang them out to dry.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 08:11:54 PM
lake lack of proof

Actually "lake of proof" is not far from "ocean of proof" which would be a valid English phrase (akin to "mountain of proof").  In this case it would have the opposite meaning to what you intend.

Fuck it! Let's settle on "lake of proof" as in either they need a slab of concrete for my ass, or I'll use to sink their leaking ship, with it doesn't matter what lake we opt to use.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Marlo Stanfield on June 12, 2014, 08:17:27 PM
I can insure you they are attached to paymium brand and have plans for it.
They are "leaders" in france in Bitcoin landscape.

Let's clear this out. Give me hints to find your transaction in the blockchain. (I have sent you a mail to dabitcoing...@...)

I will contact my lawyer, propose him a quarter of the bounty, and contact Davout to see if he is ok to help.
If everything seam good, lawyer will establish the contract for fund recovery in your behalf and will escrow.
If french justice have put the hand into this, we should find a way to read the reports of the case.

The only thing that bother me is if you are the lier, I will work for free.  ;D

I'd be interested to hear both Davout's and Bruno's response to this. Keep us updated please.

"If french justice have put the hand into this, we should find a way to read the reports of the case."

This is a big one. What if they refuse to give your lawyer the police report number?

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 08:19:58 PM
That deal is now off the table due to Lemon Way deleting their tweet(s) expressing interest in obtaining bitcoins three days prior to the InstaWallet "hack" because I now honestly believe they, too, are hiding shit.

You should know that at the time of the hack, the banking partner of Paymium was Aqoba, a subsidiary of "Crédit Mutuel", one the big french banks.  It is well documented everywhere (

Lemon Way came later, when they relaunched Bitcoin-Central (around Q4 of 2013)

I was well-aware of that fact, of which always begged the question why the switch, especially to an entity wasn't even able to obtain bitcoins on their own accord three days prior to the InstaWallet "hack", then a couple months later was acting as Bitcoin-Central's bank. Totally fucking amazing if you ask me. Almost as amazing as me stating to produce 14nm chips in some barn with goats doing the assembling after I tweet, "Where can I get me some of that sand used in making silicon wafers?"

Then, once I claim that I'm in production, I'll delete my tweet once I'm called out on not knowing what I'm doing, in spite of claiming to have highly trained goats on the payroll.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 08:24:16 PM
I personnaly think that if phinneas have proof, he should start immediatly an action in justice. If he don't, we have nothing to know the truth.

If Phin knows the BTC are his AND other party knows the BTC are Phin's AND Phin knows other party knows AND there is no proof, what is Phin's recourse?
"Please, Phinn, please stop! You win!"

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 08:28:10 PM
I think you take the issue by the wrong end.

You should try to find evidences. I know Davout a little bit, and attacking him won't turn is mind.

I'm pretty sure that if you have more consistant hint, you will be fully refunded.

I'm thinking.

In the irc quote you posted, maybe I spoted a way to found evidence.

I have to think more and will offer you and Davout a deal.

Will you help me help you both found evidence and be the one abble to intermediate between you both?

My evidence is scant, since davout probably erased the info on the servers just like Lemon Way deleted "where can I get me some bitcoins?" tweet.

I suggest he pull that independent auditor outta his ass, and not one that he recently commissions.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 08:35:26 PM
I think you take the issue by the wrong end.

You should try to find evidences. I know Davout a little bit, and attacking him won't turn is mind.

I'm pretty sure that if you have more consistant hint, you will be fully refunded.

I'm thinking.

In the irc quote you posted, maybe I spoted a way to found evidence.

I have to think more and will offer you and Davout a deal.

Will you help me help you both found evidence and be the one abble to intermediate between you both?

The onus should be on Davout to provide the means for an independent evaluation of Bruno's claims.

Why state you are going to have an auditor(or the originally intended auditors) and then either not actually have one, or have someone audit and then release absolutely no results?

Am I going crazy or is this not shady as fuck? I can't be the only one here who thinks this is ridiculous?

Either way I hope both Bruno and Davout take you up on your offer to help find evidence.

I'm not versed in such things, but I fear that so much time has passed that who knows what has been altered or not by now, that's why it was so imperative to know who the independent auditors (plural, according to Boussac, singular, according to davout, ergo one of them was lying) were ASAP at the time, with each passing day shit may happen.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Nicolas Dorier on June 12, 2014, 08:36:36 PM
Phinnaeus Gage, why don't you have any Tx Id that served to make the transfer to Paymium ?
Even partial information would help to find it in the blockchain, I can run a block scan for that if it can help.
If it is just that an privacy problem, pm me.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: btchip on June 12, 2014, 08:43:20 PM
I was well-aware of that fact, of which always begged the question why the switch...

Only speculating here : one plausible explanation is that Aqoba/Crédit Mutuel has been scared to death after the hack that :
- it was somehow easy to steal a substantial amount of bitcoin,
- there was nothing that could be done to recover them.

Scared. To. Death.

Only possible issue was to fully stop the partnership, which has be done very professionally in my opinion (I was a Bitcoin-Central customer and I fully recovered everything).

Then they had to start a new partnership, with a smaller/less fearful company (not really a bank, only a "payment service provider"). And completely redesign the exchange by removing even the presence of a "hot wallet".

+ a lot, thanks for putting some sanity into that thread  :)

we're currently looking at :

* an online wallet that used URLs to identify accounts
* said URLs listed by a search engine at some point (due to the hack or for some another reason, who knows) (nope, my bad)
* potentially the full URL database compromised due to the hack
* said database seized during the police investigation (as davout said in the logs above)

Basically an epic mess, which would likely have a better chance to get settled properly without threats and name calling IMHO.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 08:48:20 PM
I will also request some things to Davout, I think I have a technical idea to get the truth.

I think Davout is honest and will collaborate if I find a way to get some proofs.

Based on what they said, and I hope finneas would find some details to help me find wallet and transaction logs.

If someone is lying, I hope to find wich one.
And if no one lie and we found the transactions, finneas should have is full refund and me my bounty.  :)

All I need to have is the two bitcoin wallet addresses associated with the two URLs and I'm pretty sure we can reconstruct this with no problems. But, here's the rub. David has control of said wallet addresses, and when I was first able to revisits all three URLs, none of the addresses were available for viewing. Once I brought said anomaly up, offering up proof of at least the lesser wallet, the address for the 0.835 BTC wallet mysterious appeared, but not for the other two. At that time, I presented three claims. Davout even claims to this day that I didn't even have a single claim on file. Well fuck me in the ass on that one, for I did such again in Oct., Nov. and Dec., but still no claims appeared on his end, so he claims.

The best I can make out is that davout is claiming that not only didn't I have three wallets, later reduced to only two (lucky me!), but I didn't even place any claims on said wallets not even once, and that this is some sort of ruse I devised from the onset of the "hack" making up the URLs (paraphrased, but that's the best I can ascertain trying to get into his head). Perhaps, he's trying to make me out as some sort of scammer, I don't know, but for some motherfuckin' reason that's how it's currently reading to me. I'm the bad guy, and every motherfuckin' thing they've done on their part is gospel, ergo they're Saints.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 08:49:24 PM
It's been a long time i haven't seen a thread with so much action

Make sure you have enough popcorn for everybody, bud.  ;D

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: RiverBoatBTC on June 12, 2014, 08:58:06 PM
Wish he lived in the US I would be knocking on his door.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: watcoin on June 12, 2014, 09:00:51 PM
Well if I was davout, I'd have a "buddy" negotiate this settlement pronto - settle for $50k, take the 400BTC reward.  Easy money! ;D

SOB! I didn't think of that, that he may use this thread now to his advantage, and still come out like a motherfuckin' bandit. Fuck me royal! The only thing I can say about this revelation is that he best have an anonymous pseudo-liaison (or is it pseudo-anonymous liaison?) person in place, otherwise I will get really pissed.

Do not settle for anything less than owed! Renege publicly right now and use the scenario above. All BTC not a single fucking satoshshi less. They are enjoying the value of your BTC. Personally, I would not wait. I would sue the them and go for max value in US dollars because you would have sold them at their peak, being the savvy investor that you are (hint hint). Use a US Court because they are notorious for awarding high damages. Your pain and suffering is worth BTC.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 09:48:50 PM
It's now $100K USD due to Lemon Way deleting a mundane tweet asking where they could obtain bitcoins, when the answer was walking distance to Paymium's back door, a back door, I may add, that used to launder bitcoins.

Seriously you should read your own thread :
That deal is now off the table due to Lemon Way deleting their tweet(s) expressing interest in obtaining bitcoins three days prior to the InstaWallet "hack" because I now honestly believe they, too, are hiding shit.

You should know that at the time of the hack, the banking partner of Paymium was Aqoba, a subsidiary of "Crédit Mutuel", one the big french banks.  It is well documented everywhere (

Lemon Way came later, when they relaunched Bitcoin-Central (around Q4 of 2013)

I have no idea when exactly Lemon Way started talking with Paymium, but the tweet they deleted only shows they were noobs by the time. Nothing more.

The least I will now accept is $150K USD via BTC. (not meant as a diss toward you, ghdp, kind sir) Now, I look even less retarded, eh?

On March 27, 2013, Sébastien Burlet asked via his Twitter account how to obtain bitcoins as shown below.

Yet, just 24 hours earlier guess who he is setting next to. I bet you'll never guess in a million years. Hint: GG.

Of the 3/26/2014 9:00 to 10:45

Themes: Virtual Currency Virtual currency:

Issues & Prospects At the time of dematerialisation, the advent of virtual currency like the AmazonCoins and bitcoins raises regulatory and safety questions. Thus, whileas this type of currency circulating on the web and seems to attract some consumersinclined to the use of alternatives, still unknown on the controlthis type of currency. The conference will be addressed by these new players who are trying toa place in this emerging market and the regulator.


Conference Chair: Cédric Peltier, Manager, Kurt SalmonCathie-Rosalie Joly, Partner, Office Ulys - Gonzaga Grandval, CEO, Paymium -Sébastien Burlet, President, Lemon Way - Geoffroy Goffinet, Banque de France

I have to admit, that's some n00b!

"Damn, I was sitting right next to that Bitcoin dude, and never took the time ask him how I can get me own hands on some precious. What to do? What to do? AHHHhhhh! Me thinkith I use my Twitter account and ask me keen followers if they know, for they're the bestest. Later, when I'm well-versed and somehow weasel my way into that very lucrative Bitcoin space, I'll simply delete the tweet, and nobody will be the wiser, eh, Kitty?"


Here's another mundane tweet that Lemon Way opted to delete:

Want more proof that we're not dealing with a n00b here? Okay, here it is:

Sébastien Burlet is the only person that commented on the article linked above (I had to use Google Translator, for the page won't translate on its own like they normally do)

In the mobile payment, there are payment face to face with the merchant, which will replace a portion of the payment made by credit card now, and remote payment is made by bank transfer, check, or screws companies transfer Money well known diasporas from former French colonies, for example, or money for the unbanked.

The smartphone also enables sending money away easily between people. Thus it is possible to make a connection between his bank card and mobile number, much like iTunes makes a connection with the card and iTunes account; then send money to a mobile phone number. Without the need for bank details of the recipient. Mobile revolution that transforms eg Apple iPhone Genuine remote payment. This is the service launched by LemonWay since June 1 in France for example. Or Dwolla, Venmo USA. Or PingIt, mobile payment service in Barclays Bank in the United Kingdom. Chase QuickPay or the USA.

For sure, for sure, that Sébastien Burlet is one amazing n00b. What to know what's even more amazing? Thought so! Wait to read what the translated article he was commenting to. I took the liberty and bolded the important part. Fair warning! Don't dip into the popcorn just yet.

Digital portfolios will multiply in France in the coming months.

To pay online with a smartphone, the customer, his credit card in hand, still has laboriously enter the 16 digits on the small screen. But that will change. Soon, it will be enough to click on the website of e-shopping on a button (Visa) or PayPass (MasterCard), for example, to set indicating only its identifier (name, e-mail ...) and a secret code. Bank details (account number or card) have been previously registered with MasterCard or Visa (usually via the bank) or other institutions who consider themselves legitimate to propose the solution of payment: PayPal, telephone operators mobile, etc..

In France, Buyster or Kwixo (Crédit Agricole) already offer this simplified method of payment. But only with certain partners e-merchants. Offers major operators, could provide a network of wider acceptance, are eagerly awaited. MasterCard has just announced the global launch of this formula with its digital portfolio, the PayPass Wallet. It should arrive in France in the first half of 2013.
In the fall for Visa

"His generalization depend on the speed with which banks, retailers, service providers will adapt to this new offering," says Jorn Lambert, at MasterCard. For its part, Visa announced its solution, called in the fall. PayPal and intends to use the smartphone revolution to push his advantage, highlighting the PayPal account.

The stakes are high: to capture a large market of payment. Because consumers have already adopted the smartphone to do their shopping on the web. "More than 16% of traders who work with us in 2011 received a payment from a mobile," notes Gimena Diaz, commercial director of PayPal France. Especially, professionals predict that the smartphone could also be used to remotely adjust purchases in stores "hard". "We see every day that the boundary between traditional commerce and e-commerce is falling," says Marc Jaugey, at PayPal. Soon, the user can control the menu at fast food, pay on his smartphone before going to search around the corner. Or offer a new sportswear by comparing prices on the Internet by going to the store to select the model, and paying on his smartphone to save queuing at the checkout.
Internet can he have his money?

Facebook has created Facebook Credits, which can be bought on the website and become a virtual currency to pay safely games or applications, even from a mobile. In recent years, a "free" software (it does not belong to business) issues, he Bitcoins, which are traded on the sites (, for example) to about $ 6 a. "Some 9 million bitcoins have already been created," notes Gonzaga Grandval, society Paymium. Few e-retailers accept this virtual currency, but users will sometimes use them to pay a restaurant, a taxi ... Since last April, the Yesibank, a French company, has created a new currency: the Yes.

Yes you earn by visiting certain sites, collecting friends on Facebook and used to go shopping with discounts at Virgin, Pixmania, Brandalley ... Example: 1000 yes + € 2 = 1 movie download is a 60% reduction

That's pretty fuckin' amazing to find an article where the sole commenter is commenting on an Bitcoin-based entity a year prior to them both sitting next to each other to give a talk on virtual currency and payment systems, yet said commenter had to ask his twerps where he could get his hands on some bitcoins. What are the odds?

The following image comes to mind, hopefully, you all, get its meaning.

To be clear, davout, the minimum settlement I would now consider is $150K USD via BTC, thanks to the above revelation.

I have done nothing today except work at this thread of which I've yet to reach its end, albeit I did take a quick breakfast break, but posted about David while taking a shit - literally!

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: btchip on June 12, 2014, 09:58:16 PM
Could you provide people with all public information you can about where the bitcoins you put into Instawallet came from (another online wallet ? only a single transfer or multiple transfers over time ?)

I think that'd be more productive that trying to find some sense in PR strategies or press quotes  ;D

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: MadZ on June 12, 2014, 09:59:04 PM
It's been a long time i haven't seen a thread with so much action

Must have missed the goat thread.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 10:14:54 PM
Phinnaeus Gage, why don't you have any Tx Id that served to make the transfer to Paymium ?
Even partial information would help to find it in the blockchain, I can run a block scan for that if it can help.
If it is just that an privacy problem, pm me.

All I have is what InstaWallet gave back to me once it came back online. That is all. The same was true of the third 0.835 BTC wallet, but a bitcoin address finally did appear just prior to me being able to submit the three claims the very first time.

I guess the following is the reason InstaWallet is offline:

Domain ID: D162075183-LROR
Creation Date: 2011-04-19T21:14:25Z
Updated Date: 2014-04-18T09:57:07Z
Registry Expiry Date: 2015-04-19T21:14:25Z
Sponsoring Registrar:OVH (R135-LROR)
Sponsoring Registrar IANA ID: 433
WHOIS Server:
Referral URL:
Domain Status: clientDeleteProhibited
Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited
Registrant ID:ovh5350f6f2o5k4
Registrant Organization:PAYMIUM SAS
Registrant Street: 73, RUE DU CHATEAU
Registrant State/Province:
Registrant Postal Code:92100
Registrant Country:FR
Registrant Phone:+33.100000000
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext:
Admin ID:ovh5350f6f2k5lq
Admin Name:Gonzague GRANDVAL
Admin Organization:PAYMIUM
Admin Street: 73 rue du chateau
Admin City:Boulogne-Billancourt
Admin State/Province:
Admin Postal Code:92100
Admin Country:FR
Admin Phone:+33.786541133
Admin Phone Ext:
Admin Fax:
Admin Fax Ext:
Tech ID:ovh5350f6f2k5lq
Tech Name:Gonzague GRANDVAL
Tech Organization:PAYMIUM
Tech Street: 73 rue du chateau
Tech City:Boulogne-Billancourt
Tech State/Province:
Tech Postal Code:92100
Tech Country:FR
Tech Phone:+33.786541133
Tech Phone Ext:
Tech Fax:
Tech Fax Ext:
Name Server:DNS101.OVH.NET
Name Server:NS101.OVH.NET
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 10:20:26 PM
I was well-aware of that fact, of which always begged the question why the switch...

Only speculating here : one plausible explanation is that Aqoba/Crédit Mutuel has been scared to death after the hack that :
- it was somehow easy to steal a substantial amount of bitcoin,
- there was nothing that could be done to recover them.

Scared. To. Death.

Only possible issue was to fully stop the partnership, which has be done very professionally in my opinion (I was a Bitcoin-Central customer and I fully recovered everything).

Then they had to start a new partnership, with a smaller/less fearful company (not really a bank, only a "payment service provider"). And completely redesign the exchange by removing even the presence of a "hot wallet".

+ a lot, thanks for putting some sanity into that thread  :)

we're currently looking at :

* an online wallet that used URLs to identify accounts
* said URLs listed by a search engine at some point (due to the hack or for some another reason, who knows)
* potentially the full URL database compromised due to the hack
* said database seized during the police investigation (as davout said in the logs above)

Basically an epic mess, which would likely have a better chance to get settled properly without threats and name calling IMHO.

Early on during the InstaWallet claim thread posting, I resorted to vitriol attacks, but put a cease to end when a kind fellow Bitcoiner echoed your same sentiment. But, once that effort went nowhere, I restarted the practice, but chill when davout and I started a dialog via email the later part of last year.

Since Februaryish, I have once again restarted the practice with no intent this time of ending, hence being on full-tilt with this motherfuckin' fiasco. I tried the honey approach twice, now I love the taste of vinegar and salt.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 10:25:11 PM
Well if I was davout, I'd have a "buddy" negotiate this settlement pronto - settle for $50k, take the 400BTC reward.  Easy money! ;D

SOB! I didn't think of that, that he may use this thread now to his advantage, and still come out like a motherfuckin' bandit. Fuck me royal! The only thing I can say about this revelation is that he best have an anonymous pseudo-liaison (or is it pseudo-anonymous liaison?) person in place, otherwise I will get really pissed.

Do not settle for anything less than owed! Renege publicly right now and use the scenario above. All BTC not a single fucking satoshshi less. They are enjoying the value of your BTC. Personally, I would not wait. I would sue the them and go for max value in US dollars because you would have sold them at their peak, being the savvy investor that you are (hint hint). Use a US Court because they are notorious for awarding high damages. Your pain and suffering is worth BTC.

I'm trying to be fair, albeit going from a $50K settlement to now a minimum of $150K USD, and possibly climbing all the way back up to the full 1,132 BTC the more I dig. Holy fuck! I just realized that I'm now a miner. It's a fuckin' shame that it's my coins I'm mining, but a miner I now is nonetheless. It feels good to be  miner.  :'( Okay, maybe not that good.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 10:29:23 PM
Do not settle for anything less than owed! Renege publicly right now and use the scenario above. All BTC not a single fucking satoshshi less. They are enjoying the value of your BTC. Personally, I would not wait. I would sue the them and go for max value in US dollars because you would have sold them at their peak, being the savvy investor that you are (hint hint). Use a US Court because they are notorious for awarding high damages. Your pain and suffering is worth BTC.

Unfortunately Paymium being a french company he can only sue them here in France, and has only two possibilities :
- a civil case, in which he has to prove everything himself,
- a criminal case, where he may get a bit of help from the police.

Given what I have read so far, he is unable to provide the slightest track of the incoming bitcoins, which would be the absolute minimum to prove that (a) he had the money in the first place and (b) he sent it to Paymium.

Without these the civil case is not even an option, and the criminal way could be very difficult too.

Great! Now, I can continue to drag their good name through the mud till them bastards give, seeing that I probably won't be suing them, with holding out hope that they sue me. Either way, somebody, somewhere, somehow is going to be opening up Paymium's books, books I know as a fact they rather not have open, for their concern and, moreover, other Bitcoin entity's concerns. Know what I mean, JellyBean?

I say I got these Frenchies by their tiny balls.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: ShakyhandsBTCer on June 12, 2014, 10:30:28 PM
Nice bounty....I'm fairly new to this forum but read quite a bit about your quest to get your BTC back. Hopefully this will help.

I hope that you get your coins back, but I believe that it is a long shot that your bounty will help.

The reason for this is that you are asking for the wrong outcome. By offering 400 BTC to get your ~1.1k BTC back you are essentially saying that you will give someone money if they give (get) you more money. Due to the fact that whoever holds the keys to the address that contains the unspent outputs of BTC owns the coins there would be little incentive for someone who was able to somehow get your coins in their possession to return them to you.

A "better" bounty would be one that offers 400 (or other amount) BTC for the arrest (or indictment, or conviction - it is up to you) of the person/persons that stole the BTC. This would give people an incentive to spend time and resources investigating who stole the coins and would also give an incentive to return all/some of the stolen coins.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 10:32:54 PM
I can't understand how it is possible that Phinnaeus (sorry, I just see that it's the first time I write your pseudo correctly) dont even have a single tx ID of a transaction going to this wallet.

You have never send funds on it via bitcoin-QT ?

This is going to come as a shocker to you, but I seriously don't know what a bitcoin-QT is unless I Google it first. InstaWallet was the only wallet I ever used due to its simplicity and, moreover, the people operating it were held to high esteem, myself even elevating them higher. Sick, ain't it? Motherfuckin' sick!

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: btchip on June 12, 2014, 10:34:32 PM
I tried the honey approach twice, now I love the taste of vinegar and salt.

easier said than done I guess, but you should try your best to calm down, forget about davout (he might not be providing the most conventional customer support for you ;D) and provide everybody with as much information as possible regarding where the coins you put into Instawallet came from - every little piece of information is welcome, and there are concerned french people really trying to help here.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Nicolas Dorier on June 12, 2014, 10:42:54 PM
But, you have to enter the public address somewhere to fund it, no ?
Gave it to a friend to receive bitcoins?

Except if it were running on a sort of fractional reserve different than 100%, in which case, one part of it was just debt, off blockchain, without any proof, and bruno bought that. (nothing wrong doing it, that's how our banking system works)

I say I got these Frenchies by their tiny balls.
Well I guess, as long as they have your money, they are the one that get you by the balls. :o

Anyway, if I can run a block scan for particular transaction information (id, timestamp, amount of btc, whatever) I can do it, so if you know more let me know.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 10:45:02 PM
Could you provide people with all public information you can about where the bitcoins you put into Instawallet came from (another online wallet ? only a single transfer or multiple transfers over time ?)

I think that'd be more productive that trying to find some sense in PR strategies or press quotes  ;D

They were purchased anonymously at a restaurant halfway between Sandwich, IL, and Chicago, in Naperville, IL, about the second week of December, 2012. Taxing my memory, the total was 1,132 + x(single digit).xxx... and immediately put in a freshly created InstaWallet bitcoin wallet. A couple/three days later I split the three accounts up into 1,000, 132, and wallets, always using InstaWallet while in my possession. Hope that helps with your plans.

At one time on my old laptop that I no longer have due to going dead, I took a couple screenshots of URL pages and had the old URLs bookmarked. One of the last things I was able to do was recover the URLs via a thumbdrive. The old laptop was still functional when I made the initial claims, but no longer when I resubmitted all three claims in Oct., Nov., and Dec. of last year. Claims that davout claims he now can't find.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: btchip on June 12, 2014, 10:50:34 PM
Could you provide people with all public information you can about where the bitcoins you put into Instawallet came from (another online wallet ? only a single transfer or multiple transfers over time ?)

I think that'd be more productive that trying to find some sense in PR strategies or press quotes  ;D

They were purchased anonymously at a restaurant halfway between Sandwich, IL, and Chicago, in Naperville, IL, about the second week of December, 2012. Taxing my memory, the total was 1,132 + x(single digit).xxx... and immediately put in a freshly created InstaWallet bitcoin wallet. A couple/three days later I split the three accounts up into 1,000, 132, and wallets, always using InstaWallet while in my possession. Hope that helps with your plans.

thanks, do you remember how the first transaction in that restaurant was performed ? using which client ? on a smartphone (maybe unlikely in 2012) ? anything else ?

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 10:51:53 PM
Nice bounty....I'm fairly new to this forum but read quite a bit about your quest to get your BTC back. Hopefully this will help.

I hope that you get your coins back, but I believe that it is a long shot that your bounty will help.

The reason for this is that you are asking for the wrong outcome. By offering 400 BTC to get your ~1.1k BTC back you are essentially saying that you will give someone money if they give (get) you more money. Due to the fact that whoever holds the keys to the address that contains the unspent outputs of BTC owns the coins there would be little incentive for someone who was able to somehow get your coins in their possession to return them to you.

A "better" bounty would be one that offers 400 (or other amount) BTC for the arrest (or indictment, or conviction - it is up to you) of the person/persons that stole the BTC. This would give people an incentive to spend time and resources investigating who stole the coins and would also give an incentive to return all/some of the stolen coins.

The initial goal was to offer a bounty for somebody to act a liaison to pressure Paymium to refund what's due mine, with them getting a third for their efforts. I apologize for not offering a bounty to have them arrested, paying such outta my own pocket, when I can sit here for as long as it takes to pressure the fuck outta them till they surrender.

Remember, there's still another ~20K non-customers that have yet received their bitcoins besides just me.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 10:55:27 PM
All I have is what InstaWallet gave back to me once it came back online. That is all.

OK so you basically have nothing at all. It is strictly your word against his. And there is no serious reason to believe you more than him.
The rational decision for you now should be to move along. I know it is difficult but the sooner you will acknowledge your loss the sooner you will feel whole again.

I say this because it happened to me also (not about Bitcoin). I lost 100k€ and I almost lost my sanity. Sometimes the world is not fair. That's too bad but that's a fact.

I am sorry for your loss.

Good luck.

Thanks, bud. My sanity will remain intact while I drag these son a bitches by their fuckin' French pig ears through the mud until they give me reason to stop. Enough people played their game, now it's time for them to get a taste of their own medicine. Besides, I have fellow bitcoiners cheering me on, with very few cheering for Team Paymium who, BTW, is on the defense, and I have the ball.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: btchip on June 12, 2014, 11:00:18 PM
Anyway, if I can run a block scan for particular transaction information (id, timestamp, amount of btc, whatever) I can do it, so if you know more let me know.

an output above 1100 going into an input of a transaction going into 1FrtkNXastDoMAaorowys27AKQERxgmZjY in December 2012 / January 2013 looks like a good starting point.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 11:00:51 PM
I tried the honey approach twice, now I love the taste of vinegar and salt.

easier said than done I guess, but you should try your best to calm down, forget about davout (he might not be providing the most conventional customer support for you ;D) and provide everybody with as much information as possible regarding where the coins you put into Instawallet came from - every little piece of information is welcome, and there are concerned french people really trying to help here.

The little, tiny, itsy-bitsy information I desired is one they're unwilling to cough up, and that is the name, just the motherfuckin' name, of the independent auditor that conducted the investigation April of last year, not some new kid on the block's name, for at some point in time they WILL be under oath, and Paymium's books will be opened for the whole world to see what they are hiding.

Damn, I feel so much better after penning and getting ready to hit the post button.

BTW, where the fuck is the end of this thread?

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 11:06:29 PM
But, you have to enter the public address somewhere to fund it, no ?
Gave it to a friend to receive bitcoins?

Once, for the 1,132 + BTC after I created the initial InstaWallet URL. Once the bitcoins were transferred, I handed over the money, not even waiting for any confirmations because I had faith in the system. Besides, he was in hurry and so was I, for I had a load of barn wood to pick up north of Chicago that day and I was running late, and still had traffic to contend with.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 11:16:11 PM
Phinnaeus, take no offense, but your technical knowledge make me think it's possible you where using a link forged to display your wallet, but in fact was pointing to the wallet of one of your "friend"

Or your local computer was corrupted by someone you know and was pointing to another wallet

Have you seriously considered this option?

EDIT : Do you still have the hardrive of your laptop ; have you always used the same laptop ?

I've stated before that I burned the old laptop oppose to putting it to the curb, so no worries there.

I did have control of the bitcoins, albeit via InstaWallet, but you know what I mean. When I first learnt that InstaWallet operated like a fractional reserve, i.e. pooling all the coins, I no longer felt the need to move them to any new wallet. Hell, all the times I visit to view my bitcoins, it always shown a zero balance, with half the time I viewed the same on InstaWallet URL-provided site, I was greeted with the same, but rested assure by davout that all is well and that it was normal. Even psy concurred at the time. It was at that time that davout would have been aware as to which addresses I possessed via the IP of the address I gave him as an example of what I was trying to relay at the time. Then he announced that he was going be outta pocket to after the first of April, of which he didn't return til the 18th of April, 2013, with Boussac not addressing the myriad of concerns as to where the hell was davout.

Perhaps, I may lose my sanity after all.  ::)

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 11:19:02 PM
Could you provide people with all public information you can about where the bitcoins you put into Instawallet came from (another online wallet ? only a single transfer or multiple transfers over time ?)

I think that'd be more productive that trying to find some sense in PR strategies or press quotes  ;D

They were purchased anonymously at a restaurant halfway between Sandwich, IL, and Chicago, in Naperville, IL, about the second week of December, 2012. Taxing my memory, the total was 1,132 + x(single digit).xxx... and immediately put in a freshly created InstaWallet bitcoin wallet. A couple/three days later I split the three accounts up into 1,000, 132, and wallets, always using InstaWallet while in my possession. Hope that helps with your plans.

thanks, do you remember how the first transaction in that restaurant was performed ? using which client ? on a smartphone (maybe unlikely in 2012) ? anything else ?

I had a laptop and he had a smartphone (don't believe it was one of those tablet thingies). What do you mean by client?

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: btchip on June 12, 2014, 11:22:44 PM
I had a laptop and he had a smartphone (don't believe it was one of those tablet thingies). What do you mean by client?

The software / website used to perform this transfer.

Although from your previous information someone with a scanner should be able to confirm the first wallet address.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 11:27:17 PM
Holy motherfuckin' shit! I've reached the end of this thread, and it only took me 9 hours from when I started, not yet visiting anything else on this forum, sans a tad of hunting, or Google news. I did follow a link to some flood in South America though via the IRC link, but that's it.

I feel so much better now knowing that I honestly/justifiably increased the bare minimum I will now accept from Paymium to $150K USD via BTC, no longer feeling retarded.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 12, 2014, 11:32:27 PM
I had a laptop and he had a smartphone (don't believe it was one of those tablet thingies). What do you mean by client?

The software / website used to perform this transfer.

Although from your previous information someone with a scanner should be able to confirm the first wallet address.

I have Windows 8 now, but the old laptop was Vista, if that's what you're asking. The address was scanned via QR-code either from InstaWallet's page, where it was created, or from, even though there was nothing in it at the time.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: btchip on June 12, 2014, 11:37:21 PM

I have Windows 8 now, but the old laptop was Vista, if that's what you're asking. The address was scanned via QR-code either from InstaWallet's page, where it was created, or from, even though there was nothing in it at the time.

Sorry, not clear on that. I'm asking what was the software/website used by the guy that did the transfer to your first address in that restaurant.

Also why are you mentioning ? Was your first address hosted by instawallet or ? (supposing they had a wallet at that time, I don't remember)

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: laurentmt on June 12, 2014, 11:49:54 PM
an output above 1100 going into an input of a transaction going into 1FrtkNXastDoMAaorowys27AKQERxgmZjY in December 2012 / January 2013 looks like a good starting point.
@btchip: I'll bring back my laptop to the hackathon. Finding the tx corresponding to these criteria should be pretty doable with a graphdb.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Nicolas Dorier on June 12, 2014, 11:51:42 PM
Tx matching your description.

12/3/2012 6:27:49 PM +00:00,210776,781c1f5707383b56448487dcccdcd7da8d88395dd5e278ec3d7fcefd81145934,1131.89935045
12/4/2012 5:41:36 PM +00:00,210883,5fe3e3c8a2b69c0825c397c4506ba17d414fc84e6dd53f3e449d6656ab8d3733,1140.07914243
12/4/2012 8:53:06 PM +00:00,210899,aa531ee087dc39e81b8800934d2a2d72a88b3958717520e2a6c05c9852384964,1125.07914243
12/5/2012 1:04:55 AM +00:00,210923,efb029e5a20ee54fee1e698dd84c333513bd705dd5b6681077d0b1964a753c69,1135.928
12/7/2012 1:20:50 AM +00:00,211183,0d9d112eef95336173800552452d95d2debe168ff4bb0b53a7613211e3c81b51,1139.56541307
12/7/2012 1:20:50 AM +00:00,211183,dd28ea2487edb0b67e072eb947115c3efbc329df86b46c6ccedabb4d6b4eaebc,1131.86541307
12/7/2012 1:20:50 AM +00:00,211183,c7cc60b058056eb3ace620b84bd8eee8a4286e95196c131885ac657e1530364b,1126.66541307
12/7/2012 1:37:22 AM +00:00,211185,78f48b9fc40bb6780fc196ad0dc5abfa76ee580ec1d5ff4fcd1ea136553176bc,1132.73
12/9/2012 10:48:04 PM +00:00,211562,09ec0b7c17e3bfe03a14bcac2060629fc1476c5b043fe4f67bff11f145183797,1135.00
12/10/2012 2:04:49 AM +00:00,211586,efa55a22c34a07663bd5e4da735faebcef32923feed50d46ea3fa19727162e47,1129.4695
12/10/2012 4:33:12 PM +00:00,211670,55b18fcf52cb7f925fa0f06809dc0e5d43abe3c05c2c375976c228246c77b31f,1124.2801297
12/11/2012 6:24:25 AM +00:00,211747,69d80f660e443c1c15adcdfb01c38d692ba88a4ea826d8d4d62a445fecafe12d,1122.64
12/13/2012 5:03:47 AM +00:00,212021,2b857bae50c00f4cc2e3d44353017d0518118434d693f82a51fb6920c872f66b,1122.38169587
12/13/2012 8:16:03 AM +00:00,212038,02e1b6978acec288f1e6f2bbd6042d2abd8a16a618820307ce271bed11e2f990,1131.243
12/13/2012 8:16:03 AM +00:00,212038,5aebff69ae57238eee987eedf4fa2617ea6dd3d9faab0a8b93a3d133da8f44c9,1127.2425
12/14/2012 7:23:45 PM +00:00,212206,81c805eabdf367aa25b7502272141d67d1179a6c95df0bb1cfe0b1859a923a83,1140.17555838
12/17/2012 1:03:13 AM +00:00,212458,8ea7cfdab62d277d2356b3f5205da37bd6c6f5c4c73121b0866cf597f6848c29,1130.5875
12/18/2012 4:11:06 PM +00:00,212664,a563ba2551bcc969327a3188d41421532a8b6bd919df3821c9474439cc0331fa,1137.24273178
12/18/2012 4:38:17 PM +00:00,212667,701806ccaf8a9c4637f241224ba5827f91e0d589fd577331c3cc67f82968ea29,1137.13273178
12/18/2012 4:57:38 PM +00:00,212669,e9166711e80a132e90c0211d9d3b9ef95829202749fa56a2e422610be09c8142,1137.02273178
12/18/2012 7:13:40 PM +00:00,212683,87baf8865440253a16ff5c10eca6c67697f69648e365591e6d96ed1c5faf0461,1133.05273178
12/19/2012 7:01:46 AM +00:00,212751,96ccfd081d1a9eda691f203102e46424d94edec7ee1f247b890b26170081227f,1133.809
12/19/2012 4:14:10 PM +00:00,212805,70b5d44e20c665fe7e31bfc54acd6a0c00089fc673400510415cd7b83ad5464a,1132.95273178
12/19/2012 4:33:40 PM +00:00,212809,8142700396e12d4163073f3ec093fda999088c47ad3a2a3b1d8da42c3a595012,1132.85273178
12/19/2012 4:35:54 PM +00:00,212810,dc1e4d4489c685b680e910715d4c8fb793083b305501a4a29a2776195ff8f0a4,1132.75273178

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: laurentmt on June 12, 2014, 11:52:56 PM
Tx matching your description.
You're really too fast !  ;)

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Nicolas Dorier on June 12, 2014, 11:54:14 PM
Tx matching your description.
You're really too fast !  ;)
Shameless plug, thanks NBitcoin ! (  8)

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: btchip on June 12, 2014, 11:59:17 PM
Tx matching your description.
You're really too fast !  ;)
Shameless plug, thanks NBitcoin ! (  8)

Thanks, Phinnaeus, I guess you can start digging from those and see if you recognize something (or other amount / addresses from your split, depending how Instawallet worked for that).

Time to sign off here  :)

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: laurentmt on June 13, 2014, 01:14:46 AM
@Phinnaeus : another list here ( if it can help.
It's a list of txs sent in December 2012 or January 2013 with a txo between 1100 and 1200 btc (ordered by ascending amounts and then by dates)
EDIT : Here ('s the same list but ordered by dates first.

I've also looked for amounts > 1100 and directly sent to 1FrtkNXastDoMAaorowys27AKQERxgmZjY (cold wallet) but nothing seems to match your amount (Tx sent on 01/17/13 is a split of the cold wallet).
0b02ac8679f3fef2bf7b87da5c0cb20c1db1417ad7f8a3f047ff5dbc1b959c82 - 217859 - 2013-01-24 15:47:43 - 3000.00000000
5578ddc44d318b7196ec5859e2c6d299b521e2e77edc4e02af2440962669f7b2 - 216889 - 2013-01-17 10:19:23 - 1300.00000000
f6b21f88cc75556f0ac852d32e8e6422d9647c51345ad515b4ec505850c9e929 - 216634 - 2013-01-15 10:38:46 - 4500.00000000
483fd6d4d19839cf004da451d20e95a8b30d6ecef3e6461dda31b9618461da4e - 216634 - 2013-01-15 10:38:46 - 8500.00000000
72035bfa3e7ac5207f884766ef6adb0b5885e7721e3485b7e860b4735c04353d - 214776 - 2013-01-02 08:46:31 - 2900.00000000
5d8579d0c992188eec9c3057ccde4be7349c000946e44ad9e72857542372314c - 213676 - 2012-12-26 11:33:06 - 2500.00000000
c0ac09d534266892e6226c2d21b2cfc71ff2d5e49437a3aeba90e296673b709a - 211162 - 2012-12-06 21:17:08 - 2000.00000000
Now, we would need to do some taint tracing to check if we can link one of the tx identified with the cold wallet. I'm going to do some tests with some of the identified txs.

Shameless plug, thanks NBitcoin ! (  Cool
Definitely the proof of a good job. Congrats ! But can you do it with less lines than this ?  ;)
from minos.ledger.wrappers.ledgerdb_wrapper import LedgerDbWrapper
from minos.utils.dates import to_utcdate
from minos.bitcoin.helpers.bitcoin_helper_functions import convert_satoshis_to_btc

wrapper = LedgerDbWrapper("")
request  = """MATCH (b:BLOCK)
                WHERE b.time > 1354316399 AND b.time < 1359673200
                WITH b
                MATCH (b)-[:EMBEDS]->(tx:TRANSACTION)-[:HAS_FOR_OUTPUT]->(v)
                WHERE v.value > {amount_min} AND v.value < {amount_max}  
                RETURN tx.txid, b.height, b.time, v.value
                ORDER BY v.value, b.time"""
parameters = {"amount_min": 110000000000, "amount_max": 120000000000}

results = wrapper._execute_cypher_query(request, parameters)
if len( == 0:
    print("nothing found")
    for data in
        print("%s - %s - %s - %s" % (data.values[0], data.values[1], to_utcdate(data.values[2]), convert_satoshis_to_btc(data.values[3])))

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Nicolas Dorier on June 13, 2014, 01:27:33 AM
I don't read the leveldb, NBitcoin use Sqlite as a nosql store :(

It is more along these lines

BlockStore store = new BlockStore("E:\\Bitcoin\\blocks", Network.Main);
var index = new IndexedBlockStore(new SQLiteNoSqlRepository("PlayIndex"), store);
var target = Money.Parse("1132");
var margin = Money.Parse("10");
var dest = Network.CreateFromBase58Data<BitcoinAddress>("1FrtkNXastDoMAaorowys27AKQERxgmZjY");
var en = new CultureInfo("en-US");

FileStream fs = File.Open("logs", FileMode.Create);
var writer = new StreamWriter(fs);
foreach(var b in blocks)
   var block = index.Get(b.HashBlock);
   foreach(var tx in block.Transactions)
      foreach(var txout in tx.Outputs)
         var pa = new PayToPubkeyHashTemplate()
         if(pa != null && pa == dest.ID)
            if(target - margin < txout.Value && txout.Value < target + margin)
               writer.WriteLine(b.Header.BlockTime.ToString(en) + "," + b.Height + "," + tx.GetHash() + "," + txout.Value.ToString());


I did not checked for the 1FrtkNXastDoMAaorowys27AKQERxgmZjY in my first dump. What does this address correspond to ?

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: laurentmt on June 13, 2014, 01:37:39 AM
I don't read the leveldb, NBitcoin use Sqlite as a nosql store :(
Well. I've used a trick. I've got a blockchain loaded in a neo4j db (which has a sql-like language called cypher).

I did not checked for the 1FrtkNXastDoMAaorowys27AKQERxgmZjY in my first dump. What does this address correspond to ?
It seems to be the cold wallet used by Instawallet but i didn't find anything which looked like a direct tx to this address with the given amount.
I'm going to check if I can use one of my previous dev to compute some tainting and find an indirect link but not sure of the result. Tainting is very ressource-consuming and requires something stronger than a laptop.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Nicolas Dorier on June 13, 2014, 01:40:40 AM
laurentmt, refactored because my previous code will make python programmers think C# is not nice... SQL Style ;)
(Actually, I rarely use this LINQ syntax, it is just to show off  8))

BlockStore store = new BlockStore("E:\\Bitcoin\\blocks", Network.Main);
IndexedBlockStore index = new IndexedBlockStore(new SQLiteNoSqlRepository("PlayIndex"), store);
Money target = Money.Parse("1132");
Money margin = Money.Parse("10");
BitcoinAddress dest = new BitcoinAddress("1FrtkNXastDoMAaorowys27AKQERxgmZjY", Network.Main);
var en = new CultureInfo("en-US");

FileStream fs = File.Open("logs", FileMode.Create);
var writer = new StreamWriter(fs);

var lines = from header in blocks
         let block = index.Get(header.HashBlock)
         from tx in block.Transactions
         from txout in tx.Outputs
         where txout.ScriptPubKey.GetDestination() == dest.ID
         where target - margin < txout.Value && txout.Value < target + margin
         select new
            Block = block,
            Height = header.Height,
            Transaction = tx,
            TxOut = txout
foreach(var line in lines)
      line.Block.Header.BlockTime.ToString(en) + "," +
      line.Height + "," +
      line.Transaction.GetHash() + "," +

I don't read the leveldb, NBitcoin use Sqlite as a nosql store :(
Well. I've used a trick. I've got a blockchain loaded in a neo4j db (which has a sql-like language called cypher).

I did not checked for the 1FrtkNXastDoMAaorowys27AKQERxgmZjY in my first dump. What does this address correspond to ?
It seems to be the cold wallet used by Instawallet but i didn't find anything which looked like a direct tx to this address with the given amount.

Maybe we can find a graph relationship... fun thing to do if bruno need it... (and willing to lend a small motivator bounty :o)

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: laurentmt on June 13, 2014, 01:48:02 AM
laurentmt, refactored because my previous code will make python programmers think C# is not nice... SQL Style ;)
(Actually, I rarely use this LINQ syntax, it is just to show off  8))
I've done some C# (with WPF) in the past and I can testify that it's a very nice language.

Maybe we can find a graph relationship... fun thing to do if bruno need it... (and willing to lend a small motivator bounty :o)
Yep. I'm going to try that. Keep you in touch.

[EDIT] Time to sleep. I've launched a search for a graph relationship between candidate txs and the cold wallet. I'm not sure if it makes sense to look for this relationship but we'll see the results. If I can, I'll try another search corresponding to the split.

A couple/three days later I split the three accounts up into 1,000, 132, and

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 13, 2014, 02:59:20 AM

I have Windows 8 now, but the old laptop was Vista, if that's what you're asking. The address was scanned via QR-code either from InstaWallet's page, where it was created, or from, even though there was nothing in it at the time.

Sorry, not clear on that. I'm asking what was the software/website used by the guy that did the transfer to your first address in that restaurant.

Also why are you mentioning ? Was your first address hosted by instawallet or ? (supposing they had a wallet at that time, I don't remember)

I have no idea as to what software/website the other guy was using.

I only mentioned because there's a QR-Code associated with each wallet, and the transfer was done via that QR-C or one on InstaWallet if it was available with the newly created bitcoin wallet.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 13, 2014, 03:12:57 AM
laurentmt, refactored because my previous code will make python programmers think C# is not nice... SQL Style ;)
(Actually, I rarely use this LINQ syntax, it is just to show off  8))

BlockStore store = new BlockStore("E:\\Bitcoin\\blocks", Network.Main);
IndexedBlockStore index = new IndexedBlockStore(new SQLiteNoSqlRepository("PlayIndex"), store);
Money target = Money.Parse("1132");
Money margin = Money.Parse("10");
BitcoinAddress dest = new BitcoinAddress("1FrtkNXastDoMAaorowys27AKQERxgmZjY", Network.Main);
var en = new CultureInfo("en-US");

FileStream fs = File.Open("logs", FileMode.Create);
var writer = new StreamWriter(fs);

var lines = from header in blocks
         let block = index.Get(header.HashBlock)
         from tx in block.Transactions
         from txout in tx.Outputs
         where txout.ScriptPubKey.GetDestination() == dest.ID
         where target - margin < txout.Value && txout.Value < target + margin
         select new
            Block = block,
            Height = header.Height,
            Transaction = tx,
            TxOut = txout
foreach(var line in lines)
      line.Block.Header.BlockTime.ToString(en) + "," +
      line.Height + "," +
      line.Transaction.GetHash() + "," +

I don't read the leveldb, NBitcoin use Sqlite as a nosql store :(
Well. I've used a trick. I've got a blockchain loaded in a neo4j db (which has a sql-like language called cypher).

I did not checked for the 1FrtkNXastDoMAaorowys27AKQERxgmZjY in my first dump. What does this address correspond to ?
It seems to be the cold wallet used by Instawallet but i didn't find anything which looked like a direct tx to this address with the given amount.

Maybe we can find a graph relationship... fun thing to do if bruno need it... (and willing to lend a small motivator bounty :o)

All depends how small. I don't want to be giving away the farm.  ::) ;D You all know that I'm on record in stating that I'm willing to dole out 400 BTC once I'm returned the entire 1,132 BTC, thus anything you want between 1 and 400 BTC is on the table, not a satoshi more or less.

Thanks, guys. You seem to have done more in hours what davout claims to have taken him a couple days, and he's running an exchange. That's a scary thought.

Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for davout to the independent auditor outta his ass.

~Bruno Kucinskas

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: jc01480 on June 13, 2014, 04:12:42 AM
Clearly there was no independent auditor with any credibility to support the claim or there would be independent verification by that auditor, one with the pertinent qualifications and references to support such a claim.  This is sufficiently established.  The misleading information concerning a validation by an independent auditor contributes to criminal intent by a party to the incident.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 13, 2014, 04:20:09 AM
Clearly there was no independent auditor with any credibility to support the claim or there would be independent verification by that auditor, one with the pertinent qualifications and references to support such a claim.  This is sufficiently established.  The misleading information concerning a validation by an independent auditor contributes to criminal intent by a party to the incident.

That's exactly what I'm been trying say, albeit I did such with 5k-10k words, but I like your version better.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 13, 2014, 04:25:22 AM
I'm in the process of digging up as many references as possible connect

J-7 pour s'inscrire et participer à Mobile Payment 2010

The event Mobile Payment opens in 7 days (June 9 and 10) at the Porte de Versailles. It is still possible to register or participate. You can view the agenda here:

If you are interested in some free invitations (very limited number of places) and pass -50% do not hesitate to contact me.

Confirmed speakers for the moment:

André-Jacques Selezneff, HBCC partners
Andrew Green, Orange
Arvind Ashta, Burgundy School of Business
Bruno Boussuge, BNP Paribas
Christian Chabrerie, Mobinear
Christophe Nivelet, Giesecke & Devrient
Christophe Romei, Services Mobiles
David Marcus, Zong
Didier Geiben, GM consultants
Didier Marissal, TribalNets
Dominique Baron, Horus
Dominique Descolas, Veolia Transport
Eric Legale, Issy Media
Franck Lefevre, Digital Airways
François Flouriot, GM consultants
François Lecomte, Forum des Services Mobiles Sans Contact
François Lemaire, GEMALTO
Frédéric Baud, BarCampBank
Frédéric Boy, Widmee
Gérard Peliks, EADS
Hiroshi Tamano, NTT DoCoMo
James Patmore BOKU
Jean Luc Dubois, Crédit Mutuel Arkéa
Jean Marc Levy Dreyfus, PayTapp
Jean Philippe Bétoin, Cassis
Jean-Sébastien Sennesal, Atos Worldline
Jérémie Leroyer, AirTag
Karine Jouannigot, Comptoirs du Multimedia
Laetitia Gazel-Anthoine, Connecthings
Lionel Brahami, Famoco
Marinos Xynarianos, ETHNODATA / National Bank of Greece
Michel Poignant, Paymotech
Nicolas d'Hueppe, Cellfish
Nicolas Ullmo, LOGICA
Olivier Locufier, MobileGov
Olivier Marx PDG,Altics
Olivier Thiriet, Atos Worldline
Olivier Tilloy, BPCE
Pascal Burg, Edgar Dunn
Patrice Hertzog, AEPM
Philippe Lerouge, PayByPhone
Philippe Marxgut, PMX conseil
Philippe Pénide, Absolu Telecom
Pierre Noizat, Cityzi
Rambert Namy, Sofrecom
Remi Provendier, SFR
Samee Zafar, Edgar Dunn
Sébastien Burlet, LemonWay
Sylvain Fourny, Atos Worldline
Thierry Chopard, Paypal
Toon Coppens, Touchatag Alcatel Lucent
Yves Eonnet, Tagattitude

Yes, it's 2010, but it was a small conference with an elite crowd, with Sébastien and Pierre developing a relationship since they're in the same industry.

Here's another workshop Sébastien and Pierre attendant.

State of the art of Mobile banking

animé par Karine Jouannigot, Comptoirs du Multimedia, avec Jean Luc Dubois, Arkéa Services, Jean Claude Vignaud, TribalNets, Sébastien Burlet, LemonWay, Sylvain Fourny, Atos Worldline, Olivier Tilloy, BPCE, Marinos Xynarianos, ETHNODATA / National Bank of Greece, Bruno Boussuge, BNP Paribas

Le Paiement Mobile, opportunité pour les villes

Mobile Payment, an opportunity for cities
animé par Karine Jouannigot, Comptoirs du Multimedi, avec Eric Legale, Issy Media, Franck Lefevre, Digital Airways, Philippe Lerouge, PayByPhone, Pierre Noizat, Cityzi, Willy Breda, Ministère de l'environnement

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: laurentmt on June 13, 2014, 04:51:58 AM
They were purchased anonymously at a restaurant halfway between Sandwich, IL, and Chicago, in Naperville, IL, about the second week of December, 2012. Taxing my memory, the total was 1,132 + x(single digit).xxx... and immediately put in a freshly created InstaWallet bitcoin wallet.
Do you remember if you did it with a single or several transactions ? It you did it with several tx, I fear the results sent by Nicolas and I won't match your case.

A couple/three days later I split the three accounts up into 1,000, 132, and wallets, always using InstaWallet while in my possession. Hope that helps with your plans.
Same question: Do you remember if you did the split in a single or several transactions ?

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: btchip on June 13, 2014, 04:53:20 AM
Thanks, guys. You seem to have done more in hours what davout claims to have taken him a couple days, and he's running an exchange. That's a scary thought.

we're not doing the same thing - we're trying to look for addresses that could match your original deposit given the information you provided while davout was recursively looking for all addresses generated by Instawallet. Hopefully both approaches will meet at some point, and even better there'll be a way to verify that you actually were the owner of the address (still blurry there, but at least you'll get a starting point)

I also hold the secret hope that a graph oriented database will be faster than a recursive loop, but that's out of the scope of your current issues  ;D

It would help if you could somehow recognize your original address from the list of addresses posted above, but that might not be very realistic.

Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for davout to the independent auditor outta his ass.

what are you going to do with this information once you get it ?

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: btchip on June 13, 2014, 04:57:12 AM
I'm in the process of digging up as many references as possible connect

you're wasting time here. The payment / banking / mobile / security / smartcard industry is small and you'll end up with the whole set in no time  ;D

They were purchased anonymously at a restaurant halfway between Sandwich, IL, and Chicago, in Naperville, IL, about the second week of December, 2012. Taxing my memory, the total was 1,132 + x(single digit).xxx... and immediately put in a freshly created InstaWallet bitcoin wallet.
Do you remember if you did it with a single or several transactions ? It you did it with several tx, I fear the results sent by Nicolas and I won't match your case.

I also assumed one. It doesn't really make sense to do several transactions for a single purchase.

A couple/three days later I split the three accounts up into 1,000, 132, and wallets, always using InstaWallet while in my possession. Hope that helps with your plans.
Same question: Do you remember if you did the split in a single or several transactions ?

this might or might not lead to something according to how Instawallet managed internal transfers.

also it would help to know when collections to the cold storage were done to limit the scope

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 13, 2014, 05:00:01 AM
They were purchased anonymously at a restaurant halfway between Sandwich, IL, and Chicago, in Naperville, IL, about the second week of December, 2012. Taxing my memory, the total was 1,132 + x(single digit).xxx... and immediately put in a freshly created InstaWallet bitcoin wallet.
Do you remember if you did it with a single or several transactions ? It you did it with several tx, I fear the results sent by Nicolas and I won't match your case.

A couple/three days later I split the three accounts up into 1,000, 132, and wallets, always using InstaWallet while in my possession. Hope that helps with your plans.
Same question: Do you remember if you did the split in a single or several transactions ?

I believe it was just one, but taxing my memory that one stemmed from several wallets combined, taking him a tad while to configure whatever he was doing to accomplish the task. I had no reason to believe that whatever he was doing, something nefarious was afoot.

In re. that last question: For some reason I'm having trouble recalling the exact steps or how many, but I want to say it was done all at the same time frame, but another part of me is thinking I waited to one of the first ones was confirmed before preceding further the same day or next.

Hell, a couple hours ago I tried to put a gallon of milk in the microwave thinking it was the refrigerator, but chalked that up to having shit on my mind, oppose to... now what the fuck is that word that describes people who forget shit?  ::)

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: btchip on June 13, 2014, 05:02:45 AM
Another genuinely naive question, of course you have no way to contact the guy to see if he had logs of his own ?

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: laurentmt on June 13, 2014, 05:09:43 AM
I believe it was just one, but taxing my memory that one stemmed from several wallets combined, taking him a tad while to configure whatever he was doing to accomplish the task. I had no reason to believe that whatever he was doing, something nefarious was afoot.
No worry. I understand that it's hard to remember something done in 2012.
It's just that the more information we get, the more we'll have a chance to retrieve one of these transactions.
In my first search, I've looked for 1 transaction with 1 output value between 1100 and 1200 btc and I think Nicolas did something similar.
But if it was done with several tx, this search won't give us the right tx and we'll need to search in another way.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: snarlpill on June 13, 2014, 05:15:19 AM
Posting so that I have this thread in my "new replies to your last posts" list so I can remember to follow along daily with your journey to be made whole again.

Also, I really wish I was some epic Black Hat and could get in, get your BTC back, and massively fuck/deface that shady Instawallet system. Good luck to you Phin. I may not be that person, but I'm hoping you already have a few people that do have those capabilities following along with it. A 400 BTC bounty will definitely turn heads and grab some headlines.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 13, 2014, 05:18:09 AM
Thanks, guys. You seem to have done more in hours what davout claims to have taken him a couple days, and he's running an exchange. That's a scary thought.

we're not doing the same thing - we're trying to look for addresses that could match your original deposit given the information you provided while davout was recursively looking for all addresses generated by Instawallet. Hopefully both approaches will meet at some point, and even better there'll be a way to verify that you actually were the owner of the address (still blurry there, but at least you'll get a starting point)

I also hold the secret hope that a graph oriented database will be faster than a recursive loop, but that's out of the scope of your current issues  ;D

It would help if you could somehow recognize your original address from the list of addresses posted above, but that might not be very realistic.

Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for davout to the independent auditor outta his ass.

what are you going to do with this information once you get it ?

Of course, none of the wallet IDs look familiar, for the info wasn't retained. Hell, I have a main address on I've used frequently, but couldn't tell you the first character after the one. And to thinks, back in the mid 80s to early 90s, I could easily retain 100 phone numbers sans writing them down simply by visualizing them to the name, or some characteristic of the person it was associated with. Or, give me an address and only a couple reference streets within a city I've never been to before, and I could find the place without looking at map.

In re. the auditor. For starters, it would prove that David was telling the truth that there was an auditor. Then, possibly it can be confirmed that there was a "hack" from some source outside of Paymium. Finally, we will learn if it was tampered with.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 13, 2014, 05:22:42 AM
Another genuinely naive question, of course you have no way to contact the guy to see if he had logs of his own ?

No I don't, for it was a Craigslist ad. To this day I've always had a feeling that it was Jeff Ownby of BFL, but not 100% certain of that. I wish it was, for it would make this episode a tad easier.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 13, 2014, 05:26:12 AM
Posting so that I have this thread in my "new replies to your last posts" list so I can remember to follow along daily with your journey to be made whole again.

Also, I really wish I was some epic Black Hat and could get in, get your BTC back, and massively fuck/deface that shady Instawallet system. Good luck to you Phin. I may not be that person, but I'm hoping you already have a few people that do have those capabilities following along with it. A 400 BTC bounty will definitely turn heads and grab some headlines.

That was my intent, albeit the 400 BTC bounty was not a ruse, hence offering up escrow via Rassah. I just don't want this to be a total lost, with somehow, someway keeping as many future scammers at bay.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: GrandpaTime on June 13, 2014, 05:30:27 AM
The wallet that contained the 0.835 bitcoins, which was returned to you, must have a deposit address which was used to fund it. Could this address then be used to locate to larger original deposit?

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: btchip on June 13, 2014, 05:35:45 AM
In re. the auditor. For starters, it would prove that David was telling the truth that there was an auditor. Then, possibly it can be confirmed that there was a "hack" from some source outside of Paymium. Finally, we will learn if it was tampered with.

my point is that the auditor is not supposed to tell you anything, especially when there's a police investigation ongoing. So in the end, that information would be useless, you wouldn't even know if it's true or false.

Another genuinely naive question, of course you have no way to contact the guy to see if he had logs of his own ?

No I don't, for it was a Craigslist ad. To this day I've always had a feeling that it was Jeff Ownby of BFL, but not 100% certain of that. I wish it was, for it would make this episode a tad easier.

and the story a little bit better, I didn't expect that to be even possible to be honest.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: mindset on June 13, 2014, 05:49:10 AM
They were purchased anonymously at a restaurant halfway between Sandwich, IL, and Chicago, in Naperville, IL, about the second week of December, 2012. Taxing my memory, the total was 1,132 + x(single digit).xxx... and immediately put in a freshly created InstaWallet bitcoin wallet. A couple/three days later I split the three accounts up into 1,000, 132, and wallets, always using InstaWallet while in my possession. Hope that helps with your plans.

Did the anonymous seller generously offer a wi-fi hotspot for you to use to complete the transfer? Perhaps suggesting DNS changes when you had trouble connecting to the wi-fi hotspot?

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Bit_Happy on June 13, 2014, 06:08:23 AM
In the spirit of the above, Brock Pierce suggested to the person who had their bitcoins stolen to mound a similar campaign, thus amassing the troops, so to speak, so that at least one person could reap the reward when the stolen bitcoins are returned....

Brock Pierce made a general statement intended for anyone who lost a large amount or you talk(ed) with him directly?

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: btchip on June 13, 2014, 06:11:52 AM
They were purchased anonymously at a restaurant halfway between Sandwich, IL, and Chicago, in Naperville, IL, about the second week of December, 2012. Taxing my memory, the total was 1,132 + x(single digit).xxx... and immediately put in a freshly created InstaWallet bitcoin wallet. A couple/three days later I split the three accounts up into 1,000, 132, and wallets, always using InstaWallet while in my possession. Hope that helps with your plans.

Did the anonymous seller generously offer a wi-fi hotspot for you to use to complete the transfer? Perhaps suggesting DNS changes when you had trouble connecting to the wi-fi hotspot?

I believe Phinnaeus verified at least once with that it was there at some point in the past.

So once the origin deposit address is found

  - Either Instawallet internal logs can be accessed, and it should be easy to trace when this was split then emptied.

  - Either Instawallet internal logs cannot be accessed, and Phinnaeus should get access to them with minimal lawyer time involved given this information.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 13, 2014, 06:28:41 AM
The wallet that contained the 0.835 bitcoins, which was returned to you, must have a deposit address which was used to fund it. Could this address then be used to locate to larger original deposit?

No. That one was first funded via a different means sometime in February if I'm not mistaken.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 13, 2014, 06:35:29 AM
In re. the auditor. For starters, it would prove that David was telling the truth that there was an auditor. Then, possibly it can be confirmed that there was a "hack" from some source outside of Paymium. Finally, we will learn if it was tampered with.

my point is that the auditor is not supposed to tell you anything, especially when there's a police investigation ongoing. So in the end, that information would be useless, you wouldn't even know if it's true or false.

Another genuinely naive question, of course you have no way to contact the guy to see if he had logs of his own ?

No I don't, for it was a Craigslist ad. To this day I've always had a feeling that it was Jeff Ownby of BFL, but not 100% certain of that. I wish it was, for it would make this episode a tad easier.

and the story a little bit better, I didn't expect that to be even possible to be honest.

The Barn intends to program a series of live music events in this mold for years to come. “We can already feel the buzz around this first event, which will hopefully spillover into 2010 and beyond," said The Barn's Manager Jeff Ownby. “We're La Grange residents and it’s obvious to us why this community would embrace a top-quality nightlife option aimed at adults.”

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: GrandpaTime on June 13, 2014, 06:41:59 AM
The wallet that contained the 0.835 bitcoins, which was returned to you, must have a deposit address which was used to fund it. Could this address then be used to locate to larger original deposit?

No. That one was first funded via a different means sometime in February if I'm not mistaken.

Ah, thanks for the clarification. Besides the split a few days after the deposit, were there any later minor transfers to or from the wallets in question between the time of their funding and the "hack"? Or did they remain undisturbed until that time?

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 13, 2014, 06:44:32 AM
They were purchased anonymously at a restaurant halfway between Sandwich, IL, and Chicago, in Naperville, IL, about the second week of December, 2012. Taxing my memory, the total was 1,132 + x(single digit).xxx... and immediately put in a freshly created InstaWallet bitcoin wallet. A couple/three days later I split the three accounts up into 1,000, 132, and wallets, always using InstaWallet while in my possession. Hope that helps with your plans.

Did the anonymous seller generously offer a wi-fi hotspot for you to use to complete the transfer? Perhaps suggesting DNS changes when you had trouble connecting to the wi-fi hotspot?

This is where it took place: 1191 East Ogden Avenue
Naperville, IL 60563
Ogden Mall‎
(630) 548-5070‎

In the parking lot. I had a good signal in the parking lot prior to his (John, a generic name I just assumed he made up) arrival probably less than 5 minutes later. I now do recall he drove a red pickup, remembering such because my truck is red (same truck I own today). I'm almost certain his was a later model, but didn't register the make, e.g. Ford, Chevy, etc., but it was full size, and no crew cab like mine.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 13, 2014, 06:45:55 AM
In the spirit of the above, Brock Pierce suggested to the person who had their bitcoins stolen to mound a similar campaign, thus amassing the troops, so to speak, so that at least one person could reap the reward when the stolen bitcoins are returned....

Brock Pierce made a general statement intended for anyone who lost a large amount or you talk(ed) with him directly?

Directly over the phone. He called me.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Bit_Happy on June 13, 2014, 06:57:15 AM
In the spirit of the above, Brock Pierce suggested to the person who had their bitcoins stolen to mound a similar campaign, thus amassing the troops, so to speak, so that at least one person could reap the reward when the stolen bitcoins are returned....

Brock Pierce made a general statement intended for anyone who lost a large amount or you talk(ed) with him directly?

Directly over the phone. He called me.

Awesome.... I was away (most of the time) for a few days. Is there already a thread about your talk?
I'm curious if you have a different view about him now? Certainly, talking is one thing he is really good at.  :)

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 13, 2014, 06:57:18 AM
The wallet that contained the 0.835 bitcoins, which was returned to you, must have a deposit address which was used to fund it. Could this address then be used to locate to larger original deposit?

No. That one was first funded via a different means sometime in February if I'm not mistaken.

Ah, thanks for the clarification. Besides the split a few days after the deposit, were there any later minor transfers to or from the wallets in question between the time of their funding and the "hack"? Or did they remain undisturbed until that time?

None, but I now do recall that since I moved them a couple time, I believe a miner fee was deducted, thus the wallet amounts WON't be exactly 1,000 BTC and 132 BTC. Also, there's a very slight chance that the lesser wallet may have been 123 BTC, but in no way am I trying to get what I don't deserve. For the longest time, I stated such in the IW claims thread, opting for the lower amount to be fair, but change to the higher amount because I honestly believe that it was 132 and not 123, only after I got sick of the runaround.

Forgive for forgetting all about the miner fees. I just keep the whole numbers in my head spacing that aspect out. I do recall that the first time the fee was only pennies, but was taken aback some subsequent transfer when I noticed it was several dollars, but not double digits, but didn't sweat it.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 13, 2014, 07:05:28 AM
In the spirit of the above, Brock Pierce suggested to the person who had their bitcoins stolen to mound a similar campaign, thus amassing the troops, so to speak, so that at least one person could reap the reward when the stolen bitcoins are returned....

Brock Pierce made a general statement intended for anyone who lost a large amount or you talk(ed) with him directly?

Directly over the phone. He called me.

Awesome.... I was away (most of the time) for a few days. Is there already a thread about your talk?
I'm curious if you have a different view about him now? Certainly, talking is one thing he is really good at.  :)

No there is not. I was thinking about penning one, but changed my mind and was busy on some other tangent. He offered to meetup with me in Chicago during the upcoming conference.

He's takes controls of the conversation, akin to what have you see him on video, and very sure of himself, neither of which are bad attributes. The only time he seemed off-guard was when I asked him if he was bisexual. He kindly quickly replied with a no, but when I mentioned a name and witness, his response took longer and distant, but was still a negative, but in a different tone. Something you pick up if you're a poker player like I am.

I sincerely wanted to believe him, just like I wish I could believe Josh of BFL when I met him, but things just don't add up during and after said conversations.

There's more, but I'm not trying to be elusive here by not bringing it up, but did want to give you some sort of reply since you asked.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: nwfella on June 13, 2014, 07:20:29 AM
Gotta say it's nice to see you going after these scammsters.  Can't speak for everybody else but it makes me feel a little bit better about the coins I've lost to schamsters like this knowing that at least some of them might have to face some sort of music!  I'm keeping my long list of scammers as well and hope to one day be able to do something similar when I can afford it.

Best of luck Phinnaeus.  I hope you get some resolution on this issue.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Bit_Happy on June 13, 2014, 07:22:18 AM
In the spirit of the above, Brock Pierce suggested to the person who had their bitcoins stolen to mound a similar campaign, thus amassing the troops, so to speak, so that at least one person could reap the reward when the stolen bitcoins are returned....

Brock Pierce made a general statement intended for anyone who lost a large amount or you talk(ed) with him directly?

Directly over the phone. He called me.

Awesome.... I was away (most of the time) for a few days. Is there already a thread about your talk?
I'm curious if you have a different view about him now? Certainly, talking is one thing he is really good at.  :)

No there is not. I was thinking about penning one, but changed my mind and was busy on some other tangent. He offered to meetup with me in Chicago during the upcoming conference.

He's takes controls of the conversation, akin to what have you see him on video, and very sure of himself, neither of which are bad attributes. The only time he seemed off-guard was when I asked him if he was bisexual. He kindly quickly replied with a no, but when I mentioned a name and witness, his response took longer and distant, but was still a negative, but in a different tone. Something you pick up if you're a poker player like I am.

I sincerely wanted to believe him, just like I wish I could believe Josh of BFL when I met him, but things just don't add up during and after said conversations.

There's more, but I'm not trying to be elusive here by not bringing it up, but did want to give you some sort of reply since you asked.

Thanks for the updates, and good luck with the coin recovery/bounty.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Nicolas Dorier on June 13, 2014, 09:12:20 AM
It's better than any cyber detective crime novel.  :o
I used the wrong amount of BTC (1132) in my last dump.
Here is for 132.

12/1/2012 12:02:57 AM +00:00,210350,ce6326795c967b523b19e898d5fe2b520f800d76500ddd37c942bde9a79d65ea,131.42269233
12/1/2012 1:09:45 AM +00:00,210362,6c206c5376699e092d560002ac9102a866b2a4bacf4c3395e7ac36a5a342ee08,132.51501096
12/1/2012 8:34:41 AM +00:00,210405,d3a5adefdfef48e8e33910583cdecedebdce9a9a93a1605fa3f68debeb545f58,132.9995
12/1/2012 8:34:41 AM +00:00,210405,9f05a263f521e9bb8700ef3987a963c23f7a698c116dbac655e49e61a2087c67,132.71
12/1/2012 10:30:25 AM +00:00,210421,18b0fff22ac0e2e9406e9ec2ba9e51c73d519d26b06e2d6e4ad2533630ec322b,132.094
12/1/2012 12:12:03 PM +00:00,210431,a2b135155e0ab7847afde19865f103d9043ac41a2216cf5d0a530bc62b2858ca,131.07378198
12/2/2012 11:57:50 AM +00:00,210583,c20f38e726caeccc0941d450217c7ae7d99bc77965ea9bed3051c66b7c8a3d79,132.50
12/2/2012 10:14:50 PM +00:00,210650,8f950443f0d83e00239d54d3ddfa3456fe0e6b48b460250adf3d5999c84f6089,131.82
12/3/2012 2:12:22 AM +00:00,210677,514936206a805f3bb84659e896e68470957ecf65ff164cf8063b4802dabe7370,132.00
12/3/2012 6:49:10 AM +00:00,210703,b43c8b98d4aa659860023d9e5e58b6a79874d590af3f11c331424ce1af58a703,131.65
12/3/2012 10:18:09 AM +00:00,210718,ba1cc4d47a6c81b1950bda3175c4a38939353fc67046ab75c031f71c10d90d0b,132.555
12/4/2012 12:29:34 AM +00:00,210808,ccbac13ce454a9e09f188f4eefdf1af84b4c4e12e2009b5577956b9d8120fac7,132.3445
12/4/2012 8:22:45 AM +00:00,210844,f2aaff5e5abaaaf801c106aad91b4f0c58a2029b42516d3f82875640b4b6d4c0,132.00
12/4/2012 11:46:45 PM +00:00,210916,74d595fe8deb97e00173c6cfdcb4e69511e5da976ff32e98fce88aa7605970a0,131.12418399
12/5/2012 12:45:45 AM +00:00,210920,6a96da6c0ad1af77243060cc430553d35002beb3bc9880dd5c8506780aaa9c4f,132.11170474
12/5/2012 1:23:59 AM +00:00,210927,ffd89abddbf834df8354ec88ea386f28bb68351bfda66f124239835b8ee926b6,132.40
12/5/2012 2:10:26 AM +00:00,210929,0b14eaf69c67ab9e909755c550c3e4485feba8ae4be0895becb34ecd3571d48e,131.10
12/5/2012 4:13:15 PM +00:00,210997,0a9833f64450f29bdfd6092e7e383d867fa81433493cbf56434ebc0007e03ac7,132.0124
12/5/2012 4:26:22 PM +00:00,210999,581bd0a62cc888d91cea07ce3addf8c1e48e20470ff92f9ab509c9195702c26a,131.46848933
12/5/2012 9:24:45 PM +00:00,211025,35c7fc0d093833d9a4faf6bab742f9b770ef837d5aac8cfe30545fb027f1b416,131.1385
12/5/2012 9:24:45 PM +00:00,211025,1ca7b92698fb853316adff97d5584efebbf1a87c55e0b68818bf4983941092c6,132.48666
12/6/2012 3:09:33 AM +00:00,211056,45eba23e59febe4ca858d90651b044ea95c30c94c0eb10a120ef4f54d749c080,132.348
12/6/2012 3:56:46 AM +00:00,211057,934f8a09fb3ec6e5eca32042b855e9b187edfee37d6f1680f82943186b0e43b7,131.9995
12/6/2012 9:22:19 AM +00:00,211092,c1ce536dbde00fd81db4f59197c1ef8f9b43dbcbc82d88af747c109fa9e67d33,131.9126
12/6/2012 9:38:55 AM +00:00,211093,070ca2aec836b6067645893425d1733d93689b2fbae240590a936981d324794b,131.9126
12/6/2012 3:01:08 PM +00:00,211128,5e86365203c773d576985c48bea4d1b5af2f4a728a8eab76732f58c29059614c,132.29515294
12/6/2012 5:24:13 PM +00:00,211144,c7b35171f495432e83ed77e802021a57199512c396bdaa3a176058fe2d56910b,131.152
12/6/2012 7:01:28 PM +00:00,211151,05663888c9b9a8afcf230af6674fefb2ccb00de695deb100c6cb220620389c3f,131.22217984
12/6/2012 9:08:15 PM +00:00,211161,8c8dff87145f771842b3d2930a2d70a217094e80f21e3915ec7162ed259d65f1,132.603
12/6/2012 10:24:35 PM +00:00,211168,e828f72d5b5b26eac65c2400e8c6b8ce0f2b06fba447036311c13d35f22a224c,132.603

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Nicolas Dorier on June 13, 2014, 09:33:05 AM
We can also look if the split of 1000 minus the fees is shown in the cold storage address of instawallet.

Maybe the split occured before the 1132 where moved to coldstorage, has we don't know how often funds where moved.

Are we searching for 132, 1132, or 1000 ? I don't understand.
I can try to draw a dependency graph of transaction that goes from one of the suspected transactions to a transaction of InstaWallet... but it would be better if I knew the amount to search.

When the 1000 deposit was done ?
When the 132 ?
When the 1132 ?

Ah and when did he sent you the refund of 0.835 ?

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: btchip on June 13, 2014, 09:49:41 AM
In my opinion you should focus on the first transaction (the ~1100 one, done second week of December 2012) and the refund - all others could have been handled off chain.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Nicolas Dorier on June 13, 2014, 09:51:09 AM
In my opinion you should focus on the first transaction (the ~1100 one, done second week of December 2012) and the refund - all others could have been handled off chain.
The refund, how much exactly and when ?

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: btchip on June 13, 2014, 10:03:05 AM
Let's ask Phinnaeus again as I feel too lazy to search right now  :-* that's the 0.8 something done "recently" (last year ?)

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Nicolas Dorier on June 13, 2014, 10:05:59 AM
Let's ask Phinnaeus again as I feel too lazy to search right now  :-* that's the 0.8 something done "recently" (last year ?)
You are right,
Phinnaeus, can you make a listing of all transaction movement you remember having done in the following format.

Time Range, Amount Range,Additional info that can help

(I am french by the way, before you come bombing us :o)

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: guigui371 on June 13, 2014, 10:16:45 AM
i want to point out that at the begining of the thread a lot of commente were against frenchies and now the 2-3 guys who are helping Bruno are FRENCH !!

what an irony :)

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Nicolas Dorier on June 13, 2014, 10:21:35 AM
i want to point out that at the begining of the thread a lot of commente were against frenchies and now the 2-3 guys who are helping Bruno are FRENCH !!

what an irony :)

French always agree to disagree... That's why you always have the two extremes with constant fight between each others :p

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: GrandpaTime on June 13, 2014, 10:27:26 AM
In my opinion you should focus on the first transaction (the ~1100 one, done second week of December 2012) and the refund - all others could have been handled off chain.
The refund, how much exactly and when ?

this link has information on the refund of 0.835 :

It lists a "wallet public address" 1JppeHVdYQEBGR4uHVTqLQsb2FY1wUTziH

and a "bitcoin payout address" 18LQJiPJ2ULVLYF5Q7JKgSBDkktByZmpXB

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: BlueBitAUT on June 13, 2014, 11:08:40 AM
Let's ask Phinnaeus again as I feel too lazy to search right now  :-* that's the 0.8 something done "recently" (last year ?)
You are right,
Phinnaeus, can you make a listing of all transaction movement you remember having done in the following format.

Time Range, Amount Range,Additional info that can help

(I am french by the way, before you come bombing us :o)

Yes, I am pretty sure, a shortened summary of facts, or you could call it a protocol, of what happened, when, where in which amounts on what ways...
could help the most, at this point.
Atleast it could clarify what actions Phinn already took and what proofs are on the table.

For the start...
Please add or correct the dates/facts/amounts

Fact?: In December 2012, Phinn bought 1132.08 BTC for Cash, with a laptop, on a parking lot, from someone he believes it was Jeff Ownby.
- Did you try to contact ?
Maybe he is willing to answer you, ...still has the Tx details somewhere or at least can confirm you bought it?

- Is there ANY chance to get hands on the laptop you used? If not, what exactly happend to it?
Because, if I had a case like this I would'nt want to "lose" any tiny piece of this puzzle that could help to solve/proof something.

- do you remember what time it was, as you met? This could help to identify the initial/purchasing transaction, too.

F?: a few days after the purchase, you transfered 132 and 0.8 BTC into 2 newly created wallets, and 1000BTC remained in the wallet/address that was used for the initial purchase.
Q: Or have you made 3 new wallets and cleared the one you've initially received with to 0.0BTC?
As long as we don't find a correlation to any of the used addresses, all this is hard to proof. (again, the laptop or maybe Jeff Ownby(?) could help)
I am not so much in Blockchain scanning, but I could imagine it should be possible for someone with the right skills, to find the addresses,
and with that maybe "the ways your BTC went", if you could tell us exactly what and how you did.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: madmat on June 13, 2014, 12:06:57 PM
i want to point out that at the begining of the thread a lot of commente were against frenchies and now the 2-3 guys who are helping Bruno are FRENCH !!

what an irony :)

French always agree to disagree... That's why you always have the two extremes with constant fight between each others :p

I made some comments agains french at the beginning, but it was ironic, i am french too.I just can't understand people who do such stupid generalities about people.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: GrandpaTime on June 13, 2014, 12:15:03 PM
Yes, I am pretty sure, a shortened summary of facts, or you could call it a protocol, of what happened, when, where in which amounts on what ways...
could help the most, at this point.
Atleast it could clarify what actions Phinn already took and what proofs are on the table.

For the start...
Please add or correct the dates/facts/amounts

Fact?: In December 2012, Phinn bought 1132.08 BTC for Cash, with a laptop, on a parking lot, from someone he believes it was Jeff Ownby.
- Did you try to contact ?
Maybe he is willing to answer you, ...still has the Tx details somewhere or at least can confirm you bought it?

- Is there ANY chance to get hands on the laptop you used? If not, what exactly happend to it?
Because, if I had a case like this I would'nt want to "lose" any tiny piece of this puzzle that could help to solve/proof something.

- do you remember what time it was, as you met? This could help to identify the initial/purchasing transaction, too.

F?: a few days after the purchase, you transfered 132 and 0.8 BTC into 2 newly created wallets, and 1000BTC remained in the wallet/address that was used for the initial purchase.
Q: Or have you made 3 new wallets and cleared the one you've initially received with to 0.0BTC?
As long as we don't find a correlation to any of the used addresses, all this is hard to proof. (again, the laptop or maybe Jeff Ownby(?) could help)
I am not so much in Blockchain scanning, but I could imagine it should be possible for someone with the right skills, to find the addresses,
and with that maybe "the ways your BTC went", if you could tell us exactly what and how you did.

I agree as well, we need Phin to get us as close of an account of dates, times, and transfer amounts as possible because there is some confusion here. As I understand, the 0.835 did not originate from the deposit. It was from an unrelated source. The original deposit could have been as high as 1141.9 or so given that it was 1132 + could have been 9.999 or it could have been 1.000 or anything in between there. He also expressed some small doubt as to if the 1132 might have actually been 1123, so theres an off chance it could be as low as that.

The wallet that contained the 0.835 bitcoins, which was returned to you, must have a deposit address which was used to fund it. Could this address then be used to locate to larger original deposit?

No. That one was first funded via a different means sometime in February if I'm not mistaken.

Ah, thanks for the clarification. Besides the split a few days after the deposit, were there any later minor transfers to or from the wallets in question between the time of their funding and the "hack"? Or did they remain undisturbed until that time?

None, but I now do recall that since I moved them a couple time, I believe a miner fee was deducted, thus the wallet amounts WON't be exactly 1,000 BTC and 132 BTC. Also, there's a very slight chance that the lesser wallet may have been 123 BTC, but in no way am I trying to get what I don't deserve. For the longest time, I stated such in the IW claims thread, opting for the lower amount to be fair, but change to the higher amount because I honestly believe that it was 132 and not 123, only after I got sick of the runaround.

Forgive for forgetting all about the miner fees. I just keep the whole numbers in my head spacing that aspect out. I do recall that the first time the fee was only pennies, but was taken aback some subsequent transfer when I noticed it was several dollars, but not double digits, but didn't sweat it.

I'm also interested in the split. You mention that you believe miner fees were taken out. This would imply that the split was not conducted off-chain and should be visible in the blockchain. Or could it be that Instawallet charged its own fees for internal transfers (this doesnt seem likely)?

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 13, 2014, 01:57:02 PM
Let's ask Phinnaeus again as I feel too lazy to search right now  :-* that's the 0.8 something done "recently" (last year ?)

The 0.835 BTC wallet was returned Feb. 14, 2014, but it's mutually exclusive of the 1,132 BTC original wallet.

There is a third wallet that was split from the 1,132 BTC that I totally forgot about (I've mentioned it at least once before on this forum) that I never put a claim in for. I forgot all about it when I filed the initial claims, being only concerned about the two larger wallets and the one active wallet I had at the time. I have no info on that third wallet, even forgetting to trying to pull the info from the now discarded laptop.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 13, 2014, 02:01:47 PM
In my opinion you should focus on the first transaction (the ~1100 one, done second week of December 2012) and the refund - all others could have been handled off chain.
The refund, how much exactly and when ?

this link has information on the refund of 0.835 :

It lists a "wallet public address" 1JppeHVdYQEBGR4uHVTqLQsb2FY1wUTziH

and a "bitcoin payout address" 18LQJiPJ2ULVLYF5Q7JKgSBDkktByZmpXB

That's it, but remember that this wallet is mutually exclusive of the larger two wallets.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 13, 2014, 02:06:23 PM
Yes, I am pretty sure, a shortened summary of facts, or you could call it a protocol, of what happened, when, where in which amounts on what ways...
could help the most, at this point.
Atleast it could clarify what actions Phinn already took and what proofs are on the table.

For the start...
Please add or correct the dates/facts/amounts

Fact?: In December 2012, Phinn bought 1132.08 BTC for Cash, with a laptop, on a parking lot, from someone he believes it was Jeff Ownby.
- Did you try to contact ?
Maybe he is willing to answer you, ...still has the Tx details somewhere or at least can confirm you bought it?

- Is there ANY chance to get hands on the laptop you used? If not, what exactly happend to it?
Because, if I had a case like this I would'nt want to "lose" any tiny piece of this puzzle that could help to solve/proof something.

- do you remember what time it was, as you met? This could help to identify the initial/purchasing transaction, too.

F?: a few days after the purchase, you transfered 132 and 0.8 BTC into 2 newly created wallets, and 1000BTC remained in the wallet/address that was used for the initial purchase.
Q: Or have you made 3 new wallets and cleared the one you've initially received with to 0.0BTC?
As long as we don't find a correlation to any of the used addresses, all this is hard to proof. (again, the laptop or maybe Jeff Ownby(?) could help)
I am not so much in Blockchain scanning, but I could imagine it should be possible for someone with the right skills, to find the addresses,
and with that maybe "the ways your BTC went", if you could tell us exactly what and how you did.

I agree as well, we need Phin to get us as close of an account of dates, times, and transfer amounts as possible because there is some confusion here. As I understand, the 0.835 did not originate from the deposit. It was from an unrelated source. The original deposit could have been as high as 1141.9 or so given that it was 1132 + could have been 9.999 or it could have been 1.000 or anything in between there. He also expressed some small doubt as to if the 1132 might have actually been 1123, so theres an off chance it could be as low as that.

The wallet that contained the 0.835 bitcoins, which was returned to you, must have a deposit address which was used to fund it. Could this address then be used to locate to larger original deposit?

No. That one was first funded via a different means sometime in February if I'm not mistaken.

Ah, thanks for the clarification. Besides the split a few days after the deposit, were there any later minor transfers to or from the wallets in question between the time of their funding and the "hack"? Or did they remain undisturbed until that time?

None, but I now do recall that since I moved them a couple time, I believe a miner fee was deducted, thus the wallet amounts WON't be exactly 1,000 BTC and 132 BTC. Also, there's a very slight chance that the lesser wallet may have been 123 BTC, but in no way am I trying to get what I don't deserve. For the longest time, I stated such in the IW claims thread, opting for the lower amount to be fair, but change to the higher amount because I honestly believe that it was 132 and not 123, only after I got sick of the runaround.

Forgive for forgetting all about the miner fees. I just keep the whole numbers in my head spacing that aspect out. I do recall that the first time the fee was only pennies, but was taken aback some subsequent transfer when I noticed it was several dollars, but not double digits, but didn't sweat it.

I'm also interested in the split. You mention that you believe miner fees were taken out. This would imply that the split was not conducted off-chain and should be visible in the blockchain. Or could it be that Instawallet charged its own fees for internal transfers (this doesnt seem likely)?

In red is the best assessment.

I'm not sure how, if any, the fees were calculated.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: BlueBitAUT on June 13, 2014, 02:31:23 PM

I can understand you might be exhausted etc.
But I also think you need to get the facts together and answer to asked questions, if you're looking for help.
I am pretty sure no one wants to collect all "maybes, im not sures, i can't tells" from all over this many sites in this thread to start with "investigation".

Take a rest - then try to remember as good as you can what happened and what you did, step by step,
collect each and every piece of the puzzle, that could anyhow help in your case.

Bring it to a short but detailed list, (including dates, times or timeframes, what exactly you have done etc)
in chronological order to have a overview for yourself - and those that want to help you.

As soon as you / we have this list, it would be much easier to check out for possible solutions in track & approving, with your help.
Thats the only "advice" I could give for now.

For example, it is confusing what happend to your laptop since then or if you already tried to find / contact the guy that sold you this BTC,
just to verify you had this amount, for example. See my questions before.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Nicolas Dorier on June 13, 2014, 02:50:46 PM
i want to point out that at the begining of the thread a lot of commente were against frenchies and now the 2-3 guys who are helping Bruno are FRENCH !!

what an irony :)

French always agree to disagree... That's why you always have the two extremes with constant fight between each others :p

I made some comments agains french at the beginning, but it was ironic, i am french too.I just can't understand people who do such stupid generalities about people.

That's what I said, I disagree with you, we're all the same...  >:(


I can understand you might be exhausted etc.
But I also think you need to get the facts together and answer to asked questions, if you're looking for help.
I am pretty sure no one wants to collect all "maybes, im not sures, i can't tells" from all over this many sites in this thread to start with "investigation".

Take a rest - then try to remember as good as you can what happened and what you did, step by step,
collect each and every piece of the puzzle, that could anyhow help in your case.

Bring it to a short but detailed list, (including dates, times or timeframes, what exactly you have done etc)
in chronological order to have a overview for yourself - and those that want to help you.

As soon as you / we have this list, it would be much easier to check out for possible solutions in track & approving, with your help.
Thats the only "advice" I could give for now.

For example, it is confusing what happend to your laptop since then or if you already tried to find / contact the guy that sold you this BTC,
just to verify you had this amount, for example. See my questions before.

We need a precise list, fluff extracted, a developer is like a computer, give us a formatted list of what you know about each transfer, amount, time span.
We need this list, we are too lazy to make archeology in such gang bang of comments.
Everything in one simple list. The stupider it is, the better.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: madmat on June 13, 2014, 02:58:15 PM
That's what I said, I disagree with you, we're all the same...  >:(

I am not fat as karpeles is. I don't want to pierce a second buthole to anyone as davout would like ...

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: madmat on June 13, 2014, 03:08:50 PM
Phinn, you've got a lot of detectives ready to help you to establish the truth, but they need facts.

Help them to help you.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Marlo Stanfield on June 13, 2014, 04:22:17 PM

I can understand you might be exhausted etc.
But I also think you need to get the facts together and answer to asked questions, if you're looking for help.
I am pretty sure no one wants to collect all "maybes, im not sures, i can't tells" from all over this many sites in this thread to start with "investigation".

Take a rest - then try to remember as good as you can what happened and what you did, step by step,
collect each and every piece of the puzzle, that could anyhow help in your case.

Bring it to a short but detailed list, (including dates, times or timeframes, what exactly you have done etc)
in chronological order to have a overview for yourself - and those that want to help you.

As soon as you / we have this list, it would be much easier to check out for possible solutions in track & approving, with your help.
Thats the only "advice" I could give for now.

For example, it is confusing what happend to your laptop since then or if you already tried to find / contact the guy that sold you this BTC,
just to verify you had this amount, for example. See my questions before.

I agree with this. Compile everything you know about what happened in to one chronological list.

The interesting part will come when Davout is presented evidence of your funds. But first we need to cut through all bs and make sure these guys who are doing the blockchain analysis can get as much info as possible.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: btcfre@k on June 13, 2014, 05:18:30 PM
phin,i bought sweet and salt pop corn.this story is now a joe pesci movie for me .as the time will pass the non violence rule will be more flexible,thats the ice cream part.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: cryptopaths on June 13, 2014, 07:33:03 PM
What is davouts official response to this?

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: guigui371 on June 13, 2014, 08:18:26 PM
What is davouts official response to this?

something like : "we don't have in our database any transaction that link any of your adresses to any of yours, please provide us a transaction ID or proof of ownership"

it is my interpretation of everything i have read here and in the french part

and of course it is a simple way to say it, much more technical words have been used  ;D

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: guigui371 on June 13, 2014, 08:19:53 PM
i want to point out that at the begining of the thread a lot of commente were against frenchies and now the 2-3 guys who are helping Bruno are FRENCH !!

what an irony :)

French always agree to disagree... That's why you always have the two extremes with constant fight between each others :p

I made some comments agains french at the beginning, but it was ironic, i am french too.I just can't understand people who do such stupid generalities about people.

i'm french too honey :)
 it was directed to some people who refere their country to a whole continent :)

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: smoothie on June 13, 2014, 08:25:32 PM

Not that I doubt you brother, but I do question what the original address was that you sent BTC from to their site?

Or did you buy the account from someone?

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: smoothie on June 13, 2014, 08:30:47 PM
Boussac was approached in Amsterdam prior to going on stage at the recent Bitcoin conference held there, and refused to discuss any of the InstaWallet claims.

Who approached him?

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: smoothie on June 13, 2014, 08:34:17 PM
I've watched the whole Instawallet fiasco like a hawk because I had some BTC in Instawallet.
I never used Instalwallet, but I did keep an eye on how davout and boussac behaved during and after the incident because they are involved in other Bitcoin projects.

The way they handled the situation looks to me consistent with what I'd expect from scammers.

Honest people would show some signs of remorse and humility after losing so much of other people's money - they were arrogant and hostile instead.

After reading up on the posts from boussac and davout concerning this fiasco, I agree with this post. They had really no remorse and made very little attempt to make things right with PG as far as public record confirms.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: bangi on June 13, 2014, 08:34:33 PM
Wait so the bounty is still on?  :o

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Marlo Stanfield on June 13, 2014, 08:39:27 PM

Not that I doubt you brother, but I do question what the original address was that you sent BTC from to their site?

Or did you buy the account from someone?

It sounds like it was either sent directly to an instawallet address when he bought it from the guy with the red truck, or something about a address. I hope he can clarify all of this so people can help.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: smoothie on June 13, 2014, 08:40:14 PM
Looks like davout is posting in the french section:

Here above is his first post I believe in that thread of many. Perhaps someone can translate and persuade him to come to this thread to discuss?

Seems like he is hiding out over there instead lol

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: smoothie on June 13, 2014, 08:46:01 PM
Well if I was davout, I'd have a "buddy" negotiate this settlement pronto - settle for $50k, take the 400BTC reward.  Easy money! ;D

SOB! I didn't think of that, that he may use this thread now to his advantage, and still come out like a motherfuckin' bandit. Fuck me royal! The only thing I can say about this revelation is that he best have an anonymous pseudo-liaison (or is it pseudo-anonymous liaison?) person in place, otherwise I will get really pissed.

Perhaps you should require the person to prove their identity to get the bounty? Just a suggestion.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: smoothie on June 13, 2014, 08:49:12 PM
Like I said if I was Davout, I would pay out the 50K and make a public notice that PG (just like other members) was refunded some of the lost money from the InstaWallet hack.

Like I said, Davout has accepted the deal I proposed here, so let see if OP will honor is bounty

I'm available here or by PM to write agreement in the stone

I have a lawyer available to settle the agreement, that I will pay on my part of the Bounty.

Proof? Link?

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: guigui371 on June 13, 2014, 09:17:11 PM
Like I said if I was Davout, I would pay out the 50K and make a public notice that PG (just like other members) was refunded some of the lost money from the InstaWallet hack.

Like I said, Davout has accepted the deal I proposed here, so let see if OP will honor is bounty

I'm available here or by PM to write agreement in the stone

I have a lawyer available to settle the agreement, that I will pay on my part of the Bounty.

Proof? Link?

Quand je dis vendu, ça veut dire que je suis simplement d'accord pour échanger $50k contre 300 BTC, rien de plus.
Ton message laisse entendre que ça constitue un settlement avec PG, ce qui n'est pas le cas.
Je t'invite à clarifier sur l'autre thread :-)

but the deal was : davout sends 50k$ and sardokan gets 400btc and gives back 100btc to davout

it was based on a misreading of the bountie that PG is giving

So basically a joke

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: ahmedjadoon on June 14, 2014, 08:57:42 AM
So this must be largest bounty ever offered in history of BTCBTCBTC.I think it should be featured in major magazines. Good luck to OP

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: btchip on June 14, 2014, 09:15:30 AM
So this must be largest bounty ever offered in history of BTCBTCBTC.I think it should be featured in major magazines. Good luck to OP

The bounty is not doing to do much if there's no way to obtain more information about transactions.

Again, I'm not saying that Phinnaeus is lying here - just that without more information it's not possible to prove anything, neither on his or InstaWallet side.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: tvbcof on June 14, 2014, 09:53:24 AM
So this must be largest bounty ever offered in history of BTCBTCBTC.I think it should be featured in major magazines. Good luck to OP

The bounty is not doing to do much if there's no way to obtain more information about transactions.

Again, I'm not saying that Phinnaeus is lying here - just that without more information it's not possible to prove anything, neither on his or InstaWallet side.

One thing that would easily tell everyone a lot would be the audit which was supposed to have happened.  Or information from the analysis of the supposed hack.  Or from the police investigation which was supposed to be underway.  Or especially all of the above.

For some reason none of these things seemed to be very forthcoming and any questions about them were studiously ignored by the Paymium folks for a long time.  When little bits of information did appear they were extremely vague.  True, it is 'none of my business' since I was payed off for my minor loss at the place.  An audit of the records from Instawallet, on the other hand, may very well be the business of those who have not been paid what they claim to be owed, and would very likely confirm or deny the parts of PG's story that he can remember.  It is a very reasonable hypothesis that this is exactly why the audit, if it ever happened at all, remains shrouded from view.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: hdbuck on June 14, 2014, 12:27:06 PM
But now, we try to get facts, and find proof

You have facts.
But you aint gonna find any proof.

Its as simple as that ;D

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: howardb on June 14, 2014, 01:21:57 PM
So this must be largest bounty ever offered in history of BTCBTCBTC.I think it should be featured in major magazines. Good luck to OP

The bounty is not doing to do much if there's no way to obtain more information about transactions.

Again, I'm not saying that Phinnaeus is lying here - just that without more information it's not possible to prove anything, neither on his or InstaWallet side.

Ask the NSA, they must have copies on file :P

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Marlo Stanfield on June 14, 2014, 09:12:40 PM
But now, we try to get facts, and find proof

You have facts.
But you aint gonna find any proof.

Its as simple as that ;D

It almost certainly is gone at this point. And now Davout et al can just go on ignoring.

Or maybe this mythical auditor will appear someday and everyone will live happily ever after.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: AT101ET on June 14, 2014, 11:19:59 PM
I don't seem to understand... I've read quite a few accusations against staff on this forum. How can staff here have been involved in illicit activities?

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: smoothie on June 14, 2014, 11:38:05 PM
I don't seem to understand... I've read quite a few accusations against staff on this forum. How can staff here have been involved in illicit activities?

How is it possible they can't? Theymos can't possibly keep tabs on everyone's actions in his staff.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: AT101ET on June 14, 2014, 11:50:07 PM
I don't seem to understand... I've read quite a few accusations against staff on this forum. How can staff here have been involved in illicit activities?

How is it possible they can't? Theymos can't possibly keep tabs on everyone's actions in his staff.

Sort of shows a corrupt system. You can't have the leaders of a community (in this case a forum) who are guilty of theft. If there's proof then that should suffice. Just seems daunting that people who you trust can just stab you in the back. They should be leading by example and should be here to make the forum a better place... Not actively involve themselves in the scams themselves!

Now I'm not saying they are all guilty. I'm sure most are perfectly honest. Just speaking hypothetically if all the rumours and accusations are true.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: JorgeStolfi on June 15, 2014, 12:06:32 AM
I don't seem to understand... I've read quite a few accusations against staff on this forum. How can staff here have been involved in illicit activities?
How is it possible they can't? Theymos can't possibly keep tabs on everyone's actions in his staff.
Erm, how many thousand administrators are employed to keep the site running?
(There must be a few hundred working full-time on the avatar bug alone, I presume.)

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: TooDumbForBitcoin on June 15, 2014, 01:13:59 AM
Uh-oh, this thread needs some Round-Up.  The Stolfi weed is trying to infest. 

Better get Ignore!

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: RainMan28 on June 15, 2014, 02:55:22 AM
So this must be largest bounty ever offered in history of BTCBTCBTC.I think it should be featured in major magazines. Good luck to OP

Since the bounty is contingent upon PG first receiving the money, it's not really that newsworthy in my opinion. Now if PG had set aside that much BTC in a trusted escrow account to pay out to the winner, then that would be something else!

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: CryptoKilla on June 15, 2014, 07:25:46 AM
I really hope that a bounty this large will lead to the recovery of your stolen coins. Good luck to you!

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: madmat on June 15, 2014, 07:52:12 AM
This thread is running for 3 days now and phin didn't give the informations requested by the ones ready to help investigating. I begin to think this thread is going nowhere.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Marlo Stanfield on June 15, 2014, 11:13:01 AM
I don't seem to understand... I've read quite a few accusations against staff on this forum. How can staff here have been involved in illicit activities?
How is it possible they can't? Theymos can't possibly keep tabs on everyone's actions in his staff.

Sort of shows a corrupt system. You can't have the leaders of a community (in this case a forum) who are guilty of theft. If there's proof then that should suffice. Just seems daunting that people who you trust can just stab you in the back. They should be leading by example and should be here to make the forum a better place... Not actively involve themselves in the scams themselves!

Now I'm not saying they are all guilty. I'm sure most are perfectly honest. Just speaking hypothetically if all the rumours and accusations are true.

In this case the accused holds the proof himself so he's either innocent and failing to alleviate doubts regarding his guilt, or he's guilty and probably thinks he pulled off the perfect crime.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: BlueBitAUT on June 15, 2014, 11:18:57 AM
This thread is running for 3 days now and phin didn't give the informations requested by the ones ready to help investigating. I begin to think this thread is going nowhere.

Maybe Phinn took my advice and takes a rest, calms down and is trying to write down whats needed.
If not, then you might be right with your assumption.
People willing to help can't sort this mess out, if there aren't all infos ... so without his help and the requested overview, we won't get far.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: BlueBitAUT on June 16, 2014, 08:50:32 AM
Hey Phinn,

I'm just curious,...

What about that list?!

Are you still on it?
Is this case solved?
Or is it a sign of capitulation, that you're not replying to this thread anymore (but had around a dozen other postings, the last days)?

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: TheTracker on June 16, 2014, 11:25:34 AM
Even after reading through the whole thread I still haven't seen any proof regarding all of this? I just finished the french thread and found nothing there either.. So I'm at a loss here?

Is there any real evidence that the Starter of this thread actually lost money to this "Davout" guy?

Plus offering a Robin Hood style reward after retrieving the money isn't going to help much, what's to stop whomever reads this from going in there and forcing Davout to give him the btc? Nothing...

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: madmat on June 16, 2014, 11:30:22 AM
Even after reading through the whole thread I still haven't seen any proof regarding all of this? I just finished the french thread and found nothing there either.. So I'm at a loss here?

Is there any real evidence that the Starter of this thread actually lost money to this "Davout" guy?

Plus offering a Robin Hood style reward after retrieving the money isn't going to help much, what's to stop whomever reads this from going in there and forcing Davout to give him the btc? Nothing...

You are right, there is no evidence at all. Phinn has to give a proof, or at least give so many details than "blockchain detectives" could find an evidence. If he doesn't have any proof, he must give up.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: 🏰 TradeFortress 🏰 on June 16, 2014, 11:32:09 AM
Looks like davout is posting in the french section:

Here above is his first post I believe in that thread of many. Perhaps someone can translate and persuade him to come to this thread to discuss?

Seems like he is hiding out over there instead lol
He can mod and delete posts he doesn't like there. He can't here.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: madmat on June 16, 2014, 11:38:42 AM
Looks like davout is posting in the french section:

Here above is his first post I believe in that thread of many. Perhaps someone can translate and persuade him to come to this thread to discuss?

Seems like he is hiding out over there instead lol
He can mod and delete posts he doesn't like there. He can't here.

I created the french thread on this subject, and davout didn't moderate any post in it. This issue is nothing new for him, and it is like he doesn't care at all.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: BlueBitAUT on June 18, 2014, 12:19:47 PM

it's somehow funny, but ... to me, it looks like Phinn changed his mind to something like:
"mehh, who cares!? It's only 1130 BTC or ~680k USD, so why should I invest any more time to answer questions, only to get those peanuts back. I'm better off posting in other threads instead."
 ::) ;)

Maybe a healthy decision, who knows...

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: JorgeStolfi on June 18, 2014, 02:26:38 PM
Phinn's silence on this thread is worrisome, but so is that of the InstaWallet ex-owners.  I understand that Phinn is not the only person with such claim.  Also, it is claimed that the ex-owners refunded themselves before the customers, which is the opposite of the established rule in legal liquidations.

Is there any post (in some other thread, on reddit, etc.) where they have responded to these claims?

EDIT: I see that the French language thread has 7 pages of discussion on this.  Could someone please provide a one-line summary of the ex-owners counterclaim?  (With my poor French, I think I understood that Davout denies that Phinn had those coins in IsntaWallet, is that it?)

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Nicolas Dorier on June 18, 2014, 03:04:21 PM
Phinn's silence on this thread is worrisome, but so is that of the InstaWallet ex-owners.  I understand that Phinn is not the only person with such claim.  Also, it is claimed that the ex-owners refunded themselves before the customers, which is the opposite of the established rule in legal liquidations.

Is there any post (in some other thread, on reddit, etc.) where they have responded to these claims?

EDIT: I see that the French language thread has 7 pages of discussion on this.  Could someone please provide a one-line summary of the ex-owners counterclaim?  (With my poor French, I think I understood that Davout denies that Phinn had those coins in IsntaWallet, is that it?)

In summary I said that it pissed me off when I waste my time helping someone that does not even care.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: JorgeStolfi on June 18, 2014, 03:46:45 PM
Davout says that he has looked over all addresses previously owned by Instawallet and did not find anything close to what BK claims. He also says he did it on the (supposedly) uncorrupted backups in case the thief had erased transactions from the live database.
Also more details here :
Thanks! Well, it seems that we must wait for Phinn's to provide a reasonable reply to that.  If he lost records of his deposits/holdings,  I don't see much hope of him getting the coins back.

There has not been a "liquidation" per se. They just closed the service and reimbursed the (valid) claims.
I understod that.  My point was that in legal liquidations the managers of the company have the lowest priority; their claims are considered only after all the others -- even if they are not charged with fraud or negligence.  I suppose that this rule is intended to remove certain obvious temptations from managers.  It seems to be a sensible rule, that bitcoiners should demand when bitcoin ventures collapse, too.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: JorgeStolfi on June 18, 2014, 05:12:54 PM

My point was that in legal liquidations the managers of the company have the lowest priority; their claims are considered only after all the others -- even if they are not charged with fraud or negligence.  I suppose that this rule is intended to remove certain obvious temptations from managers.  It seems to be a sensible rule, that bitcoiners should demand when bitcoin ventures collapse, too.
There was no liquidation at all. The company is still serving its customers. Only unsustainable services have been terminated. So what is your point exactly?
Peace, I must have minsunderstood a remark in this post as claiming that the owners of InstaWallet (or was it Paymium?) refunded themselves before other clients, after the hack and closure of their wallet service.  If that was not the case, apologies for any unwarranted implication, and please forget it.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Keyser Soze on June 18, 2014, 05:52:00 PM
Phinn's silence on this thread is worrisome...

I assume because he doesn't really have anything else to add. The only useful information he can provide is the two InstaWallet URLs and the approximate balances, which InstaWallet has no record of. Bruno either needs to find additional information or take legal action. Presumably legal action would a difficult route if this is all the information he has.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: JorgeStolfi on June 19, 2014, 03:30:32 AM
Still... Phinn provided two URLS that, as I understood, are connected somehow to InstaWallet wallets.  Are those two URLS legitimate?  If so, has Davout provided his version of what those wallets may have contained? Does the instaWallet databases have any records about them?  If so, have those records been posted?

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: BlueBitAUT on June 19, 2014, 11:44:09 AM
Phinn's silence on this thread is worrisome...

I assume because he doesn't really have anything else to add. The only useful information he can provide is the two InstaWallet URLs and the approximate balances, which InstaWallet has no record of. Bruno either needs to find additional information or take legal action. Presumably legal action would a difficult route if this is all the information he has.

That was exactly my point. He wrote a thousand words of "this and that" etc.
but fails to give useful information/answers to additional questions that came up
(and could easily help solve his problems).

I / we just asked for a simple, clean list styled summary / protocol of what exactly happend, how and when...
just to help finding a approval that he really had those funds, in the first step.

If we could track down (one of the) the addresses / transactions involved, anyhow, based on all those "missing links" that we were asking for,
because we couldn't dig that out of those dozens "walls of text"... I'd guess, he would come a big step closer to his coins.

So, if his claims are for real or not,...
as someone stated before, if he wants help from one or another side (us or lawyers, or whatever), he has to do this list anyway.
And also has to be ready to answer questions like "have you already tried this..." or "can you maybe get some more details on that..."
in a timely manner!

It is unnecessary to say that, as long as PG isn't going to "support" / work with the people that want(ed) to help him,
all of the already taken, and also, any further efforts are rendered useless.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: JorgeStolfi on June 19, 2014, 12:42:53 PM
Those two urls are not found in instawallet systems or backup.
Thats why we are trying (or should I say we were) to find some hints.
I see.  If anyone stlll cares, please:

I presume that the search was done by the InstaWallet owners themselves?

Are the two URLS at least self-consistent (right format, numbers in plausible range, encrypted with the InstaWallet public key, whatever)?  Could they be forged by a hacker, or have come from some other similar service?  Did BK say how he kept or recovered them?

Are there other similar claims against InstaWallet from other ex-clients?

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Marlo Stanfield on June 20, 2014, 05:48:57 PM
Those two urls are not found in instawallet systems or backup.
Thats why we are trying (or should I say we were) to find some hints.
I see.  If anyone stlll cares, please:

I presume that the search was done by the InstaWallet owners themselves?

Are the two URLS at least self-consistent (right format, numbers in plausible range, encrypted with the InstaWallet public key, whatever)?  Could they be forged by a hacker, or have come from some other similar service?  Did BK say how he kept or recovered them?

Are there other similar claims against InstaWallet from other ex-clients?

I'd like to know if the wallet address is consistent with the format as well.

And there are lots and lots of people with claims that haven't been paid yet.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: laurentmt on June 27, 2014, 09:05:09 PM
FYI, I've published the result of my "investigation" in the french forum (
There's no english translation but here's a short summary.


3 IW urls were claimed by PG but the IW team was unable to spot 2 of them

The IW team has asked PG to provide adresses or transactions related to these 2 wallets but PG was unable to provide this kind of information.

The IW team has developed a set of scripts to parse the blockchain in order to:
  - build a list of bitcoin addresses corresponding to IW deposit addresses
  - check if any of these addresses has transactions matching informations sent by PG.
No matching address was found by the IW team.


I've followed these steps:
  - parsing of the blockchain to identify transactions (and addresses) matching information given by PG (date, amounts, hours)
  - development of a script similar to the one implemented by the IW team, in order to list IW addresses
  - matching of the 2 sets
No significant result was found.

Then, I've analyzed the principles of the script used to build the list of IW addresses:
- as a first step, the script lists addresses having sent coins to IW cold wallet. These addresses are considered as IW deposit addresses.
- in a second step, the script uses an heuristic named "multi-inputs transactions" in order to find additional IW addresses.
- the second step is repeated recursively.

The main hypothesis associated to this script is that it allows to list all IW deposit addresses. IW was a shared wallet mixing coins from all deposit addresses, thus it may sound like a reasonable hypothesis. But it appears that some cases break this assumption. One such case is when coins sent to a deposit address are consumed alone before having a chance to be sent to the cold wallet.

Activity of the cold wallet ( during December 2012 shows that no coin was sent to the cold wallet between 12/08 and 12/26. In fact, during this timespan, the flow was reversed (5,500btc sent from the cold wallet to the hot wallet) surely indicating a period with more withdrawals than deposits. This period also corresponds to the period indicated by PG for his initial deposit and his splitting operation. Thus, it doesn't seem unlikely that the funds deposited by PG may have been consumed during this period and can't be found by the recursive script.

This hypothesis would explain why the IW team was unable to find transactions and addresses matching information given by PG.
WRT missing urls, one of my hypotheses is that IW db may have been altered by hackers to hide that some funds had been stolen (wallets deleted from db).

Next steps

IMHO, it's required to use a backup of the IW bitcoind, in order to export the full list of addresses and be sure to avoid false negative results.
Thus, I've forwarded all results and information to the IW team. It should allow them to investigate the case further.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Marlo Stanfield on June 29, 2014, 03:24:56 PM
FYI, I've published the result of my "investigation" in the french forum (
There's no english translation but here's a short summary.


3 IW urls were claimed by PG but the IW team was unable to spot 2 of them

The IW team has asked PG to provide adresses or transactions related to these 2 wallets but PG was unable to provide this kind of information.

The IW team has developed a set of scripts to parse the blockchain in order to:
  - build a list of bitcoin addresses corresponding to IW deposit addresses
  - check if any of these addresses has transactions matching informations sent by PG.
No matching address was found by the IW team.


I've followed these steps:
  - parsing of the blockchain to identify transactions (and addresses) matching information given by PG (date, amounts, hours)
  - development of a script similar to the one implemented by the IW team, in order to list IW addresses
  - matching of the 2 sets
No significant result was found.

Then, I've analyzed the principles of the script used to build the list of IW addresses:
- as a first step, the script lists addresses having sent coins to IW cold wallet. These addresses are considered as IW deposit addresses.
- in a second step, the script uses an heuristic named "multi-inputs transactions" in order to find additional IW addresses.
- the second step is repeated recursively.

The main hypothesis associated to this script is that it allows to list all IW deposit addresses. IW was a shared wallet mixing coins from all deposit addresses, thus it may sound like a reasonable hypothesis. But it appears that some cases break this assumption. One such case is when coins sent to a deposit address are consumed alone before having a chance to be sent to the cold wallet.

Activity of the cold wallet ( during December 2012 shows that no coin was sent to the cold wallet between 12/08 and 12/26. In fact, during this timespan, the flow was reversed (5,500btc sent from the cold wallet to the hot wallet) surely indicating a period with more withdrawals than deposits. This period also corresponds to the period indicated by PG for his initial deposit and his splitting operation. Thus, it doesn't seem unlikely that the funds deposited by PG may have been consumed during this period and can't be found by the recursive script.

This hypothesis would explain why the IW team was unable to find transactions and addresses matching information given by PG.
WRT missing urls, one of my hypotheses is that IW db may have been altered by hackers to hide that some funds had been stolen (wallets deleted from db).

Next steps

IMHO, it's required to use a backup of the IW bitcoind, in order to export the full list of addresses and be sure to avoid false negative results.
Thus, I've forwarded all results and information to the IW team. It should allow them to investigate the case further.

Wow. Good work. It's nice to see that people are still on this. Despite Bruno's very bizarre sudden lack of interest. Hopefully he sticks his head in here to acknowledge you.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: JorgeStolfi on June 29, 2014, 03:39:58 PM
Despite Bruno's very bizarre sudden lack of interest. Hopefully he sticks his head in here to acknowledge you.

User @Phinnaeus_Gage (who has by far the largest number of posts on this forum) has been inactive since 2014-06-17, 18:38:34;u=24792 (;u=24792)

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: Marlo Stanfield on June 29, 2014, 06:50:43 PM
Despite Bruno's very bizarre sudden lack of interest. Hopefully he sticks his head in here to acknowledge you.

User @Phinnaeus_Gage (who has by far the largest number of posts on this forum) has been inactive since 2014-06-17, 18:38:34;u=24792 (;u=24792)

Oh. That's kind of scary actually considering the amount of posts he makes targeting people while at the same time posting his home address. I bet he's fine, but he does go out of his way to invite trouble. I hope nothing has happened to him.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: JorgeStolfi on June 29, 2014, 10:17:25 PM
Oh. That's kind of scary actually considering the amount of posts he makes targeting people while at the same time posting his home address. I bet he's fine, but he does go out of his way to invite trouble. I hope nothing has happened to him.
Indeed, considering the number of people he has fished embarassing things about, including people with means (and history) of suing people, it is highly likely that he got at least a letter from a lawyer threatening a lawsuit.

Or he simply may have given up hope of recovering his lost bitcoins, and got fed up with a community that, by and large, is indifferent to crime.  When they do not side with the criminals against ther victims.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: JorgeStolfi on June 29, 2014, 10:35:05 PM
FYI, I've published the result of my "investigation" in the french forum (
[...]Activity of the cold wallet ( during December 2012 shows that no coin was sent to the cold wallet between 12/08 and 12/26. In fact, during this timespan, the flow was reversed (5,500btc sent from the cold wallet to the hot wallet) surely indicating a period with more withdrawals than deposits. This period also corresponds to the period indicated by PG for his initial deposit and his splitting operation. Thus, it doesn't seem unlikely that the funds deposited by PG may have been consumed during this period and can't be found by the recursive script.

This hypothesis would explain why the IW team was unable to find transactions and addresses matching information given by PG.
Indeed.  This finding seems to render the IW team analysis of the blockchain irrelevant.  They looked in the wrong place, so no wonder they did not find anything.  

Assuming that BK was unaware of the flow between the hot and cold wallets, this finding also restores the credibility to his claim.  Back to square zero?

However, wouldn't the hot wallet be caught by the recursive script during its first pass?

WRT missing urls, one of my hypotheses is that IW db may have been altered by hackers to hide that some funds had been stolen (wallets deleted from db).
I don't know how  InstaWallet worked.  Is it possible that BK was the victim of a phishing-style attack?  Say, he was led to a fake IW site, or the real IW server was hacked to divert some client deposits to an address that did not belong to InstaWallet, and omit those accesses from the database?

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: laurentmt on June 30, 2014, 12:47:00 PM
Indeed.  This finding seems to render the IW team analysis of the blockchain irrelevant.  They looked in the wrong place, so no wonder they did not find anything.  
Assuming that BK was unaware of the flow between the hot and cold wallets, this finding also restores the credibility to his claim.  Back to square zero?
Not sure we can say that they looked at the wrong place. It's more that the view was incomplete and thus can't deliver 100% certainty. A set of addresses exported from a bitcoind backup should be more reliable.

However, wouldn't the hot wallet be caught by the recursive script during its first pass?
Well, what I call the "hot wallet" is the complete set of IW deposit addresses + some "internal" addresses generated by bitcoind (change, ...).
Some of them are caught during first pass. Some are caught later. Some are not caught at all. I was able to validate the latter for some "internal" addresses (but we do not really care about them to identify the initial deposit) and it's likely that some deposit addresses are also missed by the script during periods similar to december 2012.

I don't know how  InstaWallet worked.  Is it possible that BK was the victim of a phishing-style attack?  Say, he was led to a fake IW site, or the real IW server was hacked to divert some client deposits to an address that did not belong to InstaWallet, and omit those accesses from the database?
IW was a shared wallet. Imagine that you share your bitcoin wallet with others users. Each user has one "personal" deposit address to receive coins but withdrawals are done from any subset of addresses found in the wallet with enough coins to fund the transaction. Data required to know users' balances and transactions are recorded in an external database.

Phishing attack is another possible hypothesis. I've also heard that there has been some scam attempts with a fake IW website running on TOR.
Records deleted from the internal ledger is just an hypothesis among several others. Its main difference is that it can be checked by comparing content of db backups. There's also a message ( posted by Phinnaeus Gage on March 2013 (15 days before the service was shutdown) which seems to confirm that everything was ok at this date.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: hdbuck on July 02, 2014, 12:20:35 PM
PG is on holidays.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: 🏰 TradeFortress 🏰 on July 02, 2014, 12:34:57 PM
I don't know how  InstaWallet worked.  Is it possible that BK was the victim of a phishing-style attack?  Say, he was led to a fake IW site

While possible, I find it hard to believe that a phishing attack would be practically executed. I've never heard of an actual instawallet phishing site, other than the one on Tor.

or the real IW server was hacked to divert some client deposits to an address that did not belong to InstaWallet, and omit those accesses from the database?

That's an interesting theory. Practically this attack wouldn't be so easy - it can't just be a simple address replace, but it also needs to hook into balance checks, etc.

One thing I'm not sure that's been discussed here is if the IW team still has web server access logs, and if they do, simply grep through them for the addresses? The hacker of instawallet probably didn't go through the trouble of erasing the logs for specific wallets.

Title: Re: New 400 BTC Bounty Pales Roger Ver's 37.6 BTC Bounty for Return of Stolen BTC
Post by: JorgeStolfi on July 02, 2014, 04:44:15 PM
One thing I'm not sure that's been discussed here is if the IW team still has web server access logs, and if they do, simply grep through them for the addresses? The hacker of instawallet probably didn't go through the trouble of erasing the logs for specific wallets.