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101  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Uma ideia lúcida de como poderia ser o sistema de impostos on: May 21, 2024, 08:38:50 PM
Costumo ler o substack gratuito do BowTiedBull, eles tem uma visão interessante de macro ligando política e economia e um bom panorama de cripto.

Eles lançaram um post hoje falando sobre as eleições americanas que inclui uma proposta de reforma dos impostos para lá que achei bem interessante e provavelmente faria mais sentido (logo, não vai acontecer)

em resumo
aumentar a taxação sobre bens de luxo
aumentar a taxação sobre casas não ocupadas (segundas casas/casas de veraneio)
diminuir a taxação sobre renda (já que os ricos não pagam mesmo)
diminuir a taxação sobre ganho de capital (já que ricos podem pegar emprestado e não vender nunca)

esse é um resumo tosco mas vale a pena ler o artigo:

102  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: Político pergunta se Estado deveria comprar Bitcoins on: May 21, 2024, 08:24:07 PM
postou no tópico errado ou foi hackeado?  Roll Eyes
Não faço ideia de como postei isso aqui. Acho que cliquei na aba errada. Tongue

Valeu pelo aviso.

tranquilo, por curiosidade: qual era o tópico onde pretendia postar?
103  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: The madness of gambling addicts. on: May 21, 2024, 08:20:30 PM
it's quite a sad story about how a person whose life was initially good turned out to be ruined because of his addiction to gambling. luckily he called gambling addiction help, otherwise he might have killed himself. but it is very true as you said that it is necessary for a gambler to control themselves when they play. don't let gambling control them, but they are the ones who control themselves when to gamble and when to restrain themselves. because when gambling controls us, the result is like the story, where lives are destroyed and other people are affected too.
Addiction to gambling will of course be very detrimental because there will be many bad impacts that will be felt by those who have experienced an addiction to gambling. It is true that every gambler must be able to control themselves so that they don't experience bad things for themselves. It would be even better if someone gamblers can limit themselves to gambling activities and also the funds used for gambling without limiting themselves in gambling. I will spend a lot of the funds we have on gambling so it will be difficult to meet the needs we need.

yes, when a habit starts to get more importance then spending time with your loved ones, prioritizing your health or doing the things that being joy to life it starts to be a problem
having clarity and staying strong during hard times is a must
nobody is coming to save us after all
104  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: Político pergunta se Estado deveria comprar Bitcoins on: May 21, 2024, 06:22:49 PM
Seja aqui ou nos EUA, pior ainda por lá, eu não vejo governos investindo algo em criptos exatamente nesse momento em que muitos países estão perseguindo e cerceando as criptos com tanta pressão regulatória.
Sei lá, mas isso é muito contraditório, não acham?

A pressão é sobre a liberdade.. o que eles querem acabar é com a privacidade, o anonimato, a incapacidade deles de não conseguir confiscar sua propriedade.

Com ETFs eles tem total controle sobre os investidores.. então acaba sendo um ativo como qualquer outro.

Eu ainda acredito que vai chegar num ponto que ter bitcoin nativo será ilegal, e caso a pessoa queira comprar bitcoins terá que ser única exclusivamente via ETF's... Tudo o que eles podem controlar será controlado... O governo pode ter gastos secretos mas você não... o governo deve trilhões mas ele te da uma nota sobre o seu poder de compra para você ter crédito, se parar para pensar é tanta besteira o comportamental de políticos que chega até ser cômico.

o r38tão fala dessa possibilidade, acontecer um confisco como aconteceu com o ouro, não discarto mas acho que a chance é baixa... veremos
e sim, quando você começa a entender melhor o sistema político e econômico vê bem que é tudo uma grande piada...

Já dá para fazer o tracking dos seus pontos da LINEA!

Só entrar em e colocar o seu endereço no campo Search User.

Aqui eu já estou com cerca de 1 milhão de pontos, sendo 400k de "active liquidity", 653k de "ecosystem points" e 32k de "veteran" (acho que aquele boost do 0.1 ETH). Cool

postou no tópico errado ou foi hackeado?  Roll Eyes
105  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: Em 2025 BTC vale $150k segundo Bernstein on: May 20, 2024, 05:09:26 PM
projeções, projeções e mais projeções
sempre vai ter alguém chutando o valor X, Y ou Z pro btc, a verdade é que ninguém sabe do futuro e que na vida existe apenas uma certeza:

(não, não é a morte e muito menos os impostos)

A única certeza da vida é que no longo prazo o preço do BTC se move pra cima e pra direita.
106  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Rich or poor gambler, who should risk more? on: May 20, 2024, 04:55:30 PM
I think it's a matter of confidence and stability than who should risk more, normally we would favour the rich cause he has more than the poor but some poor or average persons even risk more than the rich, so I think confidence has a role to play to determine how much we are willing to stake in a game.

sometimes it's a matter of insanity too... if a person is nuts, regardless of their total bankroll they'll do crazy things with their money
since crazy things happens sometimes there'll be a case with one person betting all they had and 10x overnight... not the healthiest situation but for sure it is thrilling...

what do you think?

True, there are other factors that can make a person go overboard when it comes to treating their gambling activities, and for this matter it does not depend on whatever their financial situation is in life, or in other words, rich or poor can fall into this crazy category, which means that they will most likely gamble and make decisions blindly or spend everything they have in one go.

What this means is that gambling is about who you are, no matter if you are rich or poor, and the point is that if you engage in gambling by bringing the wrong way or approach then that is what will lead to the potential for many disasters, simply put the rich can become a bum and the poor may become crazy, and I think this idea is enough to tell us that if we talk about gambling then it really depends on how the person treats his gambling, or simply put your decision will determine your fate in gambling as in terms of the impact you will experience regardless of rich or poor.

one thing to consider is that sometimes people gamble to feel something
so maybe it's not aobut finances but about emotions
totally different problem and totally different way to approach and analyze it.
does it make any sense?
107  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Rich or poor gambler, who should risk more? on: May 17, 2024, 08:58:35 PM
I think it's a matter of confidence and stability than who should risk more, normally we would favour the rich cause he has more than the poor but some poor or average persons even risk more than the rich, so I think confidence has a role to play to determine how much we are willing to stake in a game.

sometimes it's a matter of insanity too... if a person is nuts, regardless of their total bankroll they'll do crazy things with their money
since crazy things happens sometimes there'll be a case with one person betting all they had and 10x overnight... not the healthiest situation but for sure it is thrilling...

what do you think?
108  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: The madness of gambling addicts. on: May 17, 2024, 08:36:09 PM
Once you become addicted to gambling it is very difficult to get out of it. Gambling addicts are so crazy that anything good they think is bad they will only run towards gambling. When gambling can't keep itself away from the urge it is considered a mental disorder. At this stage even if a person loses everything for gambling he cannot give up gambling addiction. And when this addiction reaches extremes it wreaks havoc in people's lives.
Addiction is a very difficult thing to comprehend for those that have never experimented, as the addicted takes actions that go against their own interests, but their mind is so warped and their priorities so out of place they cannot understand their lives without gambling anymore, which makes them to sacrifice everything for it, a huge mistake as one day they will realize what they have done, and they may try to get their life back on track and they may find themselves alone without anyone willing to help them out.

yes, you are right
when someone is addicted it's not as simple as thinking "oh just stop it"
sometimes the person really wants to stop a habit but depending on the level it is on their body and minds they simply can't
it's stronger than them
it must be fight slowly or all at once...

human behavior is something crazy sometimes.

Inevitable truth it speak volume in my heart as an eye witness of someone who was fully addicted gambling and drug he try all means to forcefully stop but couldn't do it, but need step down the process gradually for instance one who stay all through in gambling game one full day can only start to step down by spending few hours same to drug addict can limit the taken until you override the emotion.

if somebody try all means to stop them I think they'll find a way and stop it
but usually addicted lack the power of will to be able to seek help and go out of the addiction
it's definitely not an easy situation to be in...
109  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: FBI ameaça confiscar criptomoedas de quem usa corretoras sem KYC on: May 17, 2024, 08:22:13 PM
Uma notícia preocupante que apareceu. Parece que o FBI vai com tudo para cima das exchanges que não aderirem ao KYC. Esse é um temor que sempre tive em mente. Fico imaginando uma conta bloqueada por causa que no passado alguma transação passou por um mixers ou uma exchange que foram sancionados. Isso ao meu ver é uma das coisas mais preocupantes do mundo das criptomoedas.  Cry Cry

Como eles irão perseguir pessoas que não sabem quem são? Além disso, sempre teremos outras opções como P2P por exemplo. Então pra mim não faz muito sentido dar esse tipo de declaração, só faz com que o mercado se molde e evolua.

até pq os P2P coletam o prêmio por oferecerem uma alternativa

se o estado declara guerra contra eles no fim das contas será como a guerra às drogas, uma guerra impossível de vencer..
uma hora o prêmio fica grande o suficiente para mais pessoas se interessarem pelo mercado...
110  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: Político pergunta se Estado deveria comprar Bitcoins on: May 17, 2024, 08:00:00 PM
de alguma forma eles vão estar ajudando a destruir o estado de dentro pra fora então... pq não?
trás legitimidade pro BTC, sobe o preço, não vejo muitos pontos contra.
ainda mais ganho pra rede toda quando você pensa em estados fazendo burradas como cair em ataques de phishing, perder chaves privadas, queimar moedas, etc...
111  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: Jogo do tigrinho é 7 vezes maior que a bolsa brasileira, diz Anbima on: May 17, 2024, 06:54:09 PM
Nossa, eu entrei pra ver a notícia, e o casal é suspeito de movimentar 20 milhões de reais
Acho que podemos ficar tranquilo com nossas assinaturas  Cheesy

Essa quantia alta chama a atenção mesmo, não muito como fugir da fiscalização e investigação, os bancos devem soltar alertas a todo momento com essas transações altas que eles fazem

Existe muita gente burra que enriquece mais rápido do que os seus neurônios conseguem acompanhar.

Já dizia meu avô uma vez: Dinheiro rápido só tem duas formas de se consequir, a primeira é tendo uma excelente ideia e sabendo aproveitar o momento a outra é fazendo coisa errada, mas seja qual for, o governo sempre vai estar pronto pra te fud3r.

Então, se mesmo fazendo as coisas certas o estado já cai matando com impostos e burrocracia, imagina mesmo alguém que do dia pra noite começa a movimentar milhões em pouco tempo de forma ilegal...  certamente não vai dar bom.

Enfim, o bom mesmo é ganhar aos poucos, só o necessário para "sobreviver", operar por baixo do radar da receita mas sempre dentro da lei, para que quando tu for "notado" consiga provar que não há nada de mais e o único dano colateral seja um pouco de dor de cabeça e alguns satoshis à mais para pagar os impostos que faltou.

a parte interessante sobre gente que ganha muito dinheiro é que existe uma correlação entre inteligência e capacidade de ganhar bem mas essa correlação é bem menor do que as pessoas em geral imaginam...

Enfim, o bom mesmo é ganhar aos poucos, só o necessário para "sobreviver", operar por baixo do radar da receita mas sempre dentro da lei, para que quando tu for "notado" consiga provar que não há nada de mais e o único dano colateral seja um pouco de dor de cabeça e alguns satoshis à mais para pagar os impostos que faltou.

Com diz um ditado português: "Vale mais pouco e bem, do que muito e mal."

Se a pessoa tiver uma atitude realista, acaba por ter uma maior estabilidade, e crescer gradualmente. E depois quando for notado, essa despesa extra, será facilmente suportada e poderá continuar a dormir tranquilo.

isso me lembra essa notícia que vi hoje:
Um drainer famoso chamado PinkDrainer decidiu parar de operar após atingirem sua meta.

facilitaram mais de 85 milhões de dólares em scams e aí falar: já deu, isso é o suficiente.
112  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: MEGATHREAD - os livros que o bitcointalk lê on: May 16, 2024, 08:06:41 PM
e aí leitores do bitcointalk, tem lido o que agora?

por aqui os últimos que li foram esses:

Para querer bem - Manuel Bandeira
Useful, not true - Derek Sivers
Utopia para realistas: Como construir um mundo melhor - Rutger Bregman
Futuro Ancestral - Ailton Krenak

Muitas leituras em Maio.

O do Derek Sivers recomendo muito, acho ele um gênio, é um de meus autores favoritos
li a versão "early access" mas ele deve lançar em breve

tem mais infos aqui
113  Other / Off-topic / Re: How can we help beginners not to get addicted on: May 16, 2024, 07:54:03 PM
One of the most important thing In gambling is ti understand it and know some gambling instructions and this will make you know the good part and bad part of the gambling and to even understand how to predict very well, it will help that record lower losses than  winning, and it how to suppose to be, not everytime you gamble, what ever you do should be the right decision

the thing is that most of the people won't read instructions... the worst part of gambling is probably when it goes out of control and your habits outgrow your power of will
making you impotent on deciding what to do and unable to control yourself (stopping when you want to stop)

it's is possible to gamble responsibly but for some it'll be very hard...
114  Other / Off-topic / Re: Do you gamble because you don't have sufficient money? on: May 16, 2024, 07:45:19 PM

For those who arent that fortunate or something that living on an average life when it comes to financial aspect or condition then it would really be that very normal that there would really be that kind of some sort of kind of wishful thinking about being a winner in gambling and could changed up their lives via hitting those huge multipliers or hitting up those jackpots on which on the time that you would really be finding yourself having this kind of mindset then it wont really be shocking that you will really be that ending up on spending up more on gambling and since we know that gamblers do always sits down on the loser side then this is where you would really be starting to make out those kind of regrets in the end that you shouldnt have been that spending too much money with it.
Just like on what everyone is really that saying that people would really be stopping on the time that they would really be experiencing those hard situations and not into those moments that
they are still on the verge of losing that on small parts.

knowing when to stop is one of these things that is easier said than done
in Brazil there's about 4 times more people gambling than investing on stocks
I don't blame them but... isn't it crazy?

Exactly, like you said knowing when to quit is much easier said than done, and I'm sure there are some gamblers who always suggest that to other gamblers but they themselves don't have that ability Cheesy

But forget it because I also understand that it is not an easy thing to do, even if you are still really struggling to do it then try to make yourself realize that gambling is nothing more than a game of "possibility" which means that even if you continue then there will never be any certainty that you can win with this action. And yes, there is also nothing wrong with always advising others regarding things that are always recommended to do, at least you have reminded others.

On the other hand, I'm quite concerned when I hear what you say about the situation in Brazil, I don't really know about the real reason but certainly it seems that there are still few people there who know the real facts about gambling.

yes, it's much easier to say something than to do it
but you know what they say: talk is cheap.

I'd say that few understand the situation and will avoid gambling at all or if approaching it will do it responsibly but this is the minor part
we can see it here in an interesting way because it was less than 3 years ago that they made sports betting websites legal...
115  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Rich or poor gambler, who should risk more? on: May 16, 2024, 07:34:48 PM
I agree with you. This issue is so broad that can cause a huge number of opinions. In my opinion, each gambler himself determines his own risks and plays gambling considering this. Exceed their risks can absolutely any gambler, regardless of how much money in his account. Therefore, to compare the risks of a rich gambler and poor is not quite right. Yes, and lose money hurt both.

In my experience, the rich person will simply not gamble their money.

The poor person will try to put their money into this thing and see if they win anything, basically buying hope.

The reality is that the poor get poorer and the rich get richer because the rich don't gamble.
Both gambles, I see some rich people who still gamble beyond what they should, despite still having a lot of funds leftbif they lose, they feel not too bad or get into a bad financial crisis unlike a poor man who tries to keep his winning streaks because he sees it as part of an opportunity to earn profit. A rich whose balance is worth about $100m and decides to gamble with $100k and eventually lost, that is just a percentage of his money he feels no impact compared to the poor man who sees it as a huge money and might not dare to gamble if he had such money to stake.

it's interesting because some things on emotional awareness, decision making, etc
won't relate 100% to their bankroll or income or even class
some things are more like an inner skill that should developed with our personal power and meditation
116  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: Jogo do tigrinho é 7 vezes maior que a bolsa brasileira, diz Anbima on: May 16, 2024, 07:23:26 PM
Prenderam dois influenciadores do 'jogo do tigrinho' hoje por promover jogos de azar e crime contra a economia popular:

Será que dá pra ser preso por usar uma assinatura de cassino aqui no fórum? Cheesy Cheesy

se o estado quiser ele vai arrumar qualquer justicativa para te prender, mas que seria bizarro ser preso por usar uma assinatura, isso seria...

acho que essa notícia vai no fluxo também de que só começar a chamar a atenção dos estado mesmo quando o golpe fica grande...
também tem isso
117  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: antonopoulos - Separando o dinheiro e o estado, assim como a igreja e o estado. on: May 15, 2024, 06:14:12 PM
Acho sempre muito bom escutar antonopoulos.

Quem é esse antonopoulos?

Em relação ao dinheiro, é de lembrar que foi o Estado que criou o dinheiro, por isso acho difícil haver essa separação.

ele é um gênio
provavelmente um dos maiores difusores do Bitcoin, tem várias palestrar muito boas
uma das minhas favoritas é a

Dinheiro como um sistema de controle
vale a pena escutar

uns anos atrás ele recebeu uma doação gigante anônima em BTC pelo seu trabalho.
118  Other / Off-topic / Re: Have you won a bet with your last cash? on: May 15, 2024, 06:01:28 PM
This happens to me one time that I cannot forget , back in teenage when we are actively playing head/tail with my teenage friends as that time i made a biggest mistake in college life that i use my tuition fee to gamble (actually we all used our tuition fees to try beating each other)

but seems that I am not a luck friend that moment because i kept losing to the point that for that couple of hours betting i am not lucky ,until the last couple of bucks in pocket that I Declared to be my last money and I will go home after that bet but luckily ? i won and from that point , i kept winning to the end that i took all their tuition and heads home with pull pocket and smile in my face.

if you're not lucky and losing bet after bet the best thing to do is to take a break and breath
chill out a little bit and relax
life is funny sometimes... better to take it slow than to keep insisting and lose everything...
119  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Rich or poor gambler, who should risk more? on: May 15, 2024, 05:39:23 PM

Even though rich people have enough money it doesn't mean they will be fine, it's true what you said, greed doesn't respect anyone, those who can't control themselves will certainly go in the same direction, namely addiction and losing a lot of money. Maybe this is more about what each individual's approach is like, because if they are very close to gambling then it is possible that they could become addicted to gambling. What's more, it seems like everyone has greed for money. But the point is, don't take risky actions, especially without considering it first, because addiction and other bad impacts don't matter whether you are rich or poor.

That's the point, the difference in terms of getting engage and unable to control is just the same, greed inside us mostly push us to keep playing and keep trying our luck, if things turns to an out of hands gambling participation chances to lose a lot is possible, even how rich you are the risk that you may lose everything is just the same with poor gambler, limitation is needed as if you forget about it then you may suffer the consequences.


For rich people, maybe they can ignore their losses because they still have enough money to continue their daily lives, while for poor people they definitely gamble with the aim of winning, which is a monetary gain that can help with their financial problems. where they risk the money they have to double it in gambling, it is clear that they are full of hope in gambling so that a miracle will happen by getting a win, but of course they will most likely only experience defeat and experience worse conditions.

It's on the side where rich gambler is capable to control and limit their budget, knowing that they can easily recover that using other source of financial income, unlike with poor gambler, once they lose it affects their entire financial status.

it comes down once more to emotional awareness, bankroll control, knowing when to stop

from all the habits to cultivate in life gambling is probably a really controversial one
can provide some happiness but at what cost?

something to keep in mind...
120  Other / Off-topic / Re: Do you gamble because you don't have sufficient money? on: May 15, 2024, 05:14:49 PM
First how do you take gambling as? Some people take gambling as a fun and entertaining to them, why some people take gambling as a mins of earning money while you stake your's. The major part if you're among of the ones that gambles cause you want to earn from it, then you are actually gambling cause you're running out of money.

But for me I gamble cause it feels like fun and exciting to me betting on my club, so I don't bother much if I lose cause I'm not gambling to earn for a living. I know how some countries are battling cause of their economy and their financial stability, it makes people go in more into gamblings it seems like their mins of living with the economy.

So I won't blame people who gambles cause they don't have sufficient money, I rather blame their country and economy but if gambling is your hobby then you are also gambling for an sufficient money.

yes, I could bet that probably the ones that approach gambling trying to "make it" or change their lives for much better are the ones that don't have a lot of money to start with...
I could be wrong but if someone is rich and has the skills to stay rich they won't see gambling as their main source of income and all...

what do you all think?
For those who arent that fortunate or something that living on an average life when it comes to financial aspect or condition then it would really be that very normal that there would really be that kind of some sort of kind of wishful thinking about being a winner in gambling and could changed up their lives via hitting those huge multipliers or hitting up those jackpots on which on the time that you would really be finding yourself having this kind of mindset then it wont really be shocking that you will really be that ending up on spending up more on gambling and since we know that gamblers do always sits down on the loser side then this is where you would really be starting to make out those kind of regrets in the end that you shouldnt have been that spending too much money with it.
Just like on what everyone is really that saying that people would really be stopping on the time that they would really be experiencing those hard situations and not into those moments that
they are still on the verge of losing that on small parts.

knowing when to stop is one of these things that is easier said than done
in Brazil there's about 4 times more people gambling than investing on stocks
I don't blame them but... isn't it crazy?
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