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10241  Other / Politics & Society / idiot police - jacob blake shooting on: August 29, 2020, 08:10:02 PM
i find it stupid that police feel the need to shoot someone under the normal 'self defense' clause that allows cops to shoot. yet the guy got shot in the back, meaning he was running away, not towards

i find it even more stupid that while jacob blake is paralysed in hospital. police now feel that he is a risk of running off

is america really this dumb. i ask because the more americans i interact with the less common sense they seem to have
10242  Other / Off-topic / Re: Your favorite ontological theory on: August 28, 2020, 11:02:35 PM
the things like schrodinger and the slit experiment is even when reading the actual experiment notes and understanding it. idiots then come to different conclusions

some idiots say that photons(light) change from either a wave and a particle
and that it chooses which form to be in when observed
no, wrong.
its not like something changes from a iceburg to a ocean on command.
its knowing an ocean is not one wave but a buildup of lots of individual water molecules with their own trajectories that change trajectory at impact of another
and then the observer choosing what to look at. either the general wideangle waves a ocean makes or the nanoscope close details movements of each water molecole

water doesnt change from molecule to wave. its jsut the observer looking for different things than before

its not a spooky science of converting particles to waves
its that sixtillion tiny particles are moving with their own trajectories per area the size of a water droplet

yep a dot of light the size of a drop of water has more than sextillion particles wide. which have their individual trajectories which appear as waves
so when they say 'a single photon' is pulsed out of the device.. its not a single photon at all its a wave of sixtillion photons just in a single pulse

even that slit is not a single photon wide. its bigger then a water drop width thus the same sixtillion photons wide waves per pulse

so sending the light out in pulses is just slowing down the waves per second. not sending only one particle

the slits are not made thinner to have less 'waves' per event they just slow down how many events that happen per second which means waiting more time to tally up the same result.

so the flaw is not in the particle changing. but just in the lack of understanding what is actually being observed
10243  Other / Off-topic / Re: Your favorite ontological theory on: August 28, 2020, 07:42:41 PM
you dont have to observe it to know it exists

i have a child. but did my child not exist before this post because you were unaware of it
this moves to the scope of what is reality

because my reality is that im british and the majority of people around me are too. my reality is that i have never seen felt or touched arizona so maybe arizona does not exist based on any real first person evidence of personal experience
other peoples reality could be homeless person for 30 years that has never learned what bitcoin is
so is it right to say bitcoin and arizona dont exist based on peoples lack of observing it

so when is something "real" or declared as existing?
is it only when all 7billion people have physically seen something for themselves.
is it when something is published in a book

the actual question of existence is not based on proof or registered log or personal experience
schroedingers experiment was to prove this
while some people STUPIDLY think something can exist and not exist at the same time.. or be alive or dead at the same time or be in different places at the same time.. thats not the case shroedinger proved that nonsense

a cat in a box with a random timer that releases poison at an unknown time.. still goes off at the time it happens and the cat dies at that time. just because the observer didnt see it happen and wont know that the poison killed the cat before the box is open to observe it. doesnt mean the cat didnt die earlier. doesnt mean the cat only died when the box was opened/observed.

its a flawed bureaucracy of logging the death 'legally' only based on an observation point. and not by guess
this bureaucratic paperwork did not cause the cat to die at the time of the log. because the cat actually died in the box way earlier.

proof is just paper work, existance is something else.
because in my reality i know when the timer was set to go off so my reality of when a cat would die would be different to yours. but we both can agree a cat died in the end even if we prove it different ways at different times from each other

not having the proof does not make the cat no longer exist. or some half imortal zombie hybrid

take the difference between gravity and antigravity
g=the pulling force that keeps the earth in orbit of the sun.
ag=the pushing force that puses the universe further apart

alot of people think ag is actually just kinetic force but just like poles of a magnet there are opposing forces. totally separate from kinetic force

so while a few hundred years ago gravity was not even a buzzword. did we suddenly float in space until someone wrote a white paper to explain gravity.
under 50 years ago we didnt think the universe was expanding so was the universe imploding due to gravity before anti-gravity was a white paper recorded observation..

no these things already existed before being observed/understood
yep the primordial ooze of the creation of life. before there were brains and eyes in the first living things. there was gravity and antigravity

yep even quantum physics where electrons are not physical hard shells but actually an ozone of energy waves of gaseous energy that can gravitate around and hold things in and orbit around others and move onto other things

atoms have existed and electrons have existed even before we could observe/understand/prove they were real
same with quarks and higs and muons
10244  Other / Off-topic / Re: What do you think about Gay community ? on: August 28, 2020, 04:20:12 PM
when christianity began calling being gay a sin was because of the HIV epidemic with the romans who were bisexual
so christianity adopted some rules as a disease prevention method

when christianity in 2012 said condoms are acceptable for gays so they suddenly became more relaxed about gay relationships and not treat it as a fatal sin. especially now there is medication to avoid death

if you replace 'god' with 'nature' then the whole deadly sin of gays was about the nature of disease being the fatality result from performing that act. not some being/entity smiting them
HIV was the smite not some entity's will

so with islam. the islamic leaders really need to understand the NATURAL reasons for their ancient lawbooks reasonings and then realise that we live in an era of technology, intelliagence, communication and production where certain sins do not cause death

certain rules should remain. but certain others should be relaxed/removed if they can be carried out without causing harm

the bible and koran are basically campfire stories that have dumbed down political rules made by ancient governments. and turned it into stories easy to understand even at a young age. where they hide the political rule makers as just 'messengers' and saying the rule maker is some untouchable unattackable entity to make sure people cant revolt/rebel argue with the rule makers

some religious leaders do understand this and are relaxed about certain 'sins' because they understand the whole purpose of why the rule was implemented.
however some idiot religious leaders take the bible too literally and not understand it contextually. thus these idiot leaders then becomes the extremist mindsets that would become no longer just messengers. but instead become the judge jury and executioner.. even though their books say that 'god' should be the judge/jury/executioner
10245  Other / Off-topic / Re: Your favorite ontological theory on: August 28, 2020, 03:36:42 PM
existence does not depend on DNA or consciousness. a football or a rock exists

some say for something to exist it needs to be observed. but no thats just registering a bureaucratic record of something. undocumented migrants exists. tree's blowing in the wind still blow in the wind when you dont look at them
pluto did exist before the 1920's

existence doesnt need to be physical. there is many things that are not physical that exist. gas, digital info exists

existence means its real. solving/finding/locating/observing it to prove it. is just bureocracy
10246  Other / Serious discussion / Re: 10 habits to maintain good health on: August 27, 2020, 06:33:49 PM
meditation is a way to slow down peoples thoughts of an active mind buy instead of having 30 thoughts a second worrying about things, remembering other things. all you do is concentrate on one thought. a thought of no consequence

however another trick is a 'don't give a crap' mentality. basically its the thought of. if you cant change it, do anything about it or if it doesnt affect you personally.. just dont give a crap about it

when 9-11 happened. and people in the UK that had no relatives linked to it. and they held no stocks/bonds or any american dollars. if they were to be running around trying to start conversations and trying to get involved. they were just causing themselves stress
and this is the problem with modern technology. thinking and worrying about things on the other side of the planet that dont affect you personally. but making yourself affected by it by trying to get involved

when i hear news about terrorist attacks. if it is not happening in my front yard. i dont worry about it.
yes i learn what the causes of it were just to educate myself. but i dont let the fear centre of my brain activate, thus i dont stress over it
after all you dont worry about what an ant does until you start seeing it climb your kitchen table to eat your sandwich.
so why worry about ants while they are not eating your sandwich. why worry about things if they have no chance of affecting you

yes be aware of the causes of hazards around the world so you can educate yourself about what is a personal threat or a future threat. to know how to avoid it. but dont activate your fear centre about something thats not currently harming you. just make a plan to prevent it from harming you so that you never have to fear it
10247  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is African continent a cursed land? on: August 27, 2020, 01:53:02 PM
proper question is..
is the african continent a costly land?.. the answer is yes

the issues with africa are not that the land is cursed. but that it costs more to develop on it

with lack of machine manufacturing it takes alot off time to create things to then develop. or it costs alot to import stuff quicker

the reason for this is because developed countries had the machinary and so just brung it along with them to africa and ripped up the resources and took the resources back out

so africa didnt gain anything.
if other countries came into africa and made the factories to then make the machines. then when the other countries left, africans could continue using the machines.

for instance america went to china and helped build china's infrastructure of factories. and now china is succeeding far more than america

so america/saudi/europe dont want africa to turn out like china's conversion to capitalism as that will then stab america/euro/saudi in the foot after

even now the 'humanitarian aid' which is the compensation for stealing resources is not to provide africans with land and jobs, but to keep them dependant on the other countries supplying them with daily amounts
10248  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Lockdown restrictions increased to reduce the spread of immunity. on: August 27, 2020, 12:44:29 PM
soon the new reality will be to instead of having face masks. people will just cover their mouths with any cloth
and thus we go through the 13th century re-invention of the hankerchief

so yea dont think this year is anything new. it actually is the same as hundreds of years ago. but more recent centuries people got more relaxed and started using hankerchiefs for decoration (pocket squares) as the way to get around rules of 'people need to wear a hankerchief'

hankerchief originates from the words 'hand and face cover'

yep people needed to cover their faces or have social distancing to prevent widespread infection in short amount of time and in high viral loads.

its funny how history repeats itself

just like 17th century bandana's

i dont think n95 will become a fashion craze people will just devolve to bandana's to meet the 'cover face rules' and later just have a piece of 'face covering cloth' in their pocket to get around the more relaxed 'you need to wear a face covering' looser terminology
10249  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The cure for Covid-19 is right here. on: August 27, 2020, 12:28:33 PM
i have actually been to africa and seen how different africa is to the western countries.
until you can actually understand why africa is different. you will never understand the reality.

its got nothing to do the HCQ
10250  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Someone who believed virus not real had wife dead to Covid-19 on: August 27, 2020, 12:23:19 PM
lockdown is not killing the economy
if you care more about money than health then your an idiot

money can be created in an instant on computers. so the economy can look after itself. government can just create new money and the call it a write off to cancel the 'debt'

yep new laws can be made that creating money doesnt come with a 'debt' afterwards
so stop caring about the economy
10251  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Trump tries to cancel Goodyear, Backfires on: August 27, 2020, 12:07:33 PM
im tyred of hearing trumps spin. his pressured air, his lack of grip... he's just over inflated

employee's of goodyear are sppose to wear goodyear branded uniforms
if you went to a mcdonalds and the manager seen their staff wearing playboy, or justin bieber clothes instead of their mcdonalds uniform. they would send the staff home to change into the proper uniform

i find it funny how spendulus (usually a reasonable mind) is going to avoid goodyear simply because the company want their employees to actually wear the employee uniform

whats next. avoid going to the grocery store because one day a insane shop worker turned up in only underwear.. and the store has an appropriate clothing policy so sent the worker home. to get dressed and your now going to avoid a grocery store because they dont allow workers to turn up in just underwear

sorry but companies have uniform policies. get used to it
10252  Other / Politics & Society / Re: NIMBY vs. humanity's future on: August 27, 2020, 11:08:46 AM
jetcash mindset

save the a few birds from being splat. instead make thousands of them radioactive and die from tumors

do you know that in the old days of coal mining. way way more then 6 birds died in coal mines a year. in a mine only making enough coal to power 1500 homes
these days the amount of animals killed in modern coal mining (just blowing up mountain tops) kills more animals than turbines

the amount of animals that get squished from the trucks removing waste nuclear material is not helpful
need we forget the amount of fish that get caught up in the vents of the water pipes used to cool down power stations/fill the steam pools

so again jetcash is saying save 6 birds. kill hundreds of fish and other creatures

i think jetcash has not really thought about his posts independantly and just grabbed whatever script he could find on his anti-technology website cults he visits.

jetcash seems to be very anti science. hating medication and technology by saying it destroys nature.. but never actually thinks what his solutions actually does to the 'nature' he pretends to want to protect

its like 5g. he goes to stupid sites that say 5g is bad.
but what if i told you that 5g is safe but there are certain international players that dont want UK/US to be tech savvi. dont want them to be on fast internet. so they create conspiracy sites to get uk/US citizens to fear technology and ask to not upgrade. and to stay in the stone age.
so that the real technologically savvi countries can overtake america/uk

so here is a conspiracy theory
what if the nigerian price scam artists. set up websites to cause debate in us/UK so that US/UK slow down their own progress. whilst africa overtakes uk/us progress
this also taps into the hints of nimbyism of racial divide in cities
10253  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: August 27, 2020, 09:24:56 AM
oh tash your either trolling or your getting as dumb as badecker

your trying to compare a spiky dog toy vs a golf ball using false measurements/definitions
here. some better more realistic info:
an exosome is under 100nm covid-19 virus is over 100nm
an ENDOSOME is 500nm  and covid-19 virus is never 500nm

an exosome is not an endosome.. just like a parent is not the child
an endosome carries multiple exosomes but is not an exosome itself

the physical shape although can be stupidly described as ball.. proper close up description is more like spiky dog ball(covid) vs golfball(exosome)

they have different purposes and have different features
10254  Other / Politics & Society / Re: NIMBY vs. humanity's future on: August 27, 2020, 09:10:44 AM
22million transmission power line towers. is the equivalent of 2million wind turbines worth of steal

so only needing 500k wind turbines is 4x less steal than replacing traditional power lines

so wind turbines next to towns using underground lines
saves 4x as muc steal as #national grid' transmission towers
has only 0.6% of bird deaths compared to national grid transmission towers
and has 44x less physical objects obstructing views

10255  Other / Politics & Society / Re: NIMBY vs. humanity's future on: August 27, 2020, 12:33:03 AM
I’m not super convinced that more energy comes out of these turbines than goes into manufacturing, erecting, and maintaining them tbh..

Like the theory of priuses doing more long term environmental damage than range rovers..

and 22million of these are better?

than 500k of these?

think about it driving down a long highway would you want to see just 1 windmill or 44 transmission towers
10256  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The cure for Covid-19 is right here. on: August 26, 2020, 10:07:31 PM
the low mortaliy rates are not due to HCQ.
they are due to lacking of testing meaning people still die but are not registered as their death being from any known causes
some countries locked down their borders earlier than america thus got less spread(thus in for a painful 'second wave'
some countries have people in distant villagers that self isolated from travellers for it to not reach their village

again meaning not even 0.1% 'herd immunity meaning painful second wave later

saying certain countries are safer due to HCQ is like saying it must be because of sandals because the countries that isolated early to not get it. and are distant apart to not seek healthcare.. also wear sandals so it must be the sandals(facepalm)
whats next. saying dark hair. because the majority of african/indian are dark haired
whats next saying its their language. that covid only attacks english/spanish speakers and not african/indian

yep i can guess you would be an idiot that will come up with those stupid associations too.. just so you can try selling hair dye or language books.
10257  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: August 26, 2020, 09:58:35 PM
to be classed as a covid death, you have to be diagnosed with covid and then die of the symptoms

many people in many villages die. but because they didnt travel to the distance city to get tested or have their death notified...they are just an unregistered death.

it doesnt mean no ones dying. it means they are not recorded
the same issue was with ebola too. many tribes/villages just burried the dead without informing hospitals

and for the area's where there are alot of people in city area's or close enough to medical centres. the cases are still the same average percentage of cases positive and deaths caused by.

so maybe you should learn the context of the info you read and not just assume that because your an idiot you can just make things up to suit your mood
10258  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Someone who believed virus not real had wife dead to Covid-19 on: August 26, 2020, 09:49:20 PM
the virus has been isolated
it passed the koch, rivers, bell tests.
so that debunks your kaufman claims. yep i already told you this several times you ignorant idiot

also the french method of isolating the virus is to have the whole bodily fluid sample and identify the human elements and disgard them
the 'chromosone 8' as you buzzword is it a HSC which is used to disgard the bits they dont want (human dna)
if you read the table of sequences the french use there are like 7 of them.

it separates the human from the viral. where it first just uses known human pattern and know general sars pattern
then concentrating on the sars family. it then checks which variant it is to make sure its the covid-19 and not previous generation of sars

consider yourself debunked yet again.

think of it as having a house party. with people bringing their pet dogs.
you know one of the dogs bit you. but in a busy house party its hard to know it that particular dog is there
first you tell the humans to leave by knowing what to look for(looking at the humans and telling them to leave). and then you see if you can find the dog breed your looking for now all the humans are not in the way
10259  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: August 26, 2020, 09:19:45 PM
meanwhile.. africa

the case numbers are low in africa. not due to then being immortal. but because in many african countries people live hours away from a hospital so would not travel to a city to get tested. instead because they had dealt with many diseases before. they just learn to stay home. and try to suffer through it and let it pass or let themselves pass away.

however developed countries have better more local healthcare thats easy access and doesnt require upfront costs. so they happily go do doctors to get checked out

i know badecker is in america and very reluctant to waste fuel to go see a doctor. he would prefer to just suffer in silence and hope he gets over it, then pretend he never had it. maybe he may not have the money or the ability to pay any medical bill. and guess what... the same is said for african countries
10260  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: August 26, 2020, 09:15:56 PM
badecker. you make s stupid comment and i link it. but just because i dont re-link when you repeat the comment a few weeks later doesnt suddenly mean your no longer debunked

the links i gave you include all the info you need. i know you cant understand the links i reference. but thats because when you ask for actual science references you will get actual science references. thus you hen have to learn actual science to then understand it

so while arguing with yourself that you request the actual science. and then argue with yourself that you cant understand the science. maybe you have to choose one of 3 options

1. realise you dont understand science and give up
2. learn the actual science so you can understand what you thought you asked for
3.(read below)

heck ill make it simple. if you find a word or a method or a technology or a process mentioned in a link. google it. study it and learn it

i do sometimes respond with a dumbed down version to help you learn. but instead of learning it. you then pretend that its just dumbed down stuff and not the science..
thus again avoiding learning and just finding excuses to be ignorant.

3. stop asking for info if your not willing to read, learn, understand the info.
if you dont want to learn it dont ask for it, infact just dont bother getting involved in conversations you have no desire to learn something about
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