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1841  Other / Politics & Society / 12 Coronavirus myths busted by science on: March 02, 2020, 03:47:34 PM
Here is a summarized version of a recent article from LiveScience for your own convenience. Feel free to check at the source for details and the reasoning on each answer.

  • Myth: Face masks can protect you from the virus
    Standard surgical masks cannot protect you from SARS-CoV-2, surgical masks can help prevent infected people from spreading the virus further.
  • Myth: You're waaaay less likely to get this than the flu
    R0 predicts the number of people who can catch a given bug. R0 for SARS-CoV-2 is about 2.2, the flu has an R0 of 1.3.
  • Myth: The virus is just a mutated form of the common cold
    SARS-CoV-2 shares about 90% of its genetic material with coronaviruses that infect bats, which suggests that the virus originated in bats and later hopped to humans.
  • Myth: The virus was probably made in a lab
    SARS-CoV-2 closely resembles two other coronaviruses, SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, and all three viruses seem to have originated in bats.
  • Myth: Getting COVID-19 is a death sentence
    About 81% of people who are infected with the coronavirus have mild cases of COVID-19, 13.8% report severe illness, 4.7% are critical, 2.3% of people infected with COVID-19 die.
  • Myth: Pets can spread the new coronavirus
    A dog in Hong Kong tested "weak positive" for the new coronavirus, but the dog has no symptoms and there's no evidence that it could infect humans.
  • Myth: Lockdowns or school closures won't happen in the US
    Lockdowns, quarantines and isolation are also a possibility. Under section 361 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S. Code § 264), the federal government is allowed to take such actions to quell the spread of disease from either outside the country or between states.
  • Myth: Kids can't catch the coronavirus
    Children can definitely catch COVID-19, about 2.2%. it's possible that many children could be infected and passing the disease along, without showing many, or any, symptoms.
  • Myth: If you have coronavirus, "you'll know"
    No, you won't. Common symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, cough and difficulty breathing, and rarer symptoms include dizziness, nausea, vomiting and a runny nose. In severe cases, the disease can progress into a serious pneumonia-like illness — but early on, infected people may show no symptoms at all.
  • Myth: The coronavirus is less deadly than the flu
    The annual flu typically has a mortality rate of around 0.1% in the U.S. COVID-19 has a mortality rate more than 20 times higher, of around 2.3%.
  • Myth: It's not safe to receive a package from China
    It is safe to receive letters or packages from China. For a virus to remain viable, it needs a combination of specific environmental conditions such as temperature, lack of UV exposure and humidity — a combination you won't get in shipping packages.
  • Myth: You can get the coronavirus if you eat at Chinese restaurants in the US
    No, you can't. By that logic, you'd also have to avoid Italian, Korean, Japanese and Iranian restaurants. The new coronavirus doesn't just affect people of Chinese descent.
1842  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Why telegram groups over 1000 members are getting out of control on: February 29, 2020, 10:46:53 PM
Today I entered the CoinMarketCap Group with 9750 members at the moment. I linked a new Namecoin channel, mentioning Namecoin as a currency and DNS blockchain service. As nonprofit channel and project surely no spam! At first the Combot deleted my posting automatically doe to restrictions of new users, where posted links within 24 hours get blocked, even if these links are just internal to other groups

When you join a channel or user group, you have to abide by their rules. Some channels don't want links of any kind, some don't want links to other groups (regardless of content). This has nothing to do with the number of users, but of course many groups use helper bots, i would as well, in fact i have a few in a private little group i made for my friends. It is possible to configure the bots to delete certain kind of messages, such as those containing images or sound, or stickers, urls, whatever.

First thing you have to do when joining, is read their rules, then wait and see if others do what you want to do. You can also ask if what you plan to do is allowed, they usually tell no need to pull the trigger.

Understand that Telegram (and other networks) are full of spammers, both automated or manned by real people. If you don't agree with their rules, simply leave. you can always start your own group and have your own rules.

There is an even nastier thing that can happen to your telegram account so be glad they kicked you before that happened. If individual people start using the report button, you will find yourself unable to use telegram for a number of hours or days (it becomes read only) and its not possible to appeal, even when unfair.

Just move along and let them be, this is a normal as internet has always been.
1843  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Cryptotalk is racist on: February 29, 2020, 10:33:06 PM
India or Indonesia?

It's not racist, it's just lazy. Instead of moderating the forum they took the easy route and decided to ban certain countries. Spammers will use VPNs and will continue to spam.
It's lazy but also racist.

Like really, last I checked they were paying 1000 sats, or around 8.5 USD cents at the moment. Max comments per day were 100... In the US 8.8 USD or (100 paid comments) are close to the minimum wage. Even if someone completes so many comments it's only natural that they get the content from not so developed nations. I do agree with OP that they're racist to call those people spammers. If they're treading behavior individually then it wouldn't be racist but they rather ban an entire country. In the process they also harm people that were investing time in ranking up their accounts so they can get paid...

Even 2$ can be survival cash for a day for these people. Instead of giving them an opportunity to see if at least SOME are good, they just ban the entire country's IP range? Cruel. Of course more messages were going to come from these nations. There it makes more sense do do such activity... Probably though they also don't want to deal with so many people. There's already enough supply for their needs from other parts of the world.

To me discrimination would be the right word. So you get a few people spamming and the "solution" is ban entire countries? What kind of people do that? Perhaps they really are racists, i don't know... But I'm really glad i stayed away from both their forum and campaign. People doing this kind of wanton ban only deserve boycott.

One of the comments appears to have hit the nail: this has the looks of an exit scam. Why bother paying people when they can simply call them spammers and ban them instead? This is THE reason i stayed away from them: Unlike other campaigns, they coordinate things offsite, and pay using their platform rather than directly sending funds to your wallet. This seemed fishy since the beginning, why they could retain people's money on a whim.

I say stay away from Yobit and Cryptotalk, shame on them, and shame on those carrying their signature. Its really disgusting.

And yes, here in Venezuela people are paid about 5$ a month for a full time job, some of us are surviving by working online. I don't condone spammers, but people should be evaluated individually on a case by case basis.

That you could use a vpn or proxy to fool them is no excuse for discrimination. If anything this only shows their ineptitude managing a campaign, or administering a forum. I cannot imagine trusting my money to that exchange of theirs. They should just quit and close doors for all i care.
1844  Local / Mercado y Economía / Re: CryptoTalk suspende sus pagos a usuarios de Venezuela on: February 29, 2020, 10:10:53 PM
CryptoTalk, un foro un ofrece recompensas (en bitcoins) a sus usuarios por publicaciopnes hechas, ha suspendido el pago a miembros de cinco países, dentro de los que se incluye a Venezuela.
Ésta decisión la atribuyen a publicaciones de baja calidad y spam. Lamentablemente Venezuela está nuevamente limitada por otra organización, en este caso no es política sino una empresa que presta servicios a través de internet.
La decisión de CryptoTalk es muy lamentable  considerando que dichas sanciones pudieron haber sido individualizadas, identificar a aquellos que no cumplen las normas del foro y suspenderlos, pero que incluyan a todos dentro del mismo grupo y prácticamente todos sean calificados como criminales es una decisión triste e injusta.

Que cosa tan triste, menos mal que ni siquiera me asomé a verlos por el hecho de que pagan es a través de su plataforma (¿exchange?) Yobit y no directo a la cartera como si lo hacen otras campañas...

Los casos de mal contenido o spam deben tratarse por individuo, y nunca atribuirse a un país entero. Es realmente discriminatorio.
1845  Local / Español (Spanish) / Re: Bitstamp SegWit soporte nativo completo agregado bech32 on: February 29, 2020, 06:03:16 PM
Si, desde que dicen que van a implementarlo (no recuerdo ahora cuando fue) hasta que esta listo para el usuario, se toman su tiempo... Cool

Ya era hora, pero si no permiten usar 1 sat/B para las transacciones de retiro, seguirán añadiendo costos innecesarios a bitcoin. No es justo que los exchange inventen la cantidad que se deba pagar por "comisión de envío" cuando desde el comienzo esa cifra se puede definir manualmente.

No todos necesitan esos bitcoin en una hora, hay muchos que preferirían esperar un día que pagar comisiones elevadas, pero la opción no existe, y no es culpa de bitcoin sino de los exchange.
1846  Local / Español (Spanish) / Re: Coronavirus Mapa y datos en cada país on: February 29, 2020, 05:45:41 PM
Con esos datos, la tasa de mortalidad está "oficialmente" por el 3,43% (2924/85187). Realmente, la cifra para mí es del 6,89% (2924/(2924+39541)). Con los datos del otro día, la tasa calculada por el segundo método (muertos entre muertos más recuperados) era del 9,42%. De eso hace menos de una semana.
No se que decirte, no me considero paranoico ni estoy entrando en pánico por esta situación, pero si y no voy a negarlo, inquieto y con las orejas tiesas, supongo que debido: 1 la falta de transparencia de todos los países 2 tengo la impresión de que no tienen ni p*ta idea de donde salio este virus ni de lo que es capaz de hacer, ni como controlarlo que es lo peor.
Pero viendo tus números el tema es para preocuparse, si algo de cierto es que contagia de esto no hay duda y ademas de contagiar las personas de mayor edad fallecen.
Francamente no me gusta ni un pelo como se esta gestionando, no solo aquí, en general.

Si lo ponemos en 5%, quiere decir que 1 de cada 20 personas va morir. La preocupación es natural, y lo que es peor es que este virus es casi imparable. Cierto que hay grupos de mayor riesgo, como las personas ancianas, pero han muerto personas mas jóvenes, como el médico oftalmólogo en el hospital de Wuhan con solo 31 años (y lo relató por una red social).

Es triste pero estamos entrando en una especie de ruleta rusa, la pistola tiene 20 agujeros y una bala... Para evitar jugar hay que encerrarse, pero eso se ve muy difícil por el tema de la comida etc. Evitar el contagio es como tratar de impedir la gripe común, y ambos son aerosoles. Al contagio no hay manera de saber, solo a los días comienzan síntomas similares a la gripe. Durante todos esos días, cualquier estornudo o tos puede esparcirlo. Unos dicen que vive 2 horas otros que 2 días a la intemperie (supongo que la humedad influye).

En los países asiáticos es costumbre usar la máscara para contener esos estornudos y tos evitando contagiar a los demás, pero eso no es costumbre acá. ¿Notaron como en Irán la propagación fue alta? Ese es un aviso de lo que viene para los países con sistemas de salud en peor estado. No es igual la contención en un país "desarrollado" como España, que en Venezuela donde el sistema de salud está en ruinas.
1847  Local / Español (Spanish) / Re: El precio del oro cae un 7% en 5 días on: February 29, 2020, 05:23:06 PM
Bueno eso explica el reciente desempeño de bitcoin. Lo veo como una excelente oportunidad de comprar barato, ya veremos quienes son los tontos luego... Asumo que la gente quiere dinero para compras nerviosas, preparándose a estar un mes encerrados mientras pasa el virus.

Pero que tremenda oportunidad para aquellos que aprovechen la baja...
1848  Local / Español (Spanish) / Re: El 'Hodl' de Bitcoin es el más alto entre los usuarios de criptomonedas on: February 29, 2020, 05:15:52 PM
Sí, para todos los que llevamos algún tiempo en este mundillo sabemos el término "Hodl" que es referido al Hold( Sostener, mantener, retener)  de Bitcoin cuya tasa es la más alta en comparación con todas las criptomonedas, según Pompliano es la mejor estrategia de Inversión.

Es interesante que la moneda que menos hacen Hodl o Hold es el Tether.

Bueno las razones pueden resultar ser obvias... Bitcoin representa mucho más valor..

Claro que con los acontecimientos de hoy día, están poniéndose a prueba, porque la epidemia ha causado mucho pánico a nivel mundial, cualuqier cosa puede pasar, espero que puedan ver Bitcoin como Refugio para el dinero y comience a aumentar.

El valor de Bitcoin se debe a la seguridad y utilidad que representa. No se da ese caso con el resto de los altcoins. Tether juega a la reserva fraccionaria, igual que la banca moderna; es increíblemente peligroso. Para los que no entienden lo que eso significa, es que no existe un dólar por cada Tether. Creo que no hay ni uno por cada 7. Es una bomba de tiempo por estallar, las monedas "estables" son peligrosísimas y no sirven para tenerlas guardadas.

Ademas su futuro depende del grupo que la controla, que no es muy distinto al manejo del dinero fiat: depende de pocas personas. Las reglas de Bitcoin no pueden cambiar de la noche a la mañana, ni unos pocos pueden cambiarla, cosa que si ha ocurrido con otras altcoin como Ethereum, que por cierto es de emisión infinita.

Bitcoin depende de lo que dicta su código, y nada mas. Para cambiar ese código es necesaria la aprobación de la mayoría de los tenedores: mineros y nodos; cosa que no ocurre en otros altcoin. Si los que manejan Tether desaparecen o deciden tomar acciones erróneas, la moneda se va a la quiebra. Es lo que llaman centralización.

Bitcoin aumentará de precio cuando llegue su tiempo, el precio que tiene es resultado de la relación entre el grupo que le parece útil, y el grupo de los que no. Es obvio que tras 11 años de existencia, el grupo de los que le parece útil es aplastantemente superior. Sin embargo, no se pude decir lo mismo de las otras, y parte del motivo está en el diseño de Bitcoin.

Se ve bonita la mentira de que 1 tether es 1 dólar (lo mismo con las otras "stablecoin") pero eso depende de un grupo pequeño de personas (no de código) y ya sabemos a lo que puede llevar eso: Véase el bolívar.

Entre todas las "criptomonedas" solo hay una que merece guardarse a largo plazo: Bitcoin. El resto es confiar en alguien, un millonario, un gobierno, una fundación, una empresa, un banco. Bitcoin es confiar en nadie, nadie que pueda decidir de la noche a la mañana hacerlos miserablemente pobres. Su fluctuación de precio es símbolo de libertad, el mercado somos todos; los que decidimos que precio darle de forma pacífica y organizada a nivel mundial y en paralelo.

La palabrita esa significa aguante, es un meme histórico.
1849  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: Is there a current Electrum wallet download for 32 Bit systems on: February 29, 2020, 02:27:23 PM
Since it's unknown whether Electrum support 32-bit OS or not, please try to run Electrum (whether it's appimage or python source) from terminal and see error printed by Python.

On a side note, i don't see any reason to use 32-bit OS since there are many 64-bit lightweight linux distro with very light DE (e.g. LXQt and Xfce.

Most linux distro are 64-bit OS by default, unless you specifically download and use 32-bit linux distro where 64-bit application won't run at all.

The very reason would be a cpu without 64bit support, such as the Pentium M or the atom 270 in an old laptop.

Obviously the appimage is useless, but getting it to run from source should work as long as the proper python is installed.
1850  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Third world China was men begging women to get married. on: February 29, 2020, 01:40:03 PM

It fascinated me that I come across a blogger who boosting his women are the one begging men to get married instead, because it’s just impossible in our culture, I was so unbelievable to the point that I think the blogger are lying and I was about to throw baton on him, then I got to know this blogger are reside on the first world country! He was an American nation, still that doesn’t make sense to me, I wouldn’t believe that, how can a third world and first world women have such a vast difference attitudes? I’m talking about men force women into marriage VS women force men into marriage, that’s a dream come true for me! China man spend a lot of effort to nurture the feel so that China women agree to China man pathetic appeal, that’s getting married and having his wealth split for no conditions, and often time it’s the men in the huge loss to grooming China women, and wearing green hats is not uncommon aka “infidelity in the western counterpart where married women having multiple triangle relationship with sugar daddy, bf and husband.”

That’s absurd I think women grooming men in the first world is super rare or it’s impossible at all for most guy, especially the useless and lazy beta man, third world China men need to work super hard to win the grooming right for their dream women. Not until I see it with my own eye, I think the bloggers aren’t so obvious enough to convince third world China men what first world American men have been doing almost effortless.

It’s totally cultural shock to me, I believe there is guy here who can engligten me, I still couldn’t believe the blogger that I read years ago, I want to teach the blogger a lesson so badly but I finally give up now after seeing all the damages they did to the third world China, I’m seeing so many third women China women begging just like what the bloggers described, and it’s uncontradictable, solid and indisputable proof, I’m still baffled at the time of writing, there must be something wrong with me or with the third world China women, I think I can’t accept it anymore, I hope someone can enlighten me, it’s so frustrating, the bloggers are so ahead of its time, please somebody help me to proof the blogger wrong!!

Beware of what you wish for, as you may very well get it only to repent later...

This is not so much a poverty divide than a cultural difference. Its not so much "3rd" world vs "1st" world, but more like western vs eastern, or even just China vs your country. The cultural difference can be overwhelming and make your life miserable, even a living hell depending.

Extremes and excess exist everywhere, but not everyone is the same. Going counter culture might just make things harder (ie. stable relation), which makes finding a good partner not easy. Don't envy others, everyone's circumstances are different.

From my point of view i see nothing particularly strange about this case, and the woman has a child too, its not easy for a man to accept. The opposite is also true.
1851  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Sending Bitcoin safely through snail mail? on: February 29, 2020, 12:32:20 PM
Does anyone know of a way where I can safely send a cold storage wallet through regular mail (snail mail)? I know that it's not safe to send money this way, but crypto's portability (it can even fit in a microSD card) allows you to hide your utmost sensitive funds without getting noticed by the naked eye. Which is why, I'd want to know how do I transport a cold storage wallet (in this case, a wallet card) with Bitcoin on it through snail mail "under the radar"?

The reason for this, is because I want to send funds to a friend in an offline manner for privacy/anonymity. It can also help me move the cold storage wallet card to another secure place (if the need arises).

Do you think it's possible to send Bitcoin safely through snail mail or not? Any suggestions or recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Smiley

Sure: Write a letter. Easy isn't? Its a form of stenography, in that letter, 12 words can be used to recreate the wallet, the seed words are there hidden in plain sight. Using a secure method of communication, reveal the recipient the method to discover which words are the seed words, or mark them in a special way only the recipient knows, etc. Its important you do this with your hands, don't print the letter, write it the old fashioned way.

If you send an encrypted sd card, you WILL raise suspicion (whats this, some criminal plans? copyrighted material?).

Well i suppose you could also send some junk mail, magazine, whatever as long as the recipient knows how to extract the words from it, use your imagination. This is similar to the methods of hiding your seed words in the first place, you are just sending them by mail.
1852  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin declined 3% as the coronavirus spread in italy on: February 29, 2020, 12:18:44 PM
i don't think it is the corona virus who made the prices fall again because looking at the graph?it is continuously downing even the issue passed over a days.

what i believe is this is the correction we are all waiting ,the last before the halving of bitcoin happen?
It is correction. We all need corrections to see price moving upwards much higher. Covid-19 or anything (potential conflicts between the USA. and North Korea, or USA. and Iran) are only contributors of fall or rises. Sometimes, those things don't have any effect to help price rising (if we are in bearish period) but whenever we see price rising and then the news of conflicts, we instantly jump to conclude that price rises are consequence of conflicts or Covid-19. It is not right.

Halving and bitcoin price. Over bitcoin history, it has never touched its previous all time highs (don't think further of setting up new all time high before or after around the halving days). But who knows this year, this halving, bitcoin will change its boring pattern. I don neither know nor believe it will happen.

I believe this to be the case. Some people forget that bitcoin has been at 7.5k price for quite long, and it suddenly went up to 10k, it is a correction but they want to blame it to "something" external like the virus. If anything, the virus is making the global economy into a recession, and its the old sell stocks for precious metals until the worst passes thing as always. It so predictable its boring. just add to the mix that there is also Bitcoin and a few people will buy that too.

Due to the virus, i don't see many chances of major conflicts anywhere, if they had something planned they will postpone it. I think the Iran crisis has long been defused, North Korea is meh, nothing ever happens beyond empty threats by both sides. Oh and there are elections in the US...
1853  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Crypto whales hacked, lost $15M BTC and $30M BCH on: February 29, 2020, 12:10:10 PM
It was horrible, I couldn't imagine if I were him who lose a lot money. Against, hacking is someting bad that always (often) happening on bitcoin user and I guess we can't avoid it. I just thinking, what is the safest way to store bitcoin? And what is the right way to exchange them to money fiat.

And also this thing will be made by other people there especially newcomers as a fear. Let say, they have known bitcoin and its promising place for investing because they could get a huge profit from it, but in another side they will be pay attention for security thing which I mean that is the first factor that should be watch out for.

You keep two wallets, one of long term big sums, this is an offline (cold) wallet; essentially a piece of paper with some words written in it by hand (yes really). This is a wallet you can only deposit funds to, not withdraw unless you move it "online" (hot), something which should only be done rarely and with the appropriate security precautions (ie. linux live image booting in a secured pc).

The other wallet, for small day to day sums. Prepare to lose it at any time (ie. stolen phone, forgotten password, etc). You should decide up to what amount you are willing to lose "suddenly", the excess send it to the cold wallet where is safe from "hackers". This wallet can be a hardware wallet for added security, rather than a smartphone or regular pc.

Unlike what some people think, hardware wallets should not be used for long term cold storage. Electronic things can fail, but of course the hardware wallet also gives you seed words for you to write in a piece of paper...

Newcomers need to adapt. Bitcoin is not identical to fiat, it cannot be handled the same way. It is not THAT hard, but its different, and you have to get used to it. This is the responsibility of being your own bank. Sure, you can STILL pay others to handle your money, if you trust in them (as you trust in banks). That's what those online wallets, exchanges, (and surely banks in the future) are for. Think Binance can protect your money better than you? Give it to them. I don't think that is wise tho, but traders get greedy and cannot stand having a large sum safely stored in a cold wallet, which is why so many people lose so much money when an exchange fails. The smart trader would only trade with a part, and keep the other part safe.

But this might be a generational divide, same way smartphones disrupted people's lives, while millennials take them for granted. Fiat money is, after all, a pre-internet era thing, just like old fashioned land line phones, film photography, vinyl record players etc. Give it a couple more decades and you might see fiat money becoming the way of the horse carriage.
1854  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: How to improve the usability of bitcoin? on: February 29, 2020, 11:50:31 AM
It wants to become the universal payment currency, but it will never be. This is why I support the "digital gold" name of it. It's more of a transferable gold, but one with fixed supply.

Take it as if you were able to pay in gold coins/bars on some websites. The main problem here comes with the possibility of sending a fake gold coin and scamming the service. On the other hand, we have double spending with BTC but counter-measures can be taken. Double-spending aside, Bitcoin is much more safer for services to accept especially because it does not need a physical transfer but only a digital one.

One of the typical reasons services and companies do not accept BTC yet is volatility, and that is understandable. Unless you want to accept and hold BTC while also assuming a risk of negative price change, you'll have to rely on and trust a third party that exchanges your BTC into USD in an instant. Another issue comes with fees during network congestions and tx confirmation time. If all of these would somehow be solved, Bitcoin would be much more practical.

No. Double spending is not an issue, this is why people wait for confirmation(s). Many things can be paid waiting, they don't have to be instant. Online purchases are a great example of this, it doesn't matter if it takes 1 hour or 6 or 12 to confirm, once confirmed they ship the items, end of drama. For the same reason people should not mess with the transaction fees, or let their wallets do so. 1 sat/B is the only fee that matters, the rest is for emergencies only.

If you don't want to keep the bitcoins, fine, exchange them. Pricing is not much of an issue, as you can simply use the price in another coin and simply accept the equivalent at current market exchange price. Under inflation price move all the time, you are simply spoiled to have never experienced it, thinking life could not go on with moving prices. It can, its not the end of the world. A merchant may lose a bit someday, but will gain anotherday. This is bitcoin, not some altcoin that will never recover. In the long run bitcoin always goes back up.
1855  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Personal Opinion: Only a matter of time until Bitcoin will surprise us again on: February 28, 2020, 09:58:41 PM
My personal opinion is we should not panic or panic-sell. If you're in a huge need of cash, commodities should probably be somewhere on the second half, towards the end, of the list of stuff you're thinking to sell. Time will prove whether I'm right or not though, and I wish I could give the best advice ever during these times but I am not willing to take responsibility for anyone's assets, wealth or life. Therefore, this post serves as a summary of the accumulated thoughts I've been having in the recent days.. any critique is more than welcome, so feel free to contradict me Smiley

Panic sell is always idiotic. You are correct in everything you said, perhaps the big inflation might not come just yet, but economy recession is. If the inflation does come, welcome to the club. Those who kept their bitcoins, will have the best chance.

Unfortunately most people here have never experienced inflation beyond 1 digit, or 2 digits, they may even think it could never happen to them. They might be right, or they might be wrong. Unfortunately, if it does happen, it will be too late. The only way to prepare, is to always keep a bitcoin stash just in case.

I think bitcoin price is going to bounce up at some point, either before the halving, or after it. This virus seems it could take 5% to 10% of the world population, while the elderly is the most endangered group, its not exclusive and younger people have died as well. So its not like the panic is unfounded, but the reaction sometimes is.
1856  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Story time! Lost coins & Regrets - Let's bring back a little bit of nostalgia. on: February 28, 2020, 02:54:21 PM
My lifetime regret is not mining or buying bitcoin in the first years. This cannot be undone, and the performance experienced by those who did, will never repeat again.

I guess the feeling is similar to those that did but lost their wallets.

For me rather than nostalgia its more like sadness. My country's economy went from tolerable to miserable in the last decade, so its not like i can go out and get a full time job and start saving again like most people can in other countries.

Salvation was always in front of me but i ignored it when i had a chance.
1857  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Is bitcoin a failed experiment? on: February 28, 2020, 02:43:03 PM
Today I'm thinking of selling my BTC even though it would be a big loss right now I've been with BTC a while and used to the volitility but this time I believe it's different

I was a believer in BTC and the future of crypto I believed having 1 or more BTC was a smart thing to do that many would look back in 10 to 20 years wishing they'd bought some when it was still obtainable by the regular Joe.

Now I feel that BTC will trend down hitting sub 1 dollars prices possibly even 0 over the next 12 to 18 months. the current coronavirus outbreak has been BTCs first real test and it failed hard and failed immediately. It's not a store of wealth and its failure to hold value in a economic down turn is spectacular and visible to all.  Today I think BTC is a failed experiment. What are your thoughts?

Under 1$ after a year? Pretty much impossible, bitcoin is not bolivar lol.

The amount of people willing to buy cheap bitcoin overwhelms the likes of you, go ahead and try selling all your bitcoin, only to see others buying it. Such a low price for an asset that is wanted cannot simply drop like that.

The conditions for people to want or not want bitcoin have not changed much. If anything, more people want it compared to the amount if bitcoins available in the market, which is the reason the price is, 8 thousand times more or what your perceived value is, and have been for more than a decade.

Doesn't matter what you think, its what the collective (market) thinks. Want to sell? Fine, others want to buy. But its useless to you? But its useful to them.

Its not a religion, so its not about believing. Go ahead and sell if you like, see you in 10 years evaluating your decision.

My opinion is that Bitcoin is a giant success.
1858  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Bitmain Introduces the S19 and S19 Pro on: February 28, 2020, 02:08:03 PM
My conspiracy...

So this is copying the M20S idea? Just a bigger case and MOAR hashboards? Is this thing going to need two 1800w power cables? 4 140mm fans?

Well at least the firmware shouldn't be much different then, hopefully...
1859  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: How to improve the usability of bitcoin? on: February 28, 2020, 01:19:41 PM
There is a speculative (investment) presence in the current bitcoin discussion scene. Only known and used by a few people.

If bitcoin really wants to become a universal currency payment system, how can we optimize the design for ease of use and make it easy for most people to get started easily and with low risk?

Bitcoin doesn't want anything, its the people that want it or not. You can buy (or earn) a few satoshis easily and put them in your wallet, very low risk there unless you use insecure malware prone software such as windows, and that's not Bitcoin's fault. Hardware wallets were made to avoid that, and there are of course much better free and open source operating systems everyone should be using.

Speculators exist everywhere. You cannot stop them but they don't have enough power to bend things for too much or too long, the market forces balance themselves very nicely, when lots of people participate.
1860  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Cryptocurrency vs. Fiat currency. on: February 28, 2020, 01:07:32 PM
Cryptocurrency vs. Fiat currency, which of the two do you think better? There so many differences between those two kinds of currency, but what currency do you prefer more, what currency suits your wants and needs,

First things first, let us define the two currencies. Cryptocurrency is all the money we have online, it is decentralized and global, it can be bitcoin, etheruem, litecoin, XRP, and many others. which is a currency that is volatile, which means it changes its price day by day, there is no static price to all of it, so it is outstanding in investing and trading in cryptocurrency and patience is what you only need here. While Fiat currencies are those physical currencies that you can touch and use to buy in real life, such as Pesos, dollars, etc. those are what we called the central government, which has a fixed price at all.

Bitcoin is better. I won't delve into altcoins, as you would need to carefully examine each of them, but most of them have major flaws. "Volatility" means freedom, it is the price people are willing to pay for something in the market, and the current representation of the global sentiment of buy vs sale.

Those that want it vs those that don't want it for whatever reason. No committee, government, politician, banker, foundation, conglomerate, company, etc; complete freedom. That is what a price freely fluctuating in the market means.

The rules of Bitcoin are established in its code, open for everyone to see. Those that agree with those rules, mine it and rune nodes, and they cannot be easily changes without the approval of the vast majority of those running them, true democracy.

Your government, or the foundation that "controls" your altcoin, can decide to alter the rules overnight. You don't want this, but cannot stop it. You think they would never do it as it hurts themselves, but you would be surprised what a few people with power can do. Any FIAT can enter hyperinflation, and it is but one executive order away from doing so. Imagine any excuse: A coup, a failed crop, military invasion, for those darn politicians to pull the trigger.

People want Bitcoin because its useful to them. They studied it and know its characteristics, and so did with the others and fiat. Those who are not convinced them sell them and those who are buy them, except traders who constantly buy and sell for profit without any special attachment.

But in the end the market represents the entire world sentiment. Sure some people may have more than others, and skew things a little, but in the grand show the free market is a peaceful and democratic resolution of conflict. Your vote is your wallet isn't just a saying, its a fact. When you buy you show support, and when you sell you show disapproval; no middlemen.

There is nothing fixed about fiat, if anything, it has guaranteed inflation, in varying degrees. It has both infinite production and infinite manipulation by very few people in control, its garbage.
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