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2341  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽ Football Transfers Speculation, Odds and Predictions on: October 12, 2021, 09:06:48 AM
Transfer rumours:

Chelsea have held informal talks with Real Madrid over re-signing 30-year-old Belgium playmaker Eden Hazard - but the Spanish club would want England right-back Reece James, 21, in return. A very interesting combination, do you think there is a chance that these will happen? The question is also in what condition Hazard is now?
Liverpool are closely monitoring Ousmane Dembele's situation at Barcelona. The 24-year-old France winger, who has not played since Euro 2020 because of a knee injury, is out of contract at the end of the season. This would be a great deal for Liverpool, if it really happens. What do you think?
Wales midfielder Aaron Ramsey, 30, still believes he can be a success at Juventus with a season-and-a-half remaining on his current contract. It seems to me that the more realistic scenario is that he will leave the club.

2342  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar - UEFA Qualifiers on: October 12, 2021, 08:59:09 AM
Of course that Croatia managed to complicate it once again. There's not much I can blame them for though, we were much better than Slovakia throughout the game but they scored 2 goals from their only 2 shots on target

Since Russia won against Slovenia, that means we have secured extra qualifications but also means that we will have to beat Russia in the last game of the group stage to earn direct qualification.

We are a better team so I still believe we'll claim the 1st spot.

When I warned in my previous post that Slovakia is a very good team that undeservedly lost the game in Russia, and they unfortunately lost the game against Croatia at home, no one took me seriously.
At the beginning of the second half, Slovakia missed a great opportunity to score the third goal and solve the game, and Croatia was saved by Modric with his fantastic goal.
Only then did Croatia gain confidence and start playing at a higher level, but it was too late.
The first half was very bad for Croatia, very insecure defense and very bad attack without any idea and with just a few concrete chances.
The match with Russia will be more a matter of mental strength and psychology than quality, and Croatian players are now quite psychologically shaken.
Matches like this are always very difficult to play and very uncertain.
2343  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: October 12, 2021, 08:35:54 AM
Slična stvar je bila i s MyCryptoMixer kampanjom. Prvo su isplate počele kasniti, ali su uvijek na kraju bile isplaćene s malim zakašnjenjem. Međutim, onda se vlasnik MCM-a prestao javljati Hhampuzu pa je ovaj popizdio, isplatio članove svojim BTC-om i rekao da više neće voditi tu kampanju.
E pa tako se to radi. Samo forum je pun managera beskicmenjaka koji ce napraviti sve samo da dobiju priliku voditi neku kampanju. I da BB odstupi, ovaj bi vjerojatno nasao nekog novog.
Tako bi se to trebalo raditi. Posao managera je da plati ljude što bi trebalo osigurati plaćanjem unaprijed od projekta i držanjem sredstva u escrow. Ako vjeruješ voditelju projekta možeš ih sponzorirati na tjednoj bazi pa se naplaćivati. U svakom slučaju sudionici bi trebali dobiti lovu odmah po završetku tjedna, nije njihov problem iz čijeg džepa je ta lova došla. Ako pak ne vjeruješ voditelju projekta i nemožeš ga natjerati da plati unaprijed zašto onda staviti svoje ime uz takav projekt?

Ako sam dobro razumeo, Hampuz je vodio ove kampanje neko vreme pre srnje, ali je odustao. Mogu samo da zamislim zasto (ovako nesto se ne bi dogodilo sa njim za volanom). A cak i pre toga, bilo je neke drame oko bitvest kampanje (mozda stariji memberi znaju nesto vise o ovome). Problem je u tome sto uvek postoji neki novi "srnja" koji ce i da se naguzi ako treba za 50-100 dolara nedeljno!

Kad smo vec kod prodaje guzice za $$, 1xbit ima novu sig. kampanju: [open]1 week signature campaign
20 postova nedeljno, $50/$60 za Hero/Legendary rang i garantovani negativni tag na vasem profilu!  Cheesy Cheesy

Mislim, da se razumijemo, bitvest je uvijek bio jedna od najslabije plaćenih kampanja, u koju nikada nije bilo teško upasti, sa već legendarnim tierovima pa si morao čekati mjesecima da dođeš bar do tiera C ili B koji su nešto bolje plaćali Smiley
Svatko tko je izašao iz te kampanje, spasio se  Grin
Više se točno ne sjećam zbog čega je Hhampuz odustao i napustio vođeje ove kampanje, mislim da je isto bio problem u komunikaciji sa vlasnikom i plaćanjem, ali dok je Hhampuz to vodio, ipak ovakvoh kašnjenja u plaćanju nije bilo.
2344  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Porez na bitcoin i kriptovalute 2018-2019 on: October 12, 2021, 08:30:41 AM
Da..i tu je sad pitanje koje muci sve nas, sta da uopce radim? Jedna krajnost je da tumacim sam kao dohodak i ostavim 50- 60% drzavi, a drugi je da placam kapitalnu dobit (s obzirom da ne postoji zakon niti misljenje za konkretan slucaj) i cuvam rezervu za gori scenarij ako me idu kaciti za nesto u buducnosti.

Ova tvoja situacija je dobra ilustracija čemerne istine da naša država destimulira bilo kakvo poduzetništvo, i aktivno pruža otpor kada pokušaš jednostavno platiti porez, nego te doslovce tjera u sivu ekonomiju. Ako platiš porez, cijela stvar ti se ne isplati i nisi konkurentan (kao što je recimo s rudarenjem), pa radije to ne radiš, i skupa s državom si siromašniji zbog toga.

Moj savjet ti je da odeš poreznom savjetniku, i probaš s njim smisliti postoji li neki način da to obaviš s nekom normalnom količinom poreza, pojma nemam, ako otvoriš neki obrt vjerojatno možeš otpisivati troškove i slično. U krajnjoj liniji, 50-60% ti je realno cifra koju bilo tko tko prima plaću u HR zarađuje, samo što ljudi misle da ih se malo plaća, a pritom ne razmišljaju da ih njihov poslodavac plaća zapravo više nego duplo od onoga što oni dobiju.

Da, to je bilo i moje iskustvo kada sam prije 5-6 godina pokušao pokrenuti business sa kolegama, od kojih su neki bili i strani državljani.
Jednostavno je u Hrvatskoj sve bilo preteško i prekomplicirano pa smo ono što bi kod nas trajalo vjerojatno tjednima uz obilaženje mnogih ureda i traženja mnogih potvrda, sve riješili online za 15-ak minuta u V. Britaniji i isti dan smo imali registriranu firmu  Grin
Zbog toga bi mi opcija otvaranja obrta ili firme u RH jednostavno bila zadnja varijanta, i ako bih zbog prijave poreza na crypto morao nešto otvoriti to sigurno ne bi bilo kod nas, no way  Cheesy
2345  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar - UEFA Qualifiers on: October 11, 2021, 11:26:40 AM
I feel really confident in Croatia's win against Slovakia today. It is a home game against a weaker opponent in which a win practically confirms our qualification to the World Championship.
We often complicated these kind of games before but Slovakia looks weak, we played really good away from home and I think we will repeat it.

Another important game in the group is the Slovenia - Russia game, if both we and Russians win, we are qualified even theoretically with 2 games to go.

In fact;  Croatia needs to win first place in the group to go directlly to the World cup.
Given that,  it suits us better that Russia loses the match against Slovenia.
Slovakia was much better in the last match against Russia and lost undeservedly, and they also unfortunatelly lost against  Croatia.
A very difficult match awaits us.
2346  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Porez na bitcoin i kriptovalute 2018-2019 on: October 11, 2021, 07:11:55 AM

Za Strong bih ja rekao da kao stjecanje računaš tek kad pokreneš transakciju. To je po meni potpuno isto kao Google Adsense i slične stvari, zarađuješ i to ti negdje piše na njihovoj platformi, ali tek se isplata računa kao dohodak. Obračunavati svake sekunde... fizički ne bi mogao to sve na vrijeme obračunati. Smiley

Da, to ima smisla. Pretpostavljam da bi porezna prihod od stronga gledala kao dohodak i morao bi sve poreze i doprinose platiti što znatno umanjuje isplativost. Pogotovo ako se uracunaju troskovi inicijalne kupnje, mjesecnog odrzavanja i troskovi za gas fee za koje ne vjerujem da bi dozvolili tretirati kao odbitak od prihoda. U svakom slucaju mi treba porezni savjetnik.

Mislim da ti ovdje ni porezni savjetnik ni knjigovođa neće moći puno pomoći jer oni o ovome znaju još manje od nas 😀
Evo ti primjera,  knjigovođa je dobio upit o ulaganju u crypto i s obzirom da nije ništa znala o tome pitala je mene za pomoć jer je čula da se time bavim 😁
A porezna puno toga nije jasno definirala i puno toga podliježe pod "slobodno tumačenje " tako da ti porezni savjetnik može reći jedno a u poreznoj mogu zaključiti nešto sasvim drugo.
2347  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: October 11, 2021, 07:03:18 AM
10 tjedana duga?
Da li to znači da su svi pisali 10 tjedana na forumu dok su ove kampanje besplatno reklamirali u svom potpisu?
Kolko moraš biti očajan za tako nešto?
I još ih manager uvjerava da se ne moraju "brinuti " za svoje mjesto u kampanji! ?
Ove kampanje su još držale određeni nivo dok
ih je vodio Hhampuz ali nakon toga.... 😀
2348  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Football Transfers Speculation, Odds and Predictions on: October 10, 2021, 11:49:53 AM
Transfer rumours:

Newcastle United plan to make a move for Napoli and Senegal centre-back Kalidou Koulibaly, 30, as they look to bring in a marquee signing. Newcastle are also interested in bringing in Paris St-Germain and Argentina striker Mauro Icardi, although Tottenham and Juventus are also keen on the 28-year-old. So, the new great football story is just beginning  Cheesy
PSG sporting director Leonardo remains confident that France star Kylian Mbappe, 22, will stay at the club and insists Real Madrid should be punished for their pursuit of him. It seems to me that PSG is losing in this story.
Juventus could have a chance to sign 28-year-old France midfielder Paul Pogba, whose contract with Manchester United runs out in the summer, if they can manage to sell at least two players. The great return of the prodigal son?  Grin
Liverpool are planning to try to sign France forward Ousmane Dembele on a free transfer when the 24-year-old's contract with Barcelona ends in the summer. How realistic is this?

2349  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar - UEFA Qualifiers on: October 10, 2021, 11:43:05 AM
Tomorrow is the Slovenia vs Russia game... I expect goals from both teams in this match, but I think the hosts look stronger...
Also two more interesting matches are Croatia vs Slovakia and Norway vs Montenegro...
Another good game tomorrow is Argentina vs Uruguay, where they give an attractive odds of 1.7 to win Argentina! Wink

In fact, Slovenia in the match against Russia has the last chance to try to win at least second place in the group and continue the competition.
With the victory against Russia, Slovenia would help not only itself but also Croatia to win the first place in the group.
I have to admit that neither Slovenia nor Russia were very convincing in these qualifiers and it seems to me that anything is possible in this match.
Croatia plays against Slovakia, which undeservedly lost to Russia a few days ago and thus lost almost all chances of passing the group.
I'm not sure if this is good or bad news for Croatia because now the Slovaks can play completely unencumbered and without pressure.
2350  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Tennis League All Thread on: October 10, 2021, 11:32:37 AM
Don't be too harsh on Raducanu, she is a very young girl who has achieved great success but still does not have enough experience and stability to continuously win.
I think she needs a little more peace and space now, both from the media and the fans, to focus on tennis and start winning again.
She is a very young girl and if she manages to keep her focus only on tennis, I believe she will become the new big tennis star.

Meanwhile, finally good news for the old champion who doesn’t want to retire yet.
''Andy Murray eased through his first-round match at the Indian Wells Masters with a 6-3 6-2 win over Frenchman Adrian Mannarino.''
''"I thought my mentality was good. I fought for every single point. That was the goal coming into the match and it got me the win," Murray said.''

His next opponent will be Spanish young tennis hope Carlos Alcaraz. In any case, we have a very interesting match ahead of us  Cheesy

No dont mean to be too harsh on Raducanu, She gained a lot of fans this year, me being
one of them.

Murray is definitely progressing and its good to see him winning matches again, Alcaraz
will be a really tough opponent and should make for a great match.

@kro55 Sasnovic has been around for a while and has some tournament wins she just
wouldnt be a well known player.

While Raducanu has gained a lot of attention this year I am a bit obsessed with Fernandez,
in so far as how she got to the U.S Open final, her family background and her seemingly
positive outlook. She is currently also playing doubles with Gauff and they won their match
yesterday against 5th seeds Schuurs/Melichar. Its really great to see players in both Singles
and Doubles.

Before the last GS, Raducanu was a relatively unknown girl and could play without any pressure and the burden of high expectations.
Now she has to learn to play under a lot of public pressure and it’s not easy.
If she succeeds, she will become a great tennis champion.
As for Murray, unfortunately the peak of his career is long gone and it’s a reality he doesn’t seem to be able to accept.
Last tennis news from Indian Wells:
''Daniil Medvedev,top seed in the men's draw, eased through with a 6-4 6-2 victory over American Mackenzie McDonald, while women's top seed Karolina Pliskova beat Pole Magdalena Frech 7-5 6-2.''


2351  Other / Meta / Re: [TOP-200] The most generous users giving merits on: October 10, 2021, 11:22:25 AM
Having said that, I'd actually not call merit source duties as their/a job, I think it's much better to say it's their own contributions to the forum. Grin
A community initiative that some applied for while others were selected for it based on theymos' own criteria and selection methods. I had out merits in a similar way as The Pharmacist does it. I just go about my business of reading and writing posts and I merit the good ones I find in the threads and sub-boards I regularly visit. That's the simplest way to do it. So far I have always succeeded in emptying my bags at the end of the month.

For each member of this forum, who is also a merit source, the situation is different.
When I applied in Meta for merit source I did so with the motivation to help my local community on the forum, as many of them were new and young members and mostly wrote in the Croatian section of the forum.
I also explained this in my merit source application in Meta.
I believe theymos recognized the need to add a merit source that understands the local language and can reward with merit quality and good local posts, and I also got a lot of support from the local community.
From this it is clear that I think I have an obligation to pay more attention to local posts in the Croatian section of the forum, but I will also always reward quality posts in the English part of the forum.
2352  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: October 10, 2021, 07:14:30 AM
Jućer je počela Catena X signature kampanje za Hero i Legendary članove. Traži se ukupno 14 članova.

Kampanja: [OPEN] Catena X | Experience the Future of DeFi | Signature Campaign ~ Hero/Leg
Menadžer: Hhampuz

Isplata: $70 tjedno u BTC.

Uvjeti: Minimalno 25 postova tjedno.
Ne more se pisati u Gambling sekciji.
Postovi u loklanim forumima se broje u kvotu.
Minimalno 5 merita u posljednjih 120 dana.
Prijave isključivo slati sa Bech32 (Native Segwit) adresama.

Ovo su zapravo jako dobri uvjeti, kao stvoreni za našeg Slackovica, koji baš ne voli pisati po gamblingu Smiley
Slackovic, vidim da si se upravo prijavio i želim ti puno sreće, da upadneš.
Iako je kampanja relativno dobro plaćena vidim da se ipak uglavnom javljaju članovi kojima je završila prethodna kampanja.
Uvijek je to teško pitanje, napustiti dugoročnu kampanju za bolje plaćenu koja je tek krenula i ne zna se da li će trajati samo tjedan, dva ili će i sama postati dugoročna  Grin
2353  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Football Transfers Speculation, Odds and Predictions on: October 09, 2021, 01:21:32 PM
Transfer rumours:

Newcastle United could spend up to Ł190m in January without breaking Financial Fair Play rules, with Tottenham and England striker Harry Kane, 28, and France forward Kylian Mbappe, 22, "within reach". The football appetites of this club have greatly increased overnight but I think it is not realistic for Mbappe and Kane to come to Newcastle, at least not in the near future.
Former Chelsea manager Antonio Conte would reject the chance to replace Bruce at Newcastle. There is an exciting and uncertain race for the new Newcastle coach.  Grin
Brazil midfielder Philippe Coutinho, could be heading to Newcastle from Barcelona in January. Will we really see this transfer?
Manchester United and Portugal forward Cristiano Ronaldo, 36, is reportedly eager for his club to make a move for Juventus and Italy winger Federico Chiesa, 23, who is also said to be a target for Chelsea at the end of the season. Chiesa and Ronaldo together in Manchester, how realistic is that?

2354  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Tennis League All Thread on: October 09, 2021, 01:11:24 PM
Don't be too harsh on Raducanu, she is a very young girl who has achieved great success but still does not have enough experience and stability to continuously win.
I think she needs a little more peace and space now, both from the media and the fans, to focus on tennis and start winning again.
She is a very young girl and if she manages to keep her focus only on tennis, I believe she will become the new big tennis star.

Meanwhile, finally good news for the old champion who doesn’t want to retire yet.
''Andy Murray eased through his first-round match at the Indian Wells Masters with a 6-3 6-2 win over Frenchman Adrian Mannarino.''
''"I thought my mentality was good. I fought for every single point. That was the goal coming into the match and it got me the win," Murray said.''

His next opponent will be Spanish young tennis hope Carlos Alcaraz. In any case, we have a very interesting match ahead of us  Cheesy

2355  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽UEFA Europa League Discussion Thread on: October 09, 2021, 12:59:06 PM
The Europa League can be one of the really interesting tournaments among the international ones. Because every game is open for any kind of surprise all the time. For example, who would have said that Legia would get a win against Leicester? But they did this. So this tournament is like an opportunity for smaller clubs to achieve the best they can. This is fun and boring at the same time. Because I don't see the same competition level as the one in the Champions League.
Usually the teams that play in the European leagues have a balanced strength, so this provides equal opportunities for all teams to be able to win the championship trophy, besides that in my opinion the European League is no less prestigious than the Champions League, although so far the European League competition is often considered the European continent second caste cup.
In addition, for the team that wins the European Cup, of course, they will have the opportunity to win the inter-club world cup later and what is certain is that the European League champion will certainly be an automatically get tickets to play in the Champions League next season.

If you pay attention to UCL too, you will get a more terrible surprise there. Who thought Sheriff Tiraspol would win against Real Madrid at the Santiago Bernabéu? I'm sure everyone will choose Madrid to bet whether it's ML, HT/FT, AH bets and many more. Well, I personally still think these two teams might be lucky enough to take advantage of the situation well, because next Legia will play away against Napoli and as we know, Napoli this season are looking very good in Serie A but not so good in this tournament. But with the previous results, of course these two teams will take advantage of each other's weaknesses in every line but I personally believe, both Legia in EL and Sheriff Tiraspol in UCL will end here and in the second leg later, if they can still be consistent then of course that no longer luck.
Yes, I also think that the sheriff victory in the champions league is just luck and I personally am not sure if they will be able to qualify for the next phase, but it looks like the european league will be an alternative for the sheriff to show the quality of their game later, while Napoli, with a schedule which is dense as it is now, I think their main focus is just to win the scudetto and of course with the current Napoli squad they have to be able to choose between the european league or the scudetto.

I don't agree with you guys about the FC Sheriff Tiraspol winning against Real Madrid to be luck because everything done through some effort that produces a good result is not a piece of luck but determination. Besides, in the match stats show that they make 70% accurate passes, 4 shots, and 3 on target which means they use well every chance they had.
Meanwhile, this is a result of their preparation for the Champion League after defeat in their first Champion league appearance in the year 2010–11.

Real is undoubtedly a better and more experienced team than Sheriff but they played a bad game and completely deservedly lost.
It is obvious that Real is still not playing at the top level and has certain problems in the game which does not diminish the size of the Sheriff's victory.
Sheriff has been playing in European competitions for a long time, as far as I remember they also played in European League groups and their success is not accidental but is the result of long and hard work and investment.
This is a signpost for other, small clubs, how to achieve a good result in European competitions.

2356  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar - UEFA Qualifiers on: October 09, 2021, 12:49:53 PM
This 3-0 win over Cyprus is really what Croatia needed. Croatia is known to play really bad against weak teams but today they did good. Too bad Slovakia couldn't beat Russia or at least to get a draw. It would have made qualifying for Croatia a lot easier. But I like our odds. I know it just Cyprus, but Croatia really dominate the whole game. And we really raised out goal difference which could be a big deal in the end of the qualifications.
Croatia are really doing good three wins in the last three games and they should take the first place their only competetors are russia and despite their win today they were dominated at home against slovakia they did not deserve to win 5 shots on goal and 13 off goal for slovakia  with 70% possesion it was a poor performance from russia.

What positively surprised me about Croatia is the defense, because they haven't conceded a goal for several games.
Unfortunately, after Mandzukic left the national team and retired, we really miss a good and reliable striker and we struggle to score goal in every game.
This is part of the game that Croatia must definitely fix before the World Cup, because otherwise we will not achieve a good result there.
Of course, we have to qualify for the World Cup first and it seems that everything will be resolved in the last group match between Croatia and Russia.
2357  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Hallo Meta on: October 09, 2021, 12:33:54 PM
Selingkuhan, welcome to the forum.
The number of posts you write actually has nothing to do with the quality of the posts and your progress on the forum.
Most importantly, your posts should be constructive, on topic, and help other members and contribute to the community.
Only on that basis can you expect to get some merits and progress on the forum.
Why you actually want to become a hero member and campaign manager?
As a newbie member you can also write on this forum, participate in discussions and help other members, there is no difference so I don't understand your motivation.
Is the only motivation behind your plans and desires the possibility of higher earnings?
Members progress in this forum and become campaign managers for some other reasons, which have little to do with personal preferences and plans.
2358  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: October 09, 2021, 12:22:32 PM
Zato mi je najjednostavnije naći dugoročnu i stabilnu kampanju i ne moram se više zamarati sa traženjem kampanja, prijavljivanjem i sl.
Izgleda da si sa Betcoinom onda napravio pun pogodak. Sjećam se da smo zajedno bili u Betcoin kampanji davno nekad, ja u međuvremenu promjenio nekoliko njih a Betcoin traje i traje...

A sad si konačno počeo pisati i u gamblingu što ti je znatno proširilo broj raspoloživih kampanja u koje se možeš prijaviti tako da nema zime za tebe, i dalje ćeš biti kralj ovog lokala  Grin
Ja bi slackovicu preporučio da ne prestane pisati u gamblingu i kad mu trenutna kampanja završi. Ti postovi su menadžerima bitni. Ako recimo par tjedana ili mjesec dana budeš bez kampanje a u tom periodu ništa ne pišeš u gamblingu, ta te aktivnost možda može koštati mjesta u nekoj narednoj kampanji. Mislim da ako su dva korisnika podjednako dobra, a jedan od uvjeta je aktivnost u gambling temama, mjesto dobija ovaj sa većom i boljom aktivnošću u takvim temama.

Pa da, slažem se, betcoin mi je sasvim ok.
Nije zahtjevna kampanja, priznaju mi i lokalne postove a traju već više od godinu dana i čini se da bih s njima mogao dočekati i mirovinu  Grin
Mislim, nije da nisam pokušao upasti i u neke druge kampanje u međuvremenu, također dugotrajne i stabilne (što mi je najvažniji kriterij kod odabira kampanje), uz bolje isplate, ali eto, do sada nije bilo sreće.
A s ovim zadnjim se apsolutno slažem, za većinu firmi koje pokreću ovakve kampanje najvažnija je njihova ''vidljivost'' u gamblingu jer se uglavnom i radi o firmama koje se bave sportskim klađenjem.
2359  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Porez na bitcoin i kriptovalute 2018-2019 on: October 09, 2021, 12:17:19 PM
Previše tu ima prostora za tzv. ''slobodno tumačenje'' porezne a pravila su previše nedorečena i to mi se ne sviđa.
Očito ćemo još morati čekati da porezna ''relaksira'' pravila o kriptu a pretpostavljam da oni gledaju zakonska rješenja u nekim drugim, ''jačim i važnijim'' zemljama EU poput Njemačke i Austrije a da onda njihova rješenja primjenjuju kod nas.
Očito promjene na bolje ne možemo očekivati od naših vlasti već od EU.
Trenutno čekam (dok BTC konstantno raste) i uživam u svom ''statusu'' poreznog prekršitelja  Grin
2360  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: October 09, 2021, 12:12:42 PM
Pretpostavljam da će cijena fan tokena pratiti uspjeh kluba, pa kako se klub približava osvajanju nekog kupa, tako će i cijena fan tokena vjerojatno rasti proporcionalno. Stoga se ulaganje u fan tokene može promatrati kao vrsta sportskog klađenja, imo.

Ovisi o tome tko zapravo ulaže u fan tokene.
Tvoja je pretpostavka da u te tokene ulažu navijači i što je klub uspješniji to oni više ulažu.
Ja osobno mislim da ulaganje u te tzv. fan tokene sportskih klubova nema puno veze sa navijanjem već sa crypto korisnicima koji ulažu u ove tokene iz istog razloga zašto ulažu i u sve druge tokene ''out there'' a to je zbog mogućnosti zarade.
Ima sigurno i ''pravih'' navijača koji ulažu u ove tokene ali i ti navijači su vjerojatno i prije bili aktivni na crypto tržištu.
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