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2681  Other / Meta / Re: DefaultTrust changes on: December 06, 2021, 03:38:55 PM
That's what I always assumed. But it's easy to test: change the depth to 1, and see if my feedback changes. I just tried: it's the same. So ";dt" works as expected and has nothing to do with your personal settings.

I things we clarified everything now Smiley Thank you, LoyceV!

You're overcomplicating this Smiley

I was also thinking that I am doing this while writing my post Smiley

The purpose of ";dt" is to override any of your personal trust settings and show the ratings how they would look like to a newbie who just registered on the forum (or anyone who doesn't have custom trust settings).

Yup, correct, that's what I knew.

Not sure what you mean by "real" score but it sounds like it's the same as ";dt".

And yes, this is what I meant:

By "real" score I mean the score seen when adding a ";dt" at the end of the profile URL.

And as LoyceV said, it is always depth=2 because that's the default setting for new users. That's the "specification" you're looking for.

Thank you suchmoon, now I understand better. In conclusion, any DT1 and DT2 can alterate a user's (real) Trust score, but DT 3 and DT4 can't. And DT2 are able to as by default the Trust depth is set to 2.
2682  Other / Meta / Re: The curious case of the forum's three millionth user on: December 06, 2021, 03:32:09 PM
My assumption: nobody cared anymore, so the owner lost interest in this alt-account.

Yes, probably...

Note that someone tried really hard to hit 3 million

Lol! It seems that account was very important for that person!

Oh wow, that's interesting!  I don't recall that discussion about the Merit Cycling Club whatsoever, and though I haven't scanned through that entire thread yet, I don't believe I posted in it. [...] I now know why I missed LoyceV's thread--I have that section on ignore.  Fortunately the thread is still running for some reason, so I'm going to un-ignore it and see about posting in it ASAP.  Thanks for linking to it, OP.

I always wondered why you never appeared in the foxhole Smiley I can say "Welcome to the foxhole!". And definitely, reading all those pages of the thread is a must!

It is very strange that the actual 3,000,000th member registered on this forum would have that name, no?  I suspect that's not a coincidence at all but was done by Theymos or someone who has influence with him.  It could just be someone who was watching closely and had damn good timing, but somehow I doubt that.

Perhaps we'll never know...
2683  Other / Meta / The curious case of the forum's three millionth user on: December 06, 2021, 10:33:24 AM
On January 17th, 2021, the forum faced the registration of its three millionth user. The account name was (and still is) Three Millionth User. It was very interesting to observe that s/he had also a Custom Title: "Yes, really". The Custom Title raised questions about this user being created by an admin or not, but nobody found out for sure how that Custom Title appeared.

It was also interesting to observe this user's activity in the short amount of time while s/he was present on the forum (at the moment of speaking s/he is offline since June 5th, 2021). The one behind the account tried to act cool in the first topic, then got involved in popular forum areas, such as WO, CM topic, Merit Cycling Club etc. I felt like the one behind the account tried to get as much exposure as possible.

What was also curious was that the user created a Custom Trust list, kept it for 6 weeks, then wiped out everybody from the list. For next 10 consecutive week, this user did not have a Custom Trust list anymore, but s/he generated a new one afterwards, which is kept up to present day. The user never distrusted anybody and was never trusted nor distrusted by any other user.

What was clear though was that the respective user was not a brand new one, seeing to know many of the old forum users and also the areas with best exposure for the new created account.

While I am not questioning anything about this user's actions of the forum (where s/he posted, the trust inclusions / exclusions, they way s/he acted like knowing everybody around etc.), I could not stop wondering what happened and why s/he suddenly disappeared. I don't want to think about something bad which could happen, due to Covid. And if nothing like that happened, then what was the purpose of this user? Why acting like being so happy to be around here, then suddenly to vanish? Why get in touch in so many popular forum areas then simply leave (forever)...? It is hard for me to understand.

I think it was an exotic presence on the forum and... I really wonder if s/he will ever come back.
2684  Other / Meta / Re: DefaultTrust changes on: December 06, 2021, 09:49:05 AM
Yes, change the Trust depth. Anything above 2 is likely to make that page very slow to load.
Note that the Trust depth doesn't only apply to DefaultTrust, it applies to your own custom Trust list too. So you trust the inclusions of the users who are on your own Trust list and the users on their Trust lists.
See Personal Full Trust Depth viewer for all users for the large recursive implications this has. If you want an update: post there.

Uhm, from the above mentioned quote it seems I was not, perhaps, too clear. What I meant is this: I know that if I set my Trust settings to 1, 2, 3 or 4 the Trust scores of others will be shown (to me) being influenced by my Trust list and the Trust depth I set. But if I choose to see a profile by adding a ";dt" at the end of its URL, I should see its Trust score as seen by DT, correct?

And seeing that DT2 users can also influence the "real" score, I was wondering if DT3 or DT4 can influence the real score too. By "real" score I mean the score seen when adding a ";dt" at the end of the profile URL. So practically if a DT2 user gives a positive feedback to a profile, the profile's positive score appears as "+1" when seen with the ";dt" added to its URL. Does the same happen if a DT3 or DT4 user adds a positive feedback? This should not be influenced by the Trust depth you set yourself, nor by your custom Trust list, if you look at the respective profile with thew ";dt" added at the end of its URL, right...?

And regarding this part

That's normal, and as far as I know has always been this way. By default, the Trust settings use Trust depth 2.

It may have been always this way (and I am sure of this)... What I was wondering about is that it is not specified anyway that DT2 users can also influence the "real" Trust score of a user, by giving a positive / negative / neutral feedback. However, we go again to the above part: if you set the depth to any value, it should not matter when viewing the profile with the ";dt" at the end of its URL... Do I understand this part wrongfully.? Or, rather, did I explain better now what I wanted to say...?
2685  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Telefoane crypto on: December 06, 2021, 09:25:51 AM
Recent am reusit sa obtin (dupa un an de cautari), ultimele doua carti ale lui Julian Assange pe care nu le citisem inca: When Google Met WikiLeaks si The Unauthorised Autobiography.

Pe scurt, sunt fascinante. A doua carte, cel putin, nu am gasit-o aproape nicaieri pe tot Internetul (ma refer la a o gasi noua, in format fizic). Am descoperit cateva link-uri, dar erau tepe cel mai probabil si, tind sa cred, am reusit sa cumpar ultimul exemplar nou al acestei carti (cel putin ultimul care era de gasit in octombrie). Site-ul nu trimitea in Romania, asa ca am fost nevoit sa apelez la un prieten din Anglia, care a preluat coletul si apoi mi l-a trimis mie. Fiind atat de rara cartea, evident ca am cumparat-o la suprapret (~50 GBP + transport SUA - Anglia + transport Anglia - Romania; comparativ, restul cartilor sale le-am gasit la ~50 lei). Dar nu-mi pare rau ci, din contra, ma bucur ca am reusit sa citesc toate cartile scrise de acest om incredibil. Celelalte titluri care ii apartin sunt Cypherpunks: Freedom and the Future of the Internet si Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier.

Pe langa multe subiecte fascinante, unul tratat in autobiografie este referitor la telefoane crypto. Stiu ca la un moment dat scrisese si kevin despre o companie care producea astfel de telefoane, insa nu am reusit sa mai gasesc postarea respectiva. Subiectul a fost reluat, in parte, si in When Google Met WikiLeaks.

Julian a mentionat in autobiografie despre un colaborator al WikiLeaks care lucra la compania Cryptophone. Cautand pe net, am gasit site-ul Din ce am observat, compania produce telefoane mobile, fixe si cu conexiune prin satelit, care ofera end-to-end encrypted voice over IP communications, dar si comunicatii criptate prin mesaje text (SMS-uri).

Nu stiu de ce nu sunt mentionate preturile, dar la sectiunea Buy vad ca se cere o cheie PGP, ceea ce mi se pare foarte interesant.

Nu stiu cati stiau despre aceste telefoane, dar fiind mentionate de Julian Assange, eu unul am incredere in ele.

Sper ca topic-ul sa fie de ajutor tuturor celor avizi dupa intimitate si anonimitate, dar si celor care doresc sa incerce un nou tip de telefon.
2686  Local / Presa / [06-11-2021] Anamaria Prodan a investit un milion de euro īn criptomonede on: December 06, 2021, 08:52:19 AM
Am gasit un articol relativ recent pe GSP -

Cum eram curios sa vad in ce a investit, am dat click pe link. Evident, daca era vorba de AMP, trebuia sa fie ceva care sa epateze - vezi seicii, familia regala, "sunt primul investitor" etc.

Citind partea asta, m-a pufnit rasul:

Sunt primul investitor, un milion de euro! Este o monedă īn care eu cred. O monedă la care am asistat de la facere, o monedă care īți oferă un payback cumva. O monedă pe bază de piramide, dar care niciodată nu o să se prăbușească.

Acum, intrucat articolul de pe GSP nu furniza prea multe informatii, am sapat un pic si am mai gasit un articol pe, unde detaliaza ca moneda respectiva se numeste Superkoin si ar fi creata de un roman si promovata in Dubai de catre Eduard Irimia (din halul in care sunt scrise articolele nu mi-am putut da seama daca Irimia este totodata si creatorul monedei sau doar promoterul ei; totusi, stiind ca acest personaj este un promoter celebru, tind sa cred ca el s-a ocupat doar de prezentarea monedei).

Am incercat sa obtin mai multe detalii, dar asa-zisa "moneda" nu apare pe CoinMarketCap, iar site-ul oficial ( e gol. Da, gol complet. Nu apare nici echipa, nici white paper, nici nimic -- cu exceptia unui "Coming soon".

In rest, oricat am cautat, nu am reusit sa gasesc nicio informatie despre acesta "moneda", nici despre creatorul ei.

Acum, e treaba fiecaruia ce face cu banii, dar sa investesti (si inca: sa investesti un milion de euro!) intr-o moneda fara site, fara white paper, fara nimic; si despre care mai si spui ca stii ca este "pe bază de piramide" -- mi se pare nebunie curata. Dar "niciodată nu o să se prăbușească", deci e investitie buna, nu? Smiley
2687  Other / Meta / Re: DefaultTrust changes on: December 06, 2021, 08:06:37 AM
I just noticed something and I thought it's better to post here instead of starting a new topic...

So I knew that the feedbacks given by DT (I mean DT1) users change the Trust score but I noticed that also DT2 users' feedbacks change the Trust score. I was not aware of this. Is this normal? I checked this by looking at a profile URL and adding ";dt" at the end of the URL, of course, in order to see that profile the way it shows when being watched from DT perspective.

I searched for some reference about who exactly can modify the Trust score (within topics like Marketplace trust, Minor trust score algorithm change or current topic itself), but all I could find was inside a topic written in 2018 by S_Therapist ([Explained] How Trust Score is calculated):

This calculation is applied when a user never received a negative feedback from DT.

From the above mentioned sentence it's reflected the fact that DT users' feedbacks can influence the Trust score. However, I did not see this information in the "official" threads, nor other information specifying if DT2 users can also influence Trust score.

Furthermore, if DT2 users can influence Trust score, is there any other level of DT which can influence it (DT3 / DT4)?
2688  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Declarare bani on: December 06, 2021, 07:13:46 AM
Mi-ar place să aud de o experiență cu o bancă prietenoasă cu btc

Si noua ne-ar placea, dar uite ca nu avem banci prietenoase cu BTC. Cam la acest nivel se afla aceasta relatie de "prietenie":

Ca urmare, reactia acestui om este mai mult decat binevenita:

și totul pānă la declararea profitului.

Asta e o curiozitate pe care nimeni nu ne-a satosfacut-o pana acum nici noua...

Dacă aș vinde la atm să zicem 5000, 15000 pe an, ar trebui să dau vreo socoteală cuiva?

Conform legii, da. Din pacate insa, din aceste intrebari, sunt tot mai convins de ceea ce am scris aici: 12 ani mai tarziu si oamenii tot nu stiu cum se foloseste Bitcoin/la ce-i ajuta. Daca vrei insa sa fii law abiding citizen si sa renunti la intimitatea ta, atunci orice profit inregistrat (in aceasta viata, nu doar in crypto), trebuie sa il declari si sa platesti taxe pentru el.

In rest, cum spunea si Phil Zimmermann, "If privacy is outlawed, only outlaws will have privacy".
2689  Economy / Services / Re: LoyceV's Avatar for Rent [first 🦊🦊2 YEARS🦊🦊 (141 weeks) rented out] on: December 04, 2021, 09:02:46 PM
Hey guys, congrats on being listed on Binance, lol!!

Long live our Supreme Leader!

Where's my airdrop?

I thought we all received it on Wednesday...?

Never browse this forum sober because this happens:
just going to pour some more booze.

Amen, brother =)))

Good find! The coin seems to be already one month old and no word about it? Come on...

I think our Supreme Leader wanted to Moon it before the forum found out about it but I guess that's it now, since The BeardedBaby caught us Smiley

It's a bit worrying that you can easily buy some merit and circle it now.. and even stake it for more merit but at least the whales are known Wink

This is what we do... it's the natural order of things.

I can finally join the Merit Circle by buying me a seat,lol

I guess I have to talk to the CEO

I think last time she mentioned an entrance fee about

2690  Economy / Services / Re: LoyceV's Avatar for Rent [first 🦊🦊2 YEARS🦊🦊 (141 weeks) rented out] on: December 04, 2021, 04:43:18 PM
Never browse this forum sober because this happens:

I can't believe I wrote that above:
Bitcoin Alcoholics? Sounds good!
Sign me up as a CEO or something like that, please. Or sharing holder, to say the least Smiley

(At least for today and yesterday) I am a shame for the drunkies gang! Please sign me up as a janitor at least and I'll do my best to rank the hierarchy in time Smiley

Browsing sober is a crucial mistake...
2691  Other / Meta / Re: [151 weeks] [Updated Dec 4] LoyceV's Trust list viewer - Create your own! on: December 04, 2021, 04:29:48 PM
There's a silver lining: I can blame you!

Yes, Sir (Indian accent) Smiley Guilty as charged.

You made me doubt my data, checking all kinds of things including the other users removed from teeGUMES' distrust list [...]
And only then I realized everything is just fine Smiley

As a matter of fact I also spent a lot of time for checking plenty of data, trying to see if it was a only once bug or I could obtain some steps to reproduce... (facepalm lol).

Now why can't I deMerit the 6 sMerit I sent you
The image says the opposite - that teeGUMES removed you from his distrust list. Which is correct as far as I can tell.

Please believe me this was the first thought I had after seeing the truth. And I really felt ashamed (yes, really). Therefore I did all I could do about that: and I merited suchmoon with 6 merits thus cycling them inside the club At least I passed them forward Smiley

This took me far longer to figure out than it should have. I clearly failed to check the most obvious thing: user error Tongue
I'm glad though, I already saw nightmare scenarios of having to recreate 151 weeks of Trust list data.

I really don't understand how I could see in that pic that I removed teeGUMES from my distrust list. It's like not seeing the forest for the trees. Perhaps, the only (somehow) rational explanation for my mistake would be this...

As last evening was not one with boilers of beer (which is curious, given that it was a Friday night) and today I am (still) sober

I will try to avoid the above mentioned ridiculous situation at any cost from now on (actually, right now I am on my way to a convenience store to buy some booze). LoyceV, sorry for my mistake.
2692  Other / Meta / Re: [151 weeks] [Updated Dec 4] LoyceV's Trust list viewer - Create your own! on: December 04, 2021, 02:22:55 PM
@GazetaBitcoin: please fix your image tag.

Oooops! Thank you! I just did it. Anyway, I think you saw the image / bug I mentioned. If not, I hope this helps.

Nothing changed there, so I can't blame theymos Sad

Yes, this is sad =)))

It looks like a bug on my end, and since I haven't changed anything, it might have happened before, which would make my entire Trust archive unreliable Sad

I don't know if it happened before. So far I checked my Trust list on your website after each update you did in the past Saturdays. And I did it for about 75% of all Saturdays since you post this weekly bump. So far I saw no inconsistency -- in my Trust list, to say the least. However, if it's a bug somewhere I am sure this does not make your Trust archive unreliable... Perhaps it occurs very rarely or with very complex steps, thus if it ever affected anybody excepting me it was only very rarely. I, personally, find your website and all its sections very useful, no matter the 1990 interface. Actually, I think the interface attracts me so much precisely because it looks like it's from 1990s. Probably this is also why I like more current forum's interface compared with whatever new-gen interface the new forum will have Smiley
2693  Economy / Services / Re: LoyceV's Avatar for Rent [first 🦊🦊2 YEARS🦊🦊 (141 weeks) rented out] on: December 04, 2021, 02:08:58 PM
Maybe we can start some weekly alcoholic beverage educational program.
Bitcoin Alcoholics? Sounds good!

Sign me up as a CEO or something like that, please. Or sharing holder, to say the least Smiley

In his boundless rage, he kicked me off DT1 too. Tongue
Cry me a river, I've been off DT1 for 4 months!
I'm starting to think I'm blacklisted
I clearly see a pattern here.

Probably thermos will bun them both, to show who has the true power!

I still have less merits than our supreme leader, , but still, I have been kicked out DT1.
fillippone, pay attention and never try to challenge thermos! You wanna be out of this forum forever?! Jesus...

I am not even part of this club with all this funny activities
* I'm not in the Club either

I'm not sure if you can face the admission process...

Is there a requirement for initiation to join a gang? I found this on the web, I listed some of it below.
  • Initiation by cop
  • Being jumped in or beat in
  • Sexed in
  • Jacked In
My gang has become somewhat infamous for its use of the third method. It's not strictly a requirement, but it certainly helps, and in any case I've yet to hear any complaints.

Should I say moar?

Hence c******unter's TOAA's truth or dare's characteristically eloquent reference to us as
foxhole felchers

* it's cold, cloudy and no snow

Uh-huh, at least, in the fox hole it's wet, comfy and cozy  Roll Eyes

* it's still too early for drinking

This is blasphemy!
2694  Other / Meta / Re: [151 weeks] [Updated Dec 4] LoyceV's Trust list viewer - Create your own! on: December 04, 2021, 01:48:33 PM
Um... something weird happened... I checked my Trust list on and it appears as I removed teeGUMES form these which I do not trust (which I did not):

As last evening was not one with boilers of beer (which is curious, given that it was a Friday night) and today I am (still) sober, I wondered what happened, as I did not remember removing him from my distrust list. So I considered to check my Trust list from my profile too, but there he appears correctly, as being distrusted:

Perhaps there is a problem with the website? I hope this helps.
2695  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Concursuri/tombole pe bitcointalk (sau pe aprope) on: December 03, 2021, 10:48:44 AM
Ei... l-am ratat pe asta. Dar Bitbollo tot posteaza concursuri cu timbre, de zici ca el le-ar tipari

Looooooool! Daca castigi, sa-i ceri timbre nestampilate Smiley Cand eram mic si aveam clasor stiu ca astea erau alea "mai de pret". Acum stau sa ma gandesc... oare unde o fi clasorul meu? Hmmm

Si concursul cel mare al lui 1HoDLCLUB s-a incheiat [...]
Oh, si Bitcoin Penny s-a incheiat.

Si cel cu Happy Thanksgiving.

In plus, o sa renunt la lista de concursuri incheiate, cred ca nu are sens sa o tin.

Deci mai postam doar ce apare nou, da?
2696  Economy / Services / Re: LoyceV's Avatar for Rent [first 🦊🦊2 YEARS🦊🦊 (141 weeks) rented out] on: December 03, 2021, 10:05:45 AM
until I read your edit about theymos. In his boundless rage, he kicked me off DT1 too. Tongue
Cry me a river, I've been off DT1 for 4 months!
I'm starting to think I'm blacklisted

Relax, boys Smiley As being part of the smaller ranking of clown cartel (aka DT2), I invite you both to embark in my small clown car. I always lived in this car so I don't know how cozy is the other one. Now I am sure it's way smaller than the one you used to drive but I am happy to share all the available space with you.
2697  Other / Meta / Re: Proposal: Rename the "Press" board to "Spammer of the Month" board on: December 02, 2021, 10:47:36 PM
CoinIdol News, JessicaVL, CryptoBry, acquafredda, Vladdirescu87, the list is endless. Somehow, CoinIdol News still isn't banned yet.

Honestly, I've got tired of reporting the above mentioned... As o_e_l_e_o said, I observed it's useless... At some point I remember that even CoinIdol News' boss got involved in here, asking why her bot's posts are deleted (facepalm).

Having a "press" website myself, I could moderate the board (not for free though - don't have time for most nonprofit endeavors these days) since I can tell if a page (source) is up to journalistic standards or not.

I'll make a counter offer2 (don't take it personal, NotATether Smiley): I am willing myself to moderate that board for free. It causes too much pain.

If anyone in charge is interested, I would do it under some conditions / guidelines:
- I would not allow topics simply quoting a URL without trying to open any real discussion about the subject
- I would do, in my free time, a thorough check through all topics (this may take months or even years) and delete the junk
- I would suggest to allow posting only the users with a specific rank (let's say Full Members?)
- I would suggest to remove signatures from that board
- I'd be open to suggestions from other users signaling a shitty topic1)
- I'd try to enforce these guidelines:

These general guidelines should help keep the board usable:

  • Create a new thread for each new link
  • Begin each thread with article date, YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • Thread title should usefully summarize the link.  julz has suggested DATE-SITE-HEADLINE format, but use your best judgement.
  • Duplicate links, off-topic, and meta discussions may be moderated (locked or whatever the mods prefer)
  • Post a link to the NEW articles thread.

- I'd try to enforce this description: "Notable press hits"; obviously, this would mean the allowed articles will be affected by my subjectivity
- I'd do all these in the limits of my free time.

1) I am not asking for a rank of Moderator by doing this, only for a powerful "Delete" button within the respective section. I am not sure how this will work out, considering that my free time is currently a rara avis since my baby was born (  Roll Eyes ) but I think it'll be something better than nothing. With all due respect to jgarzik, considering his absence since more than 1 year, it's hard to keep that board clean without a constant monitoring. Not that it matters too much on this subject, but I just observed that he has a negative feedback from gmaxwell.

2) In case many users would object to this proposal, I will step back and I will apologize.

To sum-up, if theymos reads this, I am willing to do a free service, on my free time, in order to help the forum. I am not making this post for merits; I am merely trying to give a hand of help on a matter which caused me enough irritation as well until now and I am sure it's a big pain for many others...

If my proposal is accepted, I'd gladly try to help. If it's not accepted -- at least I tried. If it's accepted but I will see myself that I am unable to perform the duty (due to various reasons but, most likely, due to lack of time; nevertheless, I may find myself incompetent for the respective job; or, other issues may appear, hindering me in moderating Press board) then I will inform that I have to cease doing it due to the respective reason...
2698  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Concursuri/tombole pe bitcointalk (sau pe aprope) on: December 02, 2021, 09:29:23 PM

My bad, vazusem doar partea asta:

Shipment will be done around 5/14 days after I receive in PM shipping address from winner!

M-am si grabit, ce-i drept, pentru a nu se ocupa locurile ramase, asa ca am citit pe diagonala un pic, contrar obiceiurilor mele.

Nu sunt fan timbre... Bafta participantilor !

Nici eu nu sunt, dupa cum scriam mai sus, dar cum tot mai sus scriam, nu mai asociez interesele mele cu ale altora, asa ca am mentionat si acest concurs (la care, eu unul, nu m-am inscris) Smiley Bafta participantilor!

S-ar putea sa se inscrie NeuroticFish, care are clasorul pregatit Smiley
2699  Economy / Reputation / Re: 2K merit club :-) on: December 02, 2021, 08:47:32 PM
Congrats Royse! You entered a very select group now, as only 112 users, out of more than 3 millions managed to have 2000 merits! Well, that's something! Although we did not crossed our path too much until now (meaning that it seems we frequent different boards), I noticed your good contributions during time. Your achievement is impressive.

At same time, I noticed also that Charles-Tim surpassed the 2000 merits "barrier", and I take this opportunity for congratulating him as well.

Both of you are living examples that with constant and good activity people's appreciation is properly reflected on others' profiles. Congrats to both!
2700  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Concursuri/tombole pe bitcointalk (sau pe aprope) on: December 02, 2021, 08:16:42 PM
Avem un concurs nou!

FREE RAFFLE - ASFE COLLECTION (A stamp from everywhere... 100 countries)

Se pot castiga urmatoarele:

Please join my free raffle of ASFE Stamps. I have two identical lots ready to be sold/auctioned, and ... yes let's give for free 1 collection here on bitcointalk!

It's like a "basic" collection, a good starting point for any collector!  Around 100 countries and some different entities

likewise for Italy, there is Kingdom up to 1942 , AMG-FTT 1945 (Trieste zone A), AMG-VG 1945 (friuli venezia giulia), Republic 1946, RSI up to 1945 etc etc

Organizator: bitbollo

Poate participa oricine daca are rank mai mare de Jr. Member, cu conditia sa nu fie un cont alternativ sau unul cu red trust (banuiesc ca de de la DT, nu de la el neaparat).
Modalitate de inscriere: se alege un numar (care nu a fost deja rezervat) de la 0 la f.
Transportul: nu a detaliat de cine  este suportat.

Mai sunt doar cateva locuri libere - you snooze, you lose!
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