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61  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: Waskita (WSKT) Terancam Delisting dari Bursa (dengan Poll) on: May 26, 2024, 02:50:28 PM
...sudah pasti hal ini akan "diselamatkan" dengan cara apa pun demi nama baik, dan juga karena banyak proyek-proyek yang berjalan sekarang masih dipegang WSKT sehingga perlu disuntik agar tidak mandek. Dan kalau saya lihat jumlah utang mereka di Bank-bank saudara mereka, tentu ini jadi makin kacau balau kalau dibiarkan bangkrut...
Ada kabar kalau Waskita ini akan dimerger dengan Hutama Karya karena Menkeu sudah malas menyuntik dana ke Waskita Cheesy
Tapi pertanyaannya bagaimana nasib pemegang saham ketika terjadi merger tsb, apakah akan menguap begitu saja saham WSKT ini? Bisa jadi nanti hanya publik (pemilik saham WSKT) yang dikorbankan dengan delisting. Jadi nanti perusahaannya merger, kemudian utang ke Bank-Bank juga masih akan dilunasi dengan entitas baru tsb.

Kalau itu beneran terjadi maka reputasi market saham Indo bisa turun...
62  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: Bea Cukai on: May 25, 2024, 11:52:01 AM
Untuk PPh, saya kurang paham sih mas apakah untuk bisnis saja atau pribadi juga dikenakan untuk kategori MFN, karena tidak ada info pengecualian, jadi pada itung2an tersebut saya masukkan saja CMIIW.
Setelah ane pelajari ternyata memang kena PPh, jadi PPh akan berlaku secara umum yang artinya ga ngeliat mau dipakai sendiri atau dijual lagi ketika barang harganya sudah melewati 1500 USD atau termasuk produk yang dikenai tarif MFN. Jadi walaupun belom 1500 USD tetap kena PPh kalau masuk jenis komoditas MFN.

Yang contoh perhitungan di sini tidak kena PPh karena bukan MFN:
Apa saja yang termasuk komoditas MFN:
63  Local / Marketplace (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: [GRATIS Sharing & Konsultasi] Produksi/Optimasi Channel Youtube on: May 24, 2024, 03:20:45 PM
Agan @Antonas1 masih aktif?
Ane mau bikin channel memasak nih rencananya, untuk optimasi awal kek bikin nama channel gitu ada rumusnya ngga? Ngaruh ngga di search Youtube? Thanks.
64  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: Bea Cukai on: May 24, 2024, 03:11:11 PM
Saya mencoba untuk mencari info mengenai perubahan peraturan Bea Cukai, yang saya temukan adalah perubahan pada 2023 yang dimuat oleh website Pos Indonesia yang secara ringkas seperti ini: ...
Terimakasih udah ngasi infoh ini, lumayan jadi tau ane.

nah, sekarang untuk gift, anggap saja barang kita kaos dan topi, dengan valuasi $40, harusnya rinciannya adalah
bea masuk $10, $4.4 PPN, $4 PPH, dengan total $18.4, harusnya sekitar Rp295.400, ini berdasarkan penilaian dengan persentase tertinggi untuk kategori fashion dan dengan nilai tukar saat ini. sedangkan waktu itu saya diminta 400K, berarti dibuat valuasi yang tinggi donk, padahal berdasarkan data wholesaler mungkin antara $2 - $20 , masa iya sekelas polkadog saat itu kaosnya senilai jersey $80 Cheesy
Loh masih ada PPh? Bukannya PPh 22 cuma buat impor buat bisnis aja ya? Bukan untuk pemakaian pribadi. Itu angka 400rb didapat dari mana ya? Apa harga barangnya lebih dari $40?
65  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Jose Mourinho Next Job (Season 2024/2025) on: May 24, 2024, 02:50:00 PM
Should this even be a thread to start? Lol.
YES! I'd rather discuss the GOAT than gambling problems Tongue

Seeing the odds which are quite tempting, I am even confused about which choice to make if I want to bet on Jose Mourinho where he will go...
The odds are tempting because it's difficult to predict where he will go. The odds also will change sharply after some insiders have the info IMO, so keep monitoring the odds fluctuation if you want to play.

bet365's Steve Freeth said: "From 10.15 until 10.50 this morning, every single bet we took on the next Chelsea manager was on Jose Mourinho, which goes against the grain of the reports of Chelsea wanting a young and dynamic manager.

"In that time his odds plummeted from 40/1 into 2/1 favourite."

Newcastle is indeed a team that is developing, but I have not seen any strong rumors about Newcastle management's interest in recruiting Jose Mourinho.
Not recently, but the news was there this season several times since the current Newcastle coach is crap.
You know, oil tycoon -> big money club -> Mourinho, just like Chelsea did.
66  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Waskita (WSKT) Terancam Delisting dari Bursa (dengan Poll) on: May 22, 2024, 05:44:38 PM
Waskita adalah BUMN karya dengan utang paling besar, yaitu 84,1T atau 87% terhadap aset. BUMN Karya ini sebelumnya telah gagal bayar bunga obligasi (utang) pada 5 Mei 2023 sehingga pada 8 Mei 2023 saham WSKT dibekukan bursa dan tidak diperdagangkan kembali sampai saat ini. Bursa memberikan waktu 2 tahun untuk WSKT bisa berbenah, kalau tidak bakal ditendang pada 8 Mei 2025.[1] Untuk yang dulu main saham pastinya tau WSKT karena dulu sempet seksi, bahkan Vanguard adalah pemegang saham terbesar kedua WSKT setelah Pemerintah RI.[2]

Permasalahan WSKT ini tentunya pada pengelolaan karena proyek (revenue) sudah otomatis didapat karena BUMN karya adalah rekanan dari pemerintah untuk pembangunan berbagai proyek. Letak permasalahan tentunya adalah korupsi yang bahkan ada dugaan laporan keuangan WSKT ini "palsu" alias diulik-ulik agar keliatan bagus.[3] Kalau dulu yang jadi kasus adalah Enron, sekarang ga perlu jauh-jauh, ada di WSKT Grin

Yang bikin tambah ruwet adalah WSKT utang-utangnya banyak di Bank BUMN... Ada BNI (7,51T + 312,86M), Mandiri (4,56T + 3,39T), BRI (2,64T + 1,19T), dan BSI (2,04T).[4] Kalau galbay bisa dibayangkan dampaknya bagi bank-bank BUMN tsb.

Pertanyaannya adalah apakah endingnya pemerintah bakal membailout WSKT sehingga segar kembali ataukah dibiarkan bangkrut? Adilkah kalau dibailout negara?

67  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [Q&A] Tanya Jawab Seputar Forum Disini/Ask about this forum here! on: May 22, 2024, 01:25:57 PM
Bitcointalk juga masih menggunakan SMF versi 1.1.19, kalau saya lihat pernyataan dari admin sih nampaknya tidak ada tag [spoiler] bahkan di menu help:
Hoo berarti memang tidak ada, dan forum yang pakai SMF dulu ketika ane morum random ya tentunya menggunakan mod.
Ane belum pernah pakai SMF, tapi untuk CMS forum lain macam Vbulletin dan PHPFusion kalau install mod itu sangat mudah... Harusnya untuk menerapkan mod spoiler di SMF ya hanya butuh effort sedikit.

Dulu pernah juga nyoba-nyoba di HP namun mandek dan gak ngerti juga ngoperasikannya, apa lagi ini agak teknis dan harus paham setidaknya basic software dan bagaimana cara menggunakan repositery langsung dari github. Saya fork langsung pun bingung apa yang harus di lakukan, di discord pun sering dapat notif kalau ada yang pull request namun ya tidak ada pengembangan lebih lanjut. Terakhir commits saya lihat 3 tahun lalu, jadi ya sepertinya tidak serius,
Ini mau ngapain? Coba softwarenya aja, install localhost/server sendiri, atau ikut development?
Kalau mau nyobain tinggal buka aja. Kalau mau install sendiri juga ga perlu forking AFAIK, tinggal download-install dependencies ama releasenya aja.
68  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: Pentingnya Memahami Kekayaan Bersih (Net Worth) on: May 22, 2024, 12:53:45 PM
Mau sedikit diskusi gan, kekayaan bersih bukan dari jumlah aset dikurangi jumlah utang, tetapi ketika jumlah aset lebih besar dibandingkan dengan jumlah utang. Jadi bukan selisih antara jumlah aset dan jumlah utang gan tetapi selama jumlah aset lebih besar dari jumlah utang itu disebut kekayaan bersih. Itu seinget saya dulu pernah mendengar di salah satu seminar gan.
Yang ngasi seminar dijitak aja gan, karena net worth atau kekayaan bersih itu tidak selalu positif. Coba cari di google tentang "negative net worth" atau "kekayaan bersih negatif" dan apa maknanya Grin

Mungkin yang dia maksud adalah bukan dari segi istilah akademik, ya memang ada benarnya kalau kekayaan bersih negatif (atau nol) itu ya seseorang bisa dikatakan ga punya kekayaan (dari segi orang awam).

Emang bener sihh gan orang yang pendapatan 10jt tidak selalu lebih kaya dibandingkan dengan orang yang pendapatannya 5jt. Itu karena pengeluaran masing-masing orang berbeda-beda. Ibaran pendapatan 10jt tapi kebutuhannya tinggi seperti bayar cicilan, biaya sekolah anak, makan di resto mewah, dll dibandingkan dengan pendapatan 5jt tetapi pengeluaran sedikit tidak punya cicilan, makan seadanya, punya tabungan, dll itu bisa dibilang mereka seimbang atau setara.
Betul tidak selalu, makanya sebaiknya dinilai dengan kekayaan bersih agar akurat x lebih kaya dari y.
Tujuannya apa? Agar kita tahu dan bisa mengambil keputusan yang bisa meningkatkan kekayaan.
69  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: The Pattern that 99.9% Leads to Bankruptcy: High Rolling on Slots! on: May 22, 2024, 12:27:08 PM
I just experience a week ago by bet $0.2/spin on Sugar Rush pragmatic slot. I just have remaining capital of $2. but with that time, I just won $50 and withdraw $30 and left $20 to play again. but (maybe I bit greedy) I raise from 0.2 to $1, afterwards I lose that all, and get a lesson if we want play the slot, better to just play minimal bet, so the capital it doesn't run out quickly, and have the chance to multiple it again.
That's an unusual style of play Grin
Usually, people use the entire $50 if they want to increase the bet. But you only had $20 left and tried to do $1 per spin... Well, it's only 20 spins, so unless you have godly luck, your balance will deplete rather quickly.
70  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: [ POLL ] The Unification Fight: FURY vs USYK 18th MAY 2024 re-scheduled on: May 20, 2024, 07:41:09 AM
My opinion was the same as most of the voters here, but I guess Fury was just too lazy. He has everything: technique, reach, height, and weight, but if he's too lazy to train, then he has nothing. The signs were there, starting with his sluggish performance against Ngannou when he could have easily beaten him if he had trained well. Instead, he was in trouble! If and only if Fury isn't injured and spends the rest of the months training like hell, then he still has a chance to get his revenge.
71  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Jose Mourinho Next Job (Season 2024/2025) on: May 20, 2024, 06:20:29 AM
It's fun to watch at this overview, but I think there might be little to no substance to that....
...I don't know how this list was composed and how the odds were made up.
This is not the first time Mourinho has bet on it, and surprisingly here:
Tottenham was in the top 6 of the list, so perhaps people's guesses were somewhat accurate?!
IIRC during the last hours of the announcement, the odds were heavily in favor of Tottenham, so I guess people knew the decision even before the announcement.
72  Other / Off-topic / Re: Floyd Mayweather detained in Dubai due to gambling debts? on: May 18, 2024, 05:03:03 PM
I did not see anywhere that says he is in gambling dept of $100 million. I only saw $$$$ and the amount was not stated. Where did you see $100 million?
Well OP stated it:
Floyd "Money" Mayweather is possibly in debt of $100M

LoL anyway, I missed the Dubai = Saudi. It's in UAE. No chance of detaining and stuff since UAE basically is a US puppet.
73  Other / Off-topic / Re: Floyd Mayweather detained in Dubai due to gambling debts? on: May 18, 2024, 03:39:57 PM
According to various posts on the internet, he has a net worth of at least $400 million, so being unable to pay $100 million seems strange. If the news is true, he just needs to sell some of his mansions and other assets, so it shouldn't be a big problem. FYI, he earned $300 million fighting McGregor in 2018 and more than $1 billion in his entire career.

Regarding gambling in Saudi Arabia, perhaps he played with oil kingpins. Since he is a U.S. citizen, there's little chance of him getting punished.
74  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Can democracy really work here in Africa on: May 18, 2024, 05:18:05 AM
Democracy can work anywhere; however, it isn't the cure for all problems. It all comes back to the quality of the people involved. If you put incompetent people in charge, you'll get poor results. Whatever system you use, you need to have freedom confined by law and order. Some countries in the past experienced tyrannical governments first to establish law and order, leading to improvements in education and economic growth. Eventually, people became dissatisfied with the tyrannical regime, brought it down, and moved to democracy.
75  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [Q&A] Tanya Jawab Seputar Forum Disini/Ask about this forum here! on: May 18, 2024, 04:58:00 AM
Buat mata ane yang sudah lelah, penanda tsb kurang jelas karena cuma panah kecil. Sebagai contoh kalau misalnya ane ngelink postingan ini, ketika ane ngescroll-ngescroll juga luput juga kadang. Tujuannya memang bagus sih, cuma implementasinya masih kurang mantab kalau dari mata ane.

Fitur lainnya seperti adanya fungsi hidden pada kolom Quote maupun Code, sehingga secara estetika tampilan postingan bisa terlihat lebih rapi dan bagus.
Fitur ini ada di SMF jadul pakai tag [spoiler][/spoiler] dan sepertinya masih ada di 1.1.19 namun sepertinya memang mimin ga suka fitur tsb atau mungkin ada potensi abuse dan security?!
76  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: Isu Jumlah Kementerian Bertambah Dari 34 Menjadi 40 di Era Prabowo on: May 17, 2024, 05:55:29 PM
Kemaren Pak Gemoy wawancara di Qatar Economic Forum dan kalau ngedengerin paparan dari video-video lainnya, yang ane tangkap adalah program makan siang gratis itu adalah salah satu destinasi final untuk food estate. Jadi gini, negara mendorong produksi bahan makanan yang hasilnya dipakai untuk program makan siang gratis. Jadi ini nanti secara artificial hasil produksi makanan tsb bisa laku terjual... ya yang beli juga pemerintah sendiri. Hal ini ngeri juga, karena bisa jadi:
(1) Program food estate gagal -> ga cukup buat jadi makan siang -> beli juga impor dsb -> boncos duit
(2) Program food estate berhasil -> banyak bahan makanan; tapi makan siang gratis gagal -> surplus bahan makanan gak laku -> rusak pasar
(3) Dua duanya gagal Grin
77  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Jose Mourinho Next Job (Season 2024/2025) on: May 17, 2024, 05:42:55 PM
Jose Mourinho didn't have a trophy-less season in Italy. He led Giallorossi to the first-ever UEFA Conference League title and also slightly missed the Europa League finals when they lost in the finals. He has been criticized by some fans and sports pundits about his defensive football style which has produced less entertaining football. I think he improved in his style Roma and should have been given more time.
Well, if he's happy with a 3rd Tier trophy then he's already a washed-up manager Grin
I thought Mou could bring Roma to the Champions League, but a PPM of 1.70 is bad, and it's even worse than Spurs (1.77 PPM). Compared to Pep's lowest PPM of 2.34, Mou's last two clubs were crap.

I personally want to see him as a pundit. I'm not a believer of his coaching method in this modern time, but he sure makes a lot of memorable speeches so I would like to see more of him on the media even if he no longer coaches.
Yeah, I watched him a lot and he's a great pundit/media personality. But it's a waste since football is more interesting with Mou's antics.
I don't think he'll coach in Saudi though, it's bad if he coaches in the "farmer league." It hurts his ego!

There is a presidential election at Fenerbahçe. It is said that both president candidates have talked to Mourinho. Fenerbahçe can't manage to become champions for 10 years and the fans don't have any patience left.As a Fenerbahçe fan I would like to see Mourinho managing the team. However I have serious worries that this might cause the team to be in a difficult condition financially.
Not sure Fenerbahçe can pay his salary though... But the league is better than Saudi (IMO) so the possibility is still there.
78  Economy / Gambling discussion / Jose Mourinho Next Job (Season 2024/2025) on: May 15, 2024, 02:22:05 PM
The GOAT manager currently has no club. With the decline in his rating, more people are saying that his methods are outdated, and after a recent title-less season in England and Italy, can he still land a big job? Or will he be content with a mediocre team or even a less prestigious job such as in the Saudi league or a national team?

Here's the odds from oddschecker (only Skybet):
Any Saudi Pro League side 4/5
Fenerbahce 5/2
Newcastle 5
Chelsea 5
Liverpool 12
Portugal national team 14
Bayern Munich 12
England national team 16
FC Porto 16
Napoli 16
Barcelona 16
Borussia Dortmund 25
Any MLS side 20
Ajax 25
Nottingham Forest 33
Sporting Lisbon 20
West Ham 20
Crystal Palace 33
Inter Milan 50
Man Utd 16
Tottenham 50
Benfica 20
Juventus 50
Arsenal 50

From the above data, it seems that people think Mou will go to Saudi Arabia, and surprisingly, the second choice is Fenerbahce. Is the Special One now a washed-up manager who can only get bad jobs? As a Mourinho believer, I still think he deserves to coach in the Premier League, preferably Newcastle. What do you think?
79  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Accessing gambling sites only on desktop as a means to prevent addiction on: May 14, 2024, 05:29:57 PM
What about me, who gambles 99.9% of the time via desktop? Cheesy
But I do agree that the idea is to limit your playing sessions, which leads to you doing something else. The key here is to keep your mind busy with productive activities since gambling is basically just like playing video games. In addition to limiting your playing time, it would be best to limit your budget as well.
80  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Did gambling losses are traps to new game on: May 14, 2024, 05:22:13 PM
The system is "tailored" to "trap" gamblers in various ways. Whether winning or losing, as long as they like the game, they'll continue playing. For example, I mostly lost at slots, so losing shouldn't be a big deal for me. However, recently I had a lucky month where I mostly withdrew with profits. Then I played again and lost, and since I craved big wins, I deposited again and again and burned most of my profits...

It's easy to preach "have some self-control" LoL.
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