I'm throwing money at my monitor but it's not working!
Ok stop now this is not funny, I demand you stop with the colours and borders lol. At least you have not used Comic Sans yet. On a more serious note, any chance of showing GBP metrics too?
I support comic sans ms. Please use it on the site, then it would be perfection.
Did you guys notice an update was pushed out today? What is it? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you wonder why there haven't been updates for a long time? Do you wonder why version 0.6 never made it out of beta?
It's probably because you didn't donate to support the BAMT developer.
1PoRYaGS56ksQmK7XXLurW3B2zwCAE8PRc We donated 30 BTC to make the new version and now there isn't even a home page for our ad to display on.
0100110001100101011101000010011101110011001000000111010101110011011001010010000 0010110000100001001000011001011100010000001010100011010000110100101110011001000 0001101001011100110010000001110100011011110110111100100000011010000110000101110 0100110010000100000011101000110111100100000011100100110010101100001011001000010 1110
Did you guys even watch the thing?
He totally butchered Bitcoin. He said no one should ever buy them.
So... does it seem to anyone that their hardware is extremely underutilized and their software is inefficient?
4x 8 core CPUs and shit tons of RAM should be able to handle more than 1 transaction per second.
....aaaaand it's gone?
Did Oanda take it down?
This is insanity! No reason for this!!!!
wait, doesn't BTC-Guild mergemine automatically?
my question is.. if the queue is constantly increasing, are they processing any of them?
If it's 15500 today, and 16500 tomorrow.. does that mean 1000 extra people are now in line, or did they process 1000 today and there is actually another 2000 that got in line?
I wish we knew how many per day they are actually doing.
CoinURL got a major server enhancement! 500% power! GOGOGOGO!
Only an idiot would refuse to sell at $150.
I guess I'm an idiot then. I won't sell before $1000000 is reached. I don't believe you understand the question. I am willing to sell 50% of my bitcoins for:
I am willing to sell as many Bitcoins as I own for $150. Refusing to do so is like refusing a free ounce of gold because "gold price is going up". But there are like 1 million ounces of gold for every bitcoin..
His project is open source too, see the bottom of the page. I think this is one of the best things to happen to Bitcoin yet. I love it.
How many confirms? I deposited and nothing is showing... at 6 confirms now.
Same here.
Over 100 signups in the last 24 hours!
CoinURL has surpassed 10,000 user accounts!
But when I change the game type, the multipliers don't change?