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1  Local / Майнеры / Re: Рейтинг российских майнинг компаний on: October 05, 2024, 08:21:58 PM
Регулирование в том числе способствует пересмотру нефтегазовыми компаниями своих стратегий с упором на поиск синергии с российскими майнерами. Фактически дополнительный стимул получит полезная утилизация попутного нефтяного газа (ПНГ) через дата-центры для майнинга.
Если на текущий момент майнинг в России потребляет свыше 2,5 ГВт, то в США - более 7 ГВт. На горизонте двух-трех лет, благодаря собственной генерации и использованию попутного нефтяного газа, российские майнеры могут выйти в лидеры, оставив США позади.
Неудивительно, что на днях агентство Bloomberg вновь обратило внимание на отрасль промышленного майнинга России. Американские журналисты, как и власти США, признают успехи российских майнеров, а также преимущества России в сфере добычи криптовалют. Нам остается развивать этот успех, и у нас наконец появится шанс догнать и перегнать Америку.
2  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: Direct contract with power suppliers will help miners save cost on: October 05, 2024, 08:17:36 PM
The best method for miners to have a profitable mining is to travel. Don't stick with your country, move around and you'll find a great deal. For example, in Georgia, Electricity price is exclusively one of the cheapest for BitFury. They are paying 0.05$ per 1kw/h. I bet you can't find such a good deal in the UK, Germany, Canada, USA. They are the direct purchasers of electricity, so OP as you said, that will help everyone to save on electricity but you have to be a very big miner to get such a good deal. If you are that big miner, then move your miners in other countries and find a better deal, that's my advice to everyone. As far as I know, Russia and Kazakhstan also have good electricity rates but to be honest, if you want to get such a good deal, you have to have someone in the government. It's a little bit dark area.
There's a power shortage in Georgia right nowм  (RU)

Its government has plans to provide the country with its own electricity by 2030.  (RU)
Overall, don't get me wrong but Russian resources are not reliable resources to read about Georgia.

What do you mean in shortage? The fact that we import some electricity? That's not a problem, if there is a need, we will import as much as we want but I'll tell you what's the problem. In reality, there shouldn't be any shortage but it's created artificially for Bitcoin and crypto mining businesses. We provide Abkhazia with free electricity which they use for crypto mining (very stupid from us), we provide free electricity to mountainous areas and people who live there use that free electricity to mine crypto. Then there is BitFury which owns two very large mining data centres and uses a big portion of the total electricity. If anyone wants to start a mining business, this country is ideal. No shortage is going to affect them in the mining business.
I do not claim that this article is 100% true, but the author of the article quotes Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze as saying that there is a shortage of electricity.

This article goaways that currently mining in Russia consumes over 2.5 GW, while in the US it consumes over 7 GW.

If you read this thread, you will probably agree with the data for Russia

Show please Georgian sources on power consumption by Georgian miners.

3  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: BITMAIN Antminer S9 on: October 05, 2024, 08:04:26 PM
You can swap the firmware and use pretty much whatever wattage you like.

I've got one that is submerged in mineral oil with a pump loop & silent fans.. It's literally silent.

I really should plug it back in...
You can only use such an asic only when you have free electricity.
You can even without firmware update remove 1 board with chips and reduce power consumption.
4  Local / Майнеры / Re: Статистика рынка продаж видеокарт on: October 04, 2024, 02:50:48 PM
да ну можно, но блин, ради пятака морочиться... мне лень Smiley
ну не, тут я не согласен. были карты, спросил "надо?" сказали "давай, если не жалко". ну и отдал. а продавать дешевле, потому что бедные это сразу лесом. это в 90% перекупы, как я понимаю. почти гарантированно увидишь свои карты в 2 раза дороже в скором времени на том же авито.
гпу товар ликвидный, особенно 1070. у кого денег нет, их покупает и нахаляву любой возьмет даже в убитом состоянии.
основные покупатели такого, молодежь 12-18 лет и с ними нет проблем общаться.
у меня забрали в возрасте 30-40 лет мужики. кто себе, кто детям. не то, чтобы им особо надо было тоже. ну не чужим людям отдавал, так что пофик.

У меня совсем "древние" 1650 и 2060 и 3060, но брал немного, чисто для эксперимента, подбирал те, что не греются, что поначалу не спалить.
В целом 1650 и 2060 вообще огонь, почти не грелись, особенно 2060, они прям вообще топчик были.
В целом согласен с маком, что может еще надо подождать немного, месяц или около того, чтобы к ноябрю-декабрю все выставить, но я так понимаю по ценам карты эти на 15-20 тянут видимо не больше.
2060, 3060 должны достаточно легко уйти, а вот с 1650 сложно думаю. это затычка в кома офисный по нынешним меркам. у меня такая на работе кажется стоит Smiley
Ну я так и подумал, на край 1650 себе оставлю, как офисник или запасной комп собрать можно, всегда покатит. Надежда еще на рост курса и общий тупеж нвидиа, я так понимаю там новые карты стоят конских денег но по обзор они не очень, к тому же я брал "холодные" карты, чтобы продать.
Как раз по 3060 у меня больше опасений, потому что они греються сильнее и их я брал на али пару штук на пробу, после pos кефира, они чет совсем недорого стоили, а вот почти все 2060 брал с 3-х летней гарантией и очень аккуратно с ними был. Даже когда флюкс копал, там температура за желтый диапазон не уходила, а осенью-зимой вообще чуть ли не 40-50 градусов была, в зеленке.

Самые народные карты - RTX 3060 и RTX 4060 самые популярные GPU среди игорьков Steam
На первом месте RTX 3060, пользовательская база которой за месяц приросла на 0,35 %. На втором месте RTX 4060 с солидной прибавкой в размере 1,13%. На третье позиции тоже RTX 4060, только в мобильном исполнении.

💭  В основном игорьки используют недорогие видеокарты. Но в топ-10 также попала и RTX 4070, занявшая десятую строку.

💳  Видеокарты от NVIDIA намного более популярны, чем GPU от AMD. Самый популярный объём VRAM - 8 ГБ
5  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: BITMAIN Antminer S9 on: October 04, 2024, 02:42:39 PM
Here it is easier to wash car steles in the parking lot and earn more in 1-2 days without investment, than to fight with the noise of the asic for a year

This is a bad comparison, in fact, in many countries, working for 1-2 day would get you more money than a miner would make in a month, but there is a difference between investment and work, what other somehow safe investment can get you ROI in less than a year? probably none, unless you invest in se shit coin that might make you lose everything.
For me, mining is not an investment. If I buy bitcoin and wait for a price of 100000- 1M, it is an investment.

If I buy a miner or other equipment with my own money and mine the coins, then it's self-employment or business, not work.
It will be work when I monitor and maintain someone else's equipment and get a fixed salary.

So from my point of view buying any equipment is a business, on which I spend my time every week and for 1 year of such expenses in business I will only return my 75 dollars and will be left with useless junk, the price of which will be no more than 15 dollars, if it does not break.
So from a business point of view, it is better to spend on a rag and shampoo to wash the windows of the cars of customers, and the profit will be on the first day Smiley
6  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: New Historical Profitability Calculator for Bitcoin Miners on: October 04, 2024, 02:15:02 PM
By "add a lot of models," do you mean more ASIC types? We already cover all SHA-256 units, including 11 different S9 variants. Expanding into other algorithms isn’t on the radar yet.

Or do you mean allowing users to select multiple models (not just one) for aggregated analysis? That’s something we’re considering as a paid feature.

Competition isn’t our focus right now. Our tool is backward-looking, using exact historical data, while others focus on snapshots or projections—different use cases.

Your idea to sort miners by BTC revenue for a selected period (instead of alphabetically) is definitely achievable - thinking of the best way to implement that.

I have already written to you how I see the ideal calculator, but you can also ask other miners and be sure to ask philipma1957.

Why should miners pay for something they can get for free?

Asics for Bitcoin are mainly bought by industrial miners. And for home use, they usually buy ASICs for altcoins.
If you do not want to add these ASICs, you will lose a lot of traffic.

Industrial miners mainly use their real data and not calculators.

In my opinion, such sites should earn money from affiliate programs and advertising, there will be very few clients for paid services.
7  Local / Майнеры / Re: Сектор ИИ превзойдет майнинг по ээ on: October 04, 2024, 02:00:58 PM
Повсеместное внедрение искусственного интеллекта (ИИ) потребовало от центров обработки данных (ЦОД) значительного наращивания мощностей, что также привело к росту потребления ими электроэнергии. Согласно прогнозам McKinsey, опубликованным в докладе «Глобальная энергетическая перспектива на 2024 год», к 2050 г. дата-центры будут формировать до 9% мирового спроса на электроэнергию. При этом возможный дефицит генерации может затормозить строительство новых ЦОД и уже сегодня заставляет их владельцев сосредоточиться на повышении эффективности оборудования.
Согласно прогнозам компании, к 2050 г. на ЦОД будет приходиться от 2500 до 4500 тераватт-часов (ТВт·ч), или 5–9% мирового спроса на электроэнергию по сравнению с 1,5% в 2023 г. При этом, констатируют авторы исследования, в период с 2023 по 2050 г. потребление электроэнергии в мире в целом может более чем удвоиться в пессимистичном сценарии и почти утроиться — при оптимистичном. То есть за «новую» энергию придется побороться.

Эту тенденцию подтверждают и другие исследования. Например, Международное энергетическое агентство в июне опубликовало прогноз, согласно которому уже к 2026 г. центры обработки данных могут потреблять 620–1050 ТВт·ч электроэнергии, что сопоставимо с показателями небольших стран. На ЦОДы, сообщает МЭА, уже в 2022 г. приходилось 1,5-5% мирового потребления электроэнергии — и это до того, как начался бум запусков платформ ИИ.
8  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: New Historical Profitability Calculator for Bitcoin Miners on: October 03, 2024, 11:40:12 AM
If you make this service for yourself and share it with other users, that's fine. But if you want to compete with other services, you need to add more models. Miners are very lazy, they don't like complex solutions.

I've added your calculator to the list

thanks for adding the tool to the list!
Following your advise, for lazy miners I have just added all 149 models SHA-256 (sourced from here: - I will optimise the code to make fetching faster.
I really appreciate your input!
If you want to compete with other calculators, you will have to add a lot of models. Some miners still use S9 asics.

I like these 2 interfaces. Well there are 2 things missing here Estimated ROI and MSRP.

If they added that, these would be the perfect calculators. Then I would be able to see the fastest paying off asics from the huge amount of offers.
9  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: BITMAIN Antminer S9 on: October 03, 2024, 11:25:22 AM
I think it's bad from a business standpoint here. Paying back 75 dollars in a year or 200 dollars in a year is ridiculous.

Getting your investment return in a year is way better than 99.99% of businesses out there, at least the legal ones, although, I'd argue, that a 1 year ROI beats most of the illegal business ideas, so values aside (be it $75 or $200), the ROI is exceptionally short.

I do agree with going with GPUs rather than a single old S9 that would likely die very soon, although, income-wise, we know BTC is a lot more saturated than all the other coins, so the 30 cents income from S9 is almost impossible to drop to 15 cents in 1-2 years time, whereby the $1 income from GPU can drop to 50 cents in a single week.
Unfortunately it can't be called an investment because the author of this thread only has 800 watts of free or very cheap power. In mining, the main expenses go to electricity, and in such conditions the miner has almost zero costs.
Here it is easier to wash car steles in the parking lot and earn more in 1-2 days without investment, than to fight with the noise of the asic for a year
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: 50kw Solar daytime only Mining Project on: October 03, 2024, 11:16:49 AM
According to that S19j @  $300 will ROI in 75 days if mining 24/7 but since I'm only mining 1/3 of the day its more like 225 days.
How long will an $4000 S21 take to ROI and how many S19 can I buy for $4000?

I'm looking at this from a totally different angle.

Also this is more of a, can it be done project, I'm not expecting to get rich but if it can make profit I know I'm on to something interesting.
I think you're counting the payback incorrectly. You only count the cost of asics, but do not count the cost of investment in solar panels and equipment.
In 225 days you will have recouped your investment in the asics, but what value will those asics have in 225 days?
As an option for gaining experience it's a good idea, but investing in such equipment is definitely not about business.
11  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: BITMAIN Antminer S9 on: October 02, 2024, 06:13:45 PM
This is the dumbest idea I've seen in mining lately. If you have power and voltage limitations, it is better to use video cards. It is safer and even better in terms of profit.
Someone wants to cheat a rookie miner someone or a rookie wants to cheat himself.

lets analyze numbers 75 dollars. doing 7 th on a braiins downclock pulling 600 watts of free power.

7th is about 30 cents a day or 30 dollars in a hundred days or 109.50 usd in a year.
cost is 75 bucks.  so break even in about 8-9 months.

if he is usa based i could send him a mobo and five 480 gpus.

for 200 bucks.

it would earn a dollar a day if power is free.  he could point it to nicehash and get paid in btc

it would be pretty quiet and burn 600 watts.

payback about 6.5-7 months

i am not sure which one I would do with free power at say 600-700 watts

I would say 75 bucks is not terrible as compared to 200.

but once the two hundred days pass. the gpus are likely better.

having done both of these things I know a proper setup of the s-9 will run with very little issues.

I do think he could get the s9 cheaper.

I would send him one of mine if he was close to New Jersey so shipping would be cheap. Maybe 50 bucks if he is not far from 07731 zip code.

I think it's bad from a business standpoint here. Paying back 75 dollars in a year or 200 dollars in a year is ridiculous. I write a year because we have to take into account the increase in complexity, but it's not that important.
Since there are 5-6 video cards in the farm, if one of them breaks down, he will continue mining, and if the asics break down, the experiment will be over quickly.
And unfortunately, the knowledge that a miner will get when using an old asic will be irrelevant in the future. With video cards his experience will be more useful if he uses locations with small capacity limits.
12  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: New Historical Profitability Calculator for Bitcoin Miners on: October 02, 2024, 06:04:30 PM
If you make this service for yourself and share it with other users, that's fine. But if you want to compete with other services, you need to add more models. Miners are very lazy, they don't like complex solutions.

I've added your calculator to the list
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: 50kw Solar daytime only Mining Project on: October 02, 2024, 05:56:09 PM
I realize that these asics are very cheap now, but the problem is that the profit is very low and it's dropping every day.
Large companies are constantly buying modern asics, and your profit will fall every day. I am sure that with such equipment you will have problems with ROI.
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: What is the best cloud mining site? on: October 02, 2024, 05:47:53 PM
What is the best cloud mining site?

I mean which sites are verified, because there are many fake sites!
If you can't mine, then buy coins.
Try to count those coins that are very expensive to mine now and maybe you will get lucky.

15  Local / Альтернативные криптовалюты / Re: Есть ли еще кошельки с POS-алгоритмом? on: October 01, 2024, 10:17:55 AM
У клор есть кошелек со стейкингом, найдете в последних постах темы
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: GRAM mining on: October 01, 2024, 10:15:02 AM
GRAM mining is officially over

Eight months after the launch of Gram, the decision has been made to end the mining experiment and burn all PoW Givers tokens.

Burned : $2,520,958,617 $GRAM ($8,500,000)
Remaining tokens : $2,469,183,669 $GRAM

Market capitalisation : $18.4 million -> $9.12 million.

GRAM mining is officially complete. Thank you to everyone who participated in this exciting experiment.
17  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: BITMAIN Antminer S9 on: October 01, 2024, 10:09:54 AM
This is the dumbest idea I've seen in mining lately. If you have power and voltage limitations, it is better to use video cards. It is safer and even better in terms of profit.
Someone wants to cheat a rookie miner someone or a rookie wants to cheat himself.
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Zilliqa, too less shares, lowered reward? on: October 01, 2024, 10:01:05 AM
I've seen posts about crashes in mining, it seems to be fine now. Read the news in the chat rooms of mining pools.

Zilliqa Submits a Proposal to Reduce Mining Rewards by 50%

On Monday, the Zilliqa team announced via X that they had proposed halving mining rewards to incentivize the transition from Proof-of-Work (PoW) to Proof-of-Stake (PoS).

If approved, Zilliqa believes it would create urgency for stakeholders to prioritize the transition. It would also minimize disruption and facilitate smoother PoS integration. Finally, the reallocated resources will fund innovation, community engagement and potentially stabilize the ZIL token price.

Zilliqa (ZIL) is one of the world’s first blockchains being built on a sharded architecture and features smart contracts written in the platform’s proprietary programming language: Scilla. ZIL is trading at $0.01535 at press time, down 1.5% in the last 24 hours.


The coin will soon have POS mining
19  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: Direct contract with power suppliers will help miners save cost on: September 30, 2024, 08:54:08 AM
The best method for miners to have a profitable mining is to travel. Don't stick with your country, move around and you'll find a great deal. For example, in Georgia, Electricity price is exclusively one of the cheapest for BitFury. They are paying 0.05$ per 1kw/h. I bet you can't find such a good deal in the UK, Germany, Canada, USA. They are the direct purchasers of electricity, so OP as you said, that will help everyone to save on electricity but you have to be a very big miner to get such a good deal. If you are that big miner, then move your miners in other countries and find a better deal, that's my advice to everyone. As far as I know, Russia and Kazakhstan also have good electricity rates but to be honest, if you want to get such a good deal, you have to have someone in the government. It's a little bit dark area.
There's a power shortage in Georgia right nowм  (RU)

Its government has plans to provide the country with its own electricity by 2030.  (RU)

20  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: BITMAIN Antminer S9 on: September 30, 2024, 08:42:52 AM
I found what appears to be a good deal on an S9. The guy is asking $75. But it doesn't come with a power cord.

My understanding is that it can be configured to be used in a standard 110v outlet if the settings are  set to be used under 1,000watts.

My questions are:

Would this make it quieter? If so, do any of you have an idea of how loud? Decibels?

Does it produce less heat when using less watts?

Is this safe in the long run?

How much TH would it produce if I set it to say 800watts?
$75 for this junk?
In Russia it costs 20-30 dollars in a complete set.
On free power, this asic will give 30 cents of profit and make a very loud noise.
If you have free electricity at 800 watts, then buy an old AMD RX 480, which consumes 100-120 watts and gives 20 cents profit per day, if the electricity is free.
At that power you can make a mining farm of 5 video cards for $200-250.
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