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1  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Can somebody make a successful career in gambling on: November 29, 2023, 07:06:53 PM
Some of the games that they may think are good and seem to have tantalizing odds are in fact nothing more than odds, all games have odds and that means all games have no certainty except when you are lucky. Quite reasonable, I agree that if you want to win then you must be prepared to sacrifice your money in a few or dozens of attempts, so that means if you want it means you must also be prepared to lose, don't be egoistic because this is a game about luck that never escapes defeat, so you must first understand the real concept.

Building a successful career in gambling sounds too vague. What does it mean to get one big win that will bring a big jackpot, or to win a certain amount every month or week? It seems to me that this is only possible for a few players, everyone else will lose more than they win, this is what the entire gambling industry is based on. If you think differently and believe that someday you will start winning, then this is unlikely to happen by itself.

Getting a good career while gambling is impossible, but for those who really focus on gambling skills, it's not too difficult, I have a neighbor who is very good at playing baccarat, he gets a lot of money from his winnings, he even goes around to in some countries just to play baccarat, I admit that his skills are very good so he makes gambling his career, I can say that among 1:10,000, there are gamblers like this, who make gambling their job, that's because that's the only skill they have.
2  Economy / Gambling / Re: Casinos not asking for KYC to register and play, but do require it to withdraw on: November 29, 2023, 06:43:27 PM
Such information is usually written but mostly not read by gamblers. It may be quite different when the KYC request is made when the gambler registers an account or at least before making a deposit. so it might sound fairer to gamblers.
because in most online casinos, gamblers who have just created an account can usually immediately deposit their money without any warning to carry out KYC verification first. perhaps as is the case on exchange platforms.

Casino should act fair and write up that their casino is a KYC compliant platform since if they say about that they are not but at the end they ask this when certain withdrawals has been executed then they are just telling a lie or not true to their words regarding on what they right at their thread. If they are just transparent at first for sure that they will not get questioned by anybody since many will get used to it and comply especially if they see that the casino they are playing is a good option to use since this is reputable platform.

Also gamblers should not do that actions like register immediately and then play without knowing the rules since this could put them in huge harm especially if they asked a KYC by the casino they played.

If you are not careful then who else can save you from some of the dirty tricks that are deliberately created by fraudulent casino owners to gain greater profits! Topics have repeatedly appeared discussing how to pay great attention when making a deposit on a gambling site, don't let small carelessness make you fail to make a profit, read carefully the rules made by the gambling site before you make a deposit, don't be lazy.
3  Local / Topik Lainnya / Re: Jakarta Kota lawan arus on: November 29, 2023, 06:14:46 PM
Memang Jakarta terkenal ibukota yang padat penduduk, dan mayoritas penduduknya banyak mengendarai sepeda motor, tidak bisa dipungkuri bahwa banyak terjadi pelanggaran di jalanan karena ulah pemotor yang melanggar peraturan tata tertib lalulintas di jalan raya.
Hal tersebut sangat menjadi perhatian bagi pemerintah yaitu dengan cara menertibkan peraturan dengan sistem elektronik traffic law enforcement (E-TLE) saya rasa itu akan lebih efektif bagi penegakan hukum jika ada yang melanggar tat tertin dijalanan ibukota Jakarta.

sulit untuk mengatur arus lalu lintas ribuan kendaraan seperti di kota jakarta yang padat, yang ada malah polisi yang bakal kewalahan, namun sejauh ini para polisi tidak berada di tempat yang seharusnya mereka berada, seharusnya di beberapa titik di tempatkan pak polisi, namun ya gitu tadi, kebanyakan polisi lebih memilih stay di kantor saja ketimbang di suruh panas panasan di jalan. tilang elektronik tidak akan efektif dalam menekan tingkat pelanggaran lalu lintas di jakarta, butuh aturan yang cara lebih tegas lagi untuk pelanggaran lalu lintas.
4  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [NEWS] CZ Mengundurkan diri Sebagai CEO Binance on: November 29, 2023, 05:56:49 PM
Kasus yang menimpa CZ sebagai pendiri sekaligus CEO Binance kembali menjadi pukulan bagi industri kripto yang tengah dilanda banyak permasalah dan menjadi sasaran berbagai investigasi dugaan penipuan, termasuk divonis bersalahnya pendiri FTX beberapa waktu yang lalu.

Namun, walaupun CZ mengakui kesalahannya tetapi Kecil kemungkinan ia menghabiskan waktu terlalu lama di penjara AS. Karena dia masih memiliki saham di Binance, apalagi kekayaan yang dimiliki oleh CZ sangat melimpah.

Ane kira betul memang ini adalah kabar buruk bagi industri kripto. Tapi mengaitkan antara Binance dan FTX ane rasa agak janggal gitu gan. Iya keduanya sama-sama terkena masalah tapi masalah yang dihadapi keduanya itu berbeda. Yang satu maling dan penipu. Yang satu lagi memang tekanan dari beberapa pihak yang memang mungkin kurang suka dengan kripto, atau sama Binance dan CZ karena Binance bisa dibilang merupakan perusahaan besar dengan aset milliaran dollar dan yang menggugat nya adalah pihak yang enggak rela aja begitu duit sebanyak itu tapi mereka tidak kena cipratannya.

pemerintah AS sih memang gini tingkah nya gan, ketika mereka tidak kecipratan, mereka bakal mencari segala cara untuk membuat binance memberikan mereka uang besar lewat kesalahan2 binance dan CZ yang sebenarnya sudah lama mereka kantongin. CZ cukup gentlemen dia bertanggung jawab dengan semua itu, bahkan dia rela membayar denda miliaran dollar, itu uang yang sangat besar, terus apakah CEO selanjutnya binance bakal lolos dari pantauan pemerintah AS, saya yakin tidak, mereka pasti akan terus memantau terus CEO yang baru itu.
5  Local / Topik Lainnya / Re: Apa Paket Internet Terbaik Rekomendasi Kalian? on: November 28, 2023, 09:30:43 PM
benar yang di katakan agan2 lainnya, pilihan provider internet kita berbeda beda tergantung wilayah. di daerah sekitar rumah saya, justru jaringan internet XL dan Axis yang bisa berjalan lancar, beda jika menggunakan telkomsel, beh lemotnya minta ampun. tapi unutk pemakaian rumah, saya menggunakna wifi indihome, kenapa provider itu yang saya pilih, karena cuma itu aja yang ada kabelnya di daerah saya, pernah saya coba tanya MNC dan bizznet namun mereka semua mengatakan tidak ada tiang nya di sana, sejauh ini sih wifi saya lumayan lancar, hanya saja kalo telkomsel bermasalah maka wifi indihome saya juga bermasalah.
6  Local / Topik Lainnya / Sekte - Sekte Agama Aneh di Negara Kita on: November 27, 2023, 06:23:58 PM

bagaimana tanggapan kalian tentang ini gan, semakin hari mereka yang menentang Tuhan dan kepercayaan yang sudah ada selama ribuan tahun terus muncul, bahkan banyak pula yang menantang, tampaknya atheis semakin banyak, kasihan sih anak cucu kita pikiran nya jika terkontaminasi dengan orang orang sesat seperti di atas.
7  Local / Topik Lainnya / Re: Kita harus mencintai dan menikmati proses on: November 26, 2023, 10:54:58 PM
jika kita melek akan pengetahuan maka semakin jauh tertinggal dan selalu akan jadi pengangguran, tanpa kerja keras nihil ada hasil yang maksimal, terus ihtiar apapu itu usaha juga wajib fokus dengan usaha tersebut

Ketika sudah dewasa ane sangat merasakan apa itu susahnya mencari kerja dan bagaimana hinanya hidup menjadi pengangguran. Di zaman sekarang ini kita tidak bisa benar-benar mengandalkan ilmu atau cara-cara orang zaman dulu. Penting untuk terus beradaptasi dan berkembang dengan mengikuti zaman. Jika tidak maka kita akan benar-benar menjadi miskin karena di zaman sekarang ini apa-apa mahal.

semua harga kebutuhan pokok saat ini naik semua, bahkan dengan uang 50 ribu sekarang ini tidak cukup untuk membeli apapun. saya juga sudah merasakan hinanya hidup sebagai seorang pengangguran, selalu jadi bahan gunjingan orang orang apalagi jika keluarga kita memiliki musuh di dekat rumah, siap siap lah itu kena fitnah. sukses itu tidak mudah dan prosesnya juga tidak instan maka itu jika kita mudah menyerah maka tidak ada apapun yang sebenarnya kita capai, sikit pun untuk saat ini yang kita dapatkan selama kita tetap semangat menjalaninya maka tidak perlu merasa minder dan menyerah, semangat saja karena hal baik pasti akan menghampiri anda jika anda tidak mudah menyerah.
8  Economy / Economics / Re: World changing and those who don't adopt this Will stay poor on: November 25, 2023, 10:34:54 PM
I do agree with your statement,  the world keeps changing and we needs to change alongside to quickly adapt the new ways otherwise we will be left behind. More than a decade ago btc came into the picture to revolutionize the financial system and introduced a new and alternative way of transactions, many people were against it initially but now people are willing to accept it just to keep up with this changes.

Bitcoin is the evolution of money, I really agree with that statement, so when there are those who still reject the change or evolution of money, that person has been left far behind, Bitcoin is unique even though currently the majority still don't understand Bitcoin completely and broadly. bitcoin has attracted the attention of large investors, bitcoin has changed many people's lives for the better, bitcoin has made it easier to send large amounts of money easily between countries, there is much more good that has been created due to the emergence of bitcoin and it all indicates that bitcoin is the future for the world.
9  Economy / Games and rounds / Re: 🍭Weekly Bitcoin Price Prediction | Round#8 | Prize Pool $250 in BTC on: November 25, 2023, 10:08:02 PM
Sherbet username: lumbanrang
Prediction: $37,500
10  Local / Topik Lainnya / Re: Kenyamanan Dalam akses forum bitcoin talk di luar rumah (saran tablet android) on: November 25, 2023, 10:05:25 PM
untuk mobilisasi ngeforum di luar rumah, saya sih lebih milih menggunakna smartphone biasa ketimbang tablet android, meskipun tidak begitu nyaman di awal namun lama kelamaan pasti bakal terbiasa, ngeforum jangan di bikin ribet, selama anda bisa terhubung ke internet maka semua akan aman aman aja. postingan in kebetulan saya buat di smartphone, saya lagi berada di pangururan danau toba untuk melihat aquabike championship, hasilnya cukup nyaman bagi saya, saya jadi terbiasa menggunakan smartphone saya.
11  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Premier League Prediction Thread 2023/2024 on: November 22, 2023, 09:46:01 PM
We know Newcastle is also a difficult club, so no one is expecting the match to be a easy win for Chelsea. We all know Chelsea have been playing well lately, but I am sure they are still going to give Chelsea a tough time. But if we can compare the way the two clubs have been playing lately, Chelsea should be able to win the match. Newcastle lost their last two matches, the last one being against Bournemouth and their match against Dortmund in the Champions League. But most people didn’t expect Chelsea to win and draw their last two matches. Chelsea played a draw against Manchester City, which was very surprising to everyone, and they won against Tottenham. With Chelsea's performance, they should be able to win the match.
Chelsea last two matches very impressive, and perhaps this will make the Blues squad more confident against Newcastle. Apart from that, Chelsea also seems to have found their rhythm, because in 8 matches in all competitions the Chelsea team only one lost. This also proves that their performance already improve, so I'll probably favorite Chelsea in that match, and will bet on them.
Meanwhile, on the other side Eddie Howe may will be not too much pressure squad Newcastle to got winning against Chelsea, and in my opinion maybe they will be play safe because there is an important schedule in the UCL which requires Newcastle players to be fit.

I don't think so, Newcastle is a quite competent team at the moment, even though in their last 5 matches, Newcastle were only able to get 2 wins, 2 draws and 1 loss but when facing Arsenal, they really performed well. Currently the difference in points between Chelsea and Newcastle is 4 points, they will probably find it difficult to beat Chelsea so I am more confident that this match will end in a draw.
12  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Bitcointalk forum a home of solution on: November 19, 2023, 10:13:10 PM
Bitcointalk forum is a home of solution to any problem you can think of so far as it is concerned with financial growth.  Nobody comes with a problem to bitcointalk that users of the forum don't try their best to give good solutions to the problem.  Bitcointalk is a forum that carries everyone along and does not segregates or look down on any of it members.

In bitcointalk forum so far as you are ready to speak out burdens affecting your financial growth,  wrong investment,  storing bitcoin on wallet not good enough their will be solutions to all these problems.

Members who benefit a lot from bitcointalk are members who don't keep challenges or problems to themselves but want to see themselves grow.  I just want to appreciate all forum members who have been of help help in one way or the other to members whose problems have been solved and also appreciate you all as you continue to solve more problems for members that needs helps.

whatever information you need about crypto currency you will definitely find it in this forum, that is what makes this forum the best home for all solutions to problems like you said. just like you, I am also very grateful to the members who have contributed greatly to this forum, you are all great people who help other members to continue to gain good insight, and for newbies, don't be tired of asking questions in a friendly manner, let's look after this forum together.
13  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Why are there fewer women Than men involved in Bitcoin? on: November 19, 2023, 09:35:09 PM
When I checked the statistics of women who are into Bitcoin and found out that they are less than 10%, it surprised me seriously. It is understandable when we see fewer women than men in sectors that require physical energy to carry out work activity like the military or in the engineering sector but when you still see this same work force difference in the tech and Bitcoin space that they can comfortably do at the comfort of there home, it gets me curious to know the reason that might have been responsible for this huge gap.

I would appreciate if we can talk about this here. What could be responsible for this?

Women actually have different investments than men, they prefer to invest in body care and beauty to attract rich partners lol. I still accept the fact that women are not really required to be involved in bitcoin, they should be able to focus more on taking care of the household and themselves, let more men get involved in bitcoin, we have to respect someone's choice of decision, if there are fewer women involved in bitcoin then just accept that.
14  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: La Liga (Spanish League) Prediction Thread 2023/24 on: November 19, 2023, 09:01:48 PM
My principal doubt is, if Girona after this international break is gonna still being this good, or they are gonna start to fall behind, maybe they can last until the winter break, and become the winter champions  Grin i remember the alst team becoming winter champion asides of the big threes was Real Sociedad a lot of time ago.

Valencia has also been champion of the Spanish League and that's been a long time, Girona continues to amaze people, the majority of Spanish League fans today don't think that big teams like Madrid, Barcelona and Atletico Madrid are still unable to catch up with Girona, after the international break Girona will face Bilbao, Bilbao will definitely try to threaten Girona's position.
15  Economy / Economics / Re: Imaginary Future on: November 19, 2023, 08:10:32 PM
Do you ever feel like that being after saving or investing for future you forget to live in the present? You don't buy the things you want to or don't go after experiences you want because you'd rather save/invest for future instead.

Everyone has to do investing and also living life, but if you still haven't made a profit, refraining from spending it is something you have to do, don't waste money just because you want to fulfill your desires today, be wise in manage your finances because that's the only way you will be happy in the future. There is nothing wrong with fantasizing about the future, what is wrong is that you are wasteful and don't have savings.
16  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Italian League Prediction Thread (Serie A) on: November 18, 2023, 11:39:20 AM
In the big match, the key for Inter Milan to stay in first place in the standings is to beat Juventus who are the home team and the way to break through the Juventus defense which is one of the best this season and also with the tendency of Juventus' defensive game will make it difficult for Inter Milan, but if Inter Milan midfielders can win the battle, then the supply of balls to their attack will be a lot to try to score goals.
Inter Milan are the most productive team this season, Lautaro Martinez has scored 12 goals and that's more than 1/3 of Inter Milan's goals this season, so it's very likely that he will get a tight guard from Juventus defenders, I just hope it won't be a goalless match that ends in a draw because sometimes big matches are disappointing because both teams play very carefully which causes not many opportunities to occur.
Inter Milan is the most productive team but Juventus is a team that has a very good defense this season so it is inevitable that a fierce battle will be presented in this match.
Inter Milan does have more motivation to win matches in order to maintain their position at the top of the standings, with their very good performance in several matches this season it is possible to do so, but Juventus is really very good, so it cannot be underestimated, especially as Juventus will Playing at home will definitely be a slight advantage for them.

Each team has only lost once and the difference in points between the two teams is only 2 points, so Juventus will definitely chase victory in this match, because if they win it means they will be at the top of the standings and 1 point ahead of Inter Milan. However, Inter Milan is currently in good condition, their defense is very solid, moreover their attackers are also in top condition so this match will be tight, both teams will definitely use defensive and attacking strategies, especially Inter because they know that Juventus cannot be underestimated at home.
17  Economy / Games and rounds / Re: 🍭Weekly Bitcoin Price Prediction | Round#7 | Prize Pool $250 in BTC on: November 18, 2023, 10:40:20 AM
Sherbet username: lumbanrang
Prediction: $38,000
18  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Can a mega winner say no to public presentation? on: November 18, 2023, 10:32:24 AM
My questions are...  Can a bettor reject being unveiled to the public? Are gambling platforms paying an extra money for the publicity?

Every gambling platform must have their own terms and conditions for such a publicity and it can be different from one to another. From player's perspective, of course all players has the right to reject the publicity because of security or privacy reason but the next question is, will be there a consequence for the player who reject the publicity? Of course it will be depending on the terms and conditions of the platforms.

If we discuss the publicity rules applied by gambling sites then it goes back to the rules of the gambling site, because actually the ones who benefit from the publicity are the gambling place or platform, they really want it to increase the number of players on their platform. Regulations regarding privacy are definitely different in each region, and I don't know how these regions regulate this privacy issue, if it has to be forced then the jackpot winner cannot refuse the publicity requirement.
19  Economy / Games and rounds / Re: November SINBAD.IO Mixer Bitcoin Price Prediction Challenge on: November 17, 2023, 11:50:27 PM
Prediction 2: $36,000.0
bech32 address: bc1qe4hzadv6hwx8l4q2rnxvz0re7k0vxusf33h98a
20  Economy / Games and rounds / Re: 🍭Weekly Bitcoin Price Prediction | Round#6 | Prize Pool $250 in BTC on: November 17, 2023, 11:39:00 PM
Sherbet username: lumbanrang
Prediction: $39,000
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