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161  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Casinos in Atlantic City close, 5,000 workers out of work on: September 05, 2014, 03:56:14 PM
As sad as it is that people are losing their jobs because of closing casinos, it's almost comical watching people who haven't got a clue blame President Obama for it.  Yes, the slow economy does have some impact. but the major reason for the Casinos failing in AC is something entirely different. I know, I know - don't bother you with the facts, right? But the REAL reason that AC Casinos are struggling is competition.  Atlantic City was never Vegas. Vegas is a world unto itself. Yes, they make huge fortunes on casino gambling, but it's more than that - it's the atmosphere and the entertainment as well. Atlantic City never captured that same kind of atmosphere of seemingly entering a different world. If you've never been to both places, it's hard to understand what I'm talking about. But the straw that broke the camel's back  - that Vegas doesn't have to concern themselves with - is nearby competition.  People fly in from all over the world to see Vegas. Atlantic City doesn't have that kind of draw, and never has. Then there's location - look at Vegas on the map. Where are the closest major cities? Los Angeles and Phoenix - both of which are at least a 6 hour drive from Vegas.  AC is an hour from Philly and an hour and a half from NYC.  When they opened up casino gambling in AC, that was actually an advantage - a draw. If you come to Philly, you can gamble in AC. Same for NY. And if you come to AC, you're that close to the history of Philly and the night life of NYC.  It was complementary.
162  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Columbia student Emma Sulkowicz vows to carry mattress around university on: September 05, 2014, 03:50:49 PM
The fact that sexual assaults are regularly swept under the rug in an attempt to protect the reputation of the university is just another glaring example of what's wrong with the institution of higher education.
163  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Billionaires Quietly Preparing for Market Plunge on: September 05, 2014, 03:46:28 PM
US stocks are in a secular bull market and they are going way higher. However, I never buy into strength and taking profits into strength is always smart risk wise. Sept/Oct is often bearish for stocks, but I hope that I'm not too much of a pussy to buy into a large reaction in stocks.
164  Other / Politics & Society / Re: ISIS Threatens Putin/Russia on: September 05, 2014, 03:41:37 PM
The US and Russia may not be best friends, but I welcome Russia's sentiments and wish more countries would follow suit to put an end to ISIS and middle eastern terror groups once and for all.
165  Other / Off-topic / Re: What happens to the wicked upon death? on: September 05, 2014, 03:38:49 PM
Hell is not a place of eternal torture like some churches make you believe.

In the original text there is also a difference between Sheol (or hades in Greek) and Gehinnom (gehenna in Greek).

Sheol is the 'default' state of the dead, in other words 99.9% of people who die rest in Sheol. It's just the state of not living and it's like a long dreamless sleep. Even Jesus was in Sheol for several days after he died and before he resurrected. Some translation write that Jesus was in hell during that time. Clearly Jesus was not in 'hell' as most if us see hell. I mean why would Jesus need to be send to hell for three days?

Clearly hell is not a place for the bad to go to, or at least Sheol is not. In fact some persons even asked to be send to hell (Sheol) because being in Sheol would be better than to live under their circumstances.

Jewish tradition became infiltrated by Greek doctrine of immortal souls, that's what eventually caused the spreading of the concept of the immortal souls going to heaven or hell, based on their live. This was however never the idea the bible wanted to give us. The Catholic Church spread this misinformation even more.

Ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 10 Whatever your hand finds to do, do with all your might, for there is no work nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom in the Grave, (Sheol) where you are going.

Verse 5 and 6 of the same chapter:  For the living know* that they will die,+ but the dead know nothing at all,+ nor do they have any more reward,* because all memory of them is forgotten.+ 6 Also, their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished, and they no longer have any share in what is done under the sun.

Psalms 16:10 For you will not leave me in the Grave. (Sheol)
You will not allow your loyal one to see the pit.

Job 14:13 13 O that in the Grave (Sheol) you would conceal me,
That you would hide me until your anger passes by,
That you would set a time limit for me and remember me!

Here you see job actually ask god to conceal him in Sheol (sometimes translated as hell). Certainly he would not ask to be send to hell if he thought hell was a place of torture!

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Pretty much the only time there is spoken about a lake of fire and brimstone, it's in revelations, which is a book full of poetic visions which are highly symbolic. Also it never claimed humans would be send there, but only the devil and his angels, so even if it were to be taken literally, it's not something we should worry about. It's likely that even the devil and his angels would not literally be send in a lake of fire and brimstone though, as it is likely that the lake just symbolizes eternal destruction and the absolute end of their existence.

Contrary to Sheol (hades), from which revival is possible, Gehenna is a permanent state of death. People thrown into Gehenna are dead for good, no more second chances. And that's about it. However unless you do something very very very wrong you will not be thrown into Gehenna. So I wouldn't really worry about it. In the history of mankind there were probably less people thrown into Gehenna than the amount of fingers you have in a single hand.

Gehenna by the way is named after a place notorious for the practice of sacrificing newborns to Baal, by throwing them into the fire. Which was very disgusting in gods eyes, which is one of the reasons he commanded the Hebrews/Israelites to commit genocide against the Canaanites because the act of child sacrifice was common in their culture. Of course that was not the only reason, but it's one of the main reasons.

You could even argue that even though the Canaanites were slaughtered in the name of god, he ultimately saved many more babies from dying by fire.

/edit oops I meant molech, not Baal. Same shit really though.
According to the orthodox christian bible,all people from adam till Jesus died went in hell,even is they where good or bad and Jesus was send on earth to die ,because by death was the only way to go in hell and "free" all the good souls and take the to the right place, in heaven.So Jesus was/and is the "gate" to heaven.This you find it only on orthodox bible.
As for hell,if we take it logically ,it has to be a place were bad people go,or it will not be fair for the good people and they all will start behaving bad and make ISIS is doing now.
166  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Obamacare Site Hacked on: September 05, 2014, 03:30:42 PM
The hysterical reaction here really shows that a lot of people have no idea about how things work in data security.  Hackers make inroads to servers every day - literally. The e is absolutely no such thing as a 100% secure computer. And within networks, there are multiple levels of security. Forward facing servers - the ones you actually connect to when you go to a web site - are placed in what's called a DMZ.  Servers in there are known to be vulnerable to attack - they are less protected by security than other servers that actually contain sensitive data.  The main servers that house sensitive data are deeper in the network, with no direct access from the internet.  And you really can't access their data "through" a DMZ web server. That's not how it works. a Hacker would have to actually take control of the web server to use it's connection to the inside to communicate with the more secure servers. And even then, they'd have to hack the security in THOSE links as well, and somehow bypass the Intruder Detection Systems to access sensitive data. This did not happen. What happened here is that the system worked - a hacker found a vulnerability (and there will ALWAYS be vulnerabilities) in a forward facing web server. The hack was discovered two weeks ago - and it went no further than the web server itself.  The hack was discovered, and it was dealt with. That's how data security works. We hack our own systems - both in test labs and in the wild, always searching for new vulnerabilities. And they always exist on some level. Data security is not about being totally unbreachable, it's about a balance between that and reaction time to breaches. In this case, a hacker got some malicious code onto a web server. The hack was discovered, no data was at risk and the breach was mitigated. The system worked.
167  Other / Off-topic / Re: What happens to the wicked upon death? on: September 05, 2014, 02:38:14 PM
Three hells!

The starting point for such an investigation can be none other than the very book from which Christians profess to derive their doctrine of hell - the Bible! By scrutinizing its pages, one can strip away the theological trappings of ancient and medieval myth and fabrication and discover the true teaching on the subject.

One's first surprise is that the Bible speaks of not one but of three different "hells"! In the widely used King James Version, three totally different Greek words - words with totally different meanings-are translated by the one English word hell. The three words are hades, tartaros and gehenna.

In biblical usage, the Greek word hades - used only II times in the New Testament - is roughly equivalent to the Old Testament Hebrew word sheol, meaning grave or pit (compare Acts 2:27 with Psalm 16:10). Hades may be likened to a hole in the ground. In the Bible it has nothing to do with fire.

Most modern biblical translators admit that the use of the English word hell to translate hades and sheol is an unfortunate and misleading practice.


Because in seeing the word hell, many readers impute to it the traditional connotation of an ever-burning inferno - when this was never remotely intended in the Greek language or in Old English!

In its true biblical usage, hades does indeed refer to the state or abode of the dead - but not in the sense of spirits walking around in some sort of "shadowy realm." Hades is simply the abode we call the grave. All the dead go to this hell.


The Second Hell

The second hell of the Bible, tartaros, is mentioned only once in scripture - in II Peter 2:4: "For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell[tartaroo], and delivered them into chains of darkness to be reserved unto judgment.

Following their rebellion to unseat God from His throne (Isa. 14:12-14; Rev. 12:4), the archangel Lucifer (now Satan) and a third of the created angels (demons) were ejected from heaven (Luke 10:18). They were cast down to tartaros, a place or condition of restraint that God has imposed on the mutinous angels as they await ultimate judgment (Jude 6; I Cor. 6:3).

Tartaros, then, is a "hell" that applies only to evil, rebellious angels or demons. It is interesting that the ancient Greeks used this word to describe the place in which Zeus confined the rebellious Titans. Nowhere in the Bible is there any mention of men being put into this particular "hell."


The Third Hell

So far, we have seen that the first hell of the Bible - hades - is simply the grave. The second hell -tartaros - a place or condition of restraint for demons. What, then, is the third hell of the Bible?

Surely, it must be the old fashioned Bible "hell"- the literal ever-burning inferno, the place of eternal torment of the damned!

Or is it?

Did you ever notice that the Greek word used by the writers of the New Testament for this third hell is gehenna? It comes from the Hebrew Gai Hinnom, meaning"valley of Hinnom." Hinnom is a deep, narrow ravine located to the south and southwest of Jerusalem. It is to this hell that I recently traveled. But what does this valley have to do with the traditional Christian concept of "hell"? The answer may surprise you!


Lunch in Hell

Gehenna - the valley of Hinnom - is today a relatively pleasant place. In recent years, grass and even some flowers have taken over portions of the valley floor, and there are plenty of trees to provide shade from the scorching sun (see photos on these pages - {Editor's note: Sorry, pictures not included.}).

I descended into the valley by means of a rocky dirt path. A small dog - no three-headed Cerberus! - barked briefly, then returned to scavenging in a small cave near the path. Further on down the valley two boys were kicking a soccer ball between them.

I sought refuge from the heat of the noon sun under a large tree, and took out my lunch. A few birds came by for a handout. The surroundings were not unlike those of a typical city park.

After enjoying a leisurely lunch, I headed up out of the valley and proceeded unimpeded toward the Jaffa Gate. My memory of the valley is one of a pleasant and relaxing haven in the midst of a hot and tiring walking tour of Jerusalem.

Gehenna, in short, is a far cry from the hell of Dante or from what this valley was like in Jesus day!

The valley was not always such a pleasant place. In the Old Testament it was a place of abominable pagan rites, including infant sacrifice. It was there that the apostate kings Ahaz and Manasseh made their children "pass through the fire" to the god Molech. The rites were specifically celebrated in Tophet, the "place of abhorrence," one of the chief groves in the valley

King Josiah of ancient Judah finally put an end to these abominations. He defiled the valley, rendering it ceremonially unclean (II Kings 23:10). Later the valley became the cesspool and city dump of Jerusalem - a repository for sewage, refuse and animal carcasses. The bodies of despised criminals were also burned there along with the rubbish. Fires burned continuously, feeding on a constant supply of garbage and refuse.

Aceldama, the "field of blood", purchased with the money Judas received for the betrayal of Christ (Matt. 27:Cool was also in part of the valley of Hinnom.


Gehenna-and the Lake of Fire

What, then, does this valley called gehenna have to do with hell?

Notice. At the end of this age, at the crisis at the end of this world's civilization, the prophesied Beast of the book of Revelation - a Satan-inspired political dictator and a miracle-working religious figure, the False Prophet, working with him will resist the re-establishment of the government of God by fighting against Jesus Christ at His Second Coming. Their fate is revealed by the apostle John: "And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet.... These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone" (Rev. 19:20).

Where will this temporary lake of fire - this "hell" - be?

The prophet Isaiah wrote of this lake of fire prepared for the Beast: "For Tophet [in the valley of Hinnom] is ordained of old, yea, for the king it is prepared, he hath made it deep and large, the pile thereof is fire and wood, the breath of the Lord, like a stream of brimstone, doth kindle it" (Isa. 30:33).

One thousand years later, Satan himself will be cast into this rekindled fiery lake where the Beast and False Prophet were cast! (See Revelation 20:10.)

But what of the wicked who have died over the many millennia? Does the Bible say that they are now suffering fiery punishment for their sins in a lake of fire?

Absolutely not!

In the sequence of Revelation 20 - read it for yourself - the incorrigibly wicked are resurrected to be thrown into the lake of fire after Satan is cast there! Read it, in Revelation 20:15.

What, then, will become of these wicked? Will they writhe in flames for eternity?


The wicked will be burned up in the intense heat of the coming gehenna fire on earth. They will be consumed, annihilated, destroyed!

This punishment will be everlasting - permanent and final. The Bible calls it the "second death" (Rev. 20:14; 21:Cool - from which there is no possibility of a further resurrection.

The Bible does teach eternal punishment, but not eternal punishing.

The prophet Malachi provides a graphic description. "For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven, and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble, and the day that cometh shall burn them up…(4:1). To the righteous, God says that the wicked shall be "ashes under the soles of your feet . (Mal. 4:3).
168  Other / Off-topic / Re: What happens to the wicked upon death? on: September 05, 2014, 02:23:37 PM
"The living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun." "There is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest." Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6, 10.

"The dead praise not the Lord." Psalms 115:17.

His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth;
In that very day his thoughts perish. Psalm 146:4
169  Other / Politics & Society / Ron Paul's former political director tied to bribery scandal on: September 05, 2014, 01:07:41 PM
I remember this dude running Paul's campaign in '07. Hsmith and I talked to him once or twice. Never cared for him. Apparently, he was most focused on marrying into Paul's family and channeling all those money bomb funds.
170  Economy / Economics / Re: Economics Discussion on: September 04, 2014, 04:17:21 PM
In February, the Federal Reserve made a cursory observation that the unusually severe winter was partly to blame for the stagnant pace of the US economy. The news media, ranging from liberal to conservative, all highlighted the Fed’s report and provided their respective “spin” on how the weather damages the economy. But soon enough, focus turned back to the brutally cold temperatures and not winter’s economic impact.

Recently, however, the Commerce Department reported that the US economy actually contracted 2.9 percent in the first quarter of 2014. This was the Department’s third attempt at revising its figures, with previous reports estimating first 0.1 percent growth and then a 1.0 percent contraction. While this little statistical “revision” was inconvenient, it was quickly followed (in true Orwellian fashion) by a slew of reports confirming that the economy has already rebounded and the second quarter will be even better than previously anticipated. (According to an advanced estimate released last week by the Bureau of Economic Analysis, GDP increased 4.0 percent in the second quarter and the first quarter’s numbers were revised yet again.)

Naturally, the “blame the weather” campaign popped up again. In fact, Gus Faucher, Vice President and Senior Macroeconomist with PNC in Pittsburgh, estimates that over half of the contractioncan be blamed on the severe winter weather. Well, this certainly begs the question, “Can weather actually cause the economy to contract?”

Weather obviously affects the economy. However, the claim that weather can actually drag down the economy is dubious at best. While severe winter weather may slow construction, idle auto sales, and reduce ice cream consumption, the economy never goes into hibernation. Instead, economic activity simply shifts.

A great analogy is household consumption spending. Each month, the average household allocates a certain amount of disposable income to entertainment. How this money is spent — at restaurants, traveling, shopping malls, or the theater — is irrelevant. The point is that people tend to budget a relatively fixed amount of income toward leisurely pursuits. If a new restaurant opens to rave reviews or a blockbuster movie debuts, a young couple does not drastically increase their monthly budget to accommodate the new entertainment options. Instead, consumption spending may shift from the mall or the theater to dinner and a movie. Similarly, a family that is planning a big vacation or a day at the ballpark either budgets additional savings throughout the year or scales back other expenses. To assume that new retail options magically increase spending is flawed economics.

Likewise, severe winters merely shift economic activity. While it’s true that companies may postpone construction projects and consumers will spend less time outside, the economy does not grind to a halt.

Instead, companies often use the post-holiday lull to complete annual inventory, update quality control initiatives, or install new technology. Further, while some retailers like ice cream vendors, department stores, and restaurants may see sales slump, others will inevitably see sales increase because consumers tend to stay indoors, dine at home, stock up on emergency supplies, and watch more television. In more real terms, Ben & Jerry’s and Baskin-Robbins may suffer, but Amazon, Netflix, and the local grocery store might see sales spike. This cyclical effect is natural.

There are spillover effects, as well.More movie downloads boosts the telecommunications industry. Trips to the grocery store and internet purchases mean more deliveries, which means work for the shipping giants (even after accounting for weather delays). What’s more, the economy is so interconnected that an increase in cold weather deliveries inevitably means additional strain on trucks and equipment. This, in turn, may help hardware stores, mechanics, and parts distributors. Not to mention that severe winter weather inevitably leads to increased spending on utilities, snow removal, and industrial equipment, like plows, snow blowers, and chainsaws. These spillover effects go on and on.

In addition, every winter there is always an uptick in travel as people escape the bitter cold, which raises revenues for the airline and tourism industries. Meanwhile, some travel destinations actually embrace winter’s cold. In fact, this past season, most ski resorts in the United States opened earlier and had their best season in years. (Predictably, this summer’s unseasonably cool temperatures are being blamed for dismal attendance at pools and resorts across the country.)

Finally, economic growth and consumption spending are not intrinsically connected. Purchasing power does not evaporate just because spending may slow during the cold winter months. Instead, saving increases investment opportunities and may boost the bottom line for companies like Wells Fargo, Edward Jones, and E*TRADE. This may, in turn, boost the stock market and possibly even the share price of Unilever and Dunkin' Brands (the corporate parents of Ben & Jerry’s and Baskin-Robbins) even when consumers are craving hot chocolate over ice cream treats.

While weather may affect the economy, the recent contraction has little to do with winter’s bitter cold; the US economy is far too diverse and complex. Instead, we are witnessing the ongoing effects of failed monetary and fiscal policies. As the Wickersham Commission noted years ago, “These laws [of economics] cannot be destroyed by governments, but often in the course of human history governments have been destroyed by them.”
171  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Fed Gov't Autopsy Finds Michael Brown Not Shot in Back on: September 04, 2014, 03:57:05 PM
Of course I got ripped by some but you can see the lefties avoid this thread and its hard to believe that they actually care about the case and the truth and instead jumped on the story so they could play the race card and use it as proof of how evil white America is and why all blacks should be democrats.
172  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Fed Gov't Autopsy Finds Michael Brown Not Shot in Back on: September 04, 2014, 03:30:26 PM
Then we have Badens initial statement that the shot to the lower arm came while he had his arm across his forehead, not out to the side an up in the air, and that shot entered the forehead and then exited thru the chin and went back in thru the chest area. And as Baden said, that shot would have caused him to fall forward which is when the fatal shot entered the top of the head at an angle. So he wasn't on his knees and he didn't have his hands up in surrender mode, anyone surprised by that?
Where's Al Sharpton?  He's gone strangely silent.  
I have the feeling the autopsy report including entry wounds of bullets didn't go his way and I doubt the rest of the evidence did either. And I would venture to say that holder tried like hell to cite evil wrongdoing by the Ferguson LE and couldn't find any. And I suspect that once holder saw the evidence he backed off because he knows he can't rig the case as a win for crump and sharpton.
173  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Fed Gov't Autopsy Finds Michael Brown Not Shot in Back on: September 04, 2014, 03:20:37 PM
Now we need the angle of entry for the bullet wounds, the blood pattern from MB's wounds and the location(s) of DW's spent casings, that will tell the whole story and prove which witnesses were seeing with a clear mind and a straight view and which ones were seeing thru their emotions.
174  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Fed Gov't Autopsy Finds Michael Brown Not Shot in Back on: September 04, 2014, 03:17:25 PM
Then we have Badens initial statement that the shot to the lower arm came while he had his arm across his forehead, not out to the side an up in the air, and that shot entered the forehead and then exited thru the chin and went back in thru the chest area. And as Baden said, that shot would have caused him to fall forward which is when the fatal shot entered the top of the head at an angle. So he wasn't on his knees and he didn't have his hands up in surrender mode, anyone surprised by that?
175  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What Happened to All The Money You Donated to Officer Wilson? on: September 04, 2014, 03:07:54 PM
Hmmmmmm...I cannot believe that someone would contribute that much money for someone who may have perpetrated a murder. Brown was not only unarmed, but, according to medical examiners, he appeared to be in surrender mode when the 6 ft. 4 inch tall young man was shot on top of his head, killing him.

You don't suppose that the possible murderer got a step ladder to stand on to aim the gun over the top of Brown's head to shoot him from that angle, do you?
There is no EVIDENCE that he was in 'surrender mode'.  That is purely wishful thinking on your part.

You are  judgmental , and a biased, whilt-guilt driven, intolerant bigot.

I'll donate to your one-way transportation, provided you sign a waiver that you will never return.
And here it is again.  The expert says injuries are consistent with charging or surrendering.  Why be dishonest if you believe Wilson to be guilty?
176  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Islamic State 'beheads second US journalist' on: September 04, 2014, 02:05:38 PM
The only thing even partially logical is your perspective on a "less intrusive foreign policy". Increased economic sanctions and the aforementioned raid/airstrike aspects tend to support that notion.
177  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Islamic State 'beheads second US journalist' on: September 04, 2014, 01:32:57 PM
Firstly, military adventurism is an obsolete term that is now widely considered devoid of geopolitical or formal academia designation. The term was previously employed in substantial indexes to describe Imperial Japan's transnational aggression and territorial expansion. Why does this information hold reverence to your asinine assertions? Because Imperial Japan conducted their aggressive incursion policies for a period most historians agree to be approximately fifty years. We're talking about combat engagements with various countries in protracted ground conflicts with oscillating claims of terrestrial estate and occupation. President Obama has been in office for seven years; how can his Administration's limited statecraft endeavors even begin to grasp "military adventurism"? Of course Obama doesn't fucking have 'it' "in his hope chest". Special operation forces raids and precision airstrikes in third-world countries, besides his inherited problems like Iraq and Afghanistan, are more aligned with military doctrines like manhunting and enemy transportation denial. It is highly unlikely that President Obama would mobilize conventional ground attack elements to combat regional, mobile terrorists while occupying proximate countries for fifty years.
178  Other / Politics & Society / Re: NATO vs. RUSSIA? on: September 03, 2014, 03:49:17 PM
Would NATO actually go to war with Russia to save Ukraine even though she is not a member? Wouldn't that be against their long established principles of staying out of scraps between non member states? If that was the case what would stop NATO from going after Isis [Islamic State] in Iraq and Syria? Is the fact they are preparing a possible conflict with Russia suggest that NATO's mission has changed? Should it change? Is this a new reality? A second cold war? What do you think is going on here?
The problem we have right now, is that we  (NATO) promised Ukraine that we'd protect them if they were willing to give up their nuclear arsenal after the breakup of the Soviet Union. Probably not the best promise to make, considering it doesn't account for a megalomaniacal  tyrant like Puten to come into power in Russia, but we did it. Now we have to decide which is worse - going back on our word and letting Ukraine fall, or risking all out nuclear war with the Mad Man of Moscow (AKA, hero of the American conservative movement).
179  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Islamic State 'beheads second US journalist' on: September 03, 2014, 03:27:05 PM
Anyone with two functioning brain cells knows that is not true, and can readily prove it.
   1.  Over and out: Last U.S. troops leave Iraq | Mail Online
    Daily Mail
    Dec 18, 2011 - The departure is slightly earlier than the planned date of December 31. ... U.S. troops have finally left Iraq - after nearly nine years, more than a ...
   2. Deadly Iraq war ends with exit of last U.S. troops -
    Dec 18, 2011 - In a final tactical road march, the last U.S. troops in Iraq crossed the border into Kuwait Sunday morning, ending almost nine years of war. ... Analysts: Questions remain as U.S. troops leave .... Timeline: Key dates in the war.
   3. Rewriting History - Media Matters for America
    Media Matters for America
    Aug 10, 2014 - When President Obama announced in October of 2011 that no U.S. troops would be left in Iraq, he said he was fulfilling a campaign promise.
   4. Last Convoy of American Troops Leaves Iraq -
    The New York Times
    Dec 18, 2011 - BAGHDAD — The last convoy of American troops drove into Kuwait on Sunday morning, punctuating the end of the nearly nine-year war in Iraq ...
180  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Islamic State 'beheads second US journalist' on: September 03, 2014, 03:00:16 PM
2 US journalists beheaded by the ISIS militants, who are fighting against the US. At the same time, Russian journalist Andrei Stenin was murdered by Right Sector extremists, who are supported by the US in Ukraine. I just hope that Obama condemns all these murders. Murder of journalists should be dealt with, whether they are done by the anti-US or the pro-US factions.
The left, of course, would rather talk about Ferguson, Michael Brown, and Darren Wilson, and ignore Obama's fecklessness. We don't send American troops back into that cesspool.  Obama pulled them out and gave up all the ground they had gained, now we do NOT ask them to go back and die some more for the same real estate and the same raghead assholes.
Why do you think it is necessary to always lie.  It was Bush and condie that gave all the ground back and you know it but continue to lie.  What is wrong with your brain that you keep spewing out what you know damn well are lies.  
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