MakingMoneyHoney (OP)
November 28, 2015, 09:45:50 PM |
It's quite clear to me that sex is enjoyable, and so therefore God created it for a husband and wife to come together and have pleasure.
That is a great example of fallacious post-hoc reasoning. Based on Natural Law, I conclude that sex is for procreation. Well I wasn't trying. I would think it's obvious that sex is supposed to be enjoyable. I don't see how you can claim that sex is just for procreation and based on natural law at that. Jesus taught that we live under commandments from our Father. He agreed in marriage being until death, and divorce was unnatural and looked down on. This goes along with what I was saying about couples working things out and coming together and rejoicing in being with each other. If you want to argue it, please start a new thread, it doesn't have to do with end time prophecies, as far as I know. Unless you can somehow explain how it does....?
November 28, 2015, 10:12:03 PM |
1) Too much sex leads to overpopulation, 2) as a result, the elites plan to de-populate the planet; 3) man has acted irresponsibly and has precipitated his own downfall; 4) like it or not the planet is out of balance due to man's irresponsible sexual behavior. 5) Man's lustful actions are imbalanced, so Earth is also out of balance as a direct result.
MakingMoneyHoney (OP)
November 28, 2015, 10:45:53 PM |
1) Too much sex leads to overpopulation, 2) as a result, the elites plan to de-populate the planet; 3) man has acted irresponsibly and has precipitated his own downfall; 4) like it or not the planet is out of balance due to man's irresponsible sexual behavior. 5) Man's lustful actions are imbalanced, so Earth is also out of balance as a direct result.
There is no population explosion on this planet "Let's get one thing straight from the start. There is no population explosion. The rate of population growth has been slowing since the 1960s, and has fallen below replacement levels half the world over. But what about the other half? That's where population is exploding, right? Well, actually, no. The UN Population Division's world fertility patterns show that, worldwide, fertility per woman has fallen from 4.7 babies in 1970–75 to 2.6 in 2005-10. As Peoplequake author Fred Pearce puts it: "Today's women have half as many babies as their mothers … That is not just in the rich world. It is the global average today.""Overpopulation is a myth. "According to the U.N. Population Database, the world's population in 2010 will be 6,908,688,000. The landmass of Texas is 268,820 sq mi (7,494,271,488,000 sq ft).
So, divide 7,494,271,488,000 sq ft by 6,908,688,000 people, and you get 1084.76 sq ft/person. That's approximately a 33' x 33' plot of land for every person on the planet, enough space for a town house.
Given an average four person family, every family would have a 66' x 66' plot of land, which would comfortably provide a single family home and yard -- and all of them fit on a landmass the size of Texas. Admittedly, it'd basically be one massive subdivision, but Texas is a tiny portion of the inhabitable Earth."Also check out the website Debunking the Myth of OverpopulationPeople are greedy. The top 1% or so wants the whole world to themselves, as you know according to number 2. They claim we have to worry about overpopulation, because they're greedy and don't want to share it, they also hate us. Georgia GuidestonesIt's sickening to know how much space on this earth is taken up from the elite, and how much food is wasted every day. The US is horrible about this. Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Food Waste (HBO) Imagine using central park or something as a place where you plant fruit trees, and all the fruit is free. They don't want to clean up rotten food. But if you did that. you could have people just harvesting their own food instead of going to the store. Now do it in the poorer areas, and people would have free food. If people weren't lazy, and selfish they would actually be able to have fruit trees in the poorest areas and they could get their own food, take care of the trees, and eat of their work. But instead, people might want to take their own fruit, but not want to do the work and keep away the bugs and animals, because that's asking too much. We were meant to work for our food, not for money. And someday we will again. But it's not because we're over populated that people can't have food. It's really sad.
November 29, 2015, 05:58:07 AM Last edit: November 29, 2015, 06:28:23 AM by 1aguar |
1) Too much sex leads to overpopulation, 2) as a result, the elites plan to de-populate the planet; 3) man has acted irresponsibly and has precipitated his own downfall; 4) like it or not the planet is out of balance due to man's irresponsible sexual behavior. 5) Man's lustful actions are imbalanced, so Earth is also out of balance as a direct result.
I do not think that any of these points will be refuted by any apparent slowing or absence of "overpopulation". For instance, every single abortion is a stark example of the consequences of overpopulation, and it is directly caused by excessive sex. Also, Not much changes if we strike out part of point #2. Man is not acting responsibly with regards to sex and the effects are obvious; I dare say that perhaps the first effect is spiritual decay; Men would rather have sex than know the truth or co-create in a romance with GOD. I will quote the main part about sex from PJ#27 here, I really think it speaks for itself and I have included a summary at the bottom: 15. YOU MUST OBEY THE WISDOM OF GOD FOR THE RESPONSIBLE AND BALANCED PROCREATION OF YOUR SPECIES.
We have written about the Commitment of Marriage by A MAN and A WOMAN To God as being one of the necessary components to also becoming a PARENT for God which means procreating your species. (SEE Law # 8 "You Must Not Commit Adultery)."
Now the DIVINE and SACRED "act" which was created by GOD for the pro-creation of the species you ones call "sexual union". God created THIS DIVINE UNION to be performed between ONE man and ONE woman specifically for maintaining the balanced level of the species for each given planetary system. Now the "fallen" ones or adversaries of GODNESS have completely perverted and maligned this once "sacred" and "divine" act that at one time was DONE with complete LOVE and DEVOTION to THE FATHER within each partner, so that it (sex) is now called "a birthright" to be done often, with impunity and with MANY partners of either sex and without consideration of LOVE or responsible pro-creation. How we and THE FATHER weep for you! This ONE abuse of God's creation has nearly destroyed your species! Let us quote once again from, "AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME IMMANUEL. I AM SANANDA" - Pg. 55:
"The act of marriage and procreation must have the highest degree of pure intent and preparation, for upon these bonds and restrictions will rest the preservation of mankind as a species upon the planet. If everything is done and adhered to, justice and peace will come to all mankind, and life in the human form can be preserved.
"If man continues his selfish and imprudent behavior, he will sound his own death tariff. There reaches a point beyond which a planet cannot support the unbalanced system perpetrated by mankind. And yet, so shall it come to pass (Read this carefully!) that man will not listen and bring destruction upon his own species. It will come about in some two millennium that man will have reached the point of self destruction. (This is 1991 friends, have you fulfilled this prophecy of Jesus the Christ Immanuel and OTHER prophets before him?!?) And so is it projected by the prophets and shall it come to pass in its time of fulfillment and in my time of fulfillment." End of quote.
Let's begin with God's directive about marriage and Pro-creation between A MAN and A WOMAN. It is very clear that this DOES NOT say, marriage and "the sexual act" is OK between a man and a man, or a woman and a woman, or TWO men and ONE woman or THREE woman and ONE man, or etc. Again, the laws of balance are LOGICAL, meaning they were created specifically to maintain BALANCE within The Creation.
Because of the various degrees of deliberate, systematic and malevolently lewd and lascivious sexual behaviors, which are the corruption of this DIVINE UNION, and which have been and are practiced by most on your plane, the WARNING given above by our beloved Jesus Immanuel is transpiring before your very eyes in this time frame!
The sexual "act" was specifically designed to be performed by ONE man and ONE woman who had committed THEIR DIVINE LOVE AS ONE in the union of marriage, ordained by GOD. Through this union OF LOVE, the act of sexual intercourse between a husband and his wife for pro-creation was a most sacred and honored responsibility, an extension of their LOVE and COMMITMENT TO GOD in his service as PARENTS of HIS Children.
Now remember the law of "Cause and Effect". The EFFECTS of breaking this one directive of GOD are all about you today. Over-Population and the spread of fatal venereal and blood-borne diseases, such as Syphilis and AIDS, are proving to be YOUR self-punishment to the point of creating the nearly complete destruction of your human species on Earth.
So let there be NO misunderstanding. The following BEHAVIORS are specifically and undeniably AGAINST OR CONTRARY TO THE LAWS OF GOD AND THE CREATION:
Please understand that it is this PREOCCUPATION with behavior of lustful and lascivious physical pleasure that YOU must each CHOOSE to avoid and rise above spiritually. The corruption and preoccupation with sexual thoughts, words and actions has become hypnotizingly OBSESSIVE and also terribly degrading to THE SPIRIT OF LIFE OF THE ONE! THIS IS NOT LOVE BY ANY DEFINITION. Can you not see this TRUTH before you and within you? Your sexual obsession MUST STOP if you are to reach beyond your mortal body and into THE KINGDOM OF GOD!
Many of you, by now, are probably wondering about the act of masturbation: "Stimulation of sexual organs by oneself." First RE-read the above paragraph. Masturbation is a self-pleasure sexual act upon SELF AND it is also what most of you couples are doing when you have "sex" together and call it "making love". The only difference is that it is the "sharing" of MUTUAL Masturbation with your partner. Mutual Masturbation IS NOT DIVINE SEXUAL UNION FOR CELEBRATING PROCREATION. When one is an "adult" and does not wish to have children, the seeking of sexual pleasure by self or with another is a transgression upon self simply BECAUSE YOU ARE DENYING AND LIMITING YOUR SPIRITUAL CREATIVE POTENTIAL WITHIN.
The sexual desire, in this time on your place of extreme sexual preoccupation, begins for many youngsters at puberty. Many will have sexual release or dreams while they sleep. With the CAREFUL and LOVING guidance of the parents well before and during this time, the child will not be frightened of the changes in his/her body and will most likely occasionally indulge in masturbation for either curious exploration or release of the physical body. Moderate or occasional masturbation done in privacy by any, either child or adult, is not harmful to or AGAINST life UNTIL it becomes an obsessive pre-occupation. Also masturbation can be a means of self-punishment and this is most harmful to THE SPIRIT OF GOD WITHIN. Remember this parents, it can also become very harmful to a child if through his "training", he is taught to fear or despise his genitalia, or be made to feel guilt for self-sexual exploration or masturbation. He must learn about his personal responsibility and must understand ALL THE LAWS OF GOD including those governing pro-creation. But if you make the child feel fearful, shameful or guilty about his own personal sexual exploration, you may actually be creating for him OBSESSIVE PRE-OCCUPATION with sexuality. If the child is not exposed to constant "sexually stimulating" media, he will quickly lose interest after initial self-exploration IF HIS CREATIVE potential is encourage[d], nurtured and supported by HIS PARENTS and TEACHERS[/I]. The more spiritually aware children and adults will either not have much interest in, or gradually lose interest in sexual exploration of any kind. It is much healthier for the spirit if this process of becoming detached from sexual feelings is natural and BY choice because of true spiritual UNDERSTANDING and awareness.
What you ones have labeled "sexual energy" or "libido" is actually a corruption of the creative and nurturing potential of The Spirit of GOD within YOU. LET US REPEAT THIS: YOUR "SEXUAL ENERGY/LIBIDO" IS ACTUALLY A CORRUPTION OF THE CREATIVE AND NURTURING POTENTIAL OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD WITHIN YOU! Let us see how your Funk & Wagnals Dictionary defines Libido: "1. Sexual desire or impulse. 2. The instinctual craving or drive behind all human activities." Did you read that clearly, friends? INSTINCTUAL CRAVING OR DRIVE BEHIND ALL HUMAN ACTIVITIES! The catch is, precious ones, SEX is not the INSTINCTUAL craving or drive that was created by GOD, THIS was your CREATIVE, nurturing drive TO KNOW and CELEBRATE GOD WITHIN YOU, TO CO-CREATE THE EVER-UNFOLDING EXPANSION AND ADVENTURE OF LIFE! The truly loving DIVINE UNION, that of male/female experiencing their creative potential through the sexual act for PROCREATION, was created to be a UNION OF DIVINE LOVING DEVOTION and CELEBRATION OF THE GIFTS OF ONENESS SHARED...AND OF NEW LIFE CREATED FROM GOD. Rarely do ones feel TRUE LOVE, caring friendship, affection and intimacy toward their mates on your plane. Most have simply forgotten what LOVE is. You think perhaps you and your mate are one of the "rare" exceptions? Here is a test for you. How long would your marriage and commitment last if today you completely STOPPED all sexual activity with one another? Think about this carefully. Do you truly give of yourself to your mate sexually and otherwise because you wish to please them? To please both of you?
To please yourself? You ones think your sexual orgasm is ecstasy? YOU EVEN LIMIT ECSTASY!
You see, you are not your desires, you are not your emotions. YOU are THE SPIRIT of LIFE of GOD, and your spirit IS the MASTER over your desires and emotions. Don't you see that you have simply chosen, in your illusion of ignorance and confusion, TO MAKE your emotions and desires the MASTER over your SPIRIT...YOUR GODNESS?!?
This corruption of your creative potential WAS CREATED, CONDITIONED AND MOLDED BY THE ANTI-CHRIST. YOU SIMPLY BOUGHT THE LIE AS TRUTH AND HAVE BECOME ADDICTED TO YOUR DESIRE FOR "SEX". You don't believe your "sexual" desire is created? Look around you today. Your Advertising Media as well as your Magazines, Television and Movies ARE CREATING YOUR DESIRES FOR YOU by conditioning and molding you through false "IMAGES" of what is beauty, what is "sex appeal"--in other words, by directing your attention constantly to "how" you look physically, your athletic prowess, your sex appeal and attractiveness. Why does and has this "desire"-creating worked? Because the Anti-Christ first molds the "false images" and then plays upon your FEAR of being too unattractive, unworthy, unpopular and simply rejected BY OTHERS who YOU allow TO JUDGE YOU AS A HUMAN BEING! The ANTI-Christ keeps you BOUND by the "false" promises created by your desire TO BE WORTHY of LIFE so you are too busy trying to fit the "false" mold and therefore do not develop your creative spiritual potential within! How dare YOU feel UNWORTHY because of believing the nonsense of false "IMAGES"! PLEASE REMEMBER THIS TRUTH! YOU ARE GOD'S TEMPLE!
Advertisers are always selling "their image" of what you ones call "romance" and you are encouraged to think it means passionate "sexual" fulfillment. Your dictionary describes romance as: "1. A love affair. 2. A kind of love between the sexes, characterized by high ideals of devotion, and strong ardor. 3. Adventurous, heroic, or exotic nature: romance of faraway places." When you crave romance, whether you know it or not, it does not mean "sexual" affair, dear ones, it means LOVE AFFAIR, you are craving to experience within you GOD'S LOVE OF LIFE, you crave to feel "ALIVE", ie., warm and intense feelings, eagerness and zeal. WHY? Because you are bored and spiritually unfulfilled with the self-created "limits" of your life. (Limits which the "controlled" media has set you up for in the first place.) You are out of balance and you are seeking to ignite your CREATIVE POTENTIAL WITHIN. ROMANCE is the promise of ADVENTURE and JOY for experiencing THE SPIRIT OF LIFE, OF GOD, within you. You see, ROMANCE is not sexual adventure or a place to go; it is your desire to feel and KNOW GOD within you. You can experience romance through the sharing of devoted and adventurous LOVE of LIFE with your mate. Regardless of what your media "hype" tells you, remember this, your desire for romance is your desire for CHANGE from a limited and spiritually unfulfilling existence, to recognizing and EXPERIENCING your UNLIMITED Creative Spiritual Potential within.
The next time you have a "sexual" urge, look around you, what have you been watching, reading or participating in which created this desire? Men, when you see a physically "beautiful" woman, is your FIRST thought admiration and appreciation of this GIFT of loveliness and do you wonder about the loveliness and beauty of HER SPIRIT? OR, instead, do you first wonder about the pleasure you would receive if you could have "sexual union" with her? And the same holds true for you women who call yourselves "liberated" which usually first means, "sexually" liberated and same equal "rights" as men to have many "casual" sexual encounters.
Recognize that this "sexual urge" is really your UNFULFILLED creative potential screaming to be released from the self-imposed "limit" or boundary of THE physical sexual ACT. Act: "1. To play the part of; impersonate. 2. To serve temporarily or as a substitute. To PRETEND." The sexual act is limiting, substituting and impersonating YOUR CREATIVE AND SPIRITUAL UNFOLDMENT TO KNOW GOD. When you truly understand and recognize this truth, your creative spiritual unfoldment can no longer BE FRUSTRATED AND LIMITED to the repetition of a silly and truly spiritually unfulfilling "sexual act".
Does this mean you are expected, by self and GOD, to STOP all sexual activity NOW? ONLY if it is YOUR choice made with the JOY of TRULY understanding and thus having the freedom of detachment from this "ADDICTION" and no desire to pro-create. For most of you, especially adults, "sexual behavior" has now become addictive, so you must treat it as such. Remove as much of the "temptation" from your presence as possible, just as the alcoholic must remove himself from "bars" and must remove the alcohol from his home. Be gentle with self, carefully abide by the list of TEN items above which are "STRICTLY FORBIDDEN" sexual behaviors (including Adultery). If you are single or married and have addiction to the "sexual act", use occasional masturbation as the lessor of the evils "if you must". If you are happily married and both have "enjoyed" your addiction to the monogamous mutual masturbation of your sexual act, both partners will need to become detached for the addiction to be gone.
So be gentle with self and your mate, but be aware and responsible to "consequences" (such as pregnancy) and persistent in your goal (to self) to release and detach from ALL things of Physical Manifestation. Simply RECOGNIZE without punishing self with guilt and shame that this is a transgression against the Creative spirit of life within you. For a time accept that you will have desire because you are "addicted" and many of you understand it as an "extension" of your love. Do not punish self or other, let the "desire" dissolve naturally within each partner. As you begin the unfoldment and adventure of discovering YOUR creative spiritual potential, you will be surprised, because at some point you will find that the "sexual act" is no longer appealing to either of you. You will be detached and no longer have interest in it! So the thesis that is being discussed is: The act of marriage and procreation must have the highest degree of pure intent and preparation, for upon these bonds and restrictions will rest the preservation of mankind as a species upon the planet. To summarize, sex has consequences and it is addicting; The truly loving DIVINE UNION, that of male/female experiencing their creative potential through the sexual act for PROCREATION, was created to be a UNION OF DIVINE LOVING DEVOTION and CELEBRATION OF THE GIFTS OF ONENESS SHARED...AND OF NEW LIFE CREATED FROM GOD. God's instructions are simple: YOUR "SEXUAL ENERGY/LIBIDO" IS ACTUALLY A CORRUPTION OF THE CREATIVE AND NURTURING POTENTIAL OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD WITHIN YOU! SEX is not the INSTINCTUAL craving or drive that was created by GOD, THIS was your CREATIVE, nurturing drive TO KNOW and CELEBRATE GOD WITHIN YOU, TO CO-CREATE THE EVER-UNFOLDING EXPANSION AND ADVENTURE OF LIFE! You see, you are not your desires, you are not your emotions. YOU are THE SPIRIT of LIFE of GOD, and your spirit IS the MASTER over your desires and emotions. Don't you see that you have simply chosen, in your illusion of ignorance and confusion, TO MAKE your emotions and desires the MASTER over your SPIRIT...YOUR GODNESS?!? GOD IS TELLING YOU THE TRUTH; ATON SPEAKING:Perhaps I should mention to you that Hatonn [PRONOUNCED "ATON"] denounces the lack of RESPONSIBILITY of the sexual unions as you of Earth have come to practice them--the murders of the unborn, the USE of another for gratification of human power needs and the activities which are given and experienced--in most despicable ways bearing diseases and killing the very body seeking acceptance and pleasure. LOVE AND UNION OF EMOTION IS A GIFT OF EXPERIENCE GIVEN UNTO THE SOUL (EMOTIONS) AND HAVE NAUGHT TO DO WITH BODY PHYSICAL. THAT FOR WHICH YE SEARCH IS NOT FULFILLED BY ANY CONJURED ACTIVITY OF THE HUMAN PHYSICAL BEING. IT IS THE "BEHAVIOR" DENOUNCED, NOT THE LOVE AND ABIDING CO-RELATIONSHIP OF THAT WHICH YOU LABEL HETEROSEXUAL OR HOMOSEXUAL. You are being given the facts behind the illusion of lies so that you have opportunity to change your circumstance or move on into the abyss of the enslavement for it is at hand, the time of the cycles upon your place wherein the separation shall be made. You have turned in honor and bowing before the idols of "things" and unto the human beings who will enslave you. You have spat upon My messengers and cast the lessons and instructions into the trash as you mock and ridicule and shout "lies" and 'false prophets". You no longer can discern that which is false from that which is Truth--HOW DID YOU EXPECT GOD TO RETURN UPON YOUR PLACE? YOU HAVE BEEN LULLED INTO BELIEVING THAT YOU SIT AND WAIT TO BE WHISKED AWAY TO GLORY ON THE CLOUDS--HOW FOOLISH CAN A MORTAL BE? YE CLING TO THE LIES AS IF THEY WOULD SAVE YE FROM THE FIRE WHILE YE PREPARE TO JUMP INTO THE HOLOCAUST.Do you take note of My messengers that you be given opportunity to rise out of the morass and into freedom? The moving fingers write and then, having writ, move on and so moves the Truth of opportunity which knocked and you heeded not. Each of My Messengers and Scribes shall put this Truth unto the people in the languages of understanding--the native of the ancient tribes unto his people and thus and so, so that all might be given into opportunity to come again into remembering. But the Word shall stand, lest ye think ye shall corrupt and tamper with the message--for no matter how ye tamper, it will change nothing. YE SHALL BE GIVEN STRENGTH IF YE BUT ASK WITH INTENT OF PURPOSE--NOT OF THE LIPS THAT ALWAYS PRONOUNCE LIES--BUT THE HEART WITHIN IN PETITION FOR AID. You shall be given that which will lift you up and you will give support unto your brethren and goodness can again flow across that wondrous place given into your care and you will be given to remember and awaken and you will set things to straight as you turn from the beast that has pulled you into the pit. You shall move away in total newness--without looking back lest ye be pulled again into the destruction. You need not "fight" nor "war" for those are not of MY WAY NOR OF MY KINGDOM--YOU RECOGNIZE THE EVIL, TURN UNTO THE LIGHT AND THE LAWS AND MOVE AWAY AND IN SO-DOING YOU REMOVE THE NOURISHMENT AND SUPPORT OF THE BEAST AND THE ADVERSARY SHALL DEVOUR ITSELF FOR THERE WILL BE NOTHING LEFT TO SUSTAIN HIM. You are given nothing herein which is difficult to understand--it is simplicity in every action and instruction. Ye can denounce and rebel, revolt and boil while spewing venom upon the ones about thee--but you will KNOW that what I SEND AND BRING IS TRUTH AND RIGHT, AND YOU WILL NEVER BE IN THE UNKNOWING AGAIN--AND THAT WHICH YE DO AGAINST ME, SHALL BE DONE IN DELIBERATE ACTION AND WOE UNTO YOU WHO DENOUNCE AND DEMAND THAT ANOTHER FOLLOW YOU IN YOUR DESPICABLE PATH FOR YE SHALL BEAR A PORTION OF THAT ONE'S DOWNFALL UPON THINE OWN SOUL. YE WHO FEEL FRAIL AND THINK YE CANNOT STAND IN TRUTH--ALONE; YE ARE NOT ALONE FOR I AM THE STRENGTH OF THE UNIVERSE AND I SHALL SUPPORT THEE. IN THE ENDING, PRECIOUS ONES, YE SHALL STAND ALL ALONE—JUST THEE AND ME AND THERE SHALL BE NONE OTHER TO ANSWER IN YOUR STEAD.
MakingMoneyHoney (OP)
November 29, 2015, 04:49:22 PM Last edit: November 29, 2015, 05:09:36 PM by MakingMoneyHoney |
1) Too much sex leads to overpopulation, 2) as a result, the elites plan to de-populate the planet; 3) man has acted irresponsibly and has precipitated his own downfall; 4) like it or not the planet is out of balance due to man's irresponsible sexual behavior. 5) Man's lustful actions are imbalanced, so Earth is also out of balance as a direct result.
I do not think that any of these points will be refuted by any apparent slowing or absence of "overpopulation". For instance, every single abortion is a stark example of the consequences of overpopulation, and it is directly caused by excessive sex. Also, Not much changes if we strike out part of point #2. Man is not acting responsibly with regards to sex and the effects are obvious; I dare say that perhaps the first effect is spiritual decay; Men would rather have sex than know the truth or co-create in a romance with GOD. I will quote the main part about sex from PJ#27 here, I really think it speaks for itself and I have included a summary at the bottom: ... Please understand that it is this PREOCCUPATION with behavior of lustful and lascivious physical pleasure that YOU must each CHOOSE to avoid and rise above spiritually. The corruption and preoccupation with sexual thoughts, words and actions has become hypnotizingly OBSESSIVE and also terribly degrading to THE SPIRIT OF LIFE OF THE ONE! THIS IS NOT LOVE BY ANY DEFINITION. Can you not see this TRUTH before you and within you? Your sexual obsession MUST STOP if you are to reach beyond your mortal body and into THE KINGDOM OF GOD!
Many of you, by now, are probably wondering about the act of masturbation: "Stimulation of sexual organs by oneself." First RE-read the above paragraph. Masturbation is a self-pleasure sexual act upon SELF AND it is also what most of you couples are doing when you have "sex" together and call it "making love". The only difference is that it is the "sharing" of MUTUAL Masturbation with your partner. Mutual Masturbation IS NOT DIVINE SEXUAL UNION FOR CELEBRATING PROCREATION. When one is an "adult" and does not wish to have children, the seeking of sexual pleasure by self or with another is a transgression upon self simply BECAUSE YOU ARE DENYING AND LIMITING YOUR SPIRITUAL CREATIVE POTENTIAL WITHIN. ... What you ones have labeled "sexual energy" or "libido" is actually a corruption of the creative and nurturing potential of The Spirit of GOD within YOU. LET US REPEAT THIS: YOUR "SEXUAL ENERGY/LIBIDO" IS ACTUALLY A CORRUPTION OF THE CREATIVE AND NURTURING POTENTIAL OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD WITHIN YOU! Let us see how your Funk & Wagnals Dictionary defines Libido: "1. Sexual desire or impulse. 2. The instinctual craving or drive behind all human activities." Did you read that clearly, friends? INSTINCTUAL CRAVING OR DRIVE BEHIND ALL HUMAN ACTIVITIES! The catch is, precious ones, SEX is not the INSTINCTUAL craving or drive that was created by GOD, THIS was your CREATIVE, nurturing drive TO KNOW and CELEBRATE GOD WITHIN YOU, TO CO-CREATE THE EVER-UNFOLDING EXPANSION AND ADVENTURE OF LIFE! The truly loving DIVINE UNION, that of male/female experiencing their creative potential through the sexual act for PROCREATION, was created to be a UNION OF DIVINE LOVING DEVOTION and CELEBRATION OF THE GIFTS OF ONENESS SHARED...AND OF NEW LIFE CREATED FROM GOD. Rarely do ones feel TRUE LOVE, caring friendship, affection and intimacy toward their mates on your plane. Most have simply forgotten what LOVE is. You think perhaps you and your mate are one of the "rare" exceptions? Here is a test for you. How long would your marriage and commitment last if today you completely STOPPED all sexual activity with one another? Think about this carefully. Do you truly give of yourself to your mate sexually and otherwise because you wish to please them? To please both of you? ... This corruption of your creative potential WAS CREATED, CONDITIONED AND MOLDED BY THE ANTI-CHRIST. YOU SIMPLY BOUGHT THE LIE AS TRUTH AND HAVE BECOME ADDICTED TO YOUR DESIRE FOR "SEX". You don't believe your "sexual" desire is created? Look around you today. Your Advertising Media as well as your Magazines, Television and Movies ARE CREATING YOUR DESIRES FOR YOU by conditioning and molding you through false "IMAGES" of what is beauty, what is "sex appeal"--in other words, by directing your attention constantly to "how" you look physically, your athletic prowess, your sex appeal and attractiveness. Why does and has this "desire"-creating worked? Because the Anti-Christ first molds the "false images" and then plays upon your FEAR of being too unattractive, unworthy, unpopular and simply rejected BY OTHERS who YOU allow TO JUDGE YOU AS A HUMAN BEING! The ANTI-Christ keeps you BOUND by the "false" promises created by your desire TO BE WORTHY of LIFE so you are too busy trying to fit the "false" mold and therefore do not develop your creative spiritual potential within! How dare YOU feel UNWORTHY because of believing the nonsense of false "IMAGES"! PLEASE REMEMBER THIS TRUTH! YOU ARE GOD'S TEMPLE!
Advertisers are always selling "their image" of what you ones call "romance" and you are encouraged to think it means passionate "sexual" fulfillment. Your dictionary describes romance as: "1. A love affair. 2. A kind of love between the sexes, characterized by high ideals of devotion, and strong ardor. 3. Adventurous, heroic, or exotic nature: romance of faraway places." When you crave romance, whether you know it or not, it does not mean "sexual" affair, dear ones, it means LOVE AFFAIR, you are craving to experience within you GOD'S LOVE OF LIFE, you crave to feel "ALIVE", ie., warm and intense feelings, eagerness and zeal. WHY? Because you are bored and spiritually unfulfilled with the self-created "limits" of your life. (Limits which the "controlled" media has set you up for in the first place.) You are out of balance and you are seeking to ignite your CREATIVE POTENTIAL WITHIN. ROMANCE is the promise of ADVENTURE and JOY for experiencing THE SPIRIT OF LIFE, OF GOD, within you. You see, ROMANCE is not sexual adventure or a place to go; it is your desire to feel and KNOW GOD within you. You can experience romance through the sharing of devoted and adventurous LOVE of LIFE with your mate. Regardless of what your media "hype" tells you, remember this, your desire for romance is your desire for CHANGE from a limited and spiritually unfulfilling existence, to recognizing and EXPERIENCING your UNLIMITED Creative Spiritual Potential within.
The next time you have a "sexual" urge, look around you, what have you been watching, reading or participating in which created this desire? Men, when you see a physically "beautiful" woman, is your FIRST thought admiration and appreciation of this GIFT of loveliness and do you wonder about the loveliness and beauty of HER SPIRIT? OR, instead, do you first wonder about the pleasure you would receive if you could have "sexual union" with her? And the same holds true for you women who call yourselves "liberated" which usually first means, "sexually" liberated and same equal "rights" as men to have many "casual" sexual encounters.
Recognize that this "sexual urge" is really your UNFULFILLED creative potential screaming to be released from the self-imposed "limit" or boundary of THE physical sexual ACT. Act: "1. To play the part of; impersonate. 2. To serve temporarily or as a substitute. To PRETEND." The sexual act is limiting, substituting and impersonating YOUR CREATIVE AND SPIRITUAL UNFOLDMENT TO KNOW GOD. When you truly understand and recognize this truth, your creative spiritual unfoldment can no longer BE FRUSTRATED AND LIMITED to the repetition of a silly and truly spiritually unfulfilling "sexual act".
Does this mean you are expected, by self and GOD, to STOP all sexual activity NOW? ONLY if it is YOUR choice made with the JOY of TRULY understanding and thus having the freedom of detachment from this "ADDICTION" and no desire to pro-create. For most of you, especially adults, "sexual behavior" has now become addictive, so you must treat it as such. Remove as much of the "temptation" from your presence as possible, just as the alcoholic must remove himself from "bars" and must remove the alcohol from his home. Be gentle with self, carefully abide by the list of TEN items above which are "STRICTLY FORBIDDEN" sexual behaviors (including Adultery). If you are single or married and have addiction to the "sexual act", use occasional masturbation as the lessor of the evils "if you must". If you are happily married and both have "enjoyed" your addiction to the monogamous mutual masturbation of your sexual act, both partners will need to become detached for the addiction to be gone.
So be gentle with self and your mate, but be aware and responsible to "consequences" (such as pregnancy) and persistent in your goal (to self) to release and detach from ALL things of Physical Manifestation. Simply RECOGNIZE without punishing self with guilt and shame that this is a transgression against the Creative spirit of life within you. For a time accept that you will have desire because you are "addicted" and many of you understand it as an "extension" of your love. Do not punish self or other, let the "desire" dissolve naturally within each partner. As you begin the unfoldment and adventure of discovering YOUR creative spiritual potential, you will be surprised, because at some point you will find that the "sexual act" is no longer appealing to either of you. You will be detached and no longer have interest in it! ...To summarize, sex has consequences and it is addicting; The truly loving DIVINE UNION, that of male/female experiencing their creative potential through the sexual act for PROCREATION, was created to be a UNION OF DIVINE LOVING DEVOTION and CELEBRATION OF THE GIFTS OF ONENESS SHARED...AND OF NEW LIFE CREATED FROM GOD. God's instructions are simple: You see, you are not your desires, you are not your emotions. YOU are THE SPIRIT of LIFE of GOD, and your spirit IS the MASTER over your desires and emotions. Don't you see that you have simply chosen, in your illusion of ignorance and confusion, TO MAKE your emotions and desires the MASTER over your SPIRIT...YOUR GODNESS?!? ... I have to admit some of it is true. But anything Satanic will be half truths. It's what he does. I believe that most of what people feel is an addiction to sex (lust) that is being driven by advertisements, etc. So of course that part will resonate with some, because there's truth in it. However, our Father made sex to be enjoyable. If it was as this alien says, sex would have been a chore to be done together, and not enjoyable. Also, he somehow thinks masturbation is the lesser of two evils even though he seems to agree that are bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. If he believes that we should not have pleasure through sex without getting children, then he should not be advocating masturbation in any form (even if it's free from addictions). I know he said it's not ok if you're addicted, but he says it's ok if you aren't. Solely based on his reasoning, that the reproductive system is only for reproducing, then that shouldn't be allowed. Also, when a man and woman come together to try for a baby, they have to try. This means it is essentially random, but not really, it's up to our Lord. The bible talks about women who God opens their womb up to have children. He told people to have children, and knew that not every time would a child be born right away. This implies he wanted them to have sex even if a child wasn't born through that sexual experience. If sexual relations were solely for having children, then it would be 100%. Yes, abortions are due to people being addicted to sex, and being selfish, and irresponsible. But that has nothing to do with the sex between a man and woman in a marriage which was condoned by our Father in the bible. Edit: Long post, I forget to comment. Also I've been through a long distance relationship that worked just fine without sex. So that point from the quote below is moot. "You think perhaps you and your mate are one of the "rare" exceptions? Here is a test for you. How long would your marriage and commitment last if today you completely STOPPED all sexual activity with one another? Think about this carefully. Do you truly give of yourself to your mate sexually and otherwise because you wish to please them? To please both of you?"
MakingMoneyHoney (OP)
November 29, 2015, 07:48:50 PM |
Video: Exposed! Murdoch Wants to Bomb Syria Because He's a Major Shareholder In GENIE Energy "Genie previously announced a strategic advisory board whose members provide strategic direction and council. Its members include former Vice President Dick Cheney, Michael Steinhardt, Jacob Rothschild, Rupert Murdoch,[3] R. James Woolsey, Jr., Lawrence Summers and Bill Richardson.[2]
Rupert Murdoch Founder and Executive Chairman of News Corporation, one of the world’s largest diversified media companies. News Corporation’s holdings include Fox Entertainment, Dow Jones and Company, the New York Post, HarperCollins and significant media assets on six continents." Israeli oil prospectors have discovered a large oil deposit in the Golan Heights, a Syrian territory which it has occupied since 1967."Israeli oil prospectors discovered a large oil deposit which could make the country self-sufficient in energy, Israeli business daily Globes reported.
The oil deposit lies in the Golan Heights, which is internationally recognized as Syrian territory but has been occupied by Israel since the 1967 war between Israel and Arab states. Israel is unable to import oil from nearby Arab oil-exporting countries, which do not recognize Israel and have no diplomatic relations with the country.
"We are talking about a strata which is 350 meters thick and what is important is the thickness and the porosity. On average in the world strata are 20-30 meters thick, so this is ten times as large as that, so we are talking about significant quantities," geologist Yuval Bartov of Afek Oil and Gas told Israeli television...."
Activity: 4004
Merit: 1387
November 29, 2015, 11:18:50 PM |
1) Too much sex leads to overpopulation, 2) as a result, the elites plan to de-populate the planet; 3) man has acted irresponsibly and has precipitated his own downfall; 4) like it or not the planet is out of balance due to man's irresponsible sexual behavior. 5) Man's lustful actions are imbalanced, so Earth is also out of balance as a direct result.
How retarded can you get? It is God Who programmed us, and also told us, to have kids and fill the earth. As it is, there are vast lands all over the planet that are sitting idly by when they could be populated. Consider Siberia and some parts of Canada, and even the Sahara could be made to bloom if people worked together to irrigate it. You and your PJs are so dense that it is ridiculous.
MakingMoneyHoney (OP)
November 30, 2015, 05:17:33 PM |
Video: Suspicious Boats with Dead Bodies Found Off Japan, Chinese Military Skirt Islands "Japan is investigating nearly a dozen suspicious boats recently found drifting off the country's coastline, some with decaying bodies aboard, officials said Friday, as media speculated they came from North Korea.
Japan scrambled jets after 11 Chinese military planes flew near southern Japanese islands during what Beijing said was a drill to improve its long-range combat abilities, reports said Saturday.
The planes -- eight bombers, two intelligence gathering planes and one early-warning aircraft -- flew near Miyako and Okinawa on Friday without violating Japan's airspace, the Japanese defence ministry said in a statement released on Friday.
Some of them flew between the two islands while others made flights close to neighbouring islands, the ministry said.
Suspicious boats with decomposed bodies found drifting off Japan
'Large' Chinese military fleet flies near Japan islands: media"
MakingMoneyHoney (OP)
November 30, 2015, 05:30:46 PM |
Video Shows ISIS Militants Having Friendly Chat With Turkish Border Guards"Turkey: shooting down Russian planes while gossiping with takfiri terrorists
Don't file this one under “surprising”, but a video has emerged of ISIS jihadists having a lovely chit-chat with Turkish border guards. The video is allegedly from October, so this is not a new Turkish tourism campaign launched in the wake of losing hundreds of thousands of Russian tourists. No, Turkey just sort of “likes” ISIS. They go together like peas and carrots. This is precious:
The clip begins with the two apparent jihadists lighting fires near a group of cars, which are believed to have been abandoned by desperate Kurdish families who fled Kobane in recent weeks when ISIS militants stepped up their attacks on the city.
After appearing to realise they are being filmed from inside Turkey, the pair start walking towards the border fence, stopping only to mockingly wave at the amateur filmmaker.
As they reach the border fence, an armoured military vehicle belonging to Turkish border guards speeds up to meet them. Heavily armed officials jump out the back of the car and - after briefly talking on their radios, simply engage the men in conversation.
At one point the situation appears tense and a border guard scampers towards the militants with his gun briefly raised, but he stops seconds later and also begins talking to the men.
After several minutes chatting, the militants wander off, defiantly raising their index finger to the sky to represent jihadism while chanting 'Allahu Akbar' - a phrase that translates as 'God is the greatest'."Video: İSİS militants chatting with turkish border guards
MakingMoneyHoney (OP)
November 30, 2015, 06:35:09 PM |
Mysterious California landslide: Public warned to stay away from warped road (VIDEO, PHOTOS) "A road in Santa Clarita, California, turned into an asphalt mess in just three days, and no one knows exactly why.
What started off as a small ripple on Vasquez Canyon Road soon turned into a scene from a post-apocalyptic blockbuster: the asphalt torn, utility poles dangerously tilted.
Local authorities were quick to close the road on November 19, attracting curious on-lookers as well as extreme sports daredevils.
Despite danger warnings, skateboarders have used the opportunity to explore the naturally-made ramp, and one man was seen riding his dirt bike on the newly-formed ripples.
Officials with the Los Angeles Department of Public Works even took to Twitter to warn people away from the site as the landslide was still underway.
CBS Los Angeles reported on Sunday that the road buckled over a 60-meter stretch, with some parts rising as high as 4.5 meters.
UCLA Professor Jeremy Boyce told the media that it was unclear what had caused the phenomenon.
"There was no big rainstorm that triggered this. There was no big earthquake that triggered this,” Boyce said."
November 30, 2015, 10:33:54 PM |
I have to admit some of it is true. But anything Satanic will be half truths. It's what he does.
This is the important part: YOU MUST OBEY THE WISDOM OF GOD FOR THE RESPONSIBLE AND BALANCED PROCREATION OF YOUR SPECIES. "The act of marriage and procreation must have the highest degree of pure intent and preparation, for upon these bonds and restrictions will rest the preservation of mankind as a species upon the planet. If everything is done and adhered to, justice and peace will come to all mankind, and life in the human form can be preserved." Is this part half-truth? Or full truth? I believe that most of what people feel is an addiction to sex (lust) that is being driven by advertisements, etc. So of course that part will resonate with some, because there's truth in it. Let's take a close look at the parts that do not resonate with you: However, our Father made sex to be enjoyable.If it was as this alien says, sex would have been a chore to be done together, and not enjoyable. This is post-hoc reasoning. Of course engaging in lustful behavior is pleasurable; that does not mean that GOD has instructed you to engage in lustful behavior or that this is the drive that he created. Also, he somehow thinks masturbation is the lesser of two evils even though he seems to agree that are bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. If he believes that we should not have pleasure through sex without getting children, then he should not be advocating masturbation in any form (even if it's free from addictions). I know he said it's not ok if you're addicted, but he says it's ok if you aren't. He does NOT say it is OK. Re-read the paragraph above that one, as he instructs you. He says it is NOT AGAINST LIFE if it is not done lustfully, i.e. with PREOCCUPATION. Also, when a man and woman come together to try for a baby, they have to try. This means it is essentially random, but not really, it's up to our Lord. The bible talks about women who God opens their womb up to have children. He told people to have children, and knew that not every time would a child be born right away. This implies he wanted them to have sex even if a child wasn't born through that sexual experience.
If sexual relations were solely for having children, then it would be 100%. I think that this is more post-hoc reasoning. Of course having sex for procreation is OK; that does not mean that GOD has instructed you to have sex every time without care for his command to procreate. You need to have pure intent and preparation in every case; perhaps you could read elsewhere in that Journal where it talks about "barren" couples and explains this... Yes, abortions are due to people being addicted to sex, and being selfish, and irresponsible. But that has nothing to do with the sex between a man and woman in a marriage which was condoned by our Father in the bible. So if a man and woman is married and has sex, then any abortion that may be caused by that sex is OK? And any reason for having sex is OK as long as it is within marriage? It is obvious that marriage is not the only responsibility that is involved in having sex! Edit: Long post, I forget to comment. Also I've been through a long distance relationship that worked just fine without sex. So that point from the quote below is moot.
"You think perhaps you and your mate are one of the "rare" exceptions? Here is a test for you. How long would your marriage and commitment last if today you completely STOPPED all sexual activity with one another? Think about this carefully. Do you truly give of yourself to your mate sexually and otherwise because you wish to please them? To please both of you?"
It's nice that you have had such a relationship, but you should think about the one you have currently; spirituality is a constant process of inner refinement, it does not stop because of good deeds in the past.
MakingMoneyHoney (OP)
December 01, 2015, 12:00:03 AM |
I have to admit some of it is true. But anything Satanic will be half truths. It's what he does.
This is the important part: YOU MUST OBEY THE WISDOM OF GOD FOR THE RESPONSIBLE AND BALANCED PROCREATION OF YOUR SPECIES. "The act of marriage and procreation must have the highest degree of pure intent and preparation, for upon these bonds and restrictions will rest the preservation of mankind as a species upon the planet. If everything is done and adhered to, justice and peace will come to all mankind, and life in the human form can be preserved." Is this part half-truth? Or full truth? I believe that most of what people feel is an addiction to sex (lust) that is being driven by advertisements, etc. So of course that part will resonate with some, because there's truth in it. Let's take a close look at the parts that do not resonate with you: However, our Father made sex to be enjoyable.If it was as this alien says, sex would have been a chore to be done together, and not enjoyable. This is post-hoc reasoning. Of course engaging in lustful behavior is pleasurable; that does not mean that GOD has instructed you to engage in lustful behavior or that this is the drive that he created. Also, he somehow thinks masturbation is the lesser of two evils even though he seems to agree that are bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. If he believes that we should not have pleasure through sex without getting children, then he should not be advocating masturbation in any form (even if it's free from addictions). I know he said it's not ok if you're addicted, but he says it's ok if you aren't. He does NOT say it is OK. Re-read the paragraph above that one, as he instructs you. He says it is NOT AGAINST LIFE if it is not done lustfully, i.e. with PREOCCUPATION. Also, when a man and woman come together to try for a baby, they have to try. This means it is essentially random, but not really, it's up to our Lord. The bible talks about women who God opens their womb up to have children. He told people to have children, and knew that not every time would a child be born right away. This implies he wanted them to have sex even if a child wasn't born through that sexual experience.
If sexual relations were solely for having children, then it would be 100%. I think that this is more post-hoc reasoning. Of course having sex for procreation is OK; that does not mean that GOD has instructed you to have sex every time without care for his command to procreate. You need to have pure intent and preparation in every case; perhaps you could read elsewhere in that Journal where it talks about "barren" couples and explains this... Yes, abortions are due to people being addicted to sex, and being selfish, and irresponsible. But that has nothing to do with the sex between a man and woman in a marriage which was condoned by our Father in the bible. So if a man and woman is married and has sex, then any abortion that may be caused by that sex is OK? And any reason for having sex is OK as long as it is within marriage? It is obvious that marriage is not the only responsibility that is involved in having sex! Edit: Long post, I forget to comment. Also I've been through a long distance relationship that worked just fine without sex. So that point from the quote below is moot.
"You think perhaps you and your mate are one of the "rare" exceptions? Here is a test for you. How long would your marriage and commitment last if today you completely STOPPED all sexual activity with one another? Think about this carefully. Do you truly give of yourself to your mate sexually and otherwise because you wish to please them? To please both of you?"
It's nice that you have had such a relationship, but you should think about the one you have currently; spirituality is a constant process of inner refinement, it does not stop because of good deeds in the past. Arguing about this is not related to prophecies. You saw the responses about there being no overpopulation. The elite aren't trying to kill us off because we procreated too much. Our Father told us to go forth and multiply. I've already argued with you about what the bible says, and how Jesus is the bridegroom to the bride (the church - not a building but His followers). They are to come together and not procreate, but enjoy their company, have a relationship. A man and wife have a fight, but they have a longing to be together, which is why people call it "make up sex". People can enjoy sex without lust. As long as it's between a man and women and not lustful/sinful in anyway, but a coming together of a married couple, our Father is pleased. This is just a matter of opinions, not bible prophecy coming true. And I've never had a relationship that wasn't long distance, not that it should matter either way. Marital sex is a God-given right. He created man, and created a helper for man. He created our urges to come together in marriage. Stop focusing on what married couples do, it's none of your business and has nothing to do with salvation. "So if a man and woman is married and has sex, then any abortion that may be caused by that sex is OK? " Abortions aren't caused by sex.
MakingMoneyHoney (OP)
December 02, 2015, 03:01:48 AM |
Video: Another Massive Fish Kill In Long Island Waters, Glen Creek Die-Off Has Experts Worried "Long Island waters have seen yet another massive fishkill, with fish seen floating near the shores of Glen Cove Creek - many dead, but others just fighting to survive.
Environmentalists believe the Glen Cove die-off is being caused by more than a lack of oxygen in the water, WLNY TV 10/55's Long Island Bureau Chief Richard Rose reported. "We could do more testing of the water, we could understand the science better of what's happening and we could put into action keeping people accountable," Adrienne Esposito, of the Citizen's Campaign for the Environment, said. Esposito said the state needs to go after tankers spilling oil in the Long Island Sound. She also said the state should target leaking shoreline septic tanks and the excessive use of pesticides and fertilizers that decrease oxygen levels.
Learn More:"
MakingMoneyHoney (OP)
December 02, 2015, 02:21:53 PM |
Video: Enter the Dragon: Chinese Yuan to Become Global Reserve Currency"The International Monetary Fund (IMF) gave the yuan a vote of confidence on Monday by including the Chinese currency in its Special Drawing Rights (SDR) uniting the US dollar, euro, British pound and the Japanese yen. Adding the yuan as a reserve currency will allow central banks to buy more of the Chinese currency, and boost investment in the Chinese stock market. According to Standard Chartered bank, within five years market players will invest at least $1 trillion in Chinese assets."
Video: Israeli PM Admits His Military Forces Are Operating Inside Syria"Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu admitted for the first time Tuesday that Israeli forces have been operating in Syria, where the Iran-backed regime is battling rebels including the jihadist Islamic State.
"We occasionally carry out operations in Syria to prevent that country from becoming a front against us," Netanyahu told reporters during a visit to northern Israel.
"We also do everything to prevent weapons, particularly lethal ones, being moved from Syria to Lebanon," he added.
Netanyahu did not provide further details and his comments were the first public recognition that Israel has been active in conflict-riddled Syria.
Several purported strikes have occurred in recent months, targeting alleged Iranian arms transfers from Syria to Lebanon and destined for Israel's arch-foe, the Lebanese Shiite movement Hezbollah.
But these strikes were not officially acknowledged by Israeli authorities.
Israel opposes the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, which has been battling an armed rebellion since March 2011, but has sought to avoid being dragged into the war in neighbouring Syria."ISIS =? Israeli Secret Intelligence Service?
Video: COP21: Police Launch Israeli Surveillance Balloon Over Paris, Watching Everything That Moves Below "Paris police launched an Israeli-made Skystar 180 aerostat surveillance balloon over the French capital to help assure the security of about 200 worldwide delegates to the 11-day United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP21) that began November 30 .
The Skystar 180 is one of several aerostat models designed and manufactured in Yavne by RT Systems for use in intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance and communications.
According to the Israeli company’s website, “Users active in prevent-prepare-respond-recover settings requiring continuous and compact aerial support are a natural fit for Skystar products.”"
Video: Doom is On: News for the Day December 1St"1: Benghazi Commission: Obama Admin Gun-Running Scheme Armed Islamic State 2: No Charges for Man Who Left Rifle at Utah Capitol 3: Police deny being informed of deadly Strathmore drill 4: Cops didn’t know this camera caught them deleting video of the shooting of Laquan McDonald 5: Black Friday breaks record with 185K gun background checks 6: Young people who question Government or media may be extremists, officials tell parents 7: ‘Clock Boy’ Ahmed Homesick in Qatar, Wants to Come Back to Texas 8: White House Demands Congress Pass Gun Control For Christmas 9. Paris police tell Chabad not to light Hanukkah candles in public spaces"
Activity: 2212
Merit: 1038
December 02, 2015, 02:53:12 PM |
I don't understand balloon. What about the 100 trillion worth of satellites orbiting their fake globe? I bet they just bounce some RF signals off the dome and pocket the money.