February 16, 2017, 09:47:18 PM |
DCR down to $1.5-$1.8 next week
February 17, 2017, 04:51:31 AM |
Woot.... 200 DCR for a ticket. And I was already shocked when I saw the previous price which was over 100 DCR...
The price of Decred tickets for a vote sometimes shows a surprisingly high values. You just need to wait for some time and it will decrease.

Activity: 112
Merit: 10
February 17, 2017, 03:15:09 PM |
Woot.... 200 DCR for a ticket. And I was already shocked when I saw the previous price which was over 100 DCR...
The price of Decred tickets for a vote sometimes shows a surprisingly high values. You just need to wait for some time and it will decrease. Yes of course it will decrease again after some time, but anyway, this was the highest ticketprice since launch. And if things keep going, some smaller coinholders will have problems to buy further tickets as the price exceeds their stack.
jeremy grol
February 17, 2017, 03:38:19 PM |
Decred always on my heart! de need to do some kind of public promotion,or google hangsout like most famous altcoin do nowadays. not act always in anon.
February 17, 2017, 06:04:53 PM |
Today is a day to buy more DCR. Every day is this kind of a day! hahhahaha
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Activity: 1049
Merit: 1001
February 17, 2017, 07:44:25 PM Last edit: February 17, 2017, 10:35:24 PM by thefix |
Another ticket missed with my server up and running
This is needlessly complex to hide the fact that you are just locking up the money supply to prevent dumping and force users to host nodes with a chance that you might get a tiny reward
I gave it another month, but it has failed me again
On to other things with more of a chance for basic user adoption, not just people in the crypto scene
This is the first coin that beat me from a technical and complexity aspect
I just cant see how this could gain popularity with the general population
Moving along defeated and distraught
February 17, 2017, 07:52:04 PM |
Another ticket missed with my server up and running
This is needlessly complex to hide the fact that you are just locking up the money supply to prevent dumping and force users to host nodes with a chance that you might get a tiny reward
I gave it another month, but it has failed me again
On to other things with more of a chance for basic user adoption, not just people in the crypto scene
This is the first coin that beat me from a technical and complexity aspect
I just cant see how this could gain popularity with the general population
Moving along defeated and distrought
Are you using cmdline? Are you sure, that you have --enablestakemining and wallet is unlocked?
Activity: 1049
Merit: 1001
February 17, 2017, 08:19:15 PM |
Another ticket missed with my server up and running
This is needlessly complex to hide the fact that you are just locking up the money supply to prevent dumping and force users to host nodes with a chance that you might get a tiny reward
I gave it another month, but it has failed me again
On to other things with more of a chance for basic user adoption, not just people in the crypto scene
This is the first coin that beat me from a technical and complexity aspect
I just cant see how this could gain popularity with the general population
Moving along defeated and distrought
Are you using cmdline? Are you sure, that you have --enablestakemining and wallet is unlocked? Yes it was unlocked and stakemining Just sent my remaining balance to the exchange so on a positive note I can get out on a bit of an upside I do love this community and the coin concept, I just will sleep easier without the hassle
February 17, 2017, 08:28:30 PM |
Another ticket missed with my server up and running
This is needlessly complex to hide the fact that you are just locking up the money supply to prevent dumping and force users to host nodes with a chance that you might get a tiny reward
I gave it another month, but it has failed me again
On to other things with more of a chance for basic user adoption, not just people in the crypto scene
This is the first coin that beat me from a technical and complexity aspect
I just cant see how this could gain popularity with the general population
Moving along defeated and distrought
Are you using cmdline? Are you sure, that you have --enablestakemining and wallet is unlocked? Yes it was unlocked and stakemining Just sent my remaining balance to the exchange so on a positive note I can get out on a bit of an upside I do love this community and the coin concept, I just will sleep easier without the hassle If you change your mind, i'm sure you get help with technical problems in forum or slack. Or optionally use stakepool, when pool does voting and no need to run wallet 24/7.
February 17, 2017, 08:37:29 PM |
Hey guys, using the 0.8.0 release with Paymetheus Standalone (launches dcrd itself it seems)...
Whenever I try to buy tickets through Paymetheus (using a stakepool I configured in the background), I get -22: TX rejected...transaction output 0: payment of ... is dust.
Seems like maybe it's trying to use a utxo that is too small? I sent a tiny tx as my first tx to this wallet to test migrating from wallet.decred.org to Paymetheus. Any ideas?
0.8.2-beta Paymetheus has solved this problem for me FWIW
Your Ad here! PM us now if you'd like to advertise here.
Activity: 1164
Merit: 1010
February 18, 2017, 02:03:45 AM |
Another ticket missed with my server up and running
This is needlessly complex to hide the fact that you are just locking up the money supply to prevent dumping and force users to host nodes with a chance that you might get a tiny reward
I gave it another month, but it has failed me again
On to other things with more of a chance for basic user adoption, not just people in the crypto scene
This is the first coin that beat me from a technical and complexity aspect
I just cant see how this could gain popularity with the general population
Moving along defeated and distrought
Are you using cmdline? Are you sure, that you have --enablestakemining and wallet is unlocked? Yes it was unlocked and stakemining Just sent my remaining balance to the exchange so on a positive note I can get out on a bit of an upside I do love this community and the coin concept, I just will sleep easier without the hassle If you change your mind, i'm sure you get help with technical problems in forum or slack. Or optionally use stakepool, when pool does voting and no need to run wallet 24/7. I agree. Solo staking is like running to work when you could drive/bike instead. You can eliminate the hassle quite easily if you stake with a pool.
Activity: 2165
Merit: 1002
February 18, 2017, 07:26:18 AM |
I agree. Solo staking is like running to work when you could drive/bike instead. You can eliminate the hassle quite easily if you stake with a pool.
If good prices for tickets are available and demand is low then yes, because you can pay the default fee of 0.01 dcr per kb. But when that is not the case and you end up having to pay for example 1 dcr fee per kb, that translates to a little over 0.5 final cost per pool ticket whereas solo it would be 0.3 dcr for the same ticket.
February 18, 2017, 08:22:39 AM |
I agree. Solo staking is like running to work when you could drive/bike instead. You can eliminate the hassle quite easily if you stake with a pool.
If good prices for tickets are available and demand is low then yes, because you can pay the default fee of 0.01 dcr per kb. But when that is not the case and you end up having to pay for example 1 dcr fee per kb, that translates to a little over 0.5 final cost per pool ticket whereas solo it would be 0.3 dcr for the same ticket. I prefer solo-mining because lower fees. But then there is need for reliable low-latency connection and staking-machine. If there is lack for either one, i suggest stakepool. Join the slack. Someone will assist, if something unclear.
February 18, 2017, 08:34:33 AM |
DCR wallet has been broken on Yobit for weeks, have sent multiple tickets and they still haven't fixed it. does anyone know this dude who can get him to spend the 30 minutes to fix the wallet?
February 18, 2017, 08:38:51 AM Last edit: February 18, 2017, 09:34:18 AM by Penttikuisma |
DCR wallet has been broken on Yobit for weeks, have sent multiple tickets and they still haven't fixed it. does anyone know this dude who can get him to spend the 30 minutes to fix the wallet?
I never used Yobit, but what i've heard there has never been working Dcr-withdrawal in Yobit.
February 18, 2017, 11:46:43 AM Last edit: February 18, 2017, 12:36:37 PM by Alexoz |
February 18, 2017, 12:14:14 PM |
Price was like double 2 weeks ago, what happened?
Bad news or just a casual pump and now the usual afterdumping?
February 18, 2017, 12:18:56 PM |
correction but some spread fear around with their analysis...