Activity: 3108
Merit: 1362
August 14, 2014, 03:41:28 PM Last edit: August 14, 2014, 04:26:39 PM by Balthazar |
Hi, I'm having some strange coin control display with the version from :  Somehow, the # confirmations OR Date don't match here. Which value to trust? Thanks Mike Seems pretty strange. We'll investigate possible reasons of this issue soon, thank you for your report. Mike270, it's recommended to use latest version, i.e. update7, because it fixes some interface issues. If you are gonna make wild claims like that you'll be wanting to put up some proof.
Oh don't bother, logic doesn't apply to far-right pseudo patriots like him. It has been exposed that he used a fake website as some kind of "proof" in order to back his statements. So he got a butt hurt and tries to pour by shit those who helped to expose his manipulations, nothing surprising here. But please, don't think that all ukrainians are the same, the most of them hate personalities like bestsponsor. By the way, some interesting facts for ukronazis: - One of our core developers living in Kiev, he also run about a half of seed nodes in volia datacenter;
- According to analysis of new PoS blocks broadcasting, at least 30000 - 40000 active coins are owned by users from the ukraine;
- Ukrayinsʹka mova is my second native language and I speak it even better than any pseudo patriot here
Have a nice cognitive dissonance  P.S. Next release has been scheduled for the next week. Maybe a few testing builds will be published earlier.
Activity: 910
Merit: 1000
August 17, 2014, 08:10:25 AM |
Genesis Mining has added Novacoin to the list of coins you can mine using its inbuilt interface.
Activity: 3108
Merit: 1362
August 17, 2014, 01:01:12 PM Last edit: August 19, 2014, 07:51:55 PM by Balthazar |
Protocol upgrade deadline
Please note that deadline is almost reached. New protocol rules will become active since 20 Aug 2014.
If you your version is or lower than then you need to install or before 20 Aug 2014 to keep your wallet syncronized correctly.
P.S. network alert will be sent soon.
Activity: 3108
Merit: 1362
August 20, 2014, 08:17:14 AM |
Experimental implementation of proof of stake miner is available in my repository: are few significant bottlenecks removed. I have 5000+ inputs in my testnet wallet and got a following result: - 6000% increase of kernel scanning speed;
- 99% drop of CPU load.
Not merged with main sources tree yet.
Activity: 976
Merit: 1003
September 17, 2014, 02:08:52 PM |
attention: unplanned move on new hardware server
Фaкт — caмaя yпpямaя в миpe вeщь. © M.A.Бyлгaкoв «Macтep и Mapгapитa»
Activity: 1537
Merit: 1005
September 18, 2014, 03:09:22 PM |
attention: unplanned move on new hardware server
explorer coming back online anytime soon?
Activity: 3108
Merit: 1362
September 20, 2014, 10:01:37 AM Last edit: September 20, 2014, 10:15:23 AM by Balthazar |
20 September is come. Strict transaction signature checkings are active, from now network is protected from transaction signature malleability issues. However, this means that transactions created by old clients (< update 5) have a good chance to be rejected by network. explorer coming back online anytime soon?
Just sent him a message, waiting...  Alternate explorer is available here:
Activity: 1537
Merit: 1005
September 20, 2014, 12:28:22 PM |
20 September is come. Strict transaction signature checkings are active, from now network is protected from transaction signature malleability issues. However, this means that transactions created by old clients (< update 5) have a good chance to be rejected by network. explorer coming back online anytime soon?
Just sent him a message, waiting...  Alternate explorer is available here: for the info. The former is superior though, as it has api directly for pow difficulty 
September 20, 2014, 02:22:50 PM |
Hello all! KHORE as a new site design. It now renders properly in mobile devices! you all enjoy it! kha0S
Activity: 3108
Merit: 1362
September 20, 2014, 05:24:51 PM |
20 September is come. Strict transaction signature checkings are active, from now network is protected from transaction signature malleability issues. However, this means that transactions created by old clients (< update 5) have a good chance to be rejected by network. explorer coming back online anytime soon?
Just sent him a message, waiting...  Alternate explorer is available here: for the info. The former is superior though, as it has api directly for pow difficulty  According to latest info, optic cable was damaged... Will be repaired on monday.
September 20, 2014, 07:13:25 PM |
What is the max PoS reward and what is the optimal block size for this? What is the min/max stake age and where can we see what the current PoS rates are? Thank you 
September 22, 2014, 06:52:03 AM |
What is the max PoS reward and what is the optimal block size for this? What is the min/max stake age and where can we see what the current PoS rates are? Thank you  - Max POS block reward is 10 NVC. - What is "optimal size'? The number of coins in stake? > 100 and < 200 for this POS difficult (Subjectively). Self glue outputs are not necessarily or even wrong. - Min stake age - 30 days and max 120 (I could be wrong). - Options -> View (4 tab) -> Manage inputs and OK. NExt click: Send money -> INPUTS.
September 22, 2014, 03:24:38 PM |
What is the max PoS reward and what is the optimal block size for this? What is the min/max stake age and where can we see what the current PoS rates are? Thank you  - Max POS block reward is 10 NVC. - What is "optimal size'? The number of coins in stake? > 100 and < 200 for this POS difficult (Subjectively). Self glue outputs are not necessarily or even wrong. - Min stake age - 30 days and max 120 (I could be wrong). - Options -> View (4 tab) -> Manage inputs and OK. NExt click: Send money -> INPUTS. Thanks. Guess my blocks are too big. What is NVC paying in stake on an annual basis? Anywhere I can see this updated to the current block?
September 24, 2014, 01:11:26 PM |
Guess my blocks are too big.
You can check it here or here.
Activity: 1960
Merit: 1010
September 24, 2014, 01:27:23 PM |
Activity: 968
Merit: 1002
September 24, 2014, 04:13:37 PM |
Thanks. Guess my blocks are too big. What is NVC paying in stake on an annual basis? Anywhere I can see this updated to the current block?
At there is Current interest per annum from the PoS mining which is 0.31 NVC/coin in year for now.
September 29, 2014, 02:50:44 AM |
High PoS Coin IRC SocietySo I've been watching Hyperstake (HYP) and noted that they have a fairly active community going on in their IRC. Unlike the usual junk altcoins vying to "replace BTC" before crashing in value as "investors" move on to the next coin, high PoS coins can exist in harmony since they all provide different features and risk/return profiles to the cryptocurrency *asset* market. Right now, I'm trying to see if there is interest in having a joint IRC channel for such coins. I'm looking to involve established coins with at least semi-active developers. Feel free to reply and/or PM me with suggestions as well as anything that you'd be willing to offer, help with, or spearhead. I don't mind topping off tipbots, games, and other aspects, but I'm looking to have something that the community runs and is interested in doing. Thanks and happy staking 