Hi All,
I heard about Changelly through the advert on coinmarketcap.com, I thought I'd give it a try. Unfortunately, I did not do my research ahead of time. Bcuz if I did, I would have found out just how buggy and screwed it has been for some users.
Let's just say so far the experience has been a nightmare.
I wanted to exchange 46LTC for some BTC.
I went through the process, it told me to pay 46LTC to this address: LhnNyijgd6TS9vd4dbBBNL6XgWdAy374FK
So I did, and then after 3 days, my account finally showed the following:
Transaction # a8f0ce7cb963
Sorry! The payment was not received.
Transaction # a8f0ce7cb963
Sender ??@getoutdoorgear.??
Amount 46 LTC
Receiver 1BGHUjiK2SSmXniSo9cdEBMbGfR2K4PQe5
Amount 0.51595165 BTC <-- I also never received my BTC
? What do you mean payment not received. I sent the 46LTC
Looking at Minergate LTC blockchain logs,which Changelly is part of....it clearly shows that they received the 46 LTC. And it shows I paid 46 LTC.
https://minergate.com/blockchain/ltc/transaction/4fb0ea53f8fc345726cecd3ceacd93da06979471d2e5c6a27dcdbe7dfdcef9b1So, Changelly is telling me, they didn't receive the 46 LTC I sent. Which means I possibly got ripped off 46 LTC?
My LTC Wallet says otherwise. Transaction log shows:
Status: 0/unconfirmed
Date: 5/22/2017 17:45
To: Changelly 46 LTC to BTC LhnNyijgd6TS9vd4dbBBNL6XgWdAy374FK
Debit: -46.00 LTC
Transaction fee: -0.008 LTC
Net amount: -46.008 LTC
Transaction ID: 4fb0ea53f8fc345726cecd3ceacd93da06979471d2e5c6a27dcdbe7dfdcef9b1
Now looking at the LTC Block chain, Changelly told me to pay 46LTC to LhnNyijgd6TS9vd4dbBBNL6XgWdAy374FK , and when you search for that address in the LTC Block chain you get the following:
http://explorer.litecoin.net/address/LhnNyijgd6TS9vd4dbBBNL6XgWdAy374FK <-- Address not seen on network. WTF?
Anyway, if Changelly CEO is reading, this ...I hope you can get your tech guys to resolve this for me, bcuz it is after all about $1100 USD of LTC.
For now I cannot recommend Changelly for crypto currency conversion to anyone, until I get my LTC or BTC back in my wallet. So, far the experience has not been good at all. It has been 5 days and no one got back to me about, my specific transaction.
So this is the reply I got back from Changelly:
Absolute terrible, terrible support. So, basically what they are saying is:
1. I paid 46 LTC to a Litecoin wallet address Changelly gave me, so I can convert to BTC
2. For some reason, the LTC address Changelly system generated for the conversion process, doesn't exist in blockchain. Who's fault is this? Changelly's fault.
3. Now that I have paid Changelly, based on LTC address they told me, the LTC Address now doesn't exist, and Changelly cannot do anything about it.
4. Now, they are saying it is NOT their problem, and I should contact Litecoin support to get my 46 LTC coins back in my wallet.
This absolutely the most terrible support ever. Changelly is a "joke", and they have "wash their hands" of their mistake, and passed the buck to their customers to resolve the issue.
"HELLLOOO Changelly", you gave me the LTC address (Changelly generated) to send my 46LTC to, and that address was a "DUD". Why the HELL should I now, waste my time and effort to contact Litecoin Support to correct your "F@ck!ng" mistake??
Changelly support should be the one's who contact Litecoin support and say:
"We f@cked up and generated a LTC address, and we told our customer to send his 46LTC to that address for a conversion process, and that LTC address is now faulty and doesn't exist in blockchain."
Instead, they Changelly wash their hands of this mistake, and tell the customer to resolve it. Again, terrible , terrible support and I am still out 46LTC.
So, to summarize:
My first time using Changelly has now been confirmed to be a horrendous nightmare. On top of Changelly's system being non-robust, unreliable and super buggy, Changelly's tech support seems to deny their wrong doing (bad LTC address generated), and they have passed the responsibility of retrieving the lost 46LTC to their customer. Wow, amazing customer service, I say this with a lot of sarcasm.
Essentially they are saying: "Thank you for using our "buggy" system, the Litecoins you sent us our now in "LIMBO", it's not our fault, we do not want to clean this mess up. Mr. Customer you clean it up, go and contact Litecoin.org support.
In conclusion: If you are reading this and you are new user, I DO NOT RECOMMEND using Changelly simply based on the fact, that Changelly doesn't seem to accept responsibility for their systems problems, and does not admit to their fault. Also , they are NOT willing to correct their mistakes when something goes wrong rather they pass the buck back to customers.
@Changelly CEO
Please have in your support process, if you give a customer a "bad address" generated for sending crypto currency, and the transaction is in limbo, that you do
not tell the customer to contact crypto wallet support (litecoin.org). Your company, your tech people should be the one's contacting crypto wallet suport (litecoin.org) and work with the crypto wallet support people to get things resolved, because at the end of the day, it was your system that generated the "bad address". Not the customers fault, so don't tell the customer to waste their time and energy fixing your company's mistakes.
Please let me know if your tech support team is going to do anything for me.