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Question: Have you ever lost Bitcoin?
Yes, but my own fault
Yes, but I was scammed
No, I've never lost Bitcoin
No, but I've lost Altcoins

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Author Topic: Have you ever lost Bitcoin?  (Read 46898 times)
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August 02, 2016, 10:02:28 AM

no i never lost bitcoin, and will never like to lost it.
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August 02, 2016, 10:05:01 AM

I think I lost around 6-7BTC in 2014 due to gambling. So yes, it's my own fault. That was the moment for me to quit gambling for ever, which I am very happy with. Right now I am making money instead of losing it. That's all that matters.
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August 02, 2016, 10:40:45 AM

I have lost my bitcoin on a cloud mining website.
It is normal and they are pay me first, but after 2 month i don't get my payment.

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August 02, 2016, 11:01:57 AM

recently my friend lost bitcoin that he had in his wallet. I guess it was not his fault, because when he opened his wallet, all BTC is in the wallet are sent to an address that is not in the know, and confirmation has not happened yet, well, I guess it is a case of loss. I hope I have not experienced anything like it

Well, the lost is yet to see until the transaction is confirmed.
Because weeks ago, I experienced receiving 1BTC from someone I don't know but happened to be a double-spend later on.
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August 02, 2016, 11:30:22 AM

I have lost some Bitcoin with gambling but I was never scammed or hacked before which s a good thing.
I do not recommend gambling with Bitcoin because Bitcoin is only getting harder and harder to earn.
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August 02, 2016, 12:07:03 PM

recently my friend lost bitcoin that he had in his wallet. I guess it was not his fault, because when he opened his wallet, all BTC is in the wallet are sent to an address that is not in the know, and confirmation has not happened yet, well, I guess it is a case of loss. I hope I have not experienced anything like it

Well, the lost is yet to see until the transaction is confirmed.
Because weeks ago, I experienced receiving 1BTC from someone I don't know but happened to be a double-spend later on.

Thats a  rare scenario of double spend. You  may feel the excitement when recieving that btc haha. but so sad its double spend.

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August 02, 2016, 12:27:26 PM

no i never lose bitcoin because i do not like gambling and have no experience of it.
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August 02, 2016, 02:27:35 PM

recently my friend lost bitcoin that he had in his wallet. I guess it was not his fault, because when he opened his wallet, all BTC is in the wallet are sent to an address that is not in the know, and confirmation has not happened yet, well, I guess it is a case of loss. I hope I have not experienced anything like it

I had the same issue once with blockchain. I earned some small bits equal to 3, 4 USD from faucets. but when I re open my wallet after few days. I just noticed my all money have been sent to an address and my wallet was empty.
I believe that was an hacking attempts.

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August 03, 2016, 08:12:46 AM

recently my friend lost bitcoin that he had in his wallet. I guess it was not his fault, because when he opened his wallet, all BTC is in the wallet are sent to an address that is not in the know, and confirmation has not happened yet, well, I guess it is a case of loss. I hope I have not experienced anything like it

I had the same issue once with blockchain. I earned some small bits equal to 3, 4 USD from faucets. but when I re open my wallet after few days. I just noticed my all money have been sent to an address and my wallet was empty.
I believe that was an hacking attempts.

Well, i personally never experienced anything like that, though i heard it from a lot of people that their accounts or wallets get hacked that is why they dont feel safe using bitcoin, that is the reason why people having a lot of bitcoins should not keep them in one place, they should keep them in different wallets with different safety methods, so in case if one of them is broken you wont lose everything.
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August 03, 2016, 08:34:33 AM

I have lost many times in gambling and that was my own fault, I don't blame any one else for that, as sometimes I get greedy and I want to earn quick money, but no regrets for that.
That is good attitude because we know that the risk we have specially in gambling it is very high risk me also but not in gambling i lost my bitcoin in investing in mining site before it is legit but before the halving comes all my investment got scammed
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August 03, 2016, 09:24:06 AM

no i never lost bitcoin, and will never like to lost it.

Good, Don't try to play gambling because it is very risky and you will loose all you coins if you play. I lost some coins few year back in gambling then i decided not to play gambling. The amount i lost was about .25 btc almost.


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August 03, 2016, 09:54:44 AM

I lost 2.25 BTC when I switched from my old Android phone to an iPhone (2013 IIRC). I had forgotten it had some coins on it when I did a reset then sold it.

Wow. 2.25 BTC? So how much was it that time if converted to dollars. So how did you recover it? If you recover it then it cannot b really called lost. You are lucky Blazed. I hope you have spent your bitcoins wisely . Unlike me, I lost it all so easily. I put it on different gambling sites hoping that I will win but I didn't. But I have learned my lesson.
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August 04, 2016, 11:17:37 AM

I lost 2.25 BTC when I switched from my old Android phone to an iPhone (2013 IIRC). I had forgotten it had some coins on it when I did a reset then sold it.

Wow. 2.25 BTC? So how much was it that time if converted to dollars. So how did you recover it? If you recover it then it cannot b really called lost. You are lucky Blazed. I hope you have spent your bitcoins wisely . Unlike me, I lost it all so easily. I put it on different gambling sites hoping that I will win but I didn't. But I have learned my lesson.

2.25btc is really a big amount to lose, i would never forget about it if i kept my bitcoins in my phone.
And putting your money in gambling sites is really a bad thing because gambling is not a place where you can earn profits with your capital, it is for having some fun at times you have nothing to pass your time with.
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August 04, 2016, 06:17:15 PM

No, I have not. The people who get scammed in most cases are careless or want to profit from a 'get rich quick' scheme somehow. I've been around here for years now and had never had any problematic situations.

Just because Master-P scammed people doesn't mean all escrows are bad , but yes you got a point.
These things happen, however one should never generalize things (i.e. there are good escrows around here).

Indeed, I am totally agreed with you the person can be a victim of scam if they are careless and lack of knowledge on this, and for sure if we use bitcoins wisely losing of it will not be happen I think. And for me, so far I never encounter those such things to lost  of my bitcoins. Cheesy
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August 04, 2016, 06:20:24 PM

I lost 2.25 BTC when I switched from my old Android phone to an iPhone (2013 IIRC). I had forgotten it had some coins on it when I did a reset then sold it.

Wow. 2.25 BTC? So how much was it that time if converted to dollars. So how did you recover it? If you recover it then it cannot b really called lost. You are lucky Blazed. I hope you have spent your bitcoins wisely . Unlike me, I lost it all so easily. I put it on different gambling sites hoping that I will win but I didn't. But I have learned my lesson.

2.25btc is really a big amount to lose, i would never forget about it if i kept my bitcoins in my phone.
And putting your money in gambling sites is really a bad thing because gambling is not a place where you can earn profits with your capital, it is for having some fun at times you have nothing to pass your time with.
That's why you backup your phone to the cloud in case something bad happens, and always keep the recovery code for your wallet. I keep my Bitcoin in my phone, and even though I've used 3 phones, each of which suffered water damage, I was able to back it up and get my BTC back each time. Gambling can be profitable in the short term, but it will always get you negative profit as you're just trying to beat the house. The only time I ever gamble is when I need a bit of excitement for gaming, and that's pretty rare. In fact, gambling is the only way I've ever lost Bitcoin- and I've never felt too bad about it, since I only put about 5-10$ on the line each time, maybe once a month.
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August 04, 2016, 06:21:37 PM

to some scam coins on exchange sites and some dice games on some exchange sites.
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August 04, 2016, 07:42:16 PM

to some scam coins on exchange sites and some dice games on some exchange sites.

I am seeing a lot of scam coins and a lot of people are losing their money while investing on scam coins, I think people should not have to husry to invest in any newly formed coin, they should have to invest only in those coins which are considered as more reliable and more legit.
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August 04, 2016, 07:44:27 PM

I lost a little bit of altcoins but they were nothing big. And it was my own fault. To be honest i didn't care at all. They were in cryptsy and cryptsy were being slow as always so i said "fuck it" and left them. I forgot some alts in there and cryptsy went down. Nothing big lost.

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August 04, 2016, 08:55:54 PM

I lost just over 9 bitcoins about 3 months ago and £54,000 all in the same month because of bitcoin, long story... Cry
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August 04, 2016, 09:09:32 PM

to some scam coins on exchange sites and some dice games on some exchange sites.
in fact i have also lost some bitcoin in gambling, otherwise i have never book loose in my invested bitcoin, although in present time the price of bitcoin really dropped to a very very low lever but i am not ready to sell my bitcoin i have to hold it because i know that at the end this year bitcoin is going to give a good profit, therefore i am not going to sell my bitcoin at any cost.
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