What is the best hardware to mine Burst, bros?
I don't know if anobody knows for sure. Everything that can be found is about faster plotting and not about optimal mining. What about MB/s? I get 42Mb per drive on one PC. And 60Mb on another with the same drives. Their reading speed is 100+ (8Tb Seagate Archive) So why i don't get this speed - i don't know. Do I need it to be as fast as possible or i can't influence that and it actually has mediocre effect?
E.g. 100TB 10Mb/s = 50TB 100MB/s. Is it so or not there is no such info.
I wasn't able to find any info about that. The only thing is "more TB - better" and "1 core per HDD". That's all. For what GPU is needed in mining when CPU load is 70% maximum, i don't know. 1 drive or 4 drives on 2core CPU - no change in speed per drive - 42Mb. Why?
Why there is "minimal TB" for some pools and no minimum for others? With other altcoin mining it doesn't matter - you will get according to your hashrate and luck of the pool (however on a long run luck equalises). With Burst it isn't so - why?
Miner doesn't show any statistics like hashrate or something else clear. Only some info that doesn't make any sence. (while i understand the idea of deadlines itself, but the info doesn't make sence with how fast you are, how much coins you mine) On pools there is some info which I don't know how to interpret. Actually the interface of pools is hard to understand: no hashrates, no mBTC/TB/Day, no graphs, no miners info. With normal mining - you change miner/overclock and see the result almost immideately, you can see what miners are most used, but not with Burst.
There is some correlation with the size but it is not evident. For example 50TB can get less than 5Tb.
The calculator gives 3 times more numbers than you really get.
The sites/pools are down most of the time. Main site is always down. I was able to access online wallet from app maybe 2 times. Local wallet never sync - it just hangs doing nothing at different percent synced and thats all Only Clean DB restarts it from scratch ... till some percent. I can only access wallet from burstation site.
There is no clear guide/howto explaining all that things that are much different from what we got used to with normal altcoin mining.
So many questions and no answers.
IMHO burst team do nothing to popularize the Burst. Seems to me that they only struggle with ddosing and blockchain hacking.
If the wallet doesn't sync - why not to simply download biggest part and sync the rest? Or at least add a link to the blockchain file in the wallet so the user doesn't need to search google and download it from some unknown source? It's simple, it can help network (as said above), but it is not done. Why?
What is easier that to publish FAQ about all the questions I have in post. I'm sure every Burst miner ask them.